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Everything posted by Zadara

  1. Another suggestion: Give weapons and peds also a model ID, so you can also replace models of peds and weapons. Thanks,
  2. Hi, there I'm wondering if you can replacing sounds, like the engine sound of a airplane, with a other id, or a new sound that including the recourses. Well, i can't find something like that on the development wiki... (Or i need to better serach ) So my suggestiond is well a function like this: bool replaceSound ( sound theID, sound theSoundthatsreplacing ) Like that the first argument is the ID that get to replace of the second agrument and it can be a ID but also a name of the sound that including the resources. It would be really cool, like that you can replace a plane model into a Christmas sledge model, en that the sound gonna by replaced by bell sounds... Thanks,
  3. Looks really cool! I saw once a time (Not a very long time ago) a youtube video with RSS feeds, maybe that should work for internet on the mobile EDIT: here is the video:
  4. I think you better can wait until the MTA SA 1.0 map editor, that would saved a lot of work.
  5. Zadara

    Some Questions

    I did'nt test it... But i need to fix isVehicleOnGround. You see, i wanna create a explosion on the place where the rcbaron is hitting the ground. Like a bomb drop script I already create a other verison of my script, that i know thats works. But only that IsVehicleOnGround does'nt work. The console says the thats IsVehicleOnGround is a bad agrument. Forget everything else, i just wanna fix the IsVehicleOnGround problem.
  6. Zadara


    Do you wan't to set the gravity? Here you are: http://development.mtasa.com/index.php?title=SetGravity Just use the MTA wiki, there are all the MTA funtions and events. http://development.mtasa.com/index.php?title=Main_Page
  7. Zadara

    Some Questions

    Bumb my question.
  8. Yeah, because two issius of the roadmap has been removed.... Can anyone tell me why?
  9. Read de manual: http://development.mtasa.com/index.php?title=Resource:Editor
  10. Because there whas a new bug: You can't start the map editor or a server
  11. I can't wait for the next version, guys! Today, there where pretty much bug fixes.
  12. Zadara

    Some Questions

    A already fix that, but it still says that IsVehicleOnGround is a bad argument, i will give you the complete script, i have change it, so its 1.0 compatible. local rustler1 = createVehicle ( 476, -696.59759521484, 897.68084716797, 13.838381767273, 2.5280456542969, 358.68106079102, 176.86285400391 ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition( rustler1 ) local rcbaron = createVehicle ( 464, x, y, z + -1.2 ) function OnRuslter1Spawn( res ) attachElements( rcbaron, rustler1, 0, 0, -1.2 ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), OnRuslter1Spawn ) function OnRustler1ReSpawn ( exploded ) outputChatBox ("The Ruslter is respawnd.") attachElements( rcbaron, rustler1, 0, 0, -1.2 ) end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleRespawn", rustler1, OnRustler1ReSpawn ) function enterRustler1 ( player, seat, jacked ) bindKey ( player, "r", "down", funcInput ) end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", rustler1, enterRustler1 ) function exitRustler1 ( thePlayer, seat, jacked ) unbindKey ( thePlayer, "r", "down", funcInput ) end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleExit", rustler1, exitRustler1 ) function funcInput ( player, key, keyState ) if (key == "r") and ( isElementAttached ( rcbaron ) == true ) then detachElements ( rcbaron, rustler1 ) outputChatBox( "Bomb launchd!" ) if ( isVehicleOnGround( rcbaron ) == true ) then local pX, pY, pZ = getElementPosition ( rcbaron ) createExplosion ( pX, pY, pZ, 6 ) blowVehicle ( rcbaron ) else outputChatBox( "You already launchd the bomb!" ) end end
  13. Zadara

    Some Questions

    Ok thanks. Antoher bug... The console says that isVehicleOnGround is a bad argument.. function OnBombHitGround(loss) if ( isVehicleOnGround( ruslter1 ) == false ) then local pX, pY, pZ = getElementPosition ( rcbaron ) createExplosion ( pX, pY, pZ, 6 ) blowVehicle ( rcbaron ) end end
  14. Look for key differences between the thing in the first post, and the bomb dropping. When thinking carefully, you should notice the bomb is an object. Object attached to a vehicle, to be exact. While here the plane AND the tanker are both vehicles. It seems like that vehicles being attached to eachother is the bug. Not objects, players, markers... Whatever. (would be cool with markers, you could make a ringthrowing gamemode ) I don't really understand you. By this script is it like this: The RC tanker attached to the rustler, and the object (the bomb skin) is attached to the RC tanker, so that the object have dynamic features. I mean that because by that script the bomb/RC tanker don't falling of. And by the script of the topic starter he falling.
  15. Zadara

    Some Questions

    Ok thanks! (Are you Dutch?(Ik ook ) Only this problem: I can't make a unbindkey... well here is the function, the console says the unbindKey is a bad argument... function exitRustler1 ( thePlayer, seat, jacked ) unbindKey ( player, "r", "down", funcInput ) end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleExit", rustler1, exitRustler1 )
  16. Zadara

    Some Questions

    Like this? addEventHandler ( "onVehicleRespawn", getResourceRootElement(), doSomethingWithTheVehiclesOrWhatever )
  17. Zadara

    Some Questions

    I can't really use this because i wanna attach element also when its respawn after a explosion.
  18. It must me able the fix it, by this script, it doesn't happen. Look at the video. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtop ... se#p276951
  19. Zadara

    Some Questions

    1. I don't understand anything... You don't want to use onResourceStart because you want to use onVehicleRespawn which doesn't work when resource start but you want something that works when resource start? What is your problem? 3. Don't understand this neither... "You fix it but can't fix it yourself"? Hmm... 1. I wanna attach a element to the vehicle, when its spawn, if i use OnVehicleRespwan it only get attachd, when i exploding the vehicle, and then Respawn. But i wanna that the element get immediately attachd when the vehicle get for the first time get spawn. I can't use OnResourcesStart because some reason, I'll save the reason of you. 3. You dont have to understand me... I have fix it already. (My english is not real good) NEW: I have a problem, when the rcbaron is attachd and i fly up, the other vehicle get of the rcbaron, because of a bug in MTA. But when i fly a minute in the sky, the rcbaron, get attachd again. The strange thing is, that i use the event OnVehicleRespawn, OnVehicleEnter, ect... so that a new rcbaron only get attachd when is use Onvehiclerespawn... ect.. Why the rcbaron get attachd again? To [DKR]silverfang: I tought that there need to be a event to use the AttachElementtoElemnt/AttachElements function... I will give it a try.
  20. Zadara

    Some Questions

    1. No, OnVehicleRespawn only works when the vehicle hasbeen exploded, not when the recourses starts. Is there away to make this? 3. I fix it... Stupid of me, that i can't fix it by my self.
  21. Zadara

    Some Questions

    Ok, new question, there is a problem with my script, The console say that bindkey is a bad agrument. function OnRustlerSpawn ( exploded ) if ( getVehicleID ( source ) == 476 ) then outputChatBox ("The Ruslter is respawnd.") local x, y, z = getElementPosition( source ) local rcbaron = createVehicle ( 464, x, y, z + -1.2 ) attachElementToElement( rcbaron, source, 0, 0, -1.2 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleRespawn", getRootElement(), OnRustlerSpawn ) function enterRustler ( player, seat, jacked ) if ( getVehicleID ( source ) == 476 ) then bindKey ( player, "lshift", "down", On, element ) end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), enterRustler ) function OnPlayerPressShift(key, keyState) if (key == "lshift") then detachElementFromElement ( rcbaron, source ) outputChatBox( "Bomb launchd!" ) else outputChatBox( "Element is not attached" ) end end
  22. Zadara

    Some Questions

    1. I will give it a try... 2. Strange, by the bomb drop script of someone (forgot the name, my bad) the bomb not falling of... 3. I have already a nighlty, can't i place the rocketlauncher model in the download map so the client download it, en then replace it. Its gat to be possible, because you also can replace normal models...
  23. Well, i have some issues with scripting, here there are: Question 1:How can i attach something when its spawn, not respawn, just spawn when the gamemode start. There is a onVehicleRespawn, but not a onVehicleSpawn... That says wiki... Question 2: When i attach a little rc vehicle to a normal plane, and i make a sharp bend with the normal airplane, the rc vehicle just let loose. It's not attach anymore on the plane. Is this a bug or something? And is there a way to reslove this? Question 3: Is there away to change the weapon model? Like that your holding a M4 with a AK47 skin? Thanks,
  24. Thats one of the hunderd million reasons, why sa-mp sucks....
  25. Ok, forgot everything what i have say, i have now two questions. Question 1:How can i attach something when its spawn, not respawn, just spawn when the gamemode start. There is a onVehicleRespawn, but not a onVehicleSpawn... That says wiki... Question 2: When i attach a little rc vehicle to a normal plane, and i make a sharp bend with the normal airplane, the rc vehicle just let loose. It's not attach anymore on the plane. Is this a bug or something? And is there a way to reslove this?
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