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Everything posted by HDmaster0702

  1. No. At the end of the function put the spawnPlayer. You don't need the onPlayerSpawn.
  2. Egyébként szerintem jobb lenne, ha dx edit boxot használnál. Írj rám facen és megmutatom már, ha még megvagyok neked.
  3. You haven't called the spawnPlayer function in the onPlayerWasted Event. It's not automatically calling spawnPlayer.
  4. function darmanKardan (thePlayer, command, player) local taraf = getPlayerFromName(player) if player then setElementData(taraf,"healrequest", "pending") outputChatBox("#00ff00The doctor is willing to heal you. Do you accept?", taraf, 255, 255, 255, true) else outputChatBox("#ff0000Syntax: /heal <Name>", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) end end addCommandHandler("heal", darmanKardan) function acceptHeal (thePlayer, command) local requestStatus = getElementData(thePlayer, "healrequest") if (requestStatus = "pending") then setElementData(player,"healrequest", "unpending") setElementHealth(player, 100) outputChatBox("#00ff00You have been healed by the doctor.", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) else outputChatBox("#ff0000[Error]: #ffffffYou have no pending request.", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) end end addCommandHandler("aheal", acceptHeal) Yes, here you go.
  5. You've haven't put quote marks around the pending at the 4. line. Putting them should fix it.
  6. Hali, ha jól sejtem, akkor amikor bemész az interiorba megváltozik a dimenziód és interiorod. Próbáld meg megváltoztatni az object dimenzióját és interiorját, a targoncájéra/a tiédre. function changeDimNInt(thePlayer, object) setElementDimension(object, getElementDimension(thePlayer)) setElementInterior(object, getElementInterior(thePlayer)) end Ehhez hasonlóan.
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