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Everything posted by murilo2929

  1. Mano eu percebi que o unico problema e que as pernas do personagem não se movem elas ficar travadas, a animação funciona normal. E isso so acontece com animação de arma se for outra vai normal.
  2. eu não acho que seja isso pois estou pegando os block da python normal que tem na wiki
  3. Mano quando coloco a animacao quando miro com a arma que mudei a animacao o personagem fica bugado nao sei oq estou fazendo de errado
  4. Vish é mesmo eu escrevendo em ingles bem bobão achei que estava no forum gringo haha, então mano como consigo abrir o ifp para ver o nome?
  5. when i try put some weapon animation never work. Have a way to put custom weapons anims? because for me never work, the animation always gets buggy
  6. --[[ credits to Paul_Cortez for the IFP file. parkour.ifp has following animations: BckHndSpingBTuck BckHndSping CartWheel FrntHndSpring HandPlant ]] -- you can choose any name you want, do not choose a default GTA:SA block name local customBlockName = "myNewBlock" -- load the IFP file local IFP = engineLoadIFP( "colt45.ifp", customBlockName ) -- let us know if IFP failed to load if not IFP then outputChatBox( "Failed to load 'parkour.ifp'" ) end -- replace the crouch animation engineReplaceAnimation( localPlayer, "ped", "colt45_fire", customBlockName, "HandPlant" ) i try to add a colt45 animation but don't work
  7. murilo2929


    al customBlockName = "myNewBlock" local IFP = engineLoadIFP( "python.ifp", customBlockName ) if not IFP then outputChatBox( "Failed to load'" ) end function setanimation( test, animationName ) if IFP then setPedAnimation( localPlayer, customBlockName, animationName ) end end addCommandHandler( "animacao", setanimation ) Guys took this code from the net to activate a custom animation, but I can't make it work
  8. local customBlockName = "myNewBlock" local IFP = engineLoadIFP( "python.ifp", customBlockName ) if not IFP then outputChatBox( "Failed to load'" ) end function setanimation( test, animationName ) if IFP then setPedAnimation( localPlayer, customBlockName, animationName ) end end addCommandHandler( "animacao", setanimation ) Gente peguei esse codigo da net para ativar uma animacao customizada, mas não estou conseguindo fazer funcionar
  9. como posso criar um colshape? não entendi muito bem a funcao Resolvido, consegui obrigado pela ajuda.
  10. I would like to know how I can make a particular command work only when the player is in a certain location? It's possible do that?
  11. Gostaria de saber como posso fazer para que um determinado comando funcione apenas quando o player estiver em um determinado local, tipo o comando so funcionar se o player estiver dentro da "oficina". È possivel? agradeço desde já.
  12. I fix it, but not changed, Still not taking the skin off the inventory when you have it, only when I am not in the faction.
  13. So, I'm making a skin pickup on my server and I'm trying to make sure that when the player already has a skin it is removed from inventory, but the problem is that when the skin is in inventory and goes through the pickup it is not removed. . thePickup = createPickup ( -32.2197265625, -138.232421875, 1003.546875, 3, 1275, 1000 ) setElementDimension(thePickup, 72) setElementInterior(thePickup, 16) function testepickup ( thePlayer ) if exports.dota:hasitm( thePlayer, 1, 50) then exports.dota:takeitm( thePlayer, 1 50) end local theTeam = getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) local factionType = getElementData(theTeam, "type") if factionType==90 then exports.dota:giveitm( thePlayer, 1, 50 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onPickupUse", thePickup, testepickup ) OBS : remembering that the player can only get the skin if it is faction 90 OBS²: I was seeing that if I am not in the faction while picking up the skin in the inventory it is removed normally, but when I am in the faction it is not removed.
  14. Então galera eu estou fazendo um pickup para pegar skin no meu servidor e estou tentando fazer que quando o player já tenha a skin a mesma seja removida do seu inventario, o problema é que quando estou com a skin no inventario e passo pelo pickup a mesma não é removida do inventario ela fica lá. thePickup = createPickup ( -32.2197265625, -138.232421875, 1003.546875, 3, 1275, 1000 ) setElementDimension(thePickup, 72) setElementInterior(thePickup, 16) function testepickup ( thePlayer ) if exports.dota:temitm( thePlayer, 1, 50) then exports.dota:tiraritm( thePlayer, 1 50) end local theTeam = getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) local factionType = getElementData(theTeam, "type") if factionType==90 then exports.dota:daritm( thePlayer, 1, 50 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onPickupUse", thePickup, testepickup ) OBS: Só consegue pegar a skin que é da facção 90.
  15. Irmão estou com um problema agora, como faço para setar dimensão e interior desse texto ? não estou conseguindo. local bInfos = { { vecPos = { 1909.0849609375, -1805.919921875, 13.546875 }, sText = "Teste: Taxista", iColor = tocolor( 255, 255, 0, 255 ), fDistance = 20, fScale = 2.02, sFont = "default" }; { vecPos = { 1909.1171875, -1808.9482421875, 13.546875 }, sText = "Teste: Taxista", iColor = tocolor( 255, 255, 0, 255 ), fDistance = 20, fScale = 1.02, sFont = "default" }; }; function Render() for _, Data in pairs( bInfos ) do local fPosX, fPosY, fPosZ = getElementPosition( localPlayer ); local fDataX, fDataY, fDataZ = unpack( Data.vecPos ); local fDistanceBetweenPoints = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( fPosX, fPosY, fPosZ,fDataX, fDataY, fDataZ ); local fInputDistance = Data.fDistance or 20; if fDistanceBetweenPoints < fInputDistance then local fCameraX, fCameraY, fCameraZ = getCameraMatrix(); local fWorldPosX, fWorldPosY = getScreenFromWorldPosition( fDataX, fDataY, fDataZ + 1, fInputDistance ); local bHit = processLineOfSight( fCameraX, fCameraY, fCameraZ, fDataX, fDataY, fDataZ, true, false, false, true, false, false, false, false ); if not bHit then if fWorldPosX and fWorldPosY then dxDrawText( Data.sText, fWorldPosX, fWorldPosY, fWorldPosX, fWorldPosY, Data.iColor, Data.fScale, Data.sFont ); end end end end end addEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, Render );
  16. Consegui fazer funcionar não. thePickup = createPickup ( 1914.3330078125, -1806.919921875, 13.546875, 3, 1275, 1000 ) function zombiehunterskinpickup55555 ( thePlayer ) dxDrawTextOnElement(zombiehunterskinpickup55555,"Roupas #FF0000(CJ)",1,20,255,255,255,255,1.5,"default") end --setElementData ( thePlayer, "zombie", true ) --outputChatBox("Pegou os equipamentos da PD.", thePlayer) end addEventHandler ( "onPickupUse", thePickup, zombiehunterskinpickup55555 ) local bInfos = { { vecPos = { 1915.35, -1802.22, 13.54 }, sText = "Teste: Taxista", iColor = tocolor( 255, 255, 0, 255 ), fDistance = 20, fScale = 1.02, sFont = "default" }; }; function Render() for _, Data in pairs( bInfos ) do local fPosX, fPosY, fPosZ = getElementPosition( localPlayer ); local fDataX, fDataY, fDataZ = unpack( Data.vecPos ); local fDistanceBetweenPoints = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( fPosX, fPosY, fPosZ,fDataX, fDataY, fDataZ ); local fInputDistance = Data.fDistance or 20; if fDistanceBetweenPoints < fInputDistance then local fCameraX, fCameraY, fCameraZ = getCameraMatrix(); local fWorldPosX, fWorldPosY = getScreenFromWorldPosition( fDataX, fDataY, fDataZ + 1, fInputDistance ); local bHit = processLineOfSight( fCameraX, fCameraY, fCameraZ, fDataX, fDataY, fDataZ, true, false, false, true, false, false, false, false ); if not bHit then if fWorldPosX and fWorldPosY then dxDrawText( Data.sText, fWorldPosX, fWorldPosY, fWorldPosX, fWorldPosY, Data.iColor, Data.fScale, Data.sFont ); end end end end end addEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, Render ); Consegui, Tópico já pode ser fechado, obrigado ao Henry pela ajuda.
  17. Como posso estar criando um titulo em cima de uma pickup ? isso é possível?
  18. Resolvido, pode fechar o topico, obrigado aos envolvidos S2
  19. local weapon = tonumber esse foi o valor que setei para o weapon.
  20. E como poderia fazer para tirar esse valor?
  21. Então recentemente estou tendo esse erro e não estou conseguindo arrumar, o erro é o seguinte ERROR: samu\s_samu.Lua:10: attempt to compare number with nil Essa é a linha 10 ao qual esta apontando o erro. if (((weapon >= 16 and weapon <= 40 and (licencaarma == 0 and licencaarma2 == 0)) or (weapon == 29 or weapon == 30 or weapon == 32 or weapon ==31 or weapon == 34) and (licencaarma2 == 0)) and samu ~= 2) or (weapon >= 35 and weapon <= 38)
  22. local interiors = { [1] = { 3, 975.26, -8.64, 1001.14, 90 , "Business_StripClub1"}, [2] = { 11, 501.84, -67.84, 998.75, 180 , "Ten_Green-Bottles"}, [3] = { 5, 772.43, -5.19, 1000.72, 0 , "LS_Ganton_GYM" }, [4] = { 2, 2517.2119140625, -1296.705078125, 1076.9359130859, 270, "Luxurious Lobby (Star)" }, [5] = { 3, 965.16015625, -53.212890625, 1001.1245727539, 90, "StripclubVIPArea (Star)" }, [6] = { 3, 834.61, 7.54, 1004.18, 90 , "BettingShop" }, [7] = { 5, 1254.48046875, -938.01171875, 1096.6500244141, 180 ,"Luxurious Hallway (Star)" }, [8] = { 3, 1212.18, -25.93, 1000.95, 180, "SmallStripClub" }, [9] = { 18, 1306.86, 6.83, 1001.02, 90, "FullWarehouse" }, [10] = { 1, 1412.14, -2.28, 1000.92, 115, "UnfWarehouse" }, [11] = { 3, 418.75, -84.31, 1001.80, 0 , "GantonBarbers" }, -- 11 [12] = { 3, 390.44, 173.91, 1008.38, 90 , "CityHall" }, -- 12 [13] = { 3, 207.01, -139.91, 1003.50, 0 , "Prolapstore" }, -- 13 [14] = { 3, -100.40, -24.96, 1000.71, 0 , "LrgSexShop" }, -- 14 [15] = { 3, -204.31, -44.08, 1002.27, 0 , "TatooParlour" }, -- 15 [16] = { 17, -204.23, -8.88, 1002.27, 0 , "TatooParlour2" }, -- 16 [17] = { 17, -25.91, -188.05, 1003.54, 0 , "Business_24/7 " }, -- 17 [18] = { 5, 372.18, -133.28, 1001.49, 0 , "Business_Pizza " }, -- 18 [19] = { 17, 377.16, -192.91, 1000.64, 0 , "Business_Donut" }, -- 19 [20] = { 7, 315.79, -143.27, 999.60, 0 , "ammunation" }, -- 20 [21] = { 5, 227.08, -8.14, 1002.21, 90 , "victim " }, -- 21 [22] = { 10, 6.05, -31.27, 1003.54, 0 , "24/7 " }, -- 22 [23] = { 7, 773.93, -78.49, 1000.66, 0 , "GYM " }, -- 23 [24] = { 1, 613.52, 3.31, 1000.92, 180 , "GARAGE" }, -- 24 [25] = { 1, 285.39, -41.44, 1001.51, 0 , "AMMU " }, -- 25 [26] = { 1, 203.79, -50.34, 1001.80, 0 , "SUBURB " }, -- 26 [27] = { 7, -1409.35, -255.91, 1043.66, 250 , "LSFORUM " }, -- 27 [28] = { 2, 1204.81, -13.60, 1000.92, 0 , "STRIP " }, -- 28 [29] = { 10, 2019.02, 1017.93, 996.87, 90 , "4DRAGON " }, -- 29 [30] = { 10, -1128.64, 1066.33, 1345.74, 270 , "ZEROS RC BATTLEFIELD" }, -- 30 [31] = { 10, 362.88, -75.11, 1001.50, 315 , "BurgerShot" }, -- 31 [32] = { 1, 2233.92, 1714.58, 1012.38, 180 , "Caligula" }, -- 32 [33] = { 2, 411.63, -23.06, 1001.80, 0 , "Haircut" }, -- 33 [34] = { 18, -31.02, -91.92, 1003.54, 0 , "24/7 " }, -- 34 [35] = { 18, 161.46, -96.72, 1001.80, 0 , "Zip" }, -- 35 [36] = { 3, -2636.77, 1402.60, 906.46, 0 , "Jizzy" }, -- 36 [37] = { 2, 2541.72, -1303.89, 1025.07, 265 , "Bigsmoke Crackhouse" }, -- 37 [38] = { 1, -2158.81, 643.14, 1052.37, 180 , "Horsebetting" }, -- 38 BUSINESS Horsebetting [39] = { 14, 204.44, -168.58, 1000.52, 0 , "DidierSach" }, -- 39 BUSINESS DidierSach [40] = { 12, 1133.25, -15.26, 1000.67, 0 , "Casino" }, -- 40 Casino [41] = { 14, -1464.86, 1556.02, 1052.53, 0 , "Motorcross" }, -- 41 Motorcross [42] = { 17, 493.34, -24.48, 1000.67, 0 , "Alhambra" }, -- 42 Alhambra [43] = { 18, 1726.86, -1638.05, 20.22, 180 , "Atrium" }, -- 43 Atrium [44] = { 16, -204.41, -27.22, 1002.27, 0 , "Tattooparlor" }, -- 44 Tattooparlor [45] = { 16, -25.68, -140.99, 1003.54, 0 , "24/7" }, -- 45 [46] = { 15, 2214.62, -1150.38, 1025.79, 270 , "Jefferson Motel" }, -- 46 [47] = { 1, 681.5419921875, -451.20703125, -25.6171875, 180 , "Welcome Pump (Star)" }, -- 47 [48] = { 15, 207.58, -111.00, 1005.13, 0 , "Binco's" }, -- 48 [49] = { 15, -1424.42, 928.36, 1036.39, 350 , "Arena" }, -- 49 Arena [50] = { 0, 2304.87, -16.07, -16.07, 270 , "Old Bank in Palomino Creek" }, -- 50 , no actual interior, tp coords are wrong too [51] = { 18, -229.17, 1401.14, 27.76, 270 , "Lil' Probe Inn" }, -- 51 [52] = { 4, 285.71, -86.37, 1001.52, 0 , "Ammunation" }, -- 52 Ammunation [53] = { 4, 460.18, -88.41, 999.55, 90 , "Restaurant" }, -- 53 Restaurant [54] = { 4, -27.30, -31.41, 1003.55, 0 , "24/7" }, -- 54 24/7 [55] = { 1, 964.94, 2159.97, 1011.03, 90 , "Sindacco Meat Factory" }, -- 55 [56] = { 12, 411.86, -54.20, 1001.89, 0 , "Barber" }, -- 56 Barber [57] = { 6, 774.20, -50.20, 1000.58, 0 , "San Fierro Gym" }, -- 57 San Fierro Gym [58] = { 3, 1494.28, 1303.91, 1093.28, 0 , "Office" }, -- 58 Office [59] = { 6, -2240.69, 128.43, 1035.41, 270 , "Zero's RC Shop" }, -- 59 [60] = { 6, 297.05, -111.79, 1001.51, 0 , "Small Ammunation" }, -- 60 [61] = { 6, 316.37, -170.02, 999.59, 0 , "Small Ammunation" }, -- 61 [62] = { 6, -27.15, -57.87, 1003.54, 0 , "24/7" }, -- 62 [63] = { 9, 364.95, -11.60, 1001.85, 0 , "Cluckin' Bell" }, -- 63 [64] = { 1, 2266.32, 1647.59, 1084.23, 270 , "Hotel Huge" }, -- 64 [65] = { 3, -2029.61, -119.36, 1035.17, 0 , "DMV" }, -- 65 [66] = { 8, 2365.14, -1135.35, 1050.87, 0 , "House_Luxury Medium" }, -- 66 [67] = { 8, -42.65, 1405.46, 1084.42, 0 , "HOUSE_SmallMedium" }, -- 67 HOUSE_SmallMedium [68] = { 9, 83.00, 1322.48, 1083.86, 0 , "HOUSE_Luxury" }, -- 68 HOUSE_Luxury [69] = { 9, 260.67, 1237.32, 1084.25, 0 , "HOUSE_Medium" }, -- 69 HOUSE_Medium [70] = { 3, 620.01, -119.85, 998.84, 180 , "Garage (Star)" }, -- 70 [71] = { 5, 2233.57, -1115.08, 1050.88, 0 , "HOUSE_BEDROOM" }, -- 71 [72] = { 2, 446.97, 1397.22, 1084.30, 0 , "HOUSE_Medium" }, -- 72 HOUSE_Medium [73] = { 4, 261.14, 1284.56, 1080.25, 0 , "HOUSE_Medium" }, -- 73 HOUSE_Medium [74] = { 15, 295.05, 1472.36, 1080.25, 0 , "HOUSE_Medium" }, -- 74 HOUSE_Medium [75] = { 3, 235.44, 1186.83, 1080.25, 0 , "HOUSE_big" }, -- 75 HOUSE_big [76] = { 2, 226.48, 1239.87, 1082.14, 90 , "HOUSE_Medium" }, -- 76 HOUSE_medium [77] = { 1, 223.22, 1287.17, 1082.14, 0 , "HOUSE_Medium" }, -- 77 HOUSE_medium [78] = { 5, 226.56, 1114.19, 1080.99, 270 , "HOUSE_Luxury" }, -- 78 HOUSE_Luxury [79] = { 5, 2233.53, -1115.26, 1050.88, 0 , "HOUSE_Hotelroom" }, -- 79 HOUSE_Hotelroom [80] = { 9, 2317.81, -1026.55, 1050.21, 0 , "HOUSE_Luxury" }, -- 80 HOUSE_Luxury [81] = { 10, 2259.68, -1136.09, 1050.63, 270 , "HOUSE_crap" }, -- 81 HOUSE_crap [82] = { 10, 422.26, 2536.37, 10.00, 90 , "HOUSE_desertaitport" }, -- 82 HOUSE_desertaitport [83] = { 14, 254.46, -41.60, 1002.02, 270 , "HOUSE_wardrobe" }, -- 83 HOUSE_wardrobe [84] = { 5, 1260.84, -785.42, 1091.90, 270 , "HOUSE_Maggod" }, -- 84 HOUSE_Maggod [85] = { 2, 266.56, 305.02, 999.14, 270 , "HOUSE_BEDROOM" }, -- 85 HOUSE_BEDROOM [86] = { 3, 2496.03, -1692.17, 1014.74, 180 , "HOUSE_CJ" }, -- 86 HOUSE_CJ [87] = { 2, 2468.77, -1698.25, 1013.50, 90 , "HOUSE_RYDER" }, -- 87 HOUSE_RYDER [88] = { 2, 2237.52, -1081.64, 1049.02, 0 , "HOUSE_Medium" }, -- 88 HOUSE_Medium [89] = { 1, 2218.24, -1076.27, 1050.48, 90 , "HOUSE_Hotelroom" }, -- 89 HOUSE_Hotelroom [90] = { 6, 744.46, 1436.68, 1102.70, 0 , "HOUSE_WHORE" }, -- 90 HOUSE_WHORE [91] = { 8, 2807.66, -1174.54, 1025.57, 0 , "HOUSE_Medium" }, -- 91 HOUSE_Medium [92] = { 6, 234.20, 1063.85, 1084.21, 0 , "HOUSE_MansionLuxury" }, -- 92 HOUSE_MansionLuxury [93] = { 4, -260.78, 1456.73, 1084.36, 90 , "HOUSE_Luxury" }, -- 93 HOUSE_Luxury [94] = { 5, 22.98, 1403.60, 1084.42, 0 , "HOUSE_LowLuxury" }, -- 94 HOUSE_LowLuxury [95] = { 5, 140.39, 1366.36, 1083.85, 0 , "HOUSE_UltraLuxury" }, -- 95 HOUSE_UltraLuxury [96] = { 12, 2324.42, -1149.20, 1050.71, 0 , "HOUSE_Luxory" }, -- 96 HOUSE_Luxory [97] = { 10, 24.00, 1340.33, 1084.37, 0 , "HOUSE_Medium" }, -- 97 HOUSE_Medium [98] = { 4, 221.77, 1140.43, 1082.60, 0 , "HOUSE_Medium" }, -- 98 HOUSE_MEDIUM [99] = { 6, 343.98, 305.14, 999.14, 270 , "HOUSE_Kinkyroom" }, -- 99 HOUSE_Kinkyroom [100] = { 6, -68.83, 1351.46, 1080.21, 0 , "HOUSE_Medium" }, -- 100 HOUSE_Medium [101] = { 10, 246.37, 107.51, 1003.21, 0 , "BUSINESS_PD_BANK" }, -- 101 BUSINESS_PD_BANK [102] = { 3, 289.77, 171.74, 1007.17, 0 , "PDBUSINESS" }, -- 102 PDBUSINESS [103] = { 5, 322.24, 302.45, 999.14, 0 , "PD_FortCarson" }, -- 103 PD_FortCarson [104] = { 6, 246.85, 62.49, 1003.64, 0 , "PD_LS" }, -- 104 PD_LS [105] = { 1, -794.98, 489.78, 1376.20, 0 , "MARCO'S_BISTRO (Star)" }, -- 105 [106] = { 6, 2196.85, -1204.40, 1049.00, 0 , "SAFEHOUSE 13 - HIGH" }, -- 106 SAFEHOUSE 13 - HIGH [107] = { 10, 2270.41, -1210.46, 1047.56, 0 , "SAFEHOUSE 14 - MEDIUM-HIGH" }, -- 107 SAFEHOUSE 14 - MEDIUM-HIGH [108] = { 6, 2308.80, -1212.94, 1049.02, 0 , "SAFEHOUSE 15 - LOW" }, -- 108 SAFEHOUSE 15 - LOW [109] = { 6, 2333.00, -1077.00, 1049.00, 0 , "SAFEHOUSE 8 - LOW" }, -- 109 SAFEHOUSE 8 - LOW [110] = { 5, 318.55, 1114.47, 1083.88, 0 , "BALLAS CRACK DEN" }, -- 110 BALLAS CRACK DEN [111] = { 2, 620.18, -70.89, 997.99, 0 , "Small Garage (Star)" }, -- 111 Small Garage (Star) [112] = { 2, 1.90, -3.20, 999.40, 0 , "Trailer (custom)" }, -- 112 Trailer (custom) [113] = { 6, 2438.35, -2537.32, 1095.43, 0 , "Warehouse (custom)" }, -- 113 Warehouse (custom) [114] = { 7, 225.71, 1021.44, 1084.01, 0 , "HOUSE HIGH" }, -- 114 HOUSE HIGH [115] = { 8, 2480.60, -1687.23, 2031.49, 0 , "RESTROOM/TOILET (custom)" }, -- 115 [116] = { 11, 2282.98, -1140.15, 1050.90, 0 , "small hotel room" }, -- 116 small hotel room [117] = { 20, 2535.96, -1339.61, 1030.93, 0 , "Flat Interior (Star)" }, -- 117 c [118] = { 20, 1412.26, 1525.49, 1542.80, 0 , "Church (monstama77)" }, -- 118 Church (monstama77) [119] = { 21, -2031.88, -118.21, 1039.30, 0 , "Neat Small Garage (Antman)" }, -- 119 Neat Small Garage (Antman) [120] = { 22, 1910.78, -2395.60, 13.56, 0 , "Library (Callum)" }, -- 120 Library (Callum) [121] = { 23, 1806.75, -2454.64, 13.56, 0 , "Beach Huts (Callum)" }, -- 121 Beach Huts (Callum) [122] = { 24, 25.08, -6.73, 40.43, 0 , "Office (Joosty)" }, -- 122 Office (Joosty) [123] = { 25, 1920.57, -2327.92, 13.75, 0 , "Mid-sized Warehouse (Marser)" }, -- 123 Mid-sized Warehouse (Marser) [124] = { 26, 1974.03, -2488.14, 13.62, 0 , "Medium-Class House (Marser)" }, -- 124 Medium-Class House (Marser) [125] = { 27, 1877.89, -2466.96, 13.58, 0 , "Pawnshop (Marser)" }, -- 125 Pawnshop (Marser) [126] = { 28, 962.51, 2054.07, 10.86, 0 , "Big Warehouse (Marser)" }, -- 126 Big Warehouse (Marser) [127] = { 29, 2532.83, -1667.51, 246.67, 0 , "British Pub (LauraV)" }, -- 127 British Pub (LauraV) [128] = { 30, -199.28, 1119.81, 225.94, 0 , "Wooden Bar (LauraV)" }, -- 128 Wooden Bar (LauraV) [129] = { 31, 269.71, -28.78, 988.79, 0 , "ProLaps Gym (LauraV)" }, -- 129 ProLaps Gym (LauraV) [130] = { 32, 2079.89, 477.98, 41.85, 0 , "Workout Complex (LauraV)" }, -- 130 Workout Complex (LauraV) [131] = { 33, 2322.57, -1393.40, 395.09, 0 , "Realistic House (LauraV)" }, -- 131 Realistic House (LauraV) [132] = { 15, 377.15, 1417.42, 1081.30, 90 , "Random house, Two bedrooms, kitchen." }, -- 132 Random house, Two bedrooms, kitchen. [133] = { 15, 387.22, 1471.76, 1080.18, 90 , "Random house, One bedroom, kitchen." }, -- 133 Random house, One bedroom, kitchen. [134] = { 15, 327.96, 1477.72, 1084.43, 0 , "Random house, Two bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, bright kitchen." }, [135] = { 1, 2300.720703125, 1685.6923828125, 1101.9095458984, 180 , "Staircase (Socialz)" }, -- 135 Staircase (Socialz) [136] = { 15, 328.0419921875, 1477.7236328125, 1084.4375, 0 , "Small cool house interior given by ablindman" }, [137] = { 22, 1433.6201171875, 1363.212890625, 10.830528259277, 0 , "Garage by 360" }, -- 137 Garage by 360 [138] = { 10, 227.60000610,116.80000305,999.20001221,0 , "LSPD Interior by Alberto" }, -- 138 LSPD Interior by Alberto [139] = { 1, 243.7177734375, 304.9326171875, 999.1484375, 270 , "Bedroom by ablindman" }, -- 139 Bedroom by ablindman [140] = { 4, 299.78125, 311.099609375, 1003.3046875, 270 , "Crackhouse by ablindman" }, -- 140 Crackhouse by ablindman [141] = { 77, 1150.19140625, -808.0947265625, 2099.0656738281, 180 , "Studio (Socialz)" }, -- 141 Studio (Socialz) [142] = { 38, 1422.083984375, -2451.73828125, 13.5546875, 0 , "Garage by Star (Star)" }, -- 142 Garage by Star (Star) [143] = { 5, 1104.16919, -778.24506, 976.25159, 0 , "Medium Sized Offices + Hallway by Diuvel, Sketchead, McNitro and rjm (Star)" }, [144] = { 4, -1435.8690, -662.2505, 1052.4650, 270 , "Dirt Bike Track" }, -- 144 Dirt Bike Track [145] = { 67, 1416.5126953125, 1382.8359375, 11.280016899109, 0 , "Small Bar With Office + Basement by Lyricist (Star)" }, [146] = { 10, 563.11963, 2641.35791, 9.29688, 90 , "Small Medium Class Apartment by Diuvel, Sketchead, McNitro and rjm (Star)" }, [147] = { 1, 1105.9000244141,-1312.8000488281,79.0625, 0 , "Underground Parking Garage by Anthony" }, -- 147 [148] = { 7, 403.23315, -304.4404, 1007.26221, 0, "Bakkery by Diuvel, Sketchead, McNitro and rjm (Star)" }, -- 148 [149] = { 24, 529.505859375, 63.921875, 1044.458984375, 0 , "Forrests Garage" }, -- 149 [150] = { 33, 1429.0107421875, 1463.2529296875, 10.888198852539, 0 , "Soho Shamal" }, -- 150 [151] = { 2, 2111.5615234375, -1442.1728515625, 291.42590332031, 270 , "Conference Room (Star)" }, -- 151 [152] = { 2, 2153.1865234375, -1417.4912109375, 293.73016357422, 90 , "High Command Offices (Star)" }, -- 152 [153] = { 2, 2170.9775390625, -1432.7744140625, 281.59719848633, 270 , "Staircase (Star)" }, -- 153 [154] = { 2, 2124.546875, -1437.1748046875, 300.67114257813, 180 , "Hallway (Star)" }, -- 154 [155] = { 56, 2132.8671875, -1638.8876953125, 389.73281860352, 0 , "Open Offices (Star)" }, -- 155 [156] = { 56, 1956.857421875, -2307.275390625, 14.09362411499, 0 , "Huge Underground Parking Lot (Star)" }, -- 156 [157] = { 56, 1914.861328125, -2386.41796875, 13.56685256958, 270 , "Medium Sized Underground Parking Lot (Star)" }, -- 157 [158] = { 0, 1527.72265625, 1616.08203125, 15.43788433075 , 180 , "RS Haul Warehouse (Star)" }, -- 158 [159] = { 3, 995.31976, -227.2952, 972.39697 , 90 , "Auto Showroom by Diuvel, Sketchead, McNitro and rjm (Star)" }, [160] = { 10, 322.75504, -96.3672, 997.93127, 0 , "Small Casino + Backroom by Diuvel, Sketchead, McNitro and rjm (Star)" }, [161] = { 3, 794.966796875, 64.173828125, 965.2890625, 180 , "Small Tuning Garage by Diuvel, Sketchead, McNitro and rjm (Star)" }, [162] = { 34, 2027.2197265625, -2037.1748046875, 35.029685974121, 0 , "Low class House + Garage by Jimmykojootti (Star)" }, [163] = { 40, 315.45667, -112.94063, 1011.00781, 0 , "Small Garage Fits 2 Cars by Gundi92 (Star)" }, [164] = { 41, 855.017578125, 154.5146484375, 1009.151550293, 0 , "Illegal Casino by Gundi92 (Star)" }, [165] = { 42, -2145.615234375, 646.9287109375, 1206.4937744141, 270 , "Asian Styled Office by Gundi92 (Star)" }, [166] = { 43, 522.4501953125, 2379.2119140625, 435.39999389648, 0 , "General Store by Gundi92 (Star)" }, [167] = { 44, -1196.7939453125, -263.5166015625, 14.354687690735, 180 , "Star Casino (Star)" }, [168] = { 45, 1384.8291015625, 1464.4951171875, 10.864421844482, 0 , "Enforcer" }, [169] = { 46, 1471.8935546875, 1752.9169921875, 14.760937690735 , 0 , "Low Class Apartment Lobby(Star)" }, [170] = { 18, -18.2, -139.89999, 1043.90002 , 180 , "Small backroom with office" }, [171] = { 1, -1800.7724609375, 651.150390625, 960.38592529297, 80 , "LSFD" }, [172] = { 3, 1430.2734375, 1503.0810546875, 10.878900527954, 851 , "Fitness Gym by Yest" }, --[172] = { 47, 1573.4541015625, -2413.10546875, 13.60781288147, 270 , "Fitness Gym by Yest" }, --[173] = { 3, 1860.0517578125, -1747.193359375, 44.819282531738, 880 , "TEST" }, } Se eu colocar o -- local interior, posX, posY, posZ, Dimension, string = unpack( locais[1] ) ele buga a linha
  23. Então eu estou usando essa loc para ir para um determinado lugar com uma dim e int, só que ai que vem o problema o interior é setado normalmente mas a dimensão não, não sei oque tem de errado. { 3, 1430.2734375, 1503.0810546875, 10.878900527954, 851 , "Test" }, 3 seria o interior, e esta funcionando perfeitamente. 851 seria a dimensão, e não esta setando ela.
  24. Alguem poderia me ajudar em alterar as animaçoes de armas? tipo rifle.ifp como faço para alterar?
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