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Everything posted by Rocket_Guns

  1. so not fair you've beaten moi (126) you make me cry don't you love me anymore? can't you pass me some kills so we are even? haha, kidding, like i already said, well done
  2. i think you just said what i had in mind (and ps, yes, i do remember it, the water jumping, it was hella fun ::TX:: )
  3. wowie, rock on man, love ya
  4. ye, true, you time out a lot lately btw
  5. owww, owww, owwww, i love that. but, since i won't be able to play some times and i don't even know the times you guys will be playing etc...put me on the list then...but get about 2 extra names on each team. so you need about 10 cops and 10 robbers. there are always at LEAST 4 people who don't show up with or without a reason........and since im a busy man ... i won't always be able to play i think i know 2 other people who wanna be on da list too
  6. ok *turning very shy* hehe, thanks m8 =) i agree 100%
  7. say uhm, it is not like they done anything good yet. it's just that it annoyed me, also i saw lotta other people talking about it...who also were annoyed by the *cought* 'great' *cough* TmM......so uhm, i uhm, opened my mouth and said what I thought about it. i'm a reasonable person, i really am. i like to talk about things and try to solve it. and maybe this is solved... their server is by far the worst because i have never spend a longer time there then about 1 min, so i can't say it's good. I love the LG server, it's fast and has friendly admins. but maybe i'll start to like this one too, dunno, maybe i'll never be on it anyways, just wanted to say what i thought of their actions.
  8. then that's kinda solved have fun don't run use a gun don't look into the sun it'll blind you Rocket_Guns
  9. damn man! are you blind? you think i use this signature for fun? i'll remove it, as i suppose next time i won't be banned again...since there is no reason to. my attitude is WAY BETTER than yours and of some TmM'ers accusing people for cheating and stuff while they have never cheated and not even lagging or so what. nor insulting now shut up or i will change my attitude especially for you my dear friend
  10. no, you're right, sorry bout that. I still have a screenshot of the person who did call me a cheater... TmM_Scar ... i don't think i have ever met him before bullshit, more persons should agree with you when you say in a server that someone is cheating before you ban them. also if i would be accused of cheating by you, the admin, i would come to you and let you kill me...or whatever. Also the 2 times i been banned i haven't been called a cheater, i was just suddenly banned....and i never insulted some or u guys lets just forget about this and have fun again. I'll be in your server soon too, i hope i won't be banned again then....unless i start swearing a lot cuz you don't have to worrie about me cheating, never done that and i am not planning to.
  11. then why have you banned me two times? and when i happened to be unbanned somehow last time i put one step in your server and someone (dunno who, vass probably) started calling me a cheater that instant moment, i can't believe that...i never cheated and i think i know enough people who agree with that. so uhm, why was i banned 2 times? have i ever insulted you? (or others) (ow, btw, i left before they could ban me again...last time)
  12. dunno, there are many quotes of different movies i like...but this one came up first --> when some presentator is introducing the racers in the movie "The Death Race 2000" he says when stallone comes up with his car this: "loved by thousandssss!!!!!!!!!!! ........hated by millions"
  13. go kiss his feeth edit ==> *feet lol
  14. dude, i know you pay money for your server. I respect that. I know you kick/ban people when they cheat, i repect that too...all admins SHOULD do that. but, what i don't like, is that you kick/ban people who are better than YOU and your TmM friends...first of all you don't have to cry when they BEAT you, second it's good practise...trust me. stop banning the good people, it'll be the clan of LOSERS when you ban all the good people, nobody will get any good practise. there are lotta people who can beat me easily, and if i had a server i would never ever kick/ban them...they are good practise ban 'em when they cheat/swear or are very very very lame be fair dude!
  15. for as far as i understand it sarah gets my vote TmM s*c*s anways...kicking/banning all good players
  16. i have no idea how to get such a high rotation score... and there are even higher ones yes... i only know how to get a lovely score on kills
  17. /\ this triangle shows some person is located higher than you are \/ this triangle shows some person is located lower that you are Square means person is on same height as you are dunno about yellow, that's unloaded i guess, dunno, who cares! robber color is surely brown if it was purple i would never be a robber
  18. hehe, thanks m8 i had sooo much fun last night, it was hella cool. such huge madness at docks and/or other places. just lovely. you couldn't live longer then about 15-20 secs because there was always someone behind you with a shotgun or someone who was throwing grenades. but that kinda mass destruction fights make the multiplayer so lovely appetite for destruction rock on!!! Rocket Guns (thanks brophy )
  19. owww, that's a nice score. =) i have something like that too
  20. i don't run into many cheaters...or is that just a coincidence? aw well, i enjoy it and when i see a cheater all i do is some swearing and then leave him be hehe (btw, find a server where an admin is around, if he's a good admin you won't have troubles with cheaters, trust moi)
  21. pic isn't loading here, what's the score? i wanna know
  22. u don't cheat, i think i killed you a couple of times =)
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