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Posts posted by Karol998

  1. Cześć, mam problem z edytorem. Nic już nie pomaga, nawet reinstalacja gry. Nie wiem kompletnie co z tym robić. Może ktoś ma jakiś pomysł?

    = Server name : Map Editor Server
    = Server IP address: auto
    = Server port : 22010
    = Log file : ..rver/mods/deathmatch/logs/editor_server.log
    = Maximum players : 1
    = HTTP port : 22011
    = Voice Chat : Disabled
    = Bandwidth saving : None
    [13] Resource 'acpanel' requests some acl rights. Use the command 'aclrequest list acpanel'
    [13] Resource 'guieditor' requests some acl rights. Use the command 'aclrequest list guieditor'
    [13] ERROR: Couldn't find map StadiumMapping.map for resource maps
    [13] Loading of resource 'maps' failed
    [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: assault; Failed to link to scoreboard
    [13] ERROR: Not processing resource 'briefcase' as it has duplicates on different paths:
    Path #1: "resources\briefcase"
    Path #2: "resources\[gamemodes]\[briefcaserace]\briefcase"
    [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: briefcaserace; Failed to link to scoreboard
    [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: cdm; Failed to link to scoreboard
    [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: ctf; Failed to link to scoreboard
    [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: ctf-bombsite; Failed to link to scoreboard
    [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: ctf-canals; Failed to link to scoreboard
    [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: ctf-hydrastrike;
    [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: ctf-tbd; Failed to link to scoreboard
    [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: ctv; Failed to link to scoreboard
    [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: deathmatch; Failed to link to scoreboard
    [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: editor;
    [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: editor_main; Failed to link to freecam
    [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: fallout; Failed to link to freecam
    [13] ERROR: Not processing resource 'freecam' as it has duplicates on different paths:
    Path #1: "resources\freecam"
    Path #2: "resources\[editor]\freecam"
    [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: hay; Failed to link to scoreboard
    [13] ERROR: Not processing resource 'ipb' as it has duplicates on different paths:
    Path #1: "resources\ipb"
    Path #2: "resources\[admin]\ipb"
    [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: maps; Couldn't find map StadiumMapping.map for resource maps
    [13] ERROR: Not processing resource 'parachute' as it has duplicates on different paths:
    Path #1: "resources\parachute"
    Path #2: "resources\[gameplay]\parachute"
    [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: race; Failed to link to scoreboard
    [13] ERROR: Not processing resource 'scoreboard' as it has duplicates on different paths:
    Path #1: "resources\scoreboard"
    Path #2: "resources\[gameplay]\scoreboard"
    [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: scores; Failed to link to scoreboard
    [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: stealth; Failed to link to scoreboard
    [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: tdm; Failed to link to scoreboard
    [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: tdma; Failed to link to scoreboard
    [13] Resources: 336 loaded, 20 failed
    [13] Starting resources...

    [13] Server minclientversion is now 1.3.5
    [13] ERROR: Couldn't find resource parachute. Check it exists.
    [13] Server started and is ready to accept connections!
    [13] To stop the server, type 'shutdown' or press Ctrl-C
    [13] Type 'help' for a list of commands.
    [13] CONNECT: Karol998 connected (IP: bla bla bla Serial: nie pokoze Version: 1.5.6-9.16588.5)
    * Connected! [MTA:SA Server 1.5.6 [Windows]]
    [13] JOIN: Karol998 joined the game (IP:
    [13] WARNING: [editor]\edf\scriptreader.Lua:88: Bad argument @ 'getElementData' [Expected element at argument 1, got boolean]
    Server FPS limit: 50
    Server AC info: [Allowed client files: None] [Disabled AC: None] [Enabled SD: None]
    GUI load time measures (ms):
    createWorldDetector() : 0


    • Like 1
  2. Cześć drogi użytkowniku, piszę na tym forum ze względu na problem ze skryptem na łączenie z bazą danych, a mianowicie:


    [19-04-09 09:51] WARNING: [EMS]/DB/sql9384571.lua:31: dbPoll failed; Unknown column 'exp' in 'field list'
    [19-04-09 09:51] WARNING: [EMS]/DB/sql9384571.lua:31: dbPoll failed; Unknown column 'exp' in 'field list' [DUP x2]



    Interfejs obsługi bazy danych nakładka na funkcje db...
    local root getRootElement()
    local SQL
    local function connect()
        SQL dbConnect("mysql""dbname=*******;host=;port=3306","*******","*******","share=0")
        if (not SQLthen
            outputServerLog("BRAK POLACZENIA Z BAZA DANYCH!")
            zapytanie("SET NAMES utf8")
    function pobierzTabeleWynikow(...)
        local h=dbQuery(SQL,...)
        if (not hthen 
            return nil
        local rows dbPoll(h, -1) ------------ LINIJKA 31
        return rows
    function pobierzWyniki(...)
        local h=dbQuery(SQL,...)
        if (not hthen 
            return nil
        local rows dbPoll(h, -1)
        if not rows then return nil end
        return rows[1]
    function zapytanie(...)
        local h=dbQuery(SQL,...)
        local result,numrows=dbPoll(h,-1)
        return numrows
    function nullCallback(qh)
    function szybkieZapytanie(...)
        local h=dbQuery(nullCallback,SQL,...)
    function insertID()
        local r=pobierzWyniki("select last_insert_id() lid")
        return r.lid
    function affectedRows()
        return mysql_affected_rows(SQL)
    function fetchRows(query)
        local result=mysql_query(SQL,query)
        if (not resultthen return nil end
        local tabela={}
        while true do
            local row mysql_fetch_row(result)
            if (not rowthen break end
        return tabela
    -- left for compatibility
    function esc(s)
       return string.gsub(s,"['\"\]","")
  3. Cześć, próbuję przerobić skrypt na spawn na skrypt na spawn dla frakcji (pod ACL). Coś tam wykminiłem i nie wiem czy to będzie działało, pierw wole się zapytać doświadczonych osób. Jeżeli by coś nie było tak jak ma być to mógłby ktoś poprawić, aby było dobrze?



    function CommandHandlerthePlayer )
          setElementPosition (thePlayer, -2066.3000488281 ,17.700000762939 ,35.299999237061 )
        outputChatBox("Witaj na spawnie!"source)
    if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("Straz Pozarna")) then
  4. I have a problem with the player, look on video and screenshots. I can't give you a ban. The player joining the server on active ban. The player is hacker or chiter idk.  At the end of the film you can see that everything works . I know, my english is bad. I use trasnlator.





    • Like 1
  5. Dobry wieczór, co można w tej sytuacji zrobić?



    Gracza nie można zbanować, może się odbanowywać, wbija mając bana, mam jeszcze parę ssów, jak będzie trzeba to wstawie. Cały panel i wszystko działa normalnie.

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