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محمود's Achievements


Vic (3/54)



  1. مش بيسجل الشخصيه للائسف
  2. يعني الادمن بس الي يستخدم الكومند
  3. السلام عليكم ازاي اخليها لا اس ال معين امسو SDL function unmuteOurPlayer(player, command, unmutedguy) if unmutedguy then local unmuted = getPlayerFromName(unmutedguy) if unmuted then if isPlayerMuted(unmuted) then setPlayerMuted(unmuted, false) setElementData(unmuted, "Muted", 0) setElementData(unmuted, "MutedTime", 0) removeElementData(unmuted, "Reason") outputChatBox("#ADFF2F"..getPlayerName(unmuted).."#FFFFFF Adli Oyuncunun Mutesi Acildi!#ADFF2F "..getPlayerName(player).."#FFFFFF. ", getRootElement(),255, 255, 255, true) end end else outputChatBox("UNAMUTE SYNTAX: /unamute <victim>", player) end end addCommandHandler("unamute", unmuteOurPlayer)
  4. السلام عليكم انا جديد هنا و جبت المود دا من عن طريق النت بس بتواجهني مشكله فيه انو لما الاعب بيقفل و يفتح البس مش بيتسجل علي شخصيه سي جي ممكن حد يساعدني addEvent( "onChangeClothesCJ", true ) addEventHandler( "onChangeClothesCJ", root, function ( CJClothesTable, CJClothesString ) if ( CJClothesTable ) then for int, index in pairs( CJClothesTable ) do local texture, model = getClothesByTypeIndex ( int, index ) if ( texture ) then addPedClothes ( source, texture, model, int ) if (int == 0) then exports.:SAD(getPlayerAccount(source), "cjclothesShirtType", int) exports.:SAD(getPlayerAccount(source), "cjclothesShirtIndex", index) end end end outputDebugString(CJClothesString) exports.:SAD(getPlayerAccount(source), "cjclothes", CJClothesString) end end ) addEvent( "onPlayerBougtSkin", true ) addEventHandler( "onPlayerBougtSkin", root, function ( thePrice ) if ( thePrice ) then takePlayerMoney( source, tonumber(thePrice), "CJ Clothes" ) end end ) function setClothesOnLogin(_, acc) local skin = exports.:GAD(acc, "skin") if (skin == 0) then local CJCLOTTable = fromJSON( tostring( exports.:GAD(acc, "cjclothes" ) ) ) if CJCLOTTable then for theType, index in pairs( CJCLOTTable ) do local texture, model = getClothesByTypeIndex ( theType, index ) if ( texture and model ) then addPedClothes ( source, texture, model, theType ) end end end local shirt = exports.:GAD(acc, "cjclothesShirtType") if (shirt and shirt == 0) then local shirtIndex = exports.:GAD(acc, "cjclothesShirtIndex") local text, mod = getClothesByTypeIndex ( shirt, shirtIndex ) if ( text and mod) then addPedClothes ( source, text, mod, shirt ) end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, setClothesOnLogin)
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