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  1. eu sou kikado de todos os servers que tento entrar pro (VF #2 00070000) alguem poode me ajudar porfavor nao sei oque fazer de desinstalei o mta o sanandreas reinstalei tudo e ainda comtinua dando o erro porfavor me ajudem ae ??
  2. --List Position Turfs local theTurfs = { { 2130, 630, 200, 100 }, { 2489, 681, 250, 130 }, { 1858, 623, 140, 165 }, { 1577, 663, 180, 130 }, { 1577, 943, 185, 190 }, { 1383, 909, 120, 230 }, { 956, 1011, 220, 140 }, { 1017, 1203, 180, 165 }, { 1017, 1383, 190, 290 }, { 917, 1623, 80, 220 }, { 1017, 1862, 140, 180 }, { 912, 1958, 90, 240 }, { 1017, 2063, 150, 300 }, { 1300, 2092, 200, 140 }, { 1398, 2323, 160, 65 }, { 1578, 2284, 180, 110 }, { 1237, 2581, 450, 130 }, { 1780, 2567, 130, 130 }, { 1698, 2724, 200, 150 }, { 2237, 2723, 180, 110 }, { 2498, 2704, 300, 140 }, { 2798, 2303, 120, 300 }, { 2557, 2243, 100, 230 }, { 2532, 2063, 100, 150 }, { 2558, 1624, 100, 300 }, { 2437, 1483, 160, 120 }, { 2077, 1203, 340, 170}, { 2082, 979, 270, 210 } } function getTurfs () return theTurfs end --Function Money Win On Turf Taken Over function getAmountMoney ( ) return tonumber(3000) end --Function Send Message function sendMessageToPlayer ( thePlayer, message, r, b, g ) return outputChatBox(message, thePlayer, r, b, g) end --Function Send Message function getGangColor ( GangName ) return exports["groups-system"]:getGangColour(GangName) end --Function Check Is Player In Team Turfing function isPlayerInTeamTurfing ( thePlayer ) if ( isElement( thePlayer ) ) then local playerTeam = getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) local teamName = getTeamName(playerTeam) == "Criminals" if ( playerTeam ) and ( teamName ) then return true else return false end else return false end end --Function Get Gang Player function getPlayerGang ( thePlayer ) if ( isElement( thePlayer ) ) then local gang = getElementData(thePlayer, "gang" ) if ( gang ) then return tostring(gang) else return false end else return false end end preciso que alguem verifique se esse script ainda server no mta pois ele e de 2014 e se possivel atualizar ele
  3. ajuda para mudar esse script de dominação para a versão atual do mta pois ela e de 2014-01-04 e a versão é 1.2.0 preciso que as gangs brigem com outras gangs e policiais ganhando uma media de 3 mil por cada 5 minutos --List Position Turfs local theTurfs = { { 2130, 630, 200, 100 }, { 2489, 681, 250, 130 }, { 1858, 623, 140, 165 }, { 1577, 663, 180, 130 }, { 1577, 943, 185, 190 }, { 1383, 909, 120, 230 }, { 956, 1011, 220, 140 }, { 1017, 1203, 180, 165 }, { 1017, 1383, 190, 290 }, { 917, 1623, 80, 220 }, { 1017, 1862, 140, 180 }, { 912, 1958, 90, 240 }, { 1017, 2063, 150, 300 }, { 1300, 2092, 200, 140 }, { 1398, 2323, 160, 65 }, { 1578, 2284, 180, 110 }, { 1237, 2581, 450, 130 }, { 1780, 2567, 130, 130 }, { 1698, 2724, 200, 150 }, { 2237, 2723, 180, 110 }, { 2498, 2704, 300, 140 }, { 2798, 2303, 120, 300 }, { 2557, 2243, 100, 230 }, { 2532, 2063, 100, 150 }, { 2558, 1624, 100, 300 }, { 2437, 1483, 160, 120 }, { 2077, 1203, 340, 170}, { 2082, 979, 270, 210 } } function getTurfs () return theTurfs end --Function Money Win On Turf Taken Over function getAmountMoney ( ) return tonumber(3000) end --Function Send Message function sendMessageToPlayer ( thePlayer, message, r, b, g ) return outputChatBox(message, thePlayer, r, b, g) end --Function Send Message function getGangColor ( GangName ) return exports["groups-system"]:getGangColour(GangName) end --Function Check Is Player In Team Turfing function isPlayerInTeamTurfing ( thePlayer ) if ( isElement( thePlayer ) ) then local playerTeam = getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) local teamName = getTeamName(playerTeam) == "Criminals" if ( playerTeam ) and ( teamName ) then return true else return false end else return false end end --Function Get Gang Player function getPlayerGang ( thePlayer ) if ( isElement( thePlayer ) ) then local gang = getElementData(thePlayer, "gang" ) if ( gang ) then return tostring(gang) else return false end else return false end end
  4. preciso de um script que deixe os players dominar areas em lv e ganhando dinheiro de 3 em 3 minutos porfavor me ajudem nao to comsseguindo fazer
  5. queria um script pra dominar areas de ls OBS:as favelas deveriam ser em las venturas
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