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Everything posted by willtxd

  1. É de um gamemode húngaro chamado Hungarian Life, curti bastante esse servidor e todos os seus mods e decidi traduzi-los para o português, creio que 60% dele está traduzido porém alguns eu estou tendo certa dificuldade. Ah, e uma coisa que eu pretendo fazer ao concluir é por todos os créditos aos criadores do gamemode, pois acho muito ridículo esses servidores famosos que apenas pegaram um backup de gringos, traduziram e disseram que são únicos e que eles mesmos fizeram, (tipo a cidade top brasileira de 7 anos). Eu não terei vergonha alguma de falar que o meu servidor é um backup traduzido.
  2. Olá, eu estou traduzindo alguns mods pra por no meu servidor na vps, porém eu não consigo setar admin do plugin pelo console pois dá esse erro. ERROR: ex_admin\codeServer.Lua:101: attempt to compare number with boolean O comando é setadminlevel Esse é o codigo do script Código removido
  3. Está afim de conhecer o melhor servidor roleplay do MTA San Andreas Venha agora para o Next Roleplay Scripts TOTALMENTE Exclusivos Registro para a Beta será aberto em breve Em breve abrirá vagas para Administradores Benefícios extras aos players que comprarem VIP antecipadamente ?Discord: https://discord.gg/v5kun8Y? ℹFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/paginaNX/ℹ ?Site: http://nxtrp.com? ?Servidor: Em desenvolvimento⚠
  4. debugscript: Incorrect client type for this command Um admin deu o comando no server e apareceu apenas isto
  5. Não amigo, sou leigo nisso não sei como funciona esta parte
  6. Boa noite, alguém pode me dizer porque as texturas estão bugadas? Isso esta para todos os players, Eu não sei se é algum script do meu servidor um dos admins desativou um por um e foi ativando para achar o erro e nada, irei mandar uma foto do problema https://imgur.com/KpDm4MR
  7. "Temos permissão do próprio dono do Brasil Charmoso FiveM" Preciso falar mais alguma coisa?
  8. exatamente o que eu queria era esse painel fechar ao passar por cima do marker, pode me passar a linha de codigo? eu me perco totalmente nisso rsrs desculpa incomodar mais uma vez
  9. @WorthlessCynomysSorry for my english im brazilian, the map in f11 is not showing after i installed maximap resource, the map did not appear, only the blips, i stop this resource and the F11 default map dont work, do you help me?
  10. Hello, I would like your help, I installed the maximap script but it did not show the map in F11, just the blips, so I disabled it and F11 did not show the map on the server anymore, did I solve it?
  11. Bom galera, segundo post, e eu estou com um script muito bom de emprego de motorista de ônibus, ele é bem completinho porém os pagamentos por cada trabalho são absurdos, chegando a players ganhar de 200 a 600 mil reais por terminar o percurso, ai eu fui procurar nos scripts e tentar mudar os valores porém eles não estão com give money, e sim com um zpcount, algo assim não sei explicar, porém queria ajuda dos amigos pra mudar isso e eu poder escolher os pagamentos, gostaria de por pelo menos 2mil reais por pagamento dependendo da rota. Esse é o codigo: local PlayerBuser = {} local TempTable = {} -- PlayerBuser["431"] = { {nil, nil, -0.900, 0.9, 1.0, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.510, 1.85, 1.0, 180}, {nil, nil, 0.900, 0.9, 1.0, 0}, {nil, nil, 0.510, 1.85, 1.0, 180}, {nil, nil, 0.990, 2.5, 1.0, 0}, {nil, nil, 0.600, -1.45, 1.1, 0}, {nil, nil, 0.500, 2.5, 1.0, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.900, 0.1, 1.0, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.500, -0.7, 1.0, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.990, -1.4, 1.2, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.990, -0.7, 1.1, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.500, -1.4, 1.2, 0}, {nil, nil, 0.910, -2.2, 1.2, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.990, -2.2, 1.2, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.500, -3.0, 1.2, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.900, -3.0, 1.2, 0}, {nil, nil, 0.990, -3.0, 1.2, 0}, {nil, nil, 0.500, -3.0, 1.2, 0}, {nil, nil, 0.900, -3.8, 1.4, 0}, {nil, nil, 0, -3.7, 1.4, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.900, -3.8, 1.4, 0} } PlayerBuser["437"] = { {nil, nil, 0.45, 3.88, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, 0.45, 3.08, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.95, 3.88, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, 0.95, 2.22, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, 0.55, 1.50, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, 0.95, 0.50, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.95, 2.22, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.95, 1.50, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.45, 1.50, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.95, 0.50, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.45, 0.50, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.95, -0.22, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.95, -1.12, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.45, -1.12, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.95, -1.95, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, 0.55, -2.02, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.45, -2.75, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, 0.95, -2.75, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, 0.55, -2.75, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, 0.95, -3.53, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, 0.55, -3.53, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.45, -3.53, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, 0.55, -4.31, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.95, -4.31, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, 0.95, -5.16, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.45, -5.16, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, 0.95, -6.06, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, 0.05, -6.06, 1.35, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.95, -6.06, 1.35, 0} } PlayerBuser["459"] = { {nil, nil, -0.79, 0.15, 0.7, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.35, 0.15, 0.7, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.79, -0.55, 0.7, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.35, -0.55, 0.7, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.79, -1.15, 0.7, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.35, -1.15, 0.7, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.79, -1.90, 0.7, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.35, -1.90, 0.7, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.79, -2.65, 0.7, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.35, -2.65, 0.7, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.79, -3.30, 0.7, 0}, {nil, nil, -0.35, -3.30, 0.7, 0}, {nil, nil, 0.72, -1.15, 0.7, 0}, {nil, nil, 0.72, -1.90, 0.7, 0}, {nil, nil, 0.72, -2.65, 0.7, 0}, {nil, nil, 0.72, -3.30, 0.7, 0} } local function getPlayerEXP( player ) -- ganhar experiência if not TempTable[player] then TempTable[player] = {} TempTable[player].EXP = 0 return TempTable[player].EXP else return TempTable[player].EXP end end addCommandHandler("setexp", function ( player, cmd, integer ) if not tonumber(integer) then --outputChatBox("[INFO]#880000 / setexp [quantidade de experiência]", player, 39, 199, 43, true) return end if not TempTable[player] then TempTable[player] = {} TempTable[player].EXP = tonumber(integer) else TempTable[player].EXP = tonumber(integer) end --outputChatBox('[INFO]#880000 Quantidade atual de experiência: '.. TempTable[player].EXP ..' очков!', player, 39, 199, 43, true) end) addEvent("getJobInfo", true) addEventHandler("getJobInfo", resourceRoot, function ( index, bool ) if not client then return end local player = client if not TempTable[player] then TempTable[player] = {} end if not TempTable[player].EXP then TempTable[player].EXP = 0 end if bool then triggerClientEvent("client:getJobInfo", player, TempTable[player].EXP, index, true) else local zpcheck = PlayerBuser[player].increase local zpcount = PlayerBuser[player].ZPCount * zpcheck if PlayerBuser[player].ZPCount >= (math.floor(PlayerBuser[player].routeCount / 2)) then triggerClientEvent("client:getJobInfo", player, zpcount, index, false) else triggerClientEvent("client:getJobInfo", player, 0, index, false) end end end) local function unJobPlayer( player, text ) if PlayerBuser[player] then PlayerBuser[PlayerBuser[player].bus].seat = nil if isTimer(PlayerBuser[player].timerExit) then killTimer(PlayerBuser[player].timerExit) end triggerClientEvent(player, "client:setPlayerStartJob", player, false, PlayerBuser[player].bus) PlayerBuser[player].LimitBot_Enter = nil PlayerBuser[player].routeselect = nil PlayerBuser[player].routeNumber = nil PlayerBuser[player].Count = nil PlayerBuser[player].IntegerBot = nil PlayerBuser[player].state = nil PlayerBuser[player].countSeat = nil PlayerBuser[player].temp_index = nil if isTimer(PlayerBuser[player].timerStop) then killTimer(PlayerBuser[player].timerStop) end outputChatBox("[INFO] #FFFFFF".. text .."", player, 209, 10, 10, true) local zpcheck = PlayerBuser[player].increase local zpcount = PlayerBuser[player].ZPCount * zpcheck if PlayerBuser[player].ZPCount >= (math.floor(PlayerBuser[player].routeCount / 2)) then --outputChatBox("[INFO] #FFFFFFVocê foi creditado com +10 pontos de experiência!", player, 38, 199, 43, true) outputChatBox("[INFO] #FFFFFFSeu salário é ".. zpcount .."$!", player, 38, 199, 43, true) if TempTable[player] and TempTable[player].EXP then TempTable[player].EXP = TempTable[player].EXP + 10 else TempTable[player] = {} TempTable[player].EXP = 10 end givePlayerMoney ( player, zpcount ) else outputChatBox("[INFO] #FFFFFFVocê dirigiu menos da metade da rota e não recebeu um salário!", player, 209, 10, 10, true) end destroyElement(PlayerBuser[player].bus) PlayerBuser[player].bus = nil PlayerBuser[player].increase = nil PlayerBuser[player].ZPCount = nil PlayerBuser[player].routeCount = nil PlayerBuser[player] = nil triggerClientEvent(player, "checkJobWindow", player) end end addEvent("onPlayerStopJob", true) addEventHandler("onPlayerStopJob", resourceRoot, function ( ) if not client then return end local player = client unJobPlayer( player, "Você está feito 'O motorista'!" ) end) -- 1779, -1888, 13.66, 0, 0, 270 addEvent("onPlayerStartJob", true) addEventHandler("onPlayerStartJob", resourceRoot, function ( table, index, city ) if not client then return end local player = client if PlayerBuser[player] then return end if not PlayerBuser[table[1]] then PlayerBuser[table[1]] = {} end PlayerBuser[player] = {} PlayerBuser[player].Count = 0 PlayerBuser[player].ZPCount = 0 for _ in pairs( PlayerBuser[table[1]] ) do PlayerBuser[player].Count = PlayerBuser[player].Count + 1 end if tonumber(PlayerBuser[player].Count) >= table[4] then outputChatBox("[INFO] #FFFFFFNão há ônibus gratuitos nesta rota!", player, 209, 10, 10, true) PlayerBuser[player] = nil return end local playerEXP = getPlayerEXP(player) --[[if tonumber(playerEXP) < tonumber(table[5]) then outputChatBox("[INFO] #FFFFFFDesculpe, você não tem experiência suficiente!", player, 209, 10, 10, true) PlayerBuser[player] = nil return end]]-- triggerClientEvent(player, "client:setPlayerStartJob", player, true) outputChatBox("[INFO] #FFFFFFVocê começou o trabalho 'O motorista do ônibus'!", player, 38, 199, 43, true) if city == "LS" then PlayerBuser[player].bus = Vehicle(459, 1779, -1888, 13.66, 0, 0, 270) elseif city == "LV" then PlayerBuser[player].bus = Vehicle(459, 2766.43823, 1265.5, 11.02048, 0, 0, 270) end if index == 1 then PlayerBuser[player].bus.model = 459 local randomInteger = math.random(1, 3) if randomInteger == 1 then PlayerBuser[player].bus:setColor(28,123,209) elseif randomInteger == 2 then PlayerBuser[player].bus:setColor(28,123,209) elseif randomInteger == 3 then PlayerBuser[player].bus:setColor(28,123,209) end elseif index == 2 then PlayerBuser[player].bus.model = 431 PlayerBuser[player].bus:setColor(28,123,209) elseif index == 3 then PlayerBuser[player].bus.model = 437 PlayerBuser[player].bus:setColor(28,123,209) end -- teste adicional para cor em LV e SF if index == 2 and city == "LV" then PlayerBuser[player].bus:setColor(28,123,209) elseif index == 3 and city == "LV" then PlayerBuser[player].bus:setColor(28,123,209) end local vehicle = PlayerBuser[player].bus warpPedIntoVehicle(player, vehicle) setTimer(function ( ) triggerClientEvent("OffColVehicle", root, vehicle) end, 200, 1) PlayerBuser[player].routeIndex = index PlayerBuser[player].routeCount = #RouteIndex[table[6]] PlayerBuser[player].routeNumber = table[6] PlayerBuser[player].increase = table[7] PlayerBuser[player].routeselect = 0 PlayerBuser[vehicle] = {} PlayerBuser[player].LimitBot_Enter = 0 PlayerBuser[player].countSeat = 0 PlayerBuser[vehicle].seat = PlayerBuser[tostring(vehicle.model)] PlayerBuser[vehicle].player = player loadRoute(player, table[6]) vehicle:setData("emiTexture", "".. tostring(vehicle.model) .."/".. tostring(table[6])) if index == 3 then PlayerBuser[player].timerStop = setTimer(unJobPlayer, 900000, 1, player, "Você completou o 'Bus Driver'! (ROS)") else PlayerBuser[player].timerStop = setTimer(unJobPlayer, 300000, 1, player, "Você completou o 'Bus Driver'! (AFC)") end end) function StartEnterVehicle ( player, seat, jacked ) if not source then return end if PlayerBuser[player] then if (source ~= PlayerBuser[player].bus) then cancelEvent() end if (source == PlayerBuser[player].bus) and (seat ~= 0) then cancelEvent() end return else cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", resourceRoot, StartEnterVehicle ) function StartEnterVehicleRoot ( player, seat, jacked ) if not source then return end if (source.model == 431 or source.model == 459 or source.model == 437) and (seat ~= 0) then cancelEvent() return end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", root, StartEnterVehicleRoot ) addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", resourceRoot, function ( player ) if not source then return end if PlayerBuser[player] and (PlayerBuser[player].bus == source) then if isTimer(PlayerBuser[player].timerExit) then killTimer(PlayerBuser[player].timerExit) end end end) addEventHandler("onVehicleStartExit", resourceRoot, function ( player ) if not source then return end if PlayerBuser[player] then if (source == PlayerBuser[player].bus) then outputChatBox("[INFO] #FFFFFFVocê saiu do ônibus! Você tem 40 segundos para retornar.", player, 209, 10, 10, true) PlayerBuser[player].timerExit = setTimer(unJobPlayer, 40000, 1, player, "Você completou o 'Bus Driver'! (tem 40 segundos.)") end end end) function loadRoute( player, text ) local table_route = RouteIndex[text] PlayerBuser[player].routeselect = PlayerBuser[player].routeselect + 1 PlayerBuser[player].ZPCount = PlayerBuser[player].ZPCount + 1 local routeselect = PlayerBuser[player].routeselect if table_route[routeselect] == nil then unJobPlayer( player, "Você completou o trabalho 'Bus driver'!" ) else --[[if table_route[routeselect][1] == 2 then outputChatBox('ID: '..routeselect) outputChatBox('ANGLE:' ..tostring(table_route[routeselect][6])) end]] if table_route[routeselect + 1] and table_route[routeselect + 1][1] == 2 and table_route[routeselect + 1][4] then PlayerBuser[player].state = math.random(1, 9) -- se você precisar de paradas vazias if table_route[routeselect + 1][8] or (routeselect + 1) == 17 then PlayerBuser[player].state = 5 end if tonumber(PlayerBuser[player].state) ~= 5 then if PlayerBuser[player].routeIndex == 3 then PlayerBuser[player].IntegerBot = math.random(15, 20) or 20 else PlayerBuser[player].IntegerBot = math.random(2, table_route[routeselect + 1][5]) or 2 end triggerClientEvent(player, "CreateMarkerRouteBots", player, table_route[routeselect + 1][4], PlayerBuser[player].IntegerBot, table_route[routeselect + 1][6], table_route[routeselect + 1][7]) end end if table_route[routeselect][1] == 2 then triggerClientEvent(player, "CreateMarkerRoute", player, table_route[routeselect][3], true) return end if not table_route[routeselect + 1] then triggerClientEvent(player, "CreateMarkerRoute", player, table_route[routeselect][3], nil) else triggerClientEvent(player, "CreateMarkerRoute", player, table_route[routeselect][3], nil, table_route[routeselect + 1][3]) end end end function routeCheckMarker( ) if not client then return end local player = client loadRoute( player, PlayerBuser[player].routeNumber ) end addEvent("RouteCheckMarker", true) addEventHandler("RouteCheckMarker", resourceRoot, routeCheckMarker) addEvent("RouteCheckStop", true) addEventHandler("RouteCheckStop", resourceRoot, function ( ) if not client then return end local player = client local routeselect = PlayerBuser[player].routeselect local vehicle = PlayerBuser[player].bus local table_route = RouteIndex[PlayerBuser[player].routeNumber] if isTimer(PlayerBuser[player].timerStop) then resetTimer(PlayerBuser[player].timerStop) end if PlayerBuser[player] and PlayerBuser[player].bus then vehicle.frozen = true PlayerBuser[player].temp_index = 0 if isTimer(PlayerBuser[player].timeCheck) then killTimer(PlayerBuser[player].timeCheck) end if tonumber(PlayerBuser[player].state) ~= 5 then local random_exit_bot_limit = math.random(1, 4) local tables = PlayerBuser[vehicle].seat for i = 1, random_exit_bot_limit do if tables[i][1] ~= nil and (not tables[i][1].player) then PlayerBuser[player].temp_index = PlayerBuser[player].temp_index + 1 triggerClientEvent(player, "ExitBusDoorBot", player, vehicle, tables[i][1].modelid, PlayerBuser[player].temp_index, table_route[routeselect][4], table_route[routeselect][7]) tables[i][1].destroy = true vehicle:setData("table_route", tables) end end if PlayerBuser[player].temp_index == 0 then triggerClientEvent(player, "BotMissionStart", player, vehicle) end else if table_route[routeselect][8] and table_route[routeselect][8] == 1 then PlayerBuser[player].empty = true local tables = PlayerBuser[vehicle].seat PlayerBuser[player].countSeat = 0 for i = 1, #tables do if tables[i][1] ~= nil then PlayerBuser[player].countSeat = PlayerBuser[player].countSeat + 1 end end if PlayerBuser[player].countSeat == 0 then PlayerBuser[player].empty = nil triggerClientEvent(player, "client:exitAllBot", player) return end PlayerBuser[player].countSeat = 0 for i = 1, #tables do if tables[i][1] ~= nil and (not tables[i][1].player) then PlayerBuser[player].countSeat = PlayerBuser[player].countSeat + 1 triggerClientEvent(player, "ExitBusDoorBot", player, vehicle, tables[i][1].modelid, PlayerBuser[player].countSeat, table_route[routeselect][4], table_route[routeselect][7]) tables[i][1].destroy = true vehicle:setData("table_route", tables) end end return end local random_exit_bot_limit = math.random(1, 3) PlayerBuser[player].empty = true local tables = PlayerBuser[vehicle].seat PlayerBuser[player].countSeat = 0 for i = 1, random_exit_bot_limit do if tables[i][1] ~= nil then PlayerBuser[player].countSeat = PlayerBuser[player].countSeat + 1 end end if PlayerBuser[player].countSeat == 0 then PlayerBuser[player].empty = nil triggerClientEvent(player, "client:exitAllBot", player) return end PlayerBuser[player].countSeat = 0 for i = 1, random_exit_bot_limit do if tables[i][1] ~= nil and (not tables[i][1].player) then PlayerBuser[player].countSeat = PlayerBuser[player].countSeat + 1 triggerClientEvent(player, "ExitBusDoorBot", player, vehicle, tables[i][1].modelid, PlayerBuser[player].countSeat, table_route[routeselect][4], table_route[routeselect][7]) tables[i][1].destroy = true vehicle:setData("table_route", tables) end end end end end) addEvent("EnterBusDoor", true) addEventHandler("EnterBusDoor", resourceRoot, function ( veh ) if not client then return end local player = client if getPlayerMoney(player) < 10 then outputChatBox("[INFO]#880000 A tarifa do ônibus é: R$10", player, 209, 10, 10, true) return end takePlayerMoney(player, 10) local vehicle = veh if not PlayerBuser[vehicle] then PlayerBuser[vehicle] = {} PlayerBuser[vehicle].seat = PlayerBuser[tostring(vehicle.model)] end local tables = PlayerBuser[vehicle].seat for i = 1, #tables do if tables[i][1] == nil then tables[i][1] = {} tables[i][1].modelid = getElementModel(player) -- só para não escrever uma muleta tables[i][1].player = player vehicle:setData("table_route", tables) return end end end) addEvent("EnterBusDoorBots", true) addEventHandler("EnterBusDoorBots", resourceRoot, function ( vehicle, modelid ) if not client then return end local player = client local vehicle = PlayerBuser[player].bus PlayerBuser[player].LimitBot_Enter = PlayerBuser[player].LimitBot_Enter + 1 if PlayerBuser[player].LimitBot_Enter == PlayerBuser[player].IntegerBot then triggerClientEvent(player, "client:enterAllBot", player, vehicle) PlayerBuser[player].LimitBot_Enter = 0 end local tables = PlayerBuser[vehicle].seat for i = 1, #tables do if tables[i][1] == nil then tables[i][1] = {} tables[i][1].modelid = modelid vehicle:setData("table_route", tables) return end end end) addEvent("ExitBusDoorBots", true) addEventHandler("ExitBusDoorBots", resourceRoot, function ( integer ) if not client then return end local player = client if (integer == PlayerBuser[player].countSeat) or (integer == PlayerBuser[player].temp_index) then if not PlayerBuser[player].empty then triggerClientEvent(player, "BotMissionStart", player, PlayerBuser[player].bus) else PlayerBuser[player].empty = nil triggerClientEvent(player, "client:exitAllBot", player, true) end PlayerBuser[player].countSeat = 0 PlayerBuser[player].temp_index = 0 end end) addCommandHandler("testm", function ( player ) local vehicle = player.vehicle local tables = PlayerBuser["459"] for i = 1, #tables do if tables[i][1] == nil then tables[i][1] = {} tables[i][1].modelid = 28 vehicle:setData("table_route", tables) end end PlayerBuser[player].routeselect = 75 end) addEvent("RouteBusFreeze", true) addEventHandler("RouteBusFreeze", resourceRoot, function ( state ) if not client then return end local player = client if PlayerBuser[player] and PlayerBuser[player].bus then PlayerBuser[player].bus.frozen = state end end) addEvent("ExitBusDoor", true) addEventHandler("ExitBusDoor", resourceRoot, function ( vehicle ) if not client then return end local player = client detachElements( player, vehicle ) setPedAnimation ( player, false ) local tables = PlayerBuser[vehicle].seat for i = 1, #tables do if tables[i][1] and tables[i][1].player == player then tables[i][1].destroy = true triggerClientEvent(root, "table_route_exit", root, player, vehicle, tables) return end end end) addEvent( "onElementSound", true ) addEventHandler( "onElementSound", root, function ( snd_name, distance, stop ) triggerClientEvent( "onElementSoundSync", source, snd_name, distance, stop ) end ) addEvent("TableRouteUpdate", true) addEventHandler("TableRouteUpdate", resourceRoot, function ( vehicle, tables ) PlayerBuser[vehicle].seat = tables end) addEventHandler("onElementDestroy", getRootElement(), function () if source.type == "vehicle" then if source.model == 431 or source.model == 437 or source.model == 459 then if PlayerBuser[source] and isElement(PlayerBuser[source].player) then triggerClientEvent(PlayerBuser[source].player, "client:setPlayerStartJob", PlayerBuser[source].player, false, source) end end end end) addEvent("updateBuserCount", true) addEventHandler("updateBuserCount", resourceRoot, function ( vehicle, count ) if not client then return end local player = client if PlayerBuser[player] then PlayerBuser[player].countSeat = tonumber(count + 1) PlayerBuser[player].temp_index = tonumber(count + 1) end end)
  12. Amigo eu puz de inicio o codigo no arquivo client.lua que era onde tinha a bind porém o marker não foi criado, daí eu resolvi colar o codigo no server.lua ai o marker criou, porém não abriu o painel, simplesmente não ocorre nada local theMarker = createMarker (2154.4814453125, -1146.4481201172, 23, "cylinder", 2, 255, 255, 0, 150) addEventHandler ("onClientMarkerHit" , theMarker, function (thePlayer, matchingDimension) if thePlayer == localPlayer and matchingDimension and (not getElementData (localPlayer, "prison")) then if not isInColExport () then guiSetVisible(Window_VS, not guiGetVisible(Window_VS)) guiSetVisible (Window_CHK, false) playSound(":EQPsons/open.wav") showCursor(guiGetVisible(Window_VS)) vehsa = getElementData(localPlayer,"spawnedcars") or {} vehs = "" for ind,veh in ipairs(vehsa) do if vehs ~= "" then vehs = vehs..", "..veh.."" else vehs = vehs..""..veh.."" end end end end end) @DNL291Eu usei a sua linha de código funcionou mano porém ele não fecha saca, tem como por pra fechar de alguma forma?
  13. Obrigado por ajudar amigo, vou explicar pra vocês o que eu estou tentando fazer, seguinte, eu estou com um script de concessionaria e nele tem um painel que mostra os veículos que você tem, porém o que eu quero fazer é criar uma garagem que consiste em abrir esse painel somente em um lugar específico como no caso eu irei colocar no estacionamento ao lado da concessionaria, por isso queria desbindar o F2 e colocar pra abrir somente nesse marker no estacionamento, seria mais ou menos igual a garagem do fivem entende? Esse script eu posso colocar ele direto com as coordenadas certinho que ele irá funcionar?
  14. ╔═══ [BRASIL CHARMOSO RP] ╠► Discord : https://discord.gg/xyx8Z64 ╠► IP: mtasa:// ╠═════════════════════════════════════ ╠► Criação de gangs pros primeiros players ╠► Vagas para staff ╠► Vagas para SAMU, Mecânico, PM... ╠► Estamos a procura de Scripter's ╠═════════════════════════════════════ ╠► Ping abaixo de 100 ╠► Skins de carros, motos, brasileiras e importadas ╠► Empregos legais e ilegais ╠► Temos permissão do próprio dono do Brasil Charmoso FiveM ╚═══ [BRASIL CHARMOSO RP]
  15. Amigo, como disse eu ainda sou leigo, poderia me explicar melhor? No caso eu crio o marker e onde tem marker no script eu coloco as coordenadas x,y,z, cylinder que seria o tipo de marker, e o tamanho e o rgb? De vdd desculpa mas como disse sou mt novato no assunto ksks Eu li a wiki mas nn entendi mt bem
  16. Amigo sou leigo ainda, mas onde vc pos marker depois do OnClientMarkerHit seria pra eu colocar as coordenadas do marker? Desculpa se falei bobagens mas realmente sou iniciante no assunto rsrs, e se sim, essa linha de código eu poderia fazer como um script separado e ela irá funcionar normalmente ou eu devo substituir ela em algo na linha de código que eu pus acima?
  17. Olá, sou novo no forum e sou iniciante em programação, eu sei apenas algumas lógicas, mas gostaria da ajuda de alguém pra editar esse script, ele é um script de concessionaria e tem um painel de f2 que mostra todos os veículos comprados na mesma, e eu gostaria de saber se tem como fazer esse painel abri apenas ao passar por um marker, e tirar a bind do f2. Essa é o codigo do script: Eu tirei dele apenas um botão de desespawnar, mas eu irei colocar novamente se o sistema de abrir apenas no marker funcionar setTimer ( function () local theCol = getElementData(root, "BlockExportCol") function isInColExport () if isElement(theCol) and isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer,theCol) then return true else return false end end function ClientExplosionCFunction() if isInColExport () then cancelEvent () end end addEventHandler("onClientExplosion", root, ClientExplosionCFunction) end , 1000, 1 ) setElementData(localPlayer,"spawnedcars",{}) ---------------------------------------------- local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() ---------------------------------------------- Window_VS = guiCreateStaticImage ((screenW - 428) / 2, (screenH - 300) / 2, 428, 300, "imagens/fundo.png", false) guiSetAlpha(Window_VS, 0.95) guiSetVisible(Window_VS, false) Grid_VS = guiCreateGridList(0.02, 0.03, 0.95, 0.65, true, Window_VS) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(Grid_VS, 1) guiGridListAddColumn(Grid_VS,"Veículos",0.3) guiGridListAddColumn(Grid_VS,"Marca",0.2) guiGridListAddColumn(Grid_VS,"Tipo",0.259) guiGridListAddColumn(Grid_VS,"Dano",0.3) guiGridListAddColumn(Grid_VS,"Original",0.38) guiGridListAddColumn(Grid_VS,"Preço",0.38) Button_VS_lk = guiCreateStaticImage(0.02, 0.86, 0.30, 0.11, "imagens/bt-trancar.png", true, Window_VS) Button_VS_bp = guiCreateStaticImage(0.68, 0.86, 0.30, 0.11, "imagens/bt-rastrear.png", true, Window_VS) Button_VS_sn = guiCreateStaticImage(0.02, 0.72, 0.30, 0.11, "imagens/bt-spawn.png", true, Window_VS) Button_VS_sl = guiCreateStaticImage(0.35, 0.86, 0.30, 0.11, "imagens/bt-vender.png", true, Window_VS) Window_CHK = guiCreateStaticImage((screenW-310)/2,(screenH-120)/2,310,120,"imagens/fundo.png",false) guiSetVisible(Window_CHK, false) guiSetProperty(Window_CHK, "AlwaysOnTop", "true") Label_CHK = guiCreateLabel(21,28,266,36,"",false,Window_CHK) myFont = guiCreateFont( "fontes/ebrimabd.ttf", 10 ) guiSetFont ( Label_CHK, myFont ) guiSetAlpha(Window_CHK, 0.95) guiLabelSetColor(Label_CHK, 150, 150, 150) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(Label_CHK,"center",true) Button_CHK_Y = guiCreateButton(17,73,129,36,"Sim",false,Window_CHK) Button_CHK_N = guiCreateButton(161,73,129,36,"Não",false,Window_CHK) function updateGridList() local data = getElementData(localPlayer, "VehicleInfo") if data then local rw, cl = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(Grid_VS) guiGridListClear(Grid_VS) for i, data in ipairs (data) do local carName = getVehicleNameFromModel(data["Model"]) local ID = data["ID"] local Cost = tonumber(data["Cost"]) or 0 local HP = math.floor(data["HP"]) local row = guiGridListAddRow(Grid_VS) if carName then local id = getVehicleModelFromName(carName) local nome,marca,tipo = getVehicleRealPropriedadesFromID(tonumber(id)) guiGridListSetItemText(Grid_VS, row, 1, nome, false, true) guiGridListSetItemText(Grid_VS, row, 2, marca, false, true) guiGridListSetItemText(Grid_VS, row, 3, tipo, false, true) end local PreCost = math.ceil(Cost*.9*HP/100/10) or 0 guiGridListSetItemText(Grid_VS, row, 5, carName, false, true) guiGridListSetItemData(Grid_VS, row,5, ID) guiGridListSetItemText(Grid_VS, row, 4, HP.." HP", false, true) guiGridListSetItemText(Grid_VS, row, 6, PreCost, false, true) end guiGridListSetSelectedItem(Grid_VS, rw, cl) end end bindKey("F2", "down", function() if (getElementInterior(localPlayer) == 0) and (getElementDimension(localPlayer) == 0) then if ( not getElementData(localPlayer,"prison") ) then if not isInColExport () then guiSetVisible(Window_VS, not guiGetVisible(Window_VS)) guiSetVisible (Window_CHK, false) playSound(":EQPsons/open.wav") showCursor(guiGetVisible(Window_VS)) vehsa = getElementData(localPlayer,"spawnedcars") or {} vehs = "" for ind,veh in ipairs(vehsa) do if vehs ~= "" then vehs = vehs..", "..veh.."" else vehs = vehs..""..veh.."" end end end end end end) triggerServerEvent("onOpenGui", localPlayer) addEventHandler("onClientElementDataChange", root, function(dd) if getElementType(source) == "player" and source == localPlayer and dd == "VehicleInfo" then local data = getElementData(source, dd) if data then updateGridList() end end end) function WINDOW_CLICK_VEHICLE (button, state, absoluteX, absoluteY) local id = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(Grid_VS) local ID = guiGridListGetItemData(Grid_VS, id, 5) if source == Button_VS_close then guiSetVisible(Window_VS, false) showCursor(false) end if (source == Grid_VS) then if id == -5 and idd then guiGridListSetSelectedItem(Grid_VS, idd, 5) return false else idd = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(Grid_VS) end elseif id == -5 then elseif (source == Button_VS_sn) then if not isInColExport () then triggerServerEvent("SpawnMyVehicle", localPlayer, ID) end elseif (source == Button_VS_lt) then triggerServerEvent("LightsMyVehicle", localPlayer, ID) elseif (source == Button_VS_bp) then triggerServerEvent("BlipMyVehicle", localPlayer, ID) elseif (source == Button_VS_lk) then triggerServerEvent("LockMyVehicle", localPlayer, ID) elseif (source == Button_VS_sl) then guiSetVisible(Window_CHK, true) local carName = guiGridListGetItemText(Grid_VS, guiGridListGetSelectedItem(Grid_VS), 1) local carprice = guiGridListGetItemText(Grid_VS, guiGridListGetSelectedItem(Grid_VS), 6) guiSetText(Label_CHK, 'Tem certeza de que quer vender o seu "'..carName..'" por R$'..carprice) elseif source == Button_CHK_Y then triggerServerEvent("SellMyVehicle", localPlayer, ID) guiSetVisible(Window_VS, false) guiSetVisible(Window_CHK, false) showCursor(false) elseif source == Button_CHK_N then guiSetVisible (Window_CHK, false) elseif source == Button_VS_Spc then if getElementInterior(localPlayer) == 0 then if getElementData(localPlayer,"Stats") < 2 then SpecVehicle(ID) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", resourceRoot, WINDOW_CLICK_VEHICLE) function SpecVehicle(id) if spc then removeEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, Sp) setCameraTarget(localPlayer) if isTimer(freezTimer) then killTimer(freezTimer) end freezTimer = setTimer(function() setElementFrozen(localPlayer, false) end, 2500, 1) spc = false return end for i, vehicle in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if getElementData(vehicle, "Owner") == localPlayer and getElementData(vehicle, "ID") == id then cVeh = vehicle spc = true addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, Sp) guiSetVisible(Window_VS, false) showCursor(false) break end end end function Sp() if isElement(cVeh) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(cVeh) setElementFrozen(localPlayer, true) setCameraMatrix(x, y-1, z+15, x, y, z) else removeEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, Sp) setCameraTarget(localPlayer) if isTimer(freezTimer) then killTimer(freezTimer) end freezTimer = setTimer(function() setElementFrozen(localPlayer, false) end, 2500, 1) spc = false end end addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick" , Button_VS_lk , function() if source == Button_VS_lk then playSoundFrontEnd (10) guiSetProperty(Button_VS_lk , "ImageColours", "tl:FF787878 tr:FF787878 bl:FF787878 br:FF787878") setTimer ( function () guiSetProperty(Button_VS_lk , "ImageColours", "tl:FFFEFBFC tr:FFFEFBFC bl:FFFEFBFC br:FFFEFBFC") end, 60, 1) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick" , Button_VS_bp , function() if source == Button_VS_bp then playSoundFrontEnd (10) guiSetProperty(Button_VS_bp, "ImageColours", "tl:FF787878 tr:FF787878 bl:FF787878 br:FF787878") setTimer ( function () guiSetProperty(Button_VS_bp , "ImageColours", "tl:FFFEFBFC tr:FFFEFBFC bl:FFFEFBFC br:FFFEFBFC") end, 60, 1) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick" , Button_VS_sn , function() if source == Button_VS_sn then playSoundFrontEnd (10) guiSetProperty(Button_VS_sn , "ImageColours", "tl:FF787878 tr:FF787878 bl:FF787878 br:FF787878") setTimer ( function () guiSetProperty(Button_VS_sn , "ImageColours", "tl:FFFEFBFC tr:FFFEFBFC bl:FFFEFBFC br:FFFEFBFC") end, 60, 1) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick" , Button_VS_sl , function() if source == Button_VS_sl then playSoundFrontEnd (10) guiSetProperty(Button_VS_sl , "ImageColours", "tl:FF787878 tr:FF787878 bl:FF787878 br:FF787878") setTimer ( function () guiSetProperty(Button_VS_sl, "ImageColours", "tl:FFFEFBFC tr:FFFEFBFC bl:FFFEFBFC br:FFFEFBFC") end, 60, 1) end end ) function btsyn() if source == Button_CHK_Y then playSoundFrontEnd (10) guiSetProperty(Button_CHK_Y, "ImageColours", "tl:FF787878 tr:FF787878 bl:FF787878 br:FF787878") setTimer ( function () guiSetProperty(Button_CHK_Y, "ImageColours", "tl:FFFEFBFC tr:FFFEFBFC bl:FFFEFBFC br:FFFEFBFC") end, 60, 1) end if source == Button_CHK_N then playSoundFrontEnd (10) guiSetProperty(Button_CHK_N ,"ImageColours", "tl:FF787878 tr:FF787878 bl:FF787878 br:FF787878") setTimer ( function () guiSetProperty(Button_CHK_N , "ImageColours", "tl:FFFEFBFC tr:FFFEFBFC bl:FFFEFBFC br:FFFEFBFC") end, 60, 1) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick" , root , btsyn) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick" , Grid_VS, function() if source == Grid_VS then playSoundFrontEnd (10) guiSetProperty(Grid_VS,"ImageColours", "tl:FF787878 tr:FF787878 bl:FF787878 br:FF787878") setTimer ( function () guiSetProperty(Grid_VS, "ImageColours", "tl:FFFEFBFC tr:FFFEFBFC bl:FFFEFBFC br:FFFEFBFC") end, 60, 1) end end ) function getVehicleOwner(veh) sowner = getElementData(veh,"Owner") return sowner end
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