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Everything posted by Kent747

  1. aye, methinks nitro be only affecting cars and the like matey.
  2. correct, we also developed blue with a certain approach in mind, whose approach was similar to how vc was designed... so its not completely relevant. Kent
  3. Kent747

    Dem n00bs

    /me slaps slothman Its kinda touchiing to me that someone would actually buy the game for MTA alone... other than having some knowledge about the map I see what your point is, with BLUE it helps a little because a lot of gamemodes will probably be designed around small subsections of the overall map. (not that you are limited in where you can go, just that most spawnpoints will probably be in a small centralized area). Kent
  4. no, but the vehicle changing can only be done after the start of the race..
  5. yes, yes, yes you can create both types yes yes yes (but.. not choosing before the race) Kent
  6. I'm sure we'll try to announce the hell out of MTA:SA Kent
  7. to start a race (as it is currently) you type 'races' into the console and a server sends you a list of races it has.. then you 'vote race racename' the server issues a vote, and if the vote passes, that race is chosen. At the end of the race a random race is also chosen... or, there is enough time to vote for a new race. Kent
  8. also you shouldn't have to wait much longer we are in beta testing now Kent
  9. maris gras is a celebration held in new orleans each year, everybody goes down there and gets drunk and acts stupid Kent
  10. I assure you everything that is going into the racemode is relevant to MTA on the whole. The vehicle changing code is a way to show off blue's abilities, as well as a way for us to verify that everything is stable as well.. this is very importnat to us because if our code isn't stable, then the SDK concept will never work.. so we have to write at least some code to test as many features of what we've already accomplished in the SDK as we can. Kent
  11. kyeman used to be on the MTA team, but he left because he didn't want to create an SDK , so merging is unlikely. MTA's focus is to produce an SDK for GTA that has multiplayer code with it. Kye's team's focus is to create a multiplayer mod that is fun but the content is the sole creation of his team. Kent
  12. the next release of MTA will have voice chat, but its not using teamspeak, we are doing it inhouse. Kent
  13. if you have physical access to the pc you can edit the ban list file manually and remove your ip otherwise you'll have to get the admin (your brother) to get you unbanned, tell your mom or something Kent
  14. hardcore movie Not bad, what the tricks lacked in being unique made up for in nice camera angles. Keep it up, Kent
  15. those would be clientside but crc checked. the additional models/skins would be placed in their addon subdir and GTA would redirect the file reading to check that folder first. we haven't decided yet if we want the files to be included in the server addon as well or not, perhaps they'll need to be on both for file integrity checking.
  16. someone ought to do a GTA:VC/3 -> SA conversion mod
  17. I'm not sure exactly what you're asking but i'll take a shot. The server will consist of several files... The server executable, the server config, and the server addon dll. the server addon dll can use other files (as our .race files will define races for the other clients.) the clients will consist of blue and associated dll's as well as the client addon dll. which could also use other files ( in this case we use some .x files for additional graphics rendering ) Hope this clears some stuff up. Kent
  18. it is possible, it depends on how their heuristic works. we also haven't decided if blue will be packed. so for now it is too early to say
  19. http://securityresponse.symantec.com/av ... phine.html according to that it triggers because the mta client is packed, and the antivirus' heuristic algorithm (heuristic detection is where antivirus software detects virii based on the method of attack rather than whether or not it is a known virus) uses the bloodhound tech to detect a virus, it caused a false positive. We'll try to contact norton about the issue. But it is unlikely they will do anything about it as they depend on these heuristic algorithms to prevent virii from spreading before they know about them. but you can rest assured that we did not release any virus code and that your client is most likely not affected by a virus. The reason it detected so soon is probably due to their recent update to that section of code ( from their site ) I'll contact norton and see if there is anything that can be done. Kent
  20. hehe thats a bug we haven't fixed yet, whenever a new player joins or whent hose checkpoints hit, the radio station changes. has something to do with our hooks. eai can probably explain better. Kent
  21. when a user is chatting or opens up the console or any GUI item, all key/mouse input is intercepted from the game (a lot like chatting does in current iterations of MTA ) so there wont be any interferance. Kent
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