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Everything posted by magicplayerc

  1. function coletar01(source) if isElementWithinMarker(source, coletardroga1) then setElementVisibleTo(coletardroga1, source, false) setPlayerWantedLevel(source, 6) toggleAllControls (source, false) setElementPosition(source,-1077.54639, -1637.18079, 76.36719) outputChatBox("#00FA9A[maconha] #ffffffvoce esta coletando as folhas de maconha aguarde", source, 255, 255, 255, true) setPedAnimation(source,"bomber", "BOM_Plant_Loop", 30000, true, false, false, false) setTimer( function () destroyElement(arvore1[source]) outputChatBox("#00FA9A[maconha] #ffffffVoce coletou a primeira remessa de folhas #00fa9a60/60 ", source, 255, 255, 255, true) toggleAllControls (source, true) end, 30000, 1) setTimer( function () triggerClientEvent(source, "doShowProgressBarf", source) triggerEvent(eventorestart, root) end, 1000, 1) end end addCommandHandler("colher1",coletar01)
  2. quero que animaçao do jogador pare quando executar o comando em outro marker function escada(Jogador) if isElementWithinMarker(Jogador, balcao2) then setElementPosition(balcao2, 2413.03320, -1494.10571, 24.05586) destroyElement (balcao2) setPedRotation(Jogador, 190) setElementPosition(Jogador, 2413.03320, -1494.10571, 24.05586) setPedAnimation(Jogador,"CARRY", "crry_prtial", 0.0, false, false, false) outputChatBox("#00FA9A[Soldador] #ffffffVoce esta soldando a peça do navio aguarde 1 minuto para terminar", Jogador, 255, 255, 255, true) end,5000,1) setTimer( function () escada1 = createObject ( 1437, 418.099609375, -1349.2998046875, 22.60000038147, 337.99987792969, 0, 217.99072265625) escada2 = createObject ( 1437, 416.2001953125, -1346.900390625, 17.700000762939, 337.99987792969, 0, 217.99072265625) escada3 = createObject ( 1437, 414.400390625, -1344.599609375, 13, 337.99987792969, 0,217.99072265625) triggerClientEvent(Jogador, "doShowProgressBar", Jogador) triggerEvent(eventorestart, root) end, 1000, 1) end end addCommandHandler("pegar",escada)
  3. dou /trabalhar e vou ate o local do marker de trabalho digito /soldar ele funciona tudo mais quando eu dou function Soldadortrabalhar ( source, cmd ) if not isElementWithinMarker(source, Markersoldador) then return end if getElementData(source, "soldador", true) then outputChatBox("#00FA9AVoçe ja esta trabalhando",source,255,255,255,true) else outputChatBox("#00FA9AVoçe iniciou o trabalho de soldador",source,255,255,255,true) setElementData(source, "soldador", true) setPedSkin(source, 45) setElementVisibleTo(criartrampo, source, true) setElementVisibleTo(criartrampo2, source, true) setTimer( function () triggerEvent(eventorestart, root) end, 1000, 1) end end addCommandHandler("trabalhar", Soldadortrabalhar) function Sair ( source ) if getElementData(source, "soldador") == true then setElementData(source, "soldador", false) setPedSkin(source, 0) setElementVisibleTo(criartrampo, source, false) setElementVisibleTo(criartrampo2, source, false) outputChatBox("#00FA9AVoce saiu do emprego de soldador",source,255,255,255,true) else setTimer( function () triggerEvent(eventorestart, root) end, 1000, 1) end end addCommandHandler("sairemprego", Sair) /sairemprego nao consigo iniciar novamente /trabalhar pois ele nao apareçe marker mais
  4. quando digito /trabalhar inicia os marker quando inicio funçao do marker de trabalho ex: /soldar funciona normalmente mas quando eu digito /sairemprego e novamente volto ao local do /trabalhar o marker nao se inicia mais function Soldadortrabalhar ( source, cmd ) if not isElementWithinMarker(source, Markersoldador) then return end if getElementData(source, "soldador", true) then outputChatBox("#00FA9AVoçe ja esta trabalhando",source,255,255,255,true) else outputChatBox("#00FA9AVoçe iniciou o trabalho de soldador",source,255,255,255,true) setElementData(source, "soldador", true) setPedSkin(source, 45) setElementVisibleTo(criartrampo, source, true) setElementVisibleTo(criartrampo2, source, true) setTimer( function () triggerEvent(eventorestart, root) end, 1000, 1) end end addCommandHandler("trabalhar", Soldadortrabalhar) function Sair ( source ) if getElementData(source, "soldador") == true then setElementData(source, "soldador", false) setPedSkin(source, 0) setElementVisibleTo(criartrampo, source, false) setElementVisibleTo(criartrampo2, source, false) outputChatBox("#00FA9AVoce saiu do emprego de soldador",source,255,255,255,true) else setTimer( function () triggerEvent(eventorestart, root) end, 1000, 1) end end addCommandHandler("sairemprego", Sair)
  5. function msgmarker(source) outputChatBox("#00ff88● #ffffffDigite /soldar para soldar peça do navio", source, 255, 255, 255, true) end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", criartrampo, msgmarker) function Sair ( source ) if getElementData(source, "soldador", true) then setElementData(source, "soldador", false) setPedSkin(source, 0) setElementVisibleTo(criartrampo, source, false) outputChatBox("#00FA9AVoce saiu do emprego de soldador",source,255,255,255,true) else -- NHE setTimer( function () triggerEvent(eventorestart, root) end, 1000, 1) end end addCommandHandler("sairemprego", Sair)
  6. QUERO QUE ESSES 2 ID DE VEICULO NAO FICA PROCURADO QUANDO PEGA O CARRO SEM ACL AJUDA ACL = "Admin" function giveLevelOnEnterVehicle(source) local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) if (isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. accName, aclGetGroup(ACL))) then outputChatBox("", source, 255, 255, 255, true) else local id = getElementModel(source) if id == 411 or id == 468 then outputChatBox("", source, 255, 255, 255, true) return end if getPlayerWantedLevel(source) < 6 then setPlayerWantedLevel(source, getPlayerWantedLevel(source) + 1) end outputChatBox("", source, 255, 255, 255, true) end end addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), giveLevelOnEnterVehicle)
  7. local playerData = { joinArea = {}, } local colArea = createColRectangle(1721.97595, -1434.01538, 150,150 ) local radarArea = createRadarArea(1721.97595, -1434.01538, 130, 100, 255, 0, 0, 155) local hitArea = 0 function areaEnter(thePlayer, matchingDimension) if (getElementType(thePlayer) == "player") then if hitArea < 4 then hitArea = hitArea + 1 playerData.joinArea[thePlayer] = true end end end addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", colArea, areaEnter) function areaExit(thePlayer, matchingDimension) if (getElementType(thePlayer) == "player") then if playerData.joinArea[thePlayer] then playerData.joinArea[thePlayer] = nil if hitArea > 0 then hitArea = hitArea - 1 end end end end addEventHandler("onColShapeLeave", colArea, areaExit) settings_Money =1000 function morrer() if playerData.joinArea[source] then takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber(settings_Money)) playerData.joinArea[source] = nil end end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, morrer)
  8. function caixa1(Jogador) if isElementWithinMarker(Jogador, markers[1]) then setTimer( function () givePlayerMoney(Jogador,5000) ------PEGAR VALOR NOS PICKUP mbag = createPickup( -2412.6999511719, -579.20001220703, 131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) -----DESTROIR PICKUPS mbag = createPickup( -2414.5,-579.5 ,131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) mbag = createPickup( -2412.3000488281, -578.79998779297, 131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) mbag = createPickup( -2413.6999511719, -579.79998779297, 131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) mbag = createPickup( -2412.8000488281,-578.70001220703, 131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) mbag = createPickup( -2413.1999511719,-579, 131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) mbag = createPickup( -2413.6000976563, -579.29998779297, 131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) mbag = createPickup( -2414.1000976563,-579.5, 131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) mbag = createPickup( -2412.8000488281,-578.20001220703, 131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) mbag = createPickup( -2413.3000488281,-578.40002441406, 131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) mbag = createPickup( -2413.6999511719,-578.79998779297, 131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) mbag = createPickup( -2414.1000976563,-578.79998779297, 131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) mbag = createPickup( -2413.1999511719,-577.90002441406, 131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) mbag = createPickup( -2414.5,-579.5 ,131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) triggerEvent(eventorestart, root) end, 1000, 1) end end addCommandHandler("robarcaixa1",caixa1)
  9. some function that loses money when it dies in the place somebody helps me
  10. function diminuiestrela () for _,jog in ipairs ( getElementsByType ('player') ) do local Serial = getPlayerSerial(jog) if ( getElementData (jog, 'naprisao') or getElementData (jog, 'navtr') or getElementData(ResourceEscolhido,""..Serial.."preso",true) ) then setPlayerWantedLevel (jog, getPlayerWantedLevel(jog)-1) if ( getPlayerWantedLevel (jog) < 1 ) then libera (jog) end end end if ( i == 4 ) then i = 1 else i = i +1 end end setTimer (diminuiestrela, 40000, 10000) function Logar () local Serial = getPlayerSerial(source) if getElementData(ResourceEscolhido,""..Serial.."preso",true) then outputChatBox("Você deslogou Preso, e por isso foi adicionado 6 estrelas", source) setPlayerWantedLevel ( source, 6 ) setElementInterior(source,6) setElementPosition (source, 264.1, 77.9, 1001.0) end end addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerLogin', getRootElement ( ),Logar) function onPlayerSpawn() if getElementData(source, "preso") then outputChatBox("Você deslogou Preso, e por isso foi adicionado 6 estrelas", source) setElementInterior(source,6) setElementPosition (source, 264.1, 77.9, 1001.0) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement, onPlayerSpawn) function onSetTime() for _, jog in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if ( getElementData(jog,"naprisao"..getPlayerSerial(jog).."navtr") or ( getElementData(jog, "preso") ) ) then setPlayerWantedLevel(jog, getPlayerWantedLevel(jog)-1) if ( getPlayerWantedLevel(jog) == 0 ) then Liberar(jog) end end end end setTimer(onSetTime, 60000, 0)
  11. preciso de alguma funçao de quando tiver preso a pessoa sai do serve ela volta com nivel 6 de procurados help
  12. function algemar(player, command, p) local acc = getPlayerAccount(player) local job = getElementData(player, 'ocupacao') or "Nenhum" if (job == "Policial") then if p then local target = getPlayerFromName(p) or getPlayerFromPartialName(p) if target and target ~= player then local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(player) local tx, ty, tz = getElementPosition(target) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(px, py, pz, tx, ty, tz) < 4 then if command == "algemar" then setElementData(target,"algemado",true) triggerClientEvent("algemaAdd", target) triggerClientEvent(target,"onClientPlayerAlgemado",resourceRoot,20000) setElementFrozen(target, true) setPedAnimation(player, "GANG", "prtial_gngtlkA", false, false) setTimer(function() setPedAnimation(player, false) end, 3000, 1, player, source) timer[target] = setTimer(desalgemar, 20000, 1, target) elseif command == "desalgemar" then local dataAlgemado = getElementData(target, "algemado") if (not dataAlgemado) then return outputChatBox("#FF0000ERROR: #FFFFFFEste jogador não está algemado", player, 255, 255, 255, true) end desalgemar(target) end else outputChatBox("#FF0000ERROR: #FFFFFFChegue mais perto do jogador", player, 255, 255, 255, true) end else outputChatBox("#FF0000ERROR: #FFFFFFVocê não pode algemar a si mesmo", player, 255, 255, 255, true) end else outputChatBox("#FF0000ERROR: #FFFFFFDigite /algemar <nick> ou /desalgemar <nick>", player, 255, 255, 255, true) end end end addCommandHandler("algemar", algemar)
  13. Alguem sabe como fazer isso solta depois de um tempo nao estou conseguindo AJUDA Alguem sabe como fazer isso solta depois de um tempo nao estou conseguindo AJUDA function algemandomta( ped1 ) setElementPosition (toPlayer, x, y, z) setPedAnimation(toPlayer) setPedAnimation(toPlayer, "KISSING", "Gift_Give",200,false,false,false) setPedAnimationProgress(toPlayer, "Gift_Give", 0.15) recursaop = setTimer ( algemandomta, 50, 1, ped1 ) end
  14. Quote
    function Comando2 ( ThePlayer )
    outputChatBox("#ffff00Você CHAMOU REFORÇO ESPERE no local", ThePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true)
    addCommandHandler("reforco", Comando2 ) --------------- ACL AQUI
    function chamado2(source)
    for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
    local uj = getElementData(player,"PMemprego") or false
    if type(uj) == "boolean" then
    if uj == true then
    outputChatBox("#ffffffPOLICIAL "..getPlayerName(source).." #ffffffCHAMOU REFORCO AGORA",player, 255,255,255,true)
    outputChatBox("#ff0000----------------------------------------------------------------",player, 255,255,255,true)
    outputChatBox("#ff0000/ir #ffffff "..getPlayerName(source).." #ffffffPara ir ate o local onde jogador chamou",player, 255,255,255,true)
    addCommandHandler("reforco",chamado2) --------------- ACL AQUI



    1. magicplayerc




    2. MayconGabriel


      como faço para usar esse Código?

  15. function Comando2 ( ThePlayer ) outputChatBox("#ffff00Você CHAMOU REFORÇO ESPERE no local", ThePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) end addCommandHandler("reforco", Comando2 ) --------------- ACL AQUI ---------------------------------------- function chamado2(source) for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local uj = getElementData(player,"PMemprego") or false if type(uj) == "boolean" then if uj == true then outputChatBox("#ffffffPOLICIAL "..getPlayerName(source).." #ffffffCHAMOU REFORCO AGORA",player, 255,255,255,true) outputChatBox("#ff0000----------------------------------------------------------------",player, 255,255,255,true) outputChatBox("#ff0000/ir #ffffff "..getPlayerName(source).." #ffffffPara ir ate o local onde jogador chamou",player, 255,255,255,true) end end end end addCommandHandler("reforco",chamado2) --------------- ACL AQUI
  16. ACL Permission Police Help please function Comando2 ( ThePlayer ) outputChatBox("#ffff00Você CHAMOU REFORÇO ESPERE no local", ThePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) end addCommandHandler("reforco", Comando2 ) --------------- ACL AQUI ---------------------------------------- function chamado2(source) for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local uj = getElementData(player,"PMemprego") or false if type(uj) == "boolean" then if uj == true then outputChatBox("#ffffffPOLICIAL "..getPlayerName(source).." #ffffffCHAMOU REFORCO AGORA",player, 255,255,255,true) outputChatBox("#ff0000----------------------------------------------------------------",player, 255,255,255,true) outputChatBox("#ff0000/ir #ffffff "..getPlayerName(source).." #ffffffPara ir ate o local onde jogador chamou",player, 255,255,255,true) end end end end addCommandHandler("reforco",chamado2) --------------- ACL AQUI
  17. function PMtrabalhar ( ThePlayer ) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( ThePlayer ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "PMP") ) then if not isElementWithinMarker(ThePlayer, MarkerPM) then return end if getElementData(ThePlayer, "PMemprego", true) then outputChatBox("#ff0000Voçe ja esta em serviço e nao pode bater cartao novamente",ThePlayer,255,255,255,true) else outputChatBox(" "..getPlayerName(ThePlayer).." #FFFF00BATEU O CARTAO E ESTA EM SERVIÇO PARA PATRULHAMENTO E RECEBER CHAMADAS 190", Player, 255, 255, 255, true) setElementData(ThePlayer, "PMemprego", true) end end end addCommandHandler("batercartao", PMtrabalhar) ONDE COLOCO ARMA SKIN COLETE AQUI pra quando digitar comando pegar tudo
  18. Permission to hit specified ACL card ?????? Help please function PMtrabalhar ( ThePlayer ) if not isElementWithinMarker(ThePlayer, MarkerPM) then return end if getElementData(ThePlayer, "PMemprego", true) then outputChatBox("#ff0000Voçe ja esta em serviço e nao pode bater cartao novamente",ThePlayer,255,255,255,true) else outputChatBox(" "..getPlayerName(ThePlayer).." #FFFF00BATEU O CARTAO E ESTA EM SERVIÇO PARA PATRULHAMENTO E RECEBER CHAMADAS 190", Player, 255, 255, 255, true) setElementData(ThePlayer, "PMemprego", true) end end addCommandHandler("batercartao", PMtrabalhar)
  19. I want this message to appear with the name of the person example Leonardo Bateu card and this in service already tried all functions of OutchatBox anyway still continues giving error help please function PM ( ThePlayer ) if not isElementWithinMarker(ThePlayer, JoinMaker) then return end if isPedInVehicle(ThePlayer) then return end if getElementData(ThePlayer, "PMEMPREGO", true) then outputChatBox("#FFFFFFVoçe ja bateu o cartao ",Players,255,255,255,true) else outputChatBox("#FFFF00Bateu Cartao e esta em serviço agora", Players, 255, 255, 255, true) ------------ QUERO QUE APAREÇA COM NOME DA PESSOA E NADA QUE COLOCO DA CERTO setElementData(ThePlayer, "PMEMPREGO", true) end end addCommandHandler("trabalhar", PM)
  20. I made an assault the company would like a function that after they have it inside the assault I caused the assault to restart the assault they lose money that is stealing us in the marker, and will be teleported to some place there is some function for that someone can help me or if that does not have some function that if he dies so much for bot or player loses all the money helps
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