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  1. Maes

    XML problem

    The file, which is created by script, always in client-side folders. In other words, the script use this file to save player datas and doing this with created files in client-side folders. If file doesn't exist then new one is created. In this lines you did this. And you must look downloaded client scripts. (...MTA/mods/deathmatch/resources and find your script.)
  2. First, you can get all players in the server. Then, get dimensions this player with for loop and at that time add choosed players to table. Finally, you can account checks with this table.
  3. Are u try with this code in a line? I mean, instead of writing your text in multi-line, try to do this in one line. Of course, dont forget to put "\n" characters.
  4. Mmm are u take any error in debug? if you did, show us to what is error. First, try to this: Change this your code in server-side: function GUIness(player) local taccount = getPlayerAccount ( player ) if isAdminAccount(taccount) then triggerClientEvent(player, "openGUI", player) end end addCommandHandler("balloon", GUIness) --Command for opening GUI and change this in client-side, too: function openGUI() if (cWindow ~= nil) then guiSetVisible(cWindow, true) showCursor(true) end end If it'll not work, send error to here.
  5. You can solve your problem from this topics: Community - Garage Resources Forum - Custom Garages
  6. Hi, Nope, it is impossible. Cuz, in output-editor files of gui editor, it use a unique system. (itself syntax, code parameters etc.) So, it must be same parameter properties with gui editor's. Instead of this, it is easier to do in freeroam panel codes.
  7. Hi, I guess when you add some little changes, you forgot to change madeGUI function. In Server-Side, gui command well-working but it doesnt find the "makeGUI" function. You can edit like this in server-side: function GUIness(source) local taccount = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if isAdminAccount(taccount) then triggerClientEvent(source, "openGUI", root) end end addCommandHandler("balloon", GUIness) --Command for opening GUI
  8. Hi, Firstly, this tutorial is very good and really important for beginners. It can be developed, too. BTW, in Formatting Your Code section, you made a little mistake but it can confuse minds for beginners: ... if (arg1 > arg2) then while ( arg1 > arg2 ) do arg2 = arg2 + 1 end ... Here, the arg1 variable already bigger than arg2. So, when this statement is true, while loop will start and one time it'll add 1 to arg2 variable. Then this loop ends... So that's correct: ... if (arg1 > arg2) then while ( arg2 > arg1 ) do arg2 = arg2 + 1 end ... Thanks for this tutorial... I hope that it is useful for beginners. (:
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