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Everything posted by Yasuoo

  1. im looking for a Co owner that know everything about SQL and its stuff also about scripts LUA .....
  2. [19-02-19 21:01:01] ERROR: CSGaccounts/weapons.lua:60: attempt to index global 'db' (a nil value) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ also i need a developer /contact me please
  3. im really sorry i dont understand that scripts but im a well owner . i have little bit experience in LUA scripts and if you can help as a devoloper that will be so good thanks
  4. need help [19-02-19 17:35:37] ERROR: [core]/server/Server/server.lua:150: attempt to get length of a boolean value
  5. can anyone help me mysql problem when i try to fix i cant pfff hope you solve my problem [/] MTA: San Andreas :: 0/32 players :: 157 resources :: 151 fps (25) [02:07:13] ERROR: Couldn't find resource pwnage. Check it exists. [02:07:13] ERROR: Couldn't find resource cinema. Check it exists. [02:07:13] Creating new DB table vending_machines [02:07:13] ERROR: Couldn't find resource changename-system. Check it exists. [02:07:13] Querying MTA master server... success! (Auto detected IP:154.109.159. 190) [02:07:13] Authorized serial account protection is enabled for the ACL group(s): `Admin` See https://mtasa.com/authserial [02:07:13] WARNING: <owner_email_address> not set [02:07:13] Server started and is ready to accept connections! [02:07:13] To stop the server, type 'shutdown' or press Ctrl-C [02:07:13] Type 'help' for a list of commands. [02:07:13] Stopping global [02:07:13] Starting global [02:07:13] ERROR: mysql\connection.lua:62: attempt to call global 'mysql_ping' ( a nil value) [02:07:13] ERROR: global\money_globals.lua:26: call: failed to call 'mysql:query ' [string "?"] [02:07:13] ERROR: mysql\connection.lua:62: attempt to call global 'mysql_ping' ( a nil value) [02:07:13] ERROR: global\money_globals.lua:37: call: failed to call 'mysql:query ' [string "?"] [02:07:13] global restarted successfully thease my sql --[[ MMR ]] local connection = nil local connection = nil local null = nil local results = { } local max_results = 128 -- connection functions local function connect( ) -- retrieve the settings local server = "" local user = "678_basespielers" local password = "basemed" local db = "678_basespielers" local port = get( "port" ) or 3306 local socket = get( "socket" ) or nil -- connect connection = mysql_connect ( server, user, password, db, port, socket ) if connection then if user == "root" then setTimer( outputDebugString, 100, 1, "Connecting to your MySQL as 'root' is strongly discouraged.", 2 ) end return true else outputDebugString ( "Connection to MySQL Failed.", 1 ) return false end end local function disconnect( ) if connection and mysql_ping( connection ) then mysql_close( connection ) end end local function checkConnection( ) if not connection or not mysql_ping( connection ) then return connect( ) end return true end addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function( ) if not mysql_connect then if hasObjectPermissionTo( resource, "function.shutdown" ) then shutdown( "MySQL module missing." ) end cancelEvent( true, "MySQL module missing." ) elseif not hasObjectPermissionTo( resource, "function.mysql_connect" ) then if hasObjectPermissionTo( resource, "function.shutdown" ) then shutdown( "Insufficient ACL rights for mysql resource." ) end cancelEvent( true, "Insufficient ACL rights for mysql resource." ) elseif not connect( ) then if connection then outputDebugString( mysql_error( connection ), 1 ) end if hasObjectPermissionTo( resource, "function.shutdown" ) then shutdown( "MySQL failed to connect." ) end cancelEvent( true, "MySQL failed to connect." ) else null = mysql_null( ) end end ) addEventHandler( "onResourceStop", resourceRoot, function( ) for key, value in pairs( results ) do mysql_free_result( value.r ) outputDebugString( "Query not free()'d: " .. value.q, 2 ) end disconnect( ) end ) -- function escape_string( str ) if type( str ) == "string" then return mysql_escape_string( connection, str ) elseif type( str ) == "number" then return tostring( str ) end end local function query( str, ... ) checkConnection( ) if ( ... ) then local t = { ... } for k, v in ipairs( t ) do t[ k ] = escape_string( tostring( v ) ) or "" end str = str:format( unpack( t ) ) end local result = mysql_query( connection, str ) if result then for num = 1, max_results do if not results[ num ] then results[ num ] = { r = result, q = str } return num end end mysql_free_result( result ) return false, "Unable to allocate result in pool" end return false, mysql_error( connection ) end function query_free( str, ... ) if sourceResource == getResourceFromName( "runcode" ) then return false end checkConnection( ) if ( ... ) then local t = { ... } for k, v in ipairs( t ) do t[ k ] = escape_string( tostring( v ) ) or "" end str = str:format( unpack( t ) ) end local result = mysql_query( connection, str ) if result then mysql_free_result( result ) return true end return false, mysql_error( connection ) end function free_result( result ) if results[ result ] then mysql_free_result( results[ result ].r ) results[ result ] = nil end end function query_assoc( str, ... ) if sourceResource == getResourceFromName( "runcode" ) then return false end local t = { } local result, error = query( str, ... ) if result then for result, row in mysql_rows_assoc( results[ result ].r ) do local num = #t + 1 t[ num ] = { } for key, value in pairs( row ) do if value ~= null then t[ num ][ key ] = tonumber( value ) or value end end end free_result( result ) return t end return false, error end function query_assoc_single( str, ... ) if sourceResource == getResourceFromName( "runcode" ) then return false end local t = { } local result, error = query( str, ... ) if result then local row = mysql_fetch_assoc( results[ result ].r ) if row then for key, value in pairs( row ) do if value ~= null then t[ key ] = tonumber( value ) or value end end free_result( result ) return t end free_result( result ) return false end return false, error end function query_insertid( str, ... ) if sourceResource == getResourceFromName( "runcode" ) then return false end local result, error = query( str, ... ) if result then local id = mysql_insert_id( connection ) free_result( result ) return id end return false, error end function query_affected_rows( str, ... ) if sourceResource == getResourceFromName( "runcode" ) then return false end local result, error = query( str, ... ) if result then local rows = mysql_affected_rows( connection ) free_result( result ) return rows end return false, error end next layout --[[ MMR ]] local allowUpdate = get( 'auto_update' ) ~= 0 -- change this setting to 0 to only print the required queries to console but not actually change stuff, removing it or setting it to anything but 0 leaves it enabled -- local query_update = nil if allowUpdate then query_update = query_free else query_update = function( str, ... ) if ( ... ) then local t = { ... } for k, v in ipairs( t ) do t[ k ] = escape_string( tostring( v ) ) or "" end str = str:format( unpack( t ) ) end outputServerLog( str ) return true end end local function getColumnString( value ) local str = "`" .. escape_string( value.name ) .. "` " .. escape_string( value.type ) if not value.null then str = str .. " NOT NULL" end if value.default then if value.default == 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' then str = str .. " DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" else str = str .. " DEFAULT '" .. escape_string( tostring( value.default ) ) .. "'" end end if value.auto_increment then str = str .. " AUTO_INCREMENT" end return str end function create_table( name, columns ) if sourceResource == getResourceFromName( "runcode" ) then return false end if not query_assoc_single( "SHOW TABLES LIKE '%s'", name ) then -- try to create the missing table local cols = { } local keys = { } local autoIncrementValue = "" for key, value in pairs( columns ) do if value.primary_key then table.insert( keys, "`" .. escape_string( value.name ) .."`" ) end if type( value.auto_increment ) == "number" then autoIncrementValue = " AUTO_INCREMENT=" .. value.auto_increment end table.insert( cols, getColumnString( value ) ) end if #keys > 0 then table.insert( cols, "PRIMARY KEY (" .. table.concat( keys, ", " ) .. ")" ) end if query_update( "CREATE TABLE `%s`(\n " .. table.concat( cols, ",\n " ) .. "\n) ENGINE=MyISAM" .. autoIncrementValue, name ) then outputDebugString( "Created table " .. name, 3 ) return true, true else outputDebugString( "Unable to create table " .. name, 1 ) return false end else -- make sure all columns do exist local result = query_assoc( 'DESCRIBE ' .. name ) local fields = { } local primary_keys = { } local has_primary_key = false local change_primary_keys = false for key, value in pairs( result ) do fields[ value.Field ] = { name = value.Field, type = value.Type, null = value.Null == "YES", auto_increment = value.Extra == "auto_increment", primary_key = value.Key == 'PRI' or nil, default = value.Default } if value.Key == 'PRI' then has_primary_key = true end end local insertWhere = "FIRST" for key, value in ipairs( columns ) do if not fields[ value.name ] then if query_update( "ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD " .. getColumnString( value ) .. " " .. insertWhere, name ) then outputDebugString( "Created column " .. name .. "." .. value.name, 3 ) else outputDebugString( "Unable to create column " .. name .. "." .. value.name, 1 ) return false end else -- let's check if everything is alright local f = fields[ value.name ] local str = getColumnString( value ) if getColumnString( f ) ~= str then if query_update( "ALTER TABLE `%s` MODIFY COLUMN " .. str, name ) then outputDebugString( "Changed field " .. name .. "." .. value.name, 3 ) else outputDebugString( "Changing field " .. name .. "." .. value.name .. " failed", 1 ) return false end end -- verify our primary keys if value.primary_key then table.insert( primary_keys, "`" .. escape_string( value.name ) .."`" ) end if f.primary_key ~= value.primary_key then change_primary_keys = true end end insertWhere = "AFTER `" .. escape_string( value.name ) .. "`" end -- change the primary key if we have to if change_primary_keys then outputDebugString( "Changing primary keys...", 3 ) if has_primary_key then if #primary_keys == 0 then if not query_update( "ALTER TABLE `%s` DROP PRIMARY KEY", name ) then outputDebugString( "Unable to drop primary key", 1 ) return false end else if not query_update( "ALTER TABLE `%s` DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY(" .. table.concat( primary_keys, ", " ) .. ")", name ) then outputDebugString( "Unable to change primary key", 1 ) return false end end elseif #primary_keys > 0 then if not query_update( "ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD PRIMARY KEY(" .. table.concat( primary_keys, ", " ) .. ")", name ) then outputDebugString( "Unable to add new primary key", 1 ) return false end end end return true, false end end
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