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Anderson Menezes

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I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody.

I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody. (2/54)



  1. Essse mod esta bugado os minutos de vida restante, quando um player atira em outra pessoa ela cai e fica os minutos de vida restante na tela enquanto o samu nao chega, e 3 minutos de espera mais quando chega ums 2 minutos porai o personagem morre, o bug esta nos minutos podem me ajudar? --[[ ################################################ # # # SAMU # # # # # # # ################################################ ]] local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() local resW, resH = 1360,768 local x, y = (screenW/resW), (screenH/resH) local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local myScreenSource = dxCreateScreenSource(screenWidth, screenHeight) local flickerStrength = 0 local dxfont0_fonte = dxCreateFont("font/fonte.ttf", 13) addEventHandler("onClientKey", root, function (button, press) if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"playerFallen") then if button == "F1" or button == "F2" or button == "F3" or button == "F4" or button == "F5" or button == "F6" or button == "F7" or button == "b" or button == "F9" or button == "F10" or button == "F11" or button == "F12" then cancelEvent() end end end ) function blockDead() if getElementHealth(localPlayer) <= 20 then if not getElementData(localPlayer, "jobSAMU") then if not getElementData(localPlayer, "playerFallen") then cancelEvent() end end end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", localPlayer, blockDead) function text() for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType('player')) do if isElementOnScreen(player) and getElementData(player, "playerFallen") then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(player) local cx, cy, cz = getCameraMatrix() local vx, vy, vz = getPedBonePosition(player, local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(cx, cy, cz, vx, vy, vz) local drawDistance = 30.0 if (dist < drawDistance or player == target) then if(isLineOfSightClear(cx, cy, cz, vx, vy, vz, true, false, false)) then local x, y = getScreenFromWorldPosition (vx, vy, vz + 0.6) if(x and y) then local px, py = getScreenFromWorldPosition (vx, vy, vz + 0.3) local w = dxGetTextWidth("PRECISANDO DE CURA!", 1, "default-bold") local h = dxGetFontHeight(1, "default-bold") dxDrawImage(x -6 - w / 2,y - 15 - h - 12, w + 25, h + 115, 'images/hp.png', 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 0, 0, math.abs(math.sin(getTickCount()/170))*200)) --dxDrawRectangle(x -6 - w / 2,y - 15 - h - 12, w + 9, h, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 194), false) --dxDrawText("#FFFFFFPRECISANDO DE #FF0000CURA#FFFFFF!", x - 0 - w / 2,y - 15 - h - 12, w, h, tocolor(255,0,0, math.abs(math.sin(getTickCount()/170))*200), 1, "default-bold", "left", "top", false, false, false, true, false) end end end end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, text) function convertTime(ms) local min = math.floor ( ms/60000 ) local sec = math.floor( (ms/1000)%60 ) return min, sec end function isEventHandlerAdded( sEventName, pElementAttachedTo, func ) if type( sEventName ) == 'string' and isElement( pElementAttachedTo ) and type( func ) == 'function' then local aAttachedFunctions = getEventHandlers( sEventName, pElementAttachedTo ) if type( aAttachedFunctions ) == 'table' and #aAttachedFunctions > 0 then for i, v in ipairs( aAttachedFunctions ) do if v == func then return true end end end end return false end function contador() local timer = interpolateBetween(deadTime, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (getTickCount()-tick)/deadTime, "Linear") local minutes, seconds = convertTime(timer) dxDrawText("Tempo de vida restante: "..minutes..":"..seconds, (screenW * 0.3801) + 1, (screenH * 0.9089) + 1, (screenW * 0.7059) + 1, (screenH * 1.0299) + 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 132), 1.00, dxfont0_fonte, "left", "top", false, false, false, false, false) dxDrawText("Tempo de vida restante: #FF0000"..minutes.."#FFFFFF:#FF0000"..seconds, screenW * 0.3801, screenH * 0.9089, screenW * 0.7059, screenH * 1.0299, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, dxfont0_fonte, "left", "top", false, false, false, true, false) end function createShader() oldFilmShader, oldFilmTec = dxCreateShader("shaders/old_film.fx") end function updateShader() upDateScreenSource() if (oldFilmShader) then local flickering = math.random(100 - flickerStrength, 100)/100 dxSetShaderValue(oldFilmShader, "ScreenSource", myScreenSource); dxSetShaderValue(oldFilmShader, "Flickering", flickering); dxDrawImage(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, oldFilmShader) end end function upDateScreenSource() dxUpdateScreenSource(myScreenSource) end function render() if not isEventHandlerAdded("onClientRender", root, contador) then tick = getTickCount() createShader() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, contador) addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, updateShader) end end addEvent("startDeadTime", true) addEventHandler("startDeadTime", root, render) function remove() if isEventHandlerAdded("onClientRender", root, contador) then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, contador) removeEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, updateShader) end end addEvent("stopDeadTime", true) addEventHandler("stopDeadTime", root, remove)
  2. --[[ ################################################ # # # SCRIPT PRODUZIDO POR # # Anderson # # # # # ################################################ ]] local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() local resW, resH = 1360,768 local x, y = (screenW/resW), (screenH/resH) local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local myScreenSource = dxCreateScreenSource(screenWidth, screenHeight) local flickerStrength = 0 local dxfont0_fonte = dxCreateFont("font/fonte.ttf", 13) addEventHandler("onClientKey", root, function (button, press) if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"playerFallen") then if button == "F1" or button == "F2" or button == "F3" or button == "F4" or button == "F5" or button == "F6" or button == "F7" or button == "b" or button == "F9" or button == "F10" or button == "F11" or button == "F12" then cancelEvent() end end end ) function blockDead() if getElementHealth(localPlayer) <= 20 then if not getElementData(localPlayer, "jobSAMU") then if not getElementData(localPlayer, "playerFallen") then cancelEvent() end end end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", localPlayer, blockDead) function text() for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType('player')) do if isElementOnScreen(player) and getElementData(player, "playerFallen") then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(player) local cx, cy, cz = getCameraMatrix() local vx, vy, vz = getPedBonePosition(player, local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(cx, cy, cz, vx, vy, vz) local drawDistance = 30.0 if (dist < drawDistance or player == target) then if(isLineOfSightClear(cx, cy, cz, vx, vy, vz, true, false, false)) then local x, y = getScreenFromWorldPosition (vx, vy, vz + 0.6) if(x and y) then local px, py = getScreenFromWorldPosition (vx, vy, vz + 0.3) local w = dxGetTextWidth("PRECISANDO DE CURA!", 1, "default-bold") local h = dxGetFontHeight(1, "default-bold") dxDrawImage(x -6 - w / 2,y - 15 - h - 12, w + 25, h + 115, 'images/hp.png', 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 0, 0, math.abs(math.sin(getTickCount()/170))*200)) --dxDrawRectangle(x -6 - w / 2,y - 15 - h - 12, w + 9, h, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 194), false) --dxDrawText("#FFFFFFPRECISANDO DE #FF0000CURA#FFFFFF!", x - 0 - w / 2,y - 15 - h - 12, w, h, tocolor(255,0,0, math.abs(math.sin(getTickCount()/170))*200), 1, "default-bold", "left", "top", false, false, false, true, false) end end end end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, text) function convertTime(ms) local min = math.floor ( ms/60000 ) local sec = math.floor( (ms/1000)%60 ) return min, sec end function isEventHandlerAdded( sEventName, pElementAttachedTo, func ) if type( sEventName ) == 'string' and isElement( pElementAttachedTo ) and type( func ) == 'function' then local aAttachedFunctions = getEventHandlers( sEventName, pElementAttachedTo ) if type( aAttachedFunctions ) == 'table' and #aAttachedFunctions > 0 then for i, v in ipairs( aAttachedFunctions ) do if v == func then return true end end end end return false end function contador() local timer = interpolateBetween(deadTime, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (getTickCount()-tick)/deadTime, "Linear") local minutes, seconds = convertTime(timer) dxDrawText("Tempo de vida restante: "..minutes..":"..seconds, (screenW * 0.3801) + 1, (screenH * 0.9089) + 1, (screenW * 0.7059) + 1, (screenH * 1.0299) + 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 132), 1.00, dxfont0_fonte, "left", "top", false, false, false, false, false) dxDrawText("Tempo de vida restante: #FF0000"..minutes.."#FFFFFF:#FF0000"..seconds, screenW * 0.3801, screenH * 0.9089, screenW * 0.7059, screenH * 1.0299, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, dxfont0_fonte, "left", "top", false, false, false, true, false) end function createShader() oldFilmShader, oldFilmTec = dxCreateShader("shaders/old_film.fx") end function updateShader() upDateScreenSource() if (oldFilmShader) then local flickering = math.random(100 - flickerStrength, 100)/100 dxSetShaderValue(oldFilmShader, "ScreenSource", myScreenSource); dxSetShaderValue(oldFilmShader, "Flickering", flickering); dxDrawImage(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, oldFilmShader) end end function upDateScreenSource() dxUpdateScreenSource(myScreenSource) end function render() if not isEventHandlerAdded("onClientRender", root, contador) then tick = getTickCount() createShader() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, contador) addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, updateShader) end end addEvent("startDeadTime", true) addEventHandler("startDeadTime", root, render) function remove() if isEventHandlerAdded("onClientRender", root, contador) then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, contador) removeEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, updateShader) end end addEvent("stopDeadTime", true) addEventHandler("stopDeadTime", root, remove)
  3. TeamSpeak3: IP MTA SA: mtasa://
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