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Everything posted by GuilhermeP

  1. I think that's all, friend I'm new, I do not know how to create script
  2. It will be difficult for me, thank you.
  3. Can someone teach me how to do a player customization panel when starting,
  4. How do I get players started with a parachute in this spawn? local player = getLocalPlayer() function killzs(player) guiSetVisible ( fundo1, true ) guiSetVisible ( losanto, true ) guiSetVisible ( lasventuras, true ) guiSetVisible ( zonaruracl, true ) guiSetVisible ( sanfierro, true ) showCursor ( true ) end function tempos ( player ) setTimer ( killzs, 5000, 1 ,player ) outputChatBox ( "GhostKratos,Sempre inovando!", player, 10, 250, 1 ) end addCommandHandler("///spawn", tempos) addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerWasted", getLocalPlayer(), tempos ) fundo1 = guiCreateStaticImage(0.00, 0.00, 2.5, 2.5, "images/spawn.png", true) zonaruracl = guiCreateButton(0.60, 0.58, 0.38, 0.14, "", true, fundo1) guiSetAlpha(zonaruracl, 0.10) lasventuras = guiCreateButton(0.06, 0.58, 0.38, 0.14, "", true, fundo1) guiSetAlpha(lasventuras, 0.10) losanto = guiCreateButton(0.06, 0.32, 0.38, 0.14, "", true, fundo1) guiSetAlpha(losanto, 0.10) sanfierro = guiCreateButton(0.60, 0.32, 0.38, 0.14, "", true, fundo1) guiSetAlpha(sanfierro, 0.10) if getElementData(localPlayer,"logedin") then guiSetVisible(fundo1,false) else guiSetVisible(fundo1,false) end addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function ( ) local spawns = { { 1429.66028 }, { 2327.74292 }, { 2885.57227 } } function tamanho( tabela ) local count = 0 for a in pairs( tabela ) do count = count + 1 end return count end if (source == lasventuras) then --SPAWN LV-- local player = getLocalPlayer() local spawnPositions = { {1891.6865234375, 877.65985107422, 721.93872070313}, {1792.7873535156, 1718.9221191406, 814.08441162109}, {1265.4808349609, 2967.2697753906, 808.52252197266}, {481.853515625, 2050.9831542969, 778.2783203125}, {66.460441589355, 1476.8333740234, 763.30413818359}, } function tamanhas( tables ) local count = 0 for a in pairs( tables ) do count = count + 1 end return count end local zikao = math.random(tamanhas(spawnPositions)) setElementPosition (player , spawnPositions[zikao][1],spawnPositions[zikao][2],spawnPositions[zikao][3] ) -------lv guiSetVisible ( fundo1, false ) showCursor ( false ) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function ( ) if (source == zonaruracl) then --SPAWN ZONA RURAL-- local player = getLocalPlayer() local spawnPositions = { {16.354850769043, -2576.9909667969, 504.41473388672}, {-29.615926742554, -944.26678466797, 810.76837158203}, } function tamanhas( tables ) local count = 0 for a in pairs( tables ) do count = count + 1 end return count end local zikao = math.random(tamanhas(spawnPositions)) setElementPosition (player , spawnPositions[zikao][1],spawnPositions[zikao][2],spawnPositions[zikao][3] ) -------lv guiSetVisible ( fundo1, false ) showCursor ( false ) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function ( ) if (source == losanto) then --SPAWN LS-- local player = getLocalPlayer() local spawnPositions = { {2068.8125, -848.57751464844, 782.20153808594}, {336.69967651367, -1651.8778076172, 787.15704345703}, {949.07312011719, -1665.2944335938, 717.75024414063}, {1847.9370117188, -2189.2109375, 787.32629394531}, } function tamanhas( tables ) local count = 0 for a in pairs( tables ) do count = count + 1 end return count end local zikao = math.random(tamanhas(spawnPositions)) setElementPosition (player , spawnPositions[zikao][1],spawnPositions[zikao][2],spawnPositions[zikao][3] ) guiSetVisible ( fundo1, false ) showCursor ( false ) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function ( ) if (source == sanfierro) then --SPAWN SF-- local player = getLocalPlayer() local spawnPositions = { {-2324.955078125, 831.47149658203, 658.47210693359}, {-2054.3369140625, 225.01008605957, 782.77520751953}, {-2809.5341796875, -220.92073059082, 782.66387939453}, } function tamanhas( tables ) local count = 0 for a in pairs( tables ) do count = count + 1 end return count end local zikao = math.random(tamanhas(spawnPositions)) setElementPosition (player , spawnPositions[zikao][1],spawnPositions[zikao][2],spawnPositions[zikao][3] ) -------lv guiSetVisible ( fundo1, false ) showCursor ( false ) end end )
  5. Hello, I'm having a bug ... I want to keep ...Shader Flashligh(dynamic_lighting) and a vegetation texture, but when it gets dark and active, the textures disappear
  6. can someone help me with a dayz type inventory
  7. can someone help me with a dayz type inventory
  8. Does anyone know a script that players feel hungry and thirsty? I wanted to leave the issue more rigorous and generate this dispute for supplements!
  9. Alguém sabe de Um Script Que os Player Sintam Fome E Sede? -estou criando um servidor to quase acabando já, mas queria deixar a sobrevivência do jogo mais HARD e gostaria de gerar essa disputa por suplementos!
  10. ok, sou novo por aqui não sabia, obrigado
  11. (PT) -tem como eu colocar bots em uma base, e configura-los para atacar qualquer player que se aproximar ? (ENG) -how do I put bots on a base, and configure them to attack any player that approaches?
  12. ok tudo certo, configurei de acordo como eu queria muito obrigado mesmo amigo..só falta algo se n for te encomodar me responder...Como consigo configurar ele para iniciar apos meu 'login" Os 2 Abrem juntos entao n da para acesar nenhum dos 2
  13. obrigado! Vou Testar Ainda , mas desde ja obrigado por me responder
  14. It worked ... Thank you very much Friend, thanks!
  15. in this script can I add more than 2 teams?
  16. Bom, eu baixei uma gamemode de gangwar e ele tinha, mas devia ser imagens e musica né? fico como se fosse um video msm
  17. Daew glr, Como Faço para criar uma script quer permite os jogadores escolherem um time , Com Skins específicos para cada time e spawn na base de cada um Tipo gangWar msm desde ja agradeço!
  18. Daew glr, Como Faço para por uma intro no meu servidor?
  19. How do I create a script that allows players to choose a team and start with Specific Skins and Spawn on the specific base of the team? If anyone can help me, thank you very much.
  20. Hello Friends ... I Would Like To Know How Do I Make A Script To Put An Introduction (Opening Video) On My Server? If somebody can help me Thanks!
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