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  1. when leaving the clan if it is deleted but not when entering again
  2. [07:20:00] WARNING: [Scrips]\PRIVADOS\clanes.lua:53: Bad argument @ 'destroyElement' [Expected element at argument 1, got nil]
  3. I'm using the datas of gang no of team ex: vehicles_blips = {} root = getRootElement() function blip () pla = getElementsByType ( "player" ) for k,x in ipairs(pla) do if ( getElementData (x, "gang" ) == "123" )then blip = createBlipAttachedTo(MiAuto,2,2,255,55,0,255) vehicles_blips[MiAuto] = blip setElementVisibleTo (blip,x, true ) end end end setTimer(blip,3000,1) function destroyb(player) play = getElementsByType ( "player" ) for k,z in ipairs(play) do if ( getElementData (z, "gang" ) == "None" )then local blip = vehicles_blips[MiAuto] destroyElement(blip) vehicles_blips[MiAuto] = nil end end end setTimer(destroyb,3000,0) it's not deleted when leaving the gang :c and try everytring helpme pls not work
  4. I want to make a blip to put it in a car and only the members of a certain gang can look at it on the map help pls I can not do it alone: C help me pls i need this script :c
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