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ÆBKV last won the day on February 10 2018

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  1. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=6828
  2. givePlayerMoney(player,cash)
  3. local spawns = { { 1936.1899414063, 1622.6533203125, 72.2578125, 90 }, --1 { 2155.63671875, 1483.9974365234, 24.140625, 90}, --2 { 2023.1564941406, 1436.7003173828, 10.8203125, 90 }, --3 { 2121.4245605469, 1484.5670166016, 10.8203125, 90 }, --4 { 2170.0751953125, 1679.1960449219, 10.8203125, 90 }, --5 { 2095.324218755, 1282.2322998047, 10.8203125, 90 }, --6 } function spawn( player ) local rnd = math.random( 1, #spawns ) if not getElementData( player, "pvp" ) then setElementData( player, "pvp", true ) setElementPosition( player, spawns[rnd][1], spawns[rnd][2], spawns[rnd][3] ) else return end end addCommandHandler("pvp",spawn) i
  4. Use "00:00:00" instead of "0:0:0" It looks much better
  5. Yes it's wrong, you can't start with "elseif" and use "else". Use "if" instead of "elseif". And I think the flags are only visible if your server is hosted. I'm not sure but that can probably be the problem.
  6. ÆBKV

    [Help] Decrypt

    I think it's already decrypted
  7. The event "onClientPlayerDamage" was canceled somewhere
  8. dxDrawImage(topX+theX,y+s(1),16,11,content,0,0,0,cWhite,drawOverGUI) The problem here is that probably nobody knows in which line this belongs.
  9. wait and no that's not the problem
  10. else setElementData(source,"Home","N/A")
  11. function replace() if guiCheckBoxGetSelected(...) then txd = engineLoadTXD("...") engineImportTXD(txd,...) dff = engineLoadDFF("...") engineReplaceModel(dff,...) else engineRestoreModel(...) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root,replace)
  12. local weapon = getPedWeapon(localPlayer) local weaponName = getWeaponNameFromID(weapon) The weapon is required, not the player.
  13. function resRes() local resource = getThisResource() if getResourceState(resource) == "running" then restartResource(resource) end end setTimer(resRes,86400000,0) Add this to the script on server-side. It‘s better because you don‘t have to edit it if you rename the resource.
  14. function resRes() local resource = getResourceFromName("DrugDealer") if getResourceState(resource) == "running" then restartResource(resource) end end setTimer(resRes,86400000,0)
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