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Vic (3/54)



  1. WORKING! THANK YOU BRO -- Client.lua function AtualizarListaDeNicks() guiGridListClear(ListaDeProcurados) for index, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if (getElementData(player, "Procurado") == true ) then FILA = guiGridListAddRow(ListaDeProcurados) guiGridListSetItemText ( ListaDeProcurados, FILA, ColunaPlayers, (string.gsub ( getPlayerName(player), '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '' ) or getPlayerName(player)), false, false) guiGridListSetItemData ( ListaDeProcurados, FILA, ColunaPlayers, getPlayerName(player)) end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), AtualizarListaDeNicks ) addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getRootElement(), AtualizarListaDeNicks ) addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerChangeNick", getRootElement(), AtualizarListaDeNicks ) -- Server.lua function VerNivelDeProcurado (player) if player then acc = getPlayerAccount ( player ) if isGuestAccount ( acc ) then return end local Procurado = getPlayerWantedLevel ( player ) if Procurado == 0 then setElementData ( player, "Procurado", false ) end if Procurado > 0 then setElementData ( player, "Procurado", true ) end end end setTimer( function() for i, pl in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if pl ~= (false or nil) then VerNivelDeProcurado(pl) end end end, 3000,0)
  2. I tried this, but when I open the wanted panel without being wanted by the police no player appears. And when I'm wanted, it shows up who's not wanted by the police. Added!
  3. EN: I NEED HELP WITH THIS, SORRY FOR MY BAD ENGLISH. I NEED ADD ONLY WANTED PLAYERS IN GRIDLIST RESUME: ADD : PLAYERS WITH STAR >= 1 IN GRIDLIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PT: EU PRECISO DE AJUDA COM ISSO, QUERO ADICIONAR APENAS JOGADORES PROCURADOS NA GRIDLIST
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