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  1. Hi Guys I Have One Problem In My Script How Set My Script For Acl? My Code : -- Do not allow the following IDs to be spawned local forbiddenCars = { [435] = true, [441] = true, [449] = true, [450] = true, [464] = true, [465] = true, [501] = true, [537] = true, [538] = true, [564] = true, [569] = true, [570] = true, [584] = true, [590] = true, [591] = true, [594] = true, [606] = true, [607] = true, [608] = true, [610] = true, [611] = true } local cmdVehRoot = createElement("commandVehicles") -- Dummy element containing the cars that this command has created addCommandHandler("spveh", function(player, cmd, modelID, x, y, z, platetext) -- Check whether arguments are correct local modelID, x, y, z = tonumber(modelID), tonumber(x), tonumber(y), tonumber(z) if modelID and x and y and z then -- Do not continue if we shouldn't if forbiddenCars[modelID] then outputChatBox("#ff0000In Mashin Ra Nemishe Sakht!", player, 255, 0, 0, true) return end local platetext = type(platetext) == "string" and platetext or "PRIVATE" -- Create the actual vehicle and set it as a children of our dummy element setElementParent(createVehicle(modelID, x, y, z, 0, 0, 0, platetext), cmdVehRoot) -- Inform the player about what we did outputChatBox("#ffffffShoma Mashine : (#00ff00" .. getVehicleNameFromModel(modelID) .. " #ffffffBa ID #00ff00" .. modelID .. "#ffffff) #ffffffDar Position : [#00ff00" .. table.concat({ x, y, z }, ", ") .. "#ffffff] Ba Pelak : (#00ff00" .. platetext .. "#ffffff) Sakhtid!", player, 0, 255, 0, true) else outputChatBox ("#DAA520SYNTAX: /"..cmd.." (Model ID) (x) (y) (z) (Pelak)", player, 255, 255, 255, true) end end ) -- If a vehicle that has been created using the command blows up, respawn it where it was created addEventHandler("onVehicleExplode", cmdVehRoot, function() respawnVehicle(source) end )
  2. Speak English ? Ks Nnt Baw MDr Jnde SHoma Tavasote " . .aname. . " respawn Shodid ? LoL Mage Speak English Nabod ? Chi SHod = )))))
  3. .Mr.


    Pls Give Me Script /destroyveh Vehicle : Mashine Shoma Tavasot Admin "Admin Name" DestRoy Shod Admin only /destroyallveh Admin Only /veh : Pls Enter Vehicle ID Admin Only Pls Give Me My Discord : .Mr.#8593
  4. Hello Guys Please Help me For Set Handling For Ever On Vehicle For RPG MTA Server
  5. .Mr.

    Help Me

    Hello I want to learn scripting please help me
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