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  1. Hello can anyone tell me or help me to solve this error? local users = { ["layla"] = 5, } addEventHandler("onServerPlayerLogin", root, function() local name = exports.serverCore:getPlayerAccountName(source) if users[name] ~= nil then setElementData(source,"premium", users[name], true) end end) Kindly please help with this
  2. Could you enlighten it, because I don't understand why I should modify that event?
  3. Can anyone give me an example for sending a command from Discord to MTA. E.G: !ban random123 reason123 !onlineplayers Btw thank you in advance if anyone could reply.
  4. Can anyone give me an example for sending a command from Discord to MTA. E.G: !ban random123 reason123 !onlineplayers Btw thank you in advance if anyone could reply.
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