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Everything posted by Sons

  1. I'm glad someone wants to bring the roleplay back to the mta, regardless of the visions, good luck
  2. You can write here yet: @sons6:matrix.org, element.io - it will be a replacement Discord messenger
  3. When I paste my previous message in advertisements channel, so nothing was sent and I have to wait 6 hours again? Why does this happen, does anyone know?
  4. I am looking for a decent team for a roleplay server, who can handle with any task depending on the position, so knowledge, experience, skill, creativity and aesthetics are required. I also need your previous works or something that proves your value. Another advantage is the knowledge of roleplay servers. I also appreciate rising stars and who will surprise me in every way or just think. Everything has to be created from scratch with the combination of the old and the new climate (scripted and gameplay part mostly). I bet on professionalism Who i'm looking for: programmer/scripter webdeveloper media team (video, graphics) mapper and modeler marketing team and ... maybe someone who will surprise me in many other fields and prove that I choose him from among other candidates, they can be people such as consultants, helpers with legal or illegal fields in terms of roleplay, maybe related to gameplay, ideas, plan (maybe there is something that will surprise players, it will be different, it has never been introduced, you always wanted on roleplay server, but nobody implemented it or maybe is a different reason) server manager, etc. What method of payment? paypal, but we can find something other that will be a good option for both of us. I will pay for a specific part of the work, for example the script in the case of programming, but I don't send the entire amount before work
  5. 'ana 'abhath ean musmamii baramij nasiat wamuhtarifin , yaqumun bi'iinsha' wade allaeb min albidayat , yjb 'an yakun khadmana frydana mae munakh rayie. sayakun 'uslub laeib RP. 'urid luebat gamemode biallughat al'iinjliziat 'aw albulandia yjb ealaa Scripter 'iilqa' al'afkar almubtadhilat alty yumkin aistikhdamuha ealaa MTA tajribat eindama yataealaq al'amr bikhawadim RP ; allaeb fi bed almasharie , hataa al'ajnabiat minha , mrhbana bik alqiam bialeamal bishakl mawthuq bih , watashih al'akhta' wama 'iilaa dhalik. maerifat al'ashya' yjb ealaa musmimi alkharayt: ladayhim maerifa yumkin tahrir wa'iinsha' alkayinat / alkharijiat / alddakhilia 'iinahum yaqumun bi'aemal jamaliat munasabat tmamana 'atawaqae mink aydana 'iizhar muharaatik wamulfik alshakhsii wamalfik alshakhsii ealaa jithb mae 'aemalik , 'iilkh. 'iidha kunt 'abhath ean katib 'aw rasam kharayit muhtaraf ; min alwadh 'anani 'adfae thamnaha Discord; Sons#3608
  6. A więc tak poszukuje przyzwoitego skryptera oraz mappera, który wykona solidnie, profesjonalnie swoją robotę; nie zrobi tego na odwal, skopiuje inny serwer czyli pójdzie po łatwiznie i zrobi to za bardzo tanio, musi być unikalny oraz tworzony od zera; będzie to serwer roleplay. Wymagania dla skryptera; Rzucanie spoko pomysłów, które można wykorzystać w MTA; wykorzystać możliwości oraz potencjał Doświadczenie, jeśli chodzi o serwery RP; mile widziane granie w niektóre projekty, nawet zagraniczne Wykonywanie pracy przyzwoicie, poprawianie błędów etc Znając się na rzeczy Wymagania dla mapperów; Posiadać wiedzę Potrafi edytować i tworzyć obiekty / zewnętrzne / wewnętrzne Wykonują prace estetyczne, które są doskonale dopasowane Będą również oczekiwał od was pokazania swoich umiejętności, portfolio, profilu na githubie ze swoimi pracami etc Czas zrewolucjonizować polską scenę roleplay, która jest znana tylko z jednego serwera oraz ogranicza w wielu sprawach poprzez np. skrypt Discord; Sons#9051
  7. I don't have specific budget, we can negotiate, I have pretty much big list, Text-based, I can pay; depends on everything, I'm using paypal REF
  8. Is there any good english rp server?
  9. I want to know; what is the cost of server maintenance; I mean gamemode which scripter do? How much could be worth? Mapping? Webmaster? Hosting/VPS or something - how much cost? I mean RP project
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