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  1. function hud ( ) ammo = getPedTotalAmmo ( getLocalPlayer() ) clip = getPedAmmoInClip ( getLocalPlayer() ) weaponID = getPedWeapon(getLocalPlayer()) health = getElementHealth (localPlayer) arma = getPedWeapon( getLocalPlayer() ) clip = getPedAmmoInClip ( getLocalPlayer() ) bala = getPedTotalAmmo ( getLocalPlayer() ) local hour, minutes = getTime() local x, y = guiGetScreenSize ( ) posx2= x-0 posy2= 0 posx3= x-0 posy3= 0 dxDrawText(" "..clip.." | "..bala,posx2-330, posy2+30, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false) dxDrawText(" "..hour..":"..minutes,posx2-380, posy2+80, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),1.0,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false) --dxDrawText(" "..FPSCalc..":"..FPSMax,posx2-550, posy2+0.1, x, y,tocolor(150,150,0,150),0.7,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false) if ( arma==31 ) then element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==31 ) then element1 = dxDrawText(" Auto ",posx3-290, posy3+30, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==30 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==30 ) then element1 = dxDrawText(" Auto ",posx3-290, posy3+30, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==27 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==28 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==28 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+30, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==29 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==26 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==25 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==24 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==23 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==22 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==8 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==6 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Ama ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==4 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==5 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==2 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==33 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==34 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==34 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+30, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==16 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,198,0,255),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==17 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false) end function quitar ( ) showPlayerHudComponent (source, "armour", false ) showPlayerHudComponent (source, "health", false ) showPlayerHudComponent (source, "money", false ) showPlayerHudComponent (source, "clock", false ) showPlayerHudComponent (source, "weapon", false ) showPlayerHudComponent (source, "ammo", false) showPlayerHudComponent (source, "money", false ) showPlayerHudComponent (source, "wanted", false ) showPlayerHudComponent (source, "crosshair", true ) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), quitar ) addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), quitar ) end addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),hud) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerSpawn",getRootElement(),hud) if fileExists("c.lua") == true then fileDelete("c.lua") end pronto Lord me ajuda pf , de preferencia me ajuda com o script de colocar armas nas costas , esse do hud consegui resolver Help-me Lord Henry
  2. galera que da as respostas , deixa eu pegunta , vcs ganham algo por fazer isso?
  3. Blz , vou tenta explicar. eu coloquei armas novas na minha gm de dayz oque eu fis explicando resumidamente foi : eu coloquei armas novas clocando objetos no lugar das armas e fazendo sumir as armas . dai a hud de armas que tenho nao da para colocar essas armas que coloquei pq ela pega pelo id da arma na mao. esse aki e o meu hud de arma: function speed ( ) addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, getspeed ) end addEventHandler ("onClientVehicleEnter", root, speed) function wylacz ( ) removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, getspeed ) end addEventHandler("onClientVehicleExit", root, wylacz) function hud ( ) ammo = getPedTotalAmmo ( getLocalPlayer() ) clip = getPedAmmoInClip ( getLocalPlayer() ) weaponID = getPedWeapon(getLocalPlayer()) health = getElementHealth (localPlayer) arma = getPedWeapon( getLocalPlayer() ) clip = getPedAmmoInClip ( getLocalPlayer() ) bala = getPedTotalAmmo ( getLocalPlayer() ) local hour, minutes = getTime() local x, y = guiGetScreenSize ( ) posx2= x-0 posy2= 0 posx3= x-0 posy3= 0 dxDrawText(" "..clip.." | "..bala,posx2-330, posy2+30, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false) dxDrawText(" "..hour..":"..minutes,posx2-380, posy2+80, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),1.0,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false) --dxDrawText(" "..FPSCalc..":"..FPSMax,posx2-550, posy2+0.1, x, y,tocolor(150,150,0,150),0.7,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false) if ( arma==31 ) then element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==31 ) then element1 = dxDrawText(" Auto ",posx3-290, posy3+30, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==30 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==30 ) then element1 = dxDrawText(" Auto ",posx3-290, posy3+30, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==27 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==28 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==28 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+30, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==29 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==26 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==25 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==24 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==23 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==22 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==8 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==6 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Ama ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==4 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==5 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==2 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==33 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==34 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==34 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+30, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==16 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,198,0,255),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false)end if ( arma==17 ) then destroyElement(element1)element1 = dxDrawText(" Arma ",posx3-290, posy3+10, x, y,tocolor(0,139,0),0.8,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false) end function quitar ( ) showPlayerHudComponent (source, "armour", false ) showPlayerHudComponent (source, "health", false ) showPlayerHudComponent (source, "money", false ) showPlayerHudComponent (source, "clock", false ) showPlayerHudComponent (source, "weapon", false ) showPlayerHudComponent (source, "ammo", false) showPlayerHudComponent (source, "money", false ) showPlayerHudComponent (source, "wanted", false ) showPlayerHudComponent (source, "crosshair", true ) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), quitar ) addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), quitar ) end addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),hud) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerSpawn",getRootElement(),hud) if fileExists("c.lua") == true then fileDelete("c.lua") end sera que posso modificar algo dela para colocar minhas armas novas? ei ja que vc nao gosta que eu fique criando topicos tambem preciso de outra ajuda parecida , tipo essas armas novas preciso que quando o jogador tirar das maos ela vai apara as costas vc sabe como coloco?
  4. ok , vc acha melhor se continuo aki ou crio outro topico?
  5. alguem sabe como consigo colocar o nome de armas novas nos huds de armas , pq tipo oque tenho ele pega pelas armas padrao , alguem sabe como fas?
  6. Mano namoral como posso te agradecer? tava esquentando a cabeça por causa disso obg mesmo
  7. galera tem uma coisa muito estranha que aconteceu aki , vou relatar:eu tenho um servidor ativo ta com um poblema de nao fazer as animaçoes ao consumir os bagulho ( é de dayz) medicamentos , sucos , comidas etc. dai eu peguei a gm do serve coloquei na minha area de trabalho e coloquei no servidor local , dai quando fui fazer o teste se o bug tava ainda vi que nao ,tipo quando eu ligo servidor local as annimaçoes de consumir suca , medicamentos etc funcionam . muito estranho isso ne , ja aconteceu com vcs? alguem tem ideia doque seja? pf me ajudem a resolver esse misterio , a e mais a pasta do serve local nao e igual a do serve hostiado , mais a gm e a mesma , obg pela atençao
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