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  1. s2sk

    Lua f*k sh*t

    That means what developer mta stupid, created MP with ideal sync and anticheat and make f*k sh*t under name LUA
  2. s2sk

    Lua f*k sh*t

    can you tell me, ragul, how does this help if everything goes perfectly without her?
  3. s2sk

    Lua f*k sh*t

    OK, I did as you said. you know what now? got error which was not destroyElement(getElementData(player, "elementCheckpointBus")) local marker = createMarker(busRoad[roadName][countCheckpoint][1], busRoad[roadName][countCheckpoint][2], busRoad[roadName][countCheckpoint][3], "checkpoint", 5.0, 59, 144, 244, 200, player) setMarkerTarget(marker, busRoad[roadName][countCheckpoint + 1][1], busRoad[roadName][countCheckpoint + 1][2], busRoad[roadName][countCheckpoint + 1][3]) setElementData(player, "elementCheckpointBus", marker) "ERROR: Bad argument @ 'destroyElement' [Expected element at argument 1, got bolean]" though an error, but the marker destroy normally thx developer mta for wonderful scripting lang and very wonderful api
  4. s2sk

    Lua f*k sh*t

    I MAKE SO setElementData(source, "countCheckpoitBusRoad", 0) -- somewhere in the code local countCheckpoint = getElementData(player, "countCheckpoitBusRoad") + 1 -- callback hit marker -- AND HERE ERROR setElementData(player, "countCheckpoitBusRoad", countCheckpoint) AND HAVE "ERROR: attempt to perform arithmetic on a boolean value 'countCheckpoint '" WHY??? MY SYSTEM-BUS WORK, BUT IN CONSOLE MORE ERROR
  5. closed. it not bug, just i created text, whish closed the input field, because when i click on window - i click on text.
  6. Hello. (sry for english and stupid question) I created window and input field on DGS win = DGS:dgsDxCreateWindow(0.18, 0.27, 0.22, 0.3," ",true,0xFF000000,25,nil,0xFFFFFFFF,nil,0xFFFFFFFF,5,true) -- window emailBoxReg = DGS:dgsCreateEdit( 0.1, 0.36, 0.8, 0.1, "INPUT FIELD", true, win, 0xFF000000, 0.5, 0.5, nil, 0xFFEBEBEB, false) -- input field DGS:dgsDxGUISetVisible( winReg, true) -- show DGS:dgsDxWindowSetMovable(winReg, false) DGS:dgsDxWindowSetSizable(winReg, false) guiSetInputEnabled(true) -- input showCursor(true) -- cursor why if i click on input field, later click on window - next clicks everywhere not work?
  7. tupie deffki scyk... i know basics. i asked about optional params and skip params...
  8. Hi. I have 2 problem. In Pawn (sa-mp hello) i can write stock Function(value1, value2 = 5, value3 = 10) // value2 and value3 optional parameters { return 1; } how make it in Lua (i talking about optional parameters)? if make so function Function(value1, value2 = 5, value3 = 10) { } i have error from interpreter and more question... how skip argument? again in Pawn i can write stock Function(value1, value2 = 5, value = 10) { return 1; } public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { Function(value1, .value3 = 20); // <<<----------- skip value2 } how make it on Lua? thx.
  9. s2sk

    Sin and cos work?

  10. Hi. I want to create object in front of the coordinates for the angle. createObject(objectid, x + DISTANCE * -math.sin(angle + 90.0, degrees), y + DISTANCE * math.cos(angle + 90.0, degrees), z) It code WORK in SAMP. And not work in MTA. Since when are the sinuses and cosines different?
  11. nice bug. admins fix pls in 1.5.6
  12. when the streamer you can attach.... more API in the MTA they said....
  13. But, in vehicle attach - work. If i use offset in attachElemnts and me lazy to consider the rotation angle?
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