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Everything posted by killingyasoon

  1. how to set a limit for a marker like the marker accepts only 1 player inside it, lets make it a bit clear, we got marker x and player z and player y, player z enters the marker x and the marker works, player y enters, the marker doesnt work for him.
  2. function MarkerHit (player,hitElement, matchingDimension) if getPlayerMoney(player) < 500 then outputChatBox("you dont have money", player, 255, 0, 0) return end outputChatBox("You lost your stars", player, 255,255,0) setPlayerWantedLevel (player, 0 ) takePlayerMoney(player, 500) end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", Marker, MarkerHit ) --this isnt the full script how can i restrict it for 1 to 5 stars
  3. it is working good , but i can make it not work for none wanted
  4. Hey, I want to add a marker when you get inside it takes some amount of money and you lose your wanted level
  5. how to move the camera, cant get it done. local cameras = { { 329.10980224609, -2117.2749023438, 50.161201477051, 329.65179443359, -2116.4926757813, 49.853763580322 }, { 1463.18, -1143.13, 194.36, 1463.18, -1143.13, 194.36 } } function cam( plr ) local theplr = nil if ( source and getElementType ( source ) == 'player' ) then theplr = source elseif ( plr and getElementType ( plr ) == 'player' ) then theplr = plr end setTimer ( function ( p ) local ind = math.random ( #cameras ) setCameraMatrix ( p, unpack ( cameras[ind] ) ) fadeCamera ( p, true ) end, 700, 1, theplr ) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, cam ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogout", root, cam )
  6. actually, it works, but it's some sort of glitchy and causes some fps drops. @JeViCo i am using it on a login panel by the way, when i login, it still keeps running @Nexus
  7. as you can see on the title, How can i make Automatic playing wallpapers, i got 4 wallpapers and i want to play them all but 1 by 1, they get changed every 5 secs or so. any type of help will be appreciated.
  8. no :~ in debugscript, yes i do i'm using the server part in server file, and idk how it's not working.
  9. none of both are working, sorry ik i am a :O, but i need your help.
  10. sorry for late responise, but it's not working, no errors so far.
  11. function binds() bindKey(KeyToOpen or "F1","down", function () guiSetVisible(panel,not guiGetVisible(panel) ) showCursor(guiGetVisible(panel)) if guiGetVisible(panel) == true then mode = "no_binds_when_editing" else mode = "allow_binds" end guiSetInputMode(mode or "allow_binds") end end ) can you add it here? if possible
  12. as the title says, how to disable f1 if player is muted.
  13. it works totally fine right now thank you bud, appreciated.
  14. can you add it here? please if you dont mind.
  15. local safezone = createColRectangle (22,22,22,20,30) --this is just a random number.. local Radar = createRadarArea ( 790.6, -1120.1,50,50,r, g, b, alpha) addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", safezone, function (thePlayer,matchingDimension ) if matchingDimension and isElement(thePlayer) and getElementType(thePlayer) == "player" then toggleControl ( thePlayer, "fire",false ) end end) addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", safezone, function ( thePlayer, matchingDimension ) if matchingDimension and isElement(thePlayer) and getElementType(thePlayer) == "player" then toggleControl ( thePlayer, "fire", true ) end end) how can i change the dim of this safezone ?, i tried doing everything, any help would be appreciated.
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