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  1. yeah but the dxcreatetexture page on the wiki says creating alot of textures can cause crashes so thats why im asking , i know it depends alot on the clients hardware but i wanna know how many textures and shaders and how much vram usage is safe
  2. hi , im working on a resource which needs alot of textures ( maybe around 300 - 500 textures but most of them have low resolution ) so my question is that if its okay to do anything like this? cause im worried it would crash the players ... btw all the textures are pre converted to DXT1 or DXT5 and the vram usage is around 200 mb and the shaders are only created when they need to be shown and otherwise they will be destroyed so if you guys have any experience with this situation please leave a reply thanks
  3. thanks , but can you give me an example? cause ive never worked with physical properties
  4. i found this in youtube from nfssa server , if u look closely u see the vehicle doesnt slow down at all when it hits breakable objects
  5. yeah but i think the problem is from the events cause idk if u saw this in need for speed games or not but when hit a barrier or a fence or lamp post , it doesnt affect the car at all! i mean it doesnt change your vehicle speed or acceleration , i had that in mind for long time i didnt know it was possible in mta but i saw they done it in nfssa server
  6. yea but it doesnt rly affect the functionality of the script , and still not working . do you have any other ideas ? cause im sure its not gonna work with these: onClientVehicleCollision , onClientVehicleDamage , OnClientObjectBreak , onClientObjectDamage
  7. thanks for the answer , i tried your method but it didnt work addEventHandler("onClientVehicleCollision", root, function(collider,force, bodyPart, x, y, z, nx, ny, nz) if ( source == getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) ) then local SX , SY , SZ = getElementVelocity ( source ) setTimer( setElementVelocity, 100, 1, source , SX , SY , SZ ) end end) i tried this if u meant to do it this way
  8. hey everyone , i have been trying to write a simple physics for my server but its been a week since im trying to do this but i cant figure it out im trying to make objects break instantly when they are collided by a vehicle but i dont want it to affect the vehicle ( i mean , disabling the car rotating after the crash or slowing down ) ive tried onClientVehicleCollision , onClientVehicleDamage , OnClientObjectBreak , onClientObjectDamage but i couldnt do it . so guys can you suggest me a way to make it work?
  9. CodyJ(L) I wrote reply but i think its not sent! thank you for ur amazing job it works fine the only problem is loading takes rly long time like 10 minutes ( thats not rly big problem )! i tried loading it in editor and it worked and its rly usefull to idk maybe add some buildings , but to remove orginal buildings i just remove them from JSP file! but anyway u did rly a great job and i think u saved me a month so thank you
  10. Hey everyone , its been long time that im thinking about making a total conversion on a multi player launcher since i heard about the mta and modding with it i start thinking about creating a server with vice city map! but im not sure if mta can handle it or not! i mean i know gta sa limits and i had alot of errors and crashes , so i dont want to waste my time again cause im rly busy these days . so if anyone tried that or know about mta limits i rly appreciate that if they let me know
  11. really? u wanna keep asking these questions to make a gamemode and tell u wrote it ur self? god bless u my friend first start learnin lua basics then start practicing mta events and functions then maybe u could write a gamemode ur self u know why im saying this? because when u cant write these basic things how u wanna write for example full functional faction system? if i want to be honest i hate guys like u who wants to abuse other peoples help, so if u wanna write a gamemode learn scripting and write it yourself and dont waste our time i respect everyone on this forum but i have to say something to all of them , dont waste ur time guys let him learn something
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