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Everything posted by TamerNWSC

  1. So you mean im gonna make a png and make the script add it into the screen am i get it ?
  2. soo im gonna create a folder next to xml file and make folders name sound and write sound/kalkis.mp3 yeah ?
  3. Hello everyone i want to do something like this I want to do something like this but i cannot find true command,function for that black bars i dont know can we do like a tunnel look like this but can you boys help me to how can i add black area like this i can complete my cod rest of them is not too complicated thanks for everyone
  4. Naaa not worked ım gonna try something with file location on xml and Lua Neither working
  5. function kalkis (player, commandName) local sound = playSound("/[gameplay]/SesDenemesi/kalkis.mp3") setSoundVolume(sound, 1.0) -- set the sound volume to 100% end addCommandHandler ( "kalk", kalkis ) here is my Lua code im trying to do when we type /kalk the game plays takeoff sound but when i type /kalk nothing happens can anybody help me ? here is my xml code too <meta> <info author="Tamer5.SAJU" description="Sesli Hava Trafik Kontrolörü" type="script" ></info> <script src="sesdeneme_c.Lua" type="client" file="kalkis.mp3" ></script> </meta> Thanks for everybody from now
  6. function AirTC (player, commandName) if commandName == "kalkış" then local getPlayerName = exports["global"]:findplayerpartialnick(thePlayer) outputChatBox(..thePlayer.."Burası RIHTIM kule takeoff çağrınız kabul edilmiştir takeoff için 69. pist başına yönlenebilirsiniz") end else if commandName == "taxi" then local getPlayerName = exports["global"]:findplayerpartialnick(thePlayer) outputChatBox(..thePlayer.."Burası RIHTIM kule taxi çağrınız kabul edilmiştir taxi başı yapabilirsiniz hold short", thePlayer) end else if commandName == "yaklaşım" then local getPlayerName = exports["global"]:findplayerpartialnick(thePlayer) outputChatBox(..thePlayer.."Burası RIHTIM kule son yaklaşımlar için istediğiniz vektörden yaklaşıma devam edebilirsiniz.", thePlayer) end else if commandName == "iniş" local getPlayerName = exports["global"]:findplayerpartialnick(thePlayer) outputChatBox(..thePlayer.."Burası RIHTIM kule iniş izniniz verilmiştir iniş takımlarınızı kontrol edin.", thePlayer) end else if commandName == "emergency" then local getPlayerName = exports["global"]:findplayerpartialnick(thePlayer) outputChatBox(..thePlayer.."EMERGENCY ÇAĞRINIZ ALINMIŞTIR BÜTÜN VEKTÖRLERDEN YAKLAŞIM YAPABİLİRSİNİZ YER BİRİMLERİNE HABER VERİLDİ İYİ ŞANSLAR", thePlayer) end addCommandHandler("kalkış", AirTC) addCommandHandler("taxi", AirTC) addCommandHandler("yaklaşım", AirTC) addCommandHandler("iniş", AirTC) addCommandHandler("emergency", AirTC) Hello everyone we are running the virtual air fleet and we are trying the make a Air Trafic Control Tower we are Turkish virtual fleet you cannot understand the strings that's not important btw but when i add the script in server it's not working can you boys help me thx for everything
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