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Everything posted by Tando

  1. Tando


    check pm i sent it to u
  2. Tando


    i will add my own + i request for help not for know u fixed or no ? i have write Venom Fixed revive system and script will work with me lol?
  3. Tando


    come pm plz i never know about dx thats way i didn't undestand it i make my hq make design dx
  4. Tando


    okay but can u make another button only of client and i will finish server.lua
  5. Tando


    ok what about trade ? i have trade system ! Client: GUIEditor = { checkbox = {}, edit = {}, button = {}, window = {}, label = {}, gridlist = {} } moneyoffer = 0 notallowed = { ["Armour"] = true, ["Weed Seed"] = true, ["Heroine Seed"] = true, ["DMT Seed"] = true, ["LSD Seed"] = true, } addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function () if isElement(GUIEditor.gridlist[1]) then if getPlayerMoney()-moneyoffer < 0 then triggerServerEvent("closeTrade", localPlayer) hideGui() return end guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], moneyrow, 2, getPlayerMoney()-moneyoffer, false, false) end end) addEvent("startTrade", true) addEventHandler("startTrade", root, function(pits, pitq) moneyoffer = 0 if isElement(GUIEditor.window[1]) then return exports.SAUGMessages:sendClientMessage("You already have a trade window opened!", 255, 0, 0) end showCursor(true) local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow((screenW - 802) / 2, (screenH - 451) / 2, 802, 451, "SAUG:RPG Trading System (double-click to cancel trade)", false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIDoubleClick", GUIEditor.window[1], function () if getElementType(source) ~= "gui-window" then return end triggerServerEvent("closeTrade", localPlayer) exports.SAUGMessages:sendClientMessage("You cancelled the trade!", 255, 0, 0) hideGui() end) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor.window[1], 1.00) GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(10, 23, 163, 18, "Your items:", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[1], "default-bold-small") GUIEditor.label[2] = guiCreateLabel(326, 23, 163, 18, "Your offer:", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[2], "default-bold-small") GUIEditor.label[3] = guiCreateLabel(629, 23, 163, 18, "Your partner offer:", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[3], "default-bold-small") GUIEditor.gridlist[1] = guiCreateGridList(9, 43, 164, 354, false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiGridListSetSortingEnabled(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], false) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], "Item", 0.5) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], "Count", 0.5) for k, v in ipairs(pits) do if not notallowed[v] then r = guiGridListAddRow(GUIEditor.gridlist[1]) guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], r, 1, v, false, false) guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], r, 2, pitq[k], false, false) end end moneyrow = guiGridListAddRow(GUIEditor.gridlist[1]) guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], moneyrow, 1, "Money", false, false) guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], moneyrow, 2, getPlayerMoney(), false, false) GUIEditor.gridlist[2] = guiCreateGridList(325, 46, 164, 351, false, GUIEditor.window[1]) --Offer guiGridListSetSortingEnabled(GUIEditor.gridlist[2], false) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[2], "Item", 0.5) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[2], "Count", 0.5) GUIEditor.gridlist[3] = guiCreateGridList(629, 46, 163, 351, false, GUIEditor.window[1]) --Other offer guiGridListSetSortingEnabled(GUIEditor.gridlist[3], false) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[3], "Item", 0.5) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[3], "Count", 0.5) GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(196, 171, 66, 21, ">", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[1], "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor.button[1], function () if getElementType(source) == "gui-button" and guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GUIEditor.gridlist[1]) > -1 and tonumber(guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[1])) ~= nil and tonumber(guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[1])) > 0 then if tonumber(guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GUIEditor.gridlist[1]), 2)) < tonumber(guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[1])) then return exports.ac_message:sendClientMessage("You don't have that amount!", 255, 0, 0) end guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GUIEditor.gridlist[1]), 2, tonumber(guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GUIEditor.gridlist[1]), 2))-tonumber(guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[1])), false, false) if guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GUIEditor.gridlist[1]), 1) == "Money" then moneyoffer = moneyoffer+tonumber(guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[1])) end r = guiGridListAddRow(GUIEditor.gridlist[2]) guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[2], r, 1, guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GUIEditor.gridlist[1]), 1), false, false) guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[2], r, 2, tonumber(guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[1])), false, false) setTradeAccepted(false) triggerServerEvent("updateAddOffer", localPlayer, guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GUIEditor.gridlist[1]), 1), tonumber(guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[1]))) end end) GUIEditor.button[2] = guiCreateButton(230, 202, 66, 21, "<", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor.button[2], function () if getElementType(source) == "gui-button" and guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GUIEditor.gridlist[2]) > -1 and tonumber(guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[1])) ~= nil and tonumber(guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[1])) > 0 then if tonumber(guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[2], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GUIEditor.gridlist[2]), 2)) < tonumber(guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[1])) then return exports.ac_message:sendClientMessage("You don't have that amount added!", 255, 0, 0) end setTradeAccepted(false) triggerServerEvent("updateRemoveOffer", localPlayer, guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[2], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GUIEditor.gridlist[2]), 1), tonumber(guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[1]))) if guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[2], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GUIEditor.gridlist[2]), 1) then moneyoffer = moneyoffer-tonumber(guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[1])) end if tonumber(guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[1])) == tonumber(guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[2], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GUIEditor.gridlist[2]), 2)) then guiGridListRemoveRow(GUIEditor.gridlist[2], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GUIEditor.gridlist[2])) guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GUIEditor.gridlist[1]), 2, tonumber(guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GUIEditor.gridlist[1]), 2))+tonumber(guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[1])), false, false) else guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[2], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GUIEditor.gridlist[2]), 2, tonumber(guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[2], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GUIEditor.gridlist[2]), 2))-tonumber(guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[1])), false, false) guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GUIEditor.gridlist[1]), 2, tonumber(guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GUIEditor.gridlist[1]), 2))+tonumber(guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[1])), false, false) end end end) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[2], "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") GUIEditor.edit[1] = guiCreateEdit(191, 233, 115, 31, "Amount", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", GUIEditor.edit[1], function() local myString = guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[1]) guiSetText(GUIEditor.edit[1], myString:gsub ( "%p", "" ) ) end) GUIEditor.checkbox[1] = guiCreateCheckBox(190, 408, 174, 18, "Accept trade", false, false, GUIEditor.window[1]) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor.checkbox[1], function () if getElementType(GUIEditor.checkbox[1]) == "gui-checkbox" then triggerServerEvent("acceptTrade", localPlayer, guiCheckBoxGetSelected(GUIEditor.checkbox[1])) end end) GUIEditor.button[3] = guiCreateButton(475, 403, 154, 38, "Make trade", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor.button[3], function () if getElementType(source) == "gui-button" and getElementData(localPlayer, "TradeACP") and getElementData(getElementData(localPlayer, "TradingW"), "TradeACP") then if guiGridListGetRowCount(GUIEditor.gridlist[2]) > 0 or guiGridListGetRowCount(GUIEditor.gridlist[3]) > 0 then mof = {{}, {}} oof = {{}, {}} for r=0, guiGridListGetRowCount(GUIEditor.gridlist[2]) do table.insert(mof[1], guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[2], r, 1)) table.insert(mof[2], guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[2], r, 2)) end for r=0, guiGridListGetRowCount(GUIEditor.gridlist[3]) do table.insert(oof[1], guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[3], r, 1)) table.insert(oof[2], guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[3], r, 2)) end triggerServerEvent("makeTrade", localPlayer, mof, oof) hideGui() else hideGui() end end end) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[3], "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") end ) addEvent("updateOffer", true) addEventHandler("updateOffer", root, function (it, am) setTradeAccepted(false) r = false for k=0, guiGridListGetRowCount(GUIEditor.gridlist[3]) do if guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[3], k, 1) == it then r = k end end if r == false then r = guiGridListAddRow(GUIEditor.gridlist[3]) guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[3], r, 1, it, false, false) guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[3], r, 2, 0, false, false) end if am < 0 then if tonumber(guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[3], r, 2))+am <= 0 then guiGridListRemoveRow(GUIEditor.gridlist[3], r) else guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[3], r, 2, tonumber(guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[3], r, 2))+am, false, false) end else guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[3], r, 2, tonumber(guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[3], r, 2))+am, false, false) end end) function hideGui() if isElement(GUIEditor.window[1]) then destroyElement(GUIEditor.window[1]) showCursor(false) end end addEvent("hideTrade", true) addEventHandler("hideTrade", root, hideGui) function setTradeAccepted(bol) guiCheckBoxSetSelected(GUIEditor.checkbox[1], bol) triggerServerEvent("acceptTrade", localPlayer, bol) end Server: conn = dbConnect( "mysql", "dbname="..tostring(exports["NGSQL"]:getMySQLData()[3])..";host=", tostring(exports["NGSQL"]:getMySQLData()[1]), tostring(exports["NGSQL"]:getMySQLData()[2]), "share=1" ) ptrt = {} itens = { [-1] = "Money", [0] = "Gas Can", [1] = "Full Rack", [2] = "Buster", [3] = "Double D-Luxe", [4] = "Sallad Meal", [5] = "Wrench", [6] = "Medic Kit", [7] = "Gas Mask", [8] = "Tire Repair Kit", [9] = "2x Nitrous", [10] = "5x Nitrous", [11] = "10x Nitrous", [12] = "Heroine", [13] = "Weed", [14] = "LSD", [15] = "DMT", [16] = "Armour", [17] = "Paint", [18] = "Heroine Seed", [19] = "Weed Seed", [20] = "LSD Seed", [21] = "DMT Seed", [22] = "Mistery Box", [23] = "Colt 45", [24] = "Taser", [25] = "Deagle", [26] = "M4", [27] = "AK-47", [28] = "Uzi", [29] = "Tec-9", [30] = "MP5", [31] = "Shotgun", [32] = "Sawn-off", [33] = "Spas-12", [34] = "Rifle", [35] = "Sniper", [36] = "Minigun", [37] = "RPG", [38] = "Heat-Seeking RPG", [39] = "Flamethrower", [40] = "Grenade", [41] = "Satchel", [42] = "Molotov", [43] = "Tear Gas", [44] = "Parachute", } for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do setElementData(v, "Trading", false) setElementData(v, "TradingW", false) setElementData(v, "TradeRQ", false) setElementData(v, "TradeACP", false) end addCommandHandler("trade", function (source, _, who) if not isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(source)) then local who = findPlayer(who) if who and not isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(who)) and who ~= source then if not getElementData(source, "Trading") then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) local a, b, c = getElementPosition(who) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, a, b, c) <= 5 then if not getElementData(source, "TradeRQ") then setElementData(source, "TradeRQ", who) exports.SAUGMessages:sendClientMessage("You sended a trade request to "..getPlayerName(who).."!",source, 0, 255, 0) ptrt[source] = setTimer(setElementData, 20000, 1, source, "TradeRQ", false) else exports.SAUGMessages:sendClientMessage("You already sent a trade request, wait a while to send another one!",source, 255, 0, 0) return end if source == getElementData(who, "TradeRQ") and who == getElementData(source, "TradeRQ") then pi = {} piq = {} qry = dbQuery(conn, "SELECT * FROM inventory WHERE playerid=?", getPlayerID(source)) pol = dbPoll(qry, -1) for k, row in ipairs(pol) do if(row["quant"] > 0) then table.insert(pi, itens[row["itemid"]]) table.insert(piq, row["quant"]) end end triggerClientEvent(source, "startTrade", source, pi, piq) pi = {} piq = {} qry = dbQuery(conn, "SELECT * FROM inventory WHERE playerid=?", getPlayerID(who)) pol = dbPoll(qry, -1) for k, row in ipairs(pol) do if(row["quant"] > 0) then table.insert(pi, itens[row["itemid"]]) table.insert(piq, row["quant"]) end end triggerClientEvent(who, "startTrade", who, pi, piq) setElementData(source, "Trading", true) setElementData(who, "Trading", true) setElementData(who, "TradingW", source) setElementData(source, "TradingW", who) exports.SAUGMessages:sendClientMessage("You started trading with "..getPlayerName(who).."!",source, 0, 255, 0) exports.SAUGMessages:sendClientMessage("You started trading with "..getPlayerName(source).."!",who, 0, 255, 0) end else exports.SAUGMessages:sendClientMessage("You must be near the player you want to trade with!",source, 255, 0, 0) end else exports.SAUGMessages:sendClientMessage("You are already trading!",source, 255, 0, 0) end else exports.SAUGMessages:sendClientMessage("Player not found!",source, 255, 0, 0) end end end) addEvent("updateAddOffer", true) addEventHandler("updateAddOffer", root, function (it, am) if getElementData(source, "Trading") and getElementData(source, "TradingW") and getElementData(getElementData(source, "TradingW"), "TradingW") == source and getKeyFromValueInTable(itens, it) then triggerClientEvent(getElementData(source, "TradingW"), "updateOffer", getElementData(source, "TradingW"), it, tonumber(am)) end end) addEvent("updateRemoveOffer", true) addEventHandler("updateRemoveOffer", root, function (it, am) if getElementData(source, "Trading") and getElementData(source, "TradingW") and getElementData(getElementData(source, "TradingW"), "TradingW") == source and getKeyFromValueInTable(itens, it) then triggerClientEvent(getElementData(source, "TradingW"), "updateOffer", getElementData(source, "TradingW"), it, 0-tonumber(am)) end end) addEvent("closeTrade", true) addEventHandler("closeTrade", root, function () if getElementData(source, "Trading") and getElementData(source, "TradingW") and getElementData(getElementData(source, "TradingW"), "TradingW") == source then triggerClientEvent(getElementData(source, "TradingW"), "hideTrade", getElementData(source, "TradingW")) setElementData(source, "TradeACP", false) setElementData(getElementData(source, "TradingW"), "TradeACP", false) exports.SAUGMessages:sendClientMessage(getPlayerName(source).." cancelled the trade!",getElementData(source, "TradingW"), 255, 0, 0) setElementData(getElementData(source, "TradingW"), "Trading", false) setElementData(getElementData(source, "TradingW"), "TradingW", false) setElementData(source, "Trading", false) setElementData(source, "TradingW", false) end end) addEvent("acceptTrade", true) addEventHandler("acceptTrade", root, function (acp) if getElementData(source, "Trading") and getElementData(source, "TradingW") and getElementData(getElementData(source, "TradingW"), "TradingW") == source then setElementData(source, "TradeACP", acp) end end) error = {} addEvent("makeTrade", true) addEventHandler("makeTrade", root, function (mof, oof) if getElementData(source, "Trading") and getElementData(source, "TradingW") and getElementData(getElementData(source, "TradingW"), "TradingW") == source and not getElementData(getElementData(source, "TradingW"), "TradeMade") and not getElementData(source, "TradeMade") then if getElementData(getElementData(source, "TradingW"), "TradeACP") then error[source] = false setElementData(source, "TradeMade", true) setTimer(setElementData, 5000, 1, source, "TradeMade", false) exports.SAUGucp:givePlayerAch(source,19) for k, v in ipairs(mof[1]) do if v == "Money" then if getPlayerMoney(source) >= tonumber(mof[2][k]) then takePlayerMoney(source, mof[2][k]) givePlayerMoney(getElementData(source, "TradingW"), mof[2][k]) else error[source] = true end elseif not error[source] then exports["SAUGInventory"]:takePlayerItem(source, getKeyFromValueInTable(itens, v), tonumber(mof[2][k])) exports["SAUGInventory"]:addPlayerItem(getElementData(source, "TradingW"), getKeyFromValueInTable(itens, v), tonumber(mof[2][k])) end end for k, v in ipairs(oof[1]) do if v == "Money" then if getPlayerMoney(getElementData(source, "TradingW")) >= tonumber(oof[2][k]) then givePlayerMoney(source, oof[2][k]) takePlayerMoney(getElementData(source, "TradingW"), oof[2][k]) else error[source] = true end elseif not error[source] then exports["SAUGInventory"]:takePlayerItem(getElementData(source, "TradingW"), getKeyFromValueInTable(itens, v), tonumber(oof[2][k])) exports["SAUGInventory"]:addPlayerItem(source, getKeyFromValueInTable(itens, v), tonumber(oof[2][k])) end end triggerClientEvent(getElementData(source, "TradingW"), "hideTrade", getElementData(source, "TradingW")) setElementData(getElementData(source, "TradingW"), "Trading", false) setElementData(getElementData(source, "TradingW"), "TradingW", false) setElementData(getElementData(source, "TradingW"), "TradeACP", false) setElementData(source, "TradeACP", false) setElementData(source, "Trading", false) setElementData(source, "TradingW", false) exports.SAUGMessages:sendClientMessage("Trade successfully made!",getElementData(source, "TradingW"),0,255,0) exports.SAUGMessages:sendClientMessage("Trade successfully made!",source, 0, 255, 0) else triggerClientEvent(getElementData(source, "TradingW"), "hideTrade", getElementData(source, "TradingW")) setElementData(getElementData(source, "TradingW"), "Trading", false) setElementData(getElementData(source, "TradingW"), "TradingW", false) setElementData(getElementData(source, "TradingW"), "TradeACP", false) setElementData(source, "TradeACP", false) setElementData(source, "Trading", false) setElementData(source, "TradingW", false) exports.SAUGMessages:sendClientMessage("Your partner did not accept the trade!",source, 255, 0, 0) end end end) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, function () if getElementData(source, "Trading") and getElementData(source, "TradingW") and isElement(getElementData(source, "TradingW")) then triggerClientEvent(getElementData(source, "TradingW"), "hideTrade", getElementData(source, "TradingW")) triggerClientEvent(source, "hideTrade", source) end end) function getPlayerID(player) pqr = dbQuery(conn, "SELECT * FROM accountdata WHERE Username=? LIMIT 1", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player))) pqp = dbPoll(pqr, -1) for k, plas in ipairs (pqp) do return plas["id"] end return false end function getKeyFromValueInTable(a, b) for k,v in pairs(a) do if v == b then return k end end return false end function findPlayer(player) if (player and type(player) == "string") then local plr = getPlayerFromName(player) if (plr ~= false) then return plr end local pC = 0 local player = string.lower(player) local spl = split(player, string.byte("[")) if spl then player = table.concat(spl, ";") end for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local nam = string.lower(getPlayerName(v)) local spl = split(nam, string.byte("[")) if spl then nam = table.concat(spl, ";") end if string.find(nam, player) then plr = v pC = pC + 1 end end if plr and pC == 1 then return plr end return false else return false end end
  6. Tando


    hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh if we aren't talking in mtasa forum i won't request u in anything but lucky U are supporter like much other ohhh, LilDawage if want make it he will make but we have deal can't break it like S.A.E.G XDDDD
  7. Tando


    Can u show me? sry for take time from u ik i have to work but i will make systems of it but in Client iam not pro
  8. Tando


    Hello everybody, Client: addEvent("showmenuu",true) addEventHandler("showmenuu",root, function () dxDrawRectangle(547, 259, 92, 104, tocolor(98, 98, 98, 90), false) dxDrawText("Click Menu", 549, 259, 635, 279, tocolor(239, 191, 0, 255), 1.00, "default", "left", "top", false, false, false, false, false) dxDrawText("PM", 549, 279, 635, 299, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, "default", "left", "top", false, false, false, false, false) dxDrawText("Revive", 549, 305, 635, 325, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, "default", "left", "top", false, false, false, false, false) dxDrawText("Trade", 549, 332, 635, 352, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, "default", "left", "top", false, false, false, false, false) end ) i need help in client i need some funcation like when click player show this menu + Make dxDrawText like Button i can click it for make request and if u can make "dxDrawText("Revive") shown "onPlayerWasted" make it plz
  9. Tando


    This are SpawnCarProtection but it's need SetTime Client: addEvent("Col", true) function enable(veh) for i, vehd in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do for i, vehp in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do setElementCollidableWith( vehd,veh, false) setElementCollidableWith( vehp,veh, false) end end end addEventHandler("Col", root, enable) addEvent("Col2", true) function denable(veh) for i, vehd in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do for i, vehp in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do setElementCollidableWith( vehd,veh,true) setElementCollidableWith( vehp,veh,true) end end end addEventHandler("Col2", root, denable) Server: addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawnVehicle", root, function (vms, _, veh) if getElementType (veh) == "vehicle" and (veh) then triggerClientEvent("Col",source,veh) setElementAlpha(veh, 150) setElementData(veh, "SpawnProtected", true) setTime(function() if not isElement (veh)then return end triggerClientEvent("Col2",veh,veh) setElementData(veh, "SpawnProtected",false) setElementAlpha(veh,255) end,10000,1) end end )
  10. New Verison (3.8) Has been release ------------------------------- New Weapon Factory system New Login system New Jail/JB System Added SC System for cops in LSPD Fixed LangChat New Turfs places / Changed price of Turf from $8000 to $8500 New Bank / Bank Robbery system Fixed t/kill message Added more Shops Fixed Afk Zone New Update system New MCC System New Donate System with Prices Fixed Drug system with new GUI New Inventory GUI Fixed forum bug : saugmta.cf Added Kill List for Gangster/Terrorists New perks shop added in LSPD Fixed Presents Added everywhere in SA Map Fixed Truker/Pizza/Polit job New Vehicles Shop added Added New Spawner system New Skins Mod added in Skins shop Added Airport in LS/SF/LV Added DrugDelivery LS/LV Added Trusted Members in forum : saugmta.cf added fb group / discord in forum Added Bussines System Added Barman system in [AFKZones/Jail] Added New UCP/Phone Added New Lottery System Added New Ban system Added DD Event in LS Added TDM system t/tdm Fixed WarZone Bug Fixed trade system Added AntiDM system Added Cases system Added Bussiness/Garage/House system Fixed VIP BUG with new command for giveall Added Ammo transport added safezones added new system for Afk Added UsedVehicleShop Added Military Rent system Added New HUD With level system Added Abseil system added hitman system Added Housses/garages around SA Added SafeZone Added New Logos/Mods Added New Theme in Forum:saugmta.cf Server OPENED U Can come ig fast
  11. This script already shared in mtasa scripts but server.lua not working it's function showBox(player, value, str) if isElement(player) then triggerClientEvent(player, "CreateBox", getRootElement(), value, str) end end link:https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=5812
  12. not working i thing it's need addEventHandler("onNotificationWindowShow") right ?
  13. help plz i want connect my sv with database and idk what i do i already make Mysql in my sv but when i start sv scripts started without connect with database= i can't register or anything i need it mysql database of telplto host like it
  14. OMG this false i need it by own text not show text
  15. Hello , i bought vps for remove high ping and let my scripts safe without share or anything but when i finished upload and i added phpmyadmin account in SAUGSQL scripts didn't work in scripts some one told me u have to download xampp and start Mysql/apache for let it work but xampp for windows only not linux so may i get help plz ? how to fix mysql ? my sql system like Tepleto host + gameserver-sponsor
  16. Sry Bro we had problem in mta / scripts / host but we fixed everything Hello everybody, We had much problems with SAUG:RPG and we fixed everything we Got own vps We made alot of news: New Verison (3.8) Has release New Weapon Factory system New Login system New Jail/JB System Added SC System for cops in LSPD Fixed LangChat system New Turfs places / Changed price of Turf from $7500 to $8800 New Bank / Bank Robbery system Fixed t/kill message Added more Shops Fixed Afk Zone New Update system New MCC System New Donate System with Prices Fixed Drug system with new GUI New Inventory GUI Fixed forum bug : saugmta.cf Added Kill List for Gangster/Terrorists New perks shop added in LSPD Fixed Presents Added everywhere in SA Map Fixed Truker/Pizza/Polit job New Vehicles Shop added Added New Spawner system New Skins Mod added in Skins shop Added Airport in LS/SF/LV Added DrugDelivery LS/LV Added Trusted Members in forum : saugmta.cf added fb group / discord in forum Added Bussines System Added Barman system in [AFKZones/Jail] Added New UCP/Phone Added New Lottery System So please Help us to grow strong vs all servers and give good image to all u can invite ur friends to SAUG For break our record and back as old with +35Players Discord Invite:https://discordapp.com/invite/fwSTUhu Forum Link: saugmta.cf Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/141559259848558/ Server will open after some hours just wait us we will give u mesg before open
  17. may u make it plz bcs i have some problems with making function function showTextDisplay ( player, command ) local serverDisplay = textCreateDisplay() -- create a text display textDisplayAddObserver ( serverDisplay, player ) -- make it visible to a player local serverText = textCreateTextItem ( "Hello world!", 0.5, 0.5 ) -- create a text item for the display textDisplayAddText ( serverDisplay, serverText ) -- add it to the display so it is displayed end addCommandHandler( "showText", showTextDisplay ) this i want inside logo + with acl group "staff" or "admin" anything
  18. Hello everybody, iam coming with news SAUG:RPG 3.5 Going to back after 2days New forum : saugmta.cf New systems Fixed Warzone Fixed Inventory/Drug Added killlist
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