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Everything posted by -Ilker.

  1. سوي لك مكتبة او استخدم dgs اذا تبيها كذا
  2. والله مافهمت شيء عيد صياغة الموضوع لكي افهمك
  3. addCommandHandler getPlayerFromName خش الويكي وبتفهم كيف
  4. function getAccountsInGroup ( group ) if ( group and type ( group ) == "string" and aclGetGroup ( group ) ) then accounts = { } for _,v in ipairs ( aclGroupListObjects ( aclGetGroup ( group ) ) or { } ) do local data = split ( v , "." ) ; if ( data[1] == "user" ) then table.insert ( accounts , { acc = data[2] } ) end end end return accounts or { } end addEvent("done",true) -- thats when i click on button it displays all accounts -- addEventHandler ( "done" ,root, function ( player ) triggerClientEvent ( "addGridlist" , root , getAccountsInGroup ( "Police" ) ) end ) function addToGroup( group,text,player ) group = aclGetGroup( group ) if group == false or group == nil then end local account = getAccount ( text ) if ( account ~= false ) then local add = aclGroupAddObject( aclGetGroup("Police"), "user."..text ) if add then outputChatBox( "The object has been added successfully to the group", root, 0, 255, 0, true ) triggerClientEvent ( "addGridlist" , root , getAccountsInGroup ( "Police" ) ) else outputChatBox( "This object is already in the group", source, 255, 0, 0, true ) end else outputChatBox( "This account doesn't exists", source, 255, 0, 0, true ) end end addEvent( 'pe',true ) addEventHandler( 'pe',root,addToGroup)
  5. Put the accounts again with triggerClientEvent when add new account
  6. 'onClientGUIClick' triggerServerEvent -- Server side addEvent addEventHandler triggerClientEvent please talk english if you need talk arabic go to arabic fourm
  7. You're welcome , just i know but this is example only ?
  8. button = guiCreateButton ( 300 , 300 , 100 , 30 , "Money" , false ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick" , root , function ( ) if ( source == button ) then triggerServerEvent ( "giveMoney" , localPlayer ) end end ) ; -- Server side local timer = { } addEvent ( "giveMoney" , true ) addEventHandler ( "giveMoney" , root , function ( ) if ( not isTimer ( timer [ getPlayerSerial ( source ) ] ) ) then givePlayerMoney ( source , 1000 ) timer[getPlayerSerial(source)] = setTimer ( function ( ) end,3*60*1000,1) else outputChatBox("* Please Wait.",source,255,0,0,true) end end ) ; سويت لك تقريبًا 95% من طلبك بس باقي عليك تقفل الازرار
  9. -- Example function getAccountsInGroup ( group ) if ( group and type ( group ) == "string" and aclGetGroup ( group ) ) then accounts = { } for _,v in ipairs ( aclGroupListObjects ( aclGetGroup ( group ) ) or { } ) do local data = split ( v , "." ) ; if ( data[1] == "user" ) then table.insert ( accounts , { acc = data[2] } ) end end end return accounts or { } end addCommandHandler ( "addUsers" , function ( player ) triggerClientEvent ( player , "addGridlist" , player , getAccountsInGroup ( "Console" ) ) end ) -- Client Side grid = guiCreateGridList ( 300 , 300 , 300 , 200 , false ) guiGridListAddColumn ( grid , "users" ,0.9) addEvent ( "addGridlist" , true ) addEventHandler ( "addGridlist" , root , function ( t ) guiGridListClear ( grid ) if ( #t > 0 ) then for k,v in ipairs ( t ) do local row = guiGridListAddRow ( grid ) ; guiGridListSetItemText ( grid , row , 1 , v.acc , false , false ) end end end )
  10. عندك اكثر من طريقة tables or xml or sql الجداول لو استخدمتها لو سويت ريستارت للمود تروح فالأفضل sql او xml
  11. اعطي البيد داتا ب اسم التيم الي تبيه معهم واستخدم الحدث يوم يتدمج البيد اذا كان الي ضربه من نفس التيم حقه كنسل الحدث وخلاص
  12. addEventHandler ( "onClientElementModelChange" , root , function ( _ , newSkin ) if ( getElementType ( source ) == "player" ) then setPedWalkingStyle ( source , newSkin == 285 and 59 or 0 ) end end ) ; addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage" , root , function ( ) if ( getElementModel ( source ) == 285 ) then cancelEvent ( ) ; end end ) ;
  13. addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage",root,function() if ( getElementModel ( source ) == 285 ) then cancelEvent() end end );
  14. -Ilker.


    hello all. i created fire from createFire just How can I check the presence or absence of fire?
  15. عشان نعبد الله ونطبق سنة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
  16. بالجداول قبل لاتسحبها جيب الأسلحة حقته وخزنها بجدول ثم يوم يموت جيب الي بالجدول واعطيه اسلحته
  17. -- Example function useCommand1 ( ) outputChatBox("..") end for k,V in ipairs ( {"OUT","out","OuT"} ) do addCommandHandler ( V, useCommand1) end
  18. --- Server side . local saveTimer = { } ; addCommandHandler ( "money" , function ( player ) if ( isTimer ( saveTimer [ getPlayerSerial ( player ) ] ) ) then return end givePlayerMoney ( player , 100000 ) ; saveTimer [ getPlayerSerial ( player ) ] = setTimer ( function ( ) end,4*60*1000,1) ; end ) هذا الكود لو كتب الأمر يعطيه فلوس ولو طلع ودخل وكتب الأمر والتايمر لسى ماخلص مايعطيه انت شوف الطريقة وسويها بالي تبيه
  19. سويها بالجداول والتايمر عن طريق ملف السيرفر وقفل وافتح الزر بجانب الكلنت
  20. سكربت حلو بالتوفيق لك , لاكن حتى لو كان مشفر وحاط حقوقك ع اللوحة يمديه يغيرها الي له بالبرمجة :]
  21. yourmarker = createMarker(....) function EnterToPD (source) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( source ) if ( isElementWithinMarker ( source , yourmarker ) ) then outputChatBox ("Entered", source, 0, 255, 0, false) spawnPlayer (source, 923.5, -1143.5, 392.79998779297, 180, math.random (0,288), 0, 0, spawnTeam) fadeCamera (source, true) setCameraTarget (source, source) end end addCommandHandler("in", EnterToPD) Do you mean like this?
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