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  1. I could help you. Add me on Discord if you're interested. xendomrayden#3740
  2. https://github.com/raydNDev/Berkshire-Apocalypse
  3. v.1.0.4 - v.1.1.0 - Uniform images for the items in the inventory. - The chance of a zombie doctor dropping a medication has been reduced. - You can now only have a maximum of two medications with you a the same time. - It is now possible to get a key, if you kill a zombie with a headshot. With a key you can open a safe in the new protection zone, which has a random weapon in it. - The password is now encrypted more securely. - Team mebers can now write publicly with /o and internally with /a. - If you are in a team, members of this team can now also drive your private vehicles. - With the command /admincommands, team members can now see which commands they can use. - Fixed /park. - A player's private vehicles now will only created after he has logged in. - Added a housesystem (More informations can be found iht the help menu) - Team members now have the [BA] clan tag in front of their name on the scoreboard. - Added newssystem. - Team chat added (usable via y or /t [message]). - Wang Cars and the weapon shops are now shown on the map. - An infobox now appears when you buy a weapon. - A happy hour now takes place between 8:00 p.m and 9:00 p.m. In this time you receive double experience points and double money. - Players with an active premium status can now get two bonuspoints, when they collect a bonuspoint. - You can passed money to others players now with /pay [amount]. https://github.com/raydNDev/BerkshireApocalypse
  4. A easy way to translate your script into more than one language. -- [[ SHARED ]] -- Language = {}; Language["DE"] = { ["Message1"] = "Hey, ich bin hier!", ["Message2"] = "Mein Name ist %s, ich bin cool.", ["Message3"] = "Hier sind meine Koordinaten - x: %s, y: %s, z: %s", }; Language["EN"] = { ["Message1"] = "Hey, I'm here!", ["Message2"] = "My name is %s and I'm cool.", ["Message3"] = "Here are my coordinates; x: %s, y: %s, z: %s", }; -- [[ SERVER ]] -- function loc(player,text) if(not(getElementData(player,"Langauge")))then type = "DE" else type = getElementData(player,"Language")end local getText = Language[type][text]; if(not(getText))then outputChatBox("ERROR: '"..text.."' not found, contact the team.",player,125,0,0); else return getText; end end --// Example addCommandHandler("message",function(player) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(player); outputChatBox(loc(player,"Message1"),player,0,125,0); outputChatBox(loc(player,"Message2"):format(getPlayerName(player)),player,0,125,0); outputChatBox(loc(player,"Message3"):format(x,y,z),player,0,125,0); end) -- [[ CLIENT ]] -- function loc(text) if(not(getElementData(localPlayer,"Langauge")))then type = "DE" else type = getElementData(localPlayer,"Language")end local getText = Language[type][text]; if(not(getText))then outputChatBox("ERROR: '"..text.."' not found, contact the team.",125,0,0); else return getText; end end https://github.com/raydNDev/MTASA/tree/master/NuetzlicheScripts/Languagesystem
  5. Sorry bro, I don't understand this language. In English please?
  6. (∩ ゚ロ ゚)⊃━☆゚.* https://github.com/raydNDev/MTASA/tree/master/NuetzlicheScripts/Globalchat
  7. Even if you can communicate from server to server, it's still a script you can create in a few seconds. I'll add this feature to my code later.
  8. Why do you want money for a script that was written in a few seconds? For those who need a global chat: GLOBAL = {}; addCommandHandler("Global",function(player,cmd,...) local msg = table.concat({...}," "); if(#msg >= 1)then outputChatBox("[GLOBAL] "..getPlayerName(player)..": "..msg,root,255,255,255); end end) function GLOBAL.setBindKey(player) bindKey(player,"g","down","chatbox","Global"); end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root,function() GLOBAL.setBindKey(source) end) for _,v in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do GLOBAL.setBindKey(v) end You're welcome ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
  9. Just change the dimension? https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetElementDimension
  10. Just delete your command and add a timer. function randomFunction() end --addCommandHandler("testo",randomFunction) setTimer(randomFunction,5000,1) This would trigger the function every 5 seconds.
  11. You can work with set- and getElementData. Just give your users a ID with setElementData, after he loggedin or connected, and use getElementData to ask for it and use it in your chatbox. You could use something like this: local ID = 0; function givePlayerID(player) ID = ID + 1; setElementData(player,"PlayerID",ID); end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root,function() givePlayerID(source); end) for _,v in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do givePlayerID(v); end) Now you can use getElementData to get the PlayerID who will be the same until the player disconnect or the script will be restarted. If you want that all players have everytime the same ID you must work with a database or a textfile or something else to save them.
  12. Everything is clickable in the SA: MP Map Editor. Use it to get the coordinates of the lights and then delete them with removeWorldModel. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/RemoveWorldModel
  13. It says the gamemode wasn't tested with more than one player. That doesn't mean it wasn't tested at all. For sure I tested my systems, but you can't find all bugs when you test a Multiplayer-Gamemode allone. So it's a beta until enough people tested it and it's certain that there are no more bugs. Thank you.
  14. The gamemode couldn't connect to the database.
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