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Tibi [NextMTA]

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Everything posted by Tibi [NextMTA]

  1. (sry for my bad english) Hi everyone! In my script when I write the command into game chatbox (/makeveh "myID" "CarModelName" "Faction" "R, G, B") i get this Error message to server console: ERROR: mta_vehicle\sourceS.lua:263: attempt to compare boolean with number. The code is: addCommandHandler("makeveh", function(player, _, ownerID, modelID, faction, r, g, b) if getElementData(player, "acc:admin") >= 7 then <--LINE 263 if not modelID or not tonumber(ownerID) then outputChatBox(rovid .. " /makeveh [Név/ID] [Model] [Frakció] [R] [G] ", player, 0, 0, 0, true) return end target, targetName = exports.mta_main:findPlayer(player, ownerID) if not target then return else ownerID = getElementData(target, "char:id") end if not tonumber(faction) then faction = 0 end if not tonumber(r) then r = 0 end if not tonumber(g) then g = 0 end if not tonumber(b) then b = 0 end r = tonumber(r) g = tonumber(g) b = tonumber(b) local vehname = tonumber(modelID) if not vehname then vehname = getVehicleModelFromName(modelID) end if not vehname then outputChatBox(rovid .. " Hibás jármű név vagy id", player, 0, 0, 0, true) return end local x, y, z = getElementPosition(target) local insertQuery = dbQuery(con, "INSERT INTO vehicle SET model=?, owner=?, pos=?, color=?, faction=?, rendszam=?", vehname, ownerID, toJSON({x,y,z}), toJSON({r,g,b}), faction, "modify") local insertResult, _, insertID = dbPoll(insertQuery, -1) if insertResult then addVehicle(ownerID, vehname, x, y, z, insertID, r, g, b, faction) exports.mta_item:giveItem(target, 34, insertID, 1, 0) exports.mta_admin:outputDeveloperMessage("#7cc576"..player:getData("char:anick").." #fffffflétrehozott egy járművet (ID: "..insertID.." Tulaj: "..targetName:gsub("_", " ")..")") dbFree(insertQuery) end end end)
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