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P.Wiśnia last won the day on March 29

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  1. DataSystem Links: Github: https://github.com/PWisniaNE/MTA-SA-DataSystem Authors: P.Wiśnia (https://github.com/PWisniaNE) Rick (https://github.com/httpRick/) Server-Side functions: setCustomData(element,name,variable,key) getCustomData(element,name,key) getAllCustomData(element,key) getElementsByCustomData(name,key) hasCustomData(element, selectedKey, name, variable) removeCustomData(element,name,key) Client-Side functions: getCustomData(element,name) setCustomData(element,name,variable) hasCustomData(element,name,variable) KeyTypes: Server (non-synchronization, data only storage on server) Synced (synchronization with all players) Client (synchronization from server to one player) Group (synchronization from server to group of players)
  2. Hi, I started slowly creating an alternative elementdat system. Link: https://github.com/PWisniaNE/MTA-SA-UserDataSystem/ If you have any suggestions how to improve or optimize the system, I will be happy to listen to your suggestions. I would like the code to be as optimal and safe as possible.
  3. Tryb gry: RPG + RP IP: Zostanie podane przed startem Data startu: Kwieceń 2022 Discord: https://discord.gg/EaQRrdV9Pk Zamysłem serwera jest stworzenie autorskiego serwera "ModernRPG" opartego o rozbudowane systemy, zapewniające graczowi szereg możliwości. Zasoby serwera tworzone są od podstaw, pracujemy nad autorskimi modelami dającymi nam większą ilość możliwości. Serwer również po starcie będzie otrzymywał częste aktualizacje większe lub mniejsze. Zarobki na serwerze będą optymalne na tyle aby gracz rozpoczynający grę nie zdobył wszystkiego w ciągu jednego dnia i nie posiadł fortuny. Dzięki temu rozwiązaniu gracze nie będą musieli obracać dużymi kwotami. Pozdrawiamy Administracja ModernRPG
  4. Will the script work on the map generated from the replaced mta models? [custom map made in map editor]
  5. You know any way to check cpu usage besides ipb and rescpu.
  6. Hello, currently on the server I render a maximum of 500 objects how to increase it?
  7. Hi, I have a script for moving vehicles (salon), only he has one problem. If I reset the script and I am alone, there is no cut, but after re-entering the server there are cuttings. The script is on the server and looks like this: infernus = createVehicle(411,0,0,0) local objekt=createObject(2034,0,0,0) setElementAlpha(objekt,0) setElementCollisionsEnabled(objekt,false) attachElements(infernus,objekt,0,0,0) setVehicleEngineState(infernus,false) function mainFunction() moveObject(objekt,6000,1,0,0) end mainFunction() However, if I move away from the vehicle and approach it again, there are no cuts.
  8. Hello, you do not know how to add a user to mysql mybb after registration?
  9. How to make models visible regardless of their number?
  10. The swapped train model has no collision and disappears. And if you replace it with another model, it's good.
  11. I need a function that will move the element(moveElement), but it will accelerate at the beginning and slow down at the end.
  12. Anyone know how to perform a function that will raise all objects on the map? There are about 3 thousand objects on the whole map.
  13. Is it possible to create a new map for mta with own roads, buildings etc.?
  14. Obecnie jest bardzo trudno znaleźć personalizacje postaci, dlatego że tylko 2 osoby stworzyły tym coś podobne. Ewentualnie gamemode: SeeMTA v3
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