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  1. local font0_font = guiCreateFont("font/font.ttf", 10) local font0_font2 = guiCreateFont("font/font.ttf", 20) local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local windowWidth, windowHeight = 400, 600 local left = screenWidth/2 - windowWidth/2 local top = screenHeight/2 - windowHeight/2 addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() pencere = guiCreateStaticImage(left, top, windowWidth, windowHeight, "Resimler/resim.png", false) guiSetProperty(pencere, "ImageColours", "tl:BF000000 tr:BF000000 bl:BF000000 br:BF000000") pencere2 = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, 600, 25, "Resimler/resim.png", false, pencere) guiSetProperty(pencere2, "ImageColours", "tl:FF0085DB tr:FF0085DB bl:FF0085DB br:FF0085DB") baslik = guiCreateLabel(140, 1, 110, 20, "AYARLAR PANELİ", false, pencere2) guiSetFont(baslik, font0_font) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(baslik, "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(baslik, "center") ChatL = guiCreateLabel(50, 60, 100, 25, "SOHBET", false, pencere) guiSetFont(ChatL, font0_font) fpsL = guiCreateLabel(50, 90, 100, 25, "HUD", false, pencere) guiSetFont(fpsL, font0_font) aracShaderL = guiCreateLabel(50, 120, 100, 25, "TEMİZ ARAÇ", false, pencere) guiSetFont(aracShaderL, font0_font) aracSmokeL = guiCreateLabel(50, 150, 100, 25, "ARAÇ DUMANI", false, pencere) guiSetFont(aracSmokeL, font0_font) izleyenL = guiCreateLabel(50, 180, 100, 25, "İZLEYENLER", false, pencere) guiSetFont(izleyenL, font0_font) kaplamaComboBoxL = guiCreateLabel(50, 240, 100, 25, "KAPLAMALAR", false, pencere) guiSetFont(kaplamaComboBoxL, font0_font) nosComboBoxL = guiCreateLabel(50, 330, 100, 25, "NOS ÇEŞİTLERİ", false, pencere) guiSetFont(nosComboBoxL, font0_font) kaplamaComboBox = guiCreateComboBox(150, 240, 190, 95, "", false, pencere) guiComboBoxAddItem(kaplamaComboBox, "Mavi Kaplama") guiComboBoxAddItem(kaplamaComboBox, "Kırmızı Kaplama") guiComboBoxAddItem(kaplamaComboBox, "Düz Mavi Kaplama") nosComboBox = guiCreateComboBox(150, 330, 190, 72, "", false, pencere) guiComboBoxAddItem(nosComboBox, "nos nfs") guiComboBoxAddItem(nosComboBox, "nos normal") guiComboBoxAddItem(nosComboBox, "nos hybrid") Chat = guiCreateStaticImage(250, 60, 75, 25, "Resimler/on.png", false, pencere) FPSb = guiCreateStaticImage(250, 90, 75, 25, "Resimler/on.png", false, pencere) aracShader = guiCreateStaticImage(250, 120, 75, 25, "Resimler/on.png", false, pencere) aracSmoke = guiCreateStaticImage(250, 150, 75, 25, "Resimler/on.png", false, pencere) izleyen = guiCreateStaticImage(250, 180, 75, 25, "Resimler/on.png", false, pencere) t = guiCreateLabel(0.0, 0.96, 0.94, 0.04, "noitsteff*", true, pencere) guiLabelSetColor(t, 0, 156, 255) guiSetFont(t, font0_font) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(t, "left", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(t, "bottom") t2 = guiCreateLabel(0.05, 0.96, 0.94, 0.04, "[Mystic]", true, pencere) guiLabelSetColor(t2, 156, 0, 0) guiSetFont(t2, font0_font) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(t2, "right", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(t2, "bottom") kaplama = guiCreateButton(53, 280, 280, 25, "KAPLAMAYI KAPAT", false, pencere) guiSetFont(kaplama, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(kaplama, "NormalTextColour", "FF990000") guiSetProperty(kaplama, "HoverTextColour", "FFC0C0C0") guiSetProperty(kaplama, "PushedTextColour", "FF009CFF") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", kaplama, kaplamas) chatrengi = guiCreateButton(53, 370, 280, 25, "YAZI RENGİNİ DEĞİŞTİR", false, pencere) guiSetFont(chatrengi, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(chatrengi, "NormalTextColour", "FF990000") guiSetProperty(chatrengi, "HoverTextColour", "FFC0C0C0") guiSetProperty(chatrengi, "PushedTextColour", "FF009CFF") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", chatrengi, chatrengis) addEvent ("onColorPickerOK", true ) addEventHandler ("onColorPickerOK", root, function ( id, hex, r, g, b ) if ( id == "chatrenk" ) then setElementData(localPlayer,"chatrenk",hex) outputChatBox("* Chat Renk: "..hex) end guiSetVisible( pencere, false ) end ) duman = dxCreateShader ( "fx/duman.fx" ) texShader = dxCreateShader ( "fx/texreplace.fx" ) shader = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader2 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader3 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader4 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader5 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader6 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader7 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader8 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader9 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader10 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader11 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader12 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader13 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader14 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") y1 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/maviy.png") y2 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/kirmiziy.png") y3 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/mory.png") r1 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/mavir.png") r2 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/kirmizir.png") r3 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/morr.png") caff = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/Aascaff128.png") chrome = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/gen_chrome.png") wall = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/greywallc128.png") jumpit = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/jumpit.png") jumpside1_256 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/jumpside1_256.png") jumpside2_256 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/jumpside2_256.png") planks01 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/planks01.png") planks64 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/planks64.png") plasticdrum1_128 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/plasticdrum1_128.png") rustyboltpanel = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/rustyboltpanel.png") skipdirt_128 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/skipdirt_128.png") telepole128 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/telepole128.png") carshader = dxCreateShader( "fx/nodirt-shader.fx" ) local sX,sY = guiGetScreenSize() local visible = true local specList = {} local gS = sY*0.25 local gY = sY*0.7 local gF = math.floor((gY-gS)/18) local function drawSpectatorsList() if specList and (#specList >= 1) then dxDrawText("Seyirciler("..#specList.."):",1,gS+1,sX-14,1,tocolor(0,0,0,200),1,"default-bold","right") dxDrawText("#0066ccSeyirciler(#ffffff"..#specList.."#0066cc):",0,gS,sX-15,0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,"default-bold","right","top",false,false,false,true) for k,v in ipairs(specList) do dxDrawText(specList[k]:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""),1,gS+18*k+1,sX-14,1,tocolor(0,0,0,200),1,"default-bold","right") dxDrawText(specList[k],0,gS+18*k,sX-15,0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,"default-bold","right","top",false,false,false,true) if (k == gF) then break; end end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,drawSpectatorsList) addEvent("sendClientSpecList",true) addEventHandler("sendClientSpecList",root, function(arg1) specList = arg1 end) C = false F = true Ci = false aS = false aS2 = false I = false L = false function JuJu() if source == Chat and C == false then showChat( false ) guiStaticImageLoadImage( Chat, "Resimler/off.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Sohbet Kapalı", 3) C = true elseif source == Chat and C == true then showChat( true ) guiStaticImageLoadImage( Chat, "Resimler/on.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Sohbet Aktif", 1) C = false elseif source == FPSb and F == false then guiStaticImageLoadImage( FPSb, "Resimler/on.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Hud Aktif", 1) addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,FPS2) F = true elseif source == FPSb and F == true then guiStaticImageLoadImage( FPSb, "Resimler/off.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Hud Kapalı", 3) removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,FPS2) F = false elseif source == aracShader and aS == false then guiStaticImageLoadImage( aracShader, "Resimler/off.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Temiz Araç Kapalı", 3) engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture( carshader, "vehiclegrunge*" ) aS = true elseif source == aracShader and aS == true then guiStaticImageLoadImage( aracShader, "Resimler/on.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Temiz Araç Aktif", 1) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture( carshader, "vehiclegrunge*" ) aS = false elseif source == aracSmoke and aS2 == false then guiStaticImageLoadImage( aracSmoke, "Resimler/off.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Araç Dumanı Kapalı", 3) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(duman,"collisionsmoke") aS2 = true elseif source == aracSmoke and aS2 == true then guiStaticImageLoadImage( aracSmoke, "Resimler/on.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD] #FFFFFFAraç Dumanı Aktif", 1) engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(duman,"collisionsmoke") aS2 = false elseif source == izleyen and I == false then guiStaticImageLoadImage( izleyen, "Resimler/off.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD] #FFFFFFİzleyenler Kapalı", 3) removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,drawSpectatorsList) I = true elseif source == izleyen and I == true then guiStaticImageLoadImage( izleyen, "Resimler/on.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF İzleyenler Aktif", 1) addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,drawSpectatorsList) I = false elseif source == Level and L == false then guiStaticImageLoadImage( Level, "Resimler/off.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD] #FFFFFFSeviye Barı Kapalı", 3) setElementData(localPlayer, "asteqsw42", true) L = true elseif source == Level and L == true then guiStaticImageLoadImage( Level, "Resimler/on.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Seviye Barı Aktif", 1) setElementData(localPlayer, "asteqsw42", false) L = false end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement( ), JuJu) function kaplamas() engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader3, "Aascaff128") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader4, "gen_chrome") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader5, "greywallc128") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader6, "jumpit") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader7, "jumpside1_256") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader8, "jumpside2_256") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_64") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_128") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader9, "planks01") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader10, "planks64") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader11, "plasticdrum1_128") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader12, "rustyboltpanel") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader13, "skipdirt_128") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader14, "telepole128") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader, "corr_roof1") outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Kaplamalar Kaldırıldı.", 3) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement( ), JuJu) function chatrengis() openPicker( "chatrenk",(getElementData(localPlayer,"chatrenk") or "#FFFFFF"), "Chat Rengi Seç" ) end outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Yazı Rengi Değiştirildi.", 3) function panels() guiSetVisible(pencere,false) showCursor(false) end function comboBoxHandler1() if source == kaplamaComboBox then local item = guiComboBoxGetSelected ( source ) local text = guiComboBoxGetItemText ( source , item ) if text == "Mavi Kaplama" or text == "Kırmızı Kaplama" or text == "Düz Mavi Kaplama" then if item == 0 then engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader3, "Aascaff128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader4, "gen_chrome") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader5, "greywallc128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader6, "jumpit") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader7, "jumpside1_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader8, "jumpside2_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader9, "planks01") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader10, "planks64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader11, "plasticdrum1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader12, "rustyboltpanel") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader13, "skipdirt_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader14, "telepole128") dxSetShaderValue(shader2, "Tex0", r1) dxSetShaderValue(shader3, "Tex0", caff) dxSetShaderValue(shader4, "Tex0", chrome) dxSetShaderValue(shader5, "Tex0", wall) dxSetShaderValue(shader6, "Tex0", jumpit) dxSetShaderValue(shader7, "Tex0", jumpside1_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader8, "Tex0", jumpside2_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader9, "Tex0", planks01) dxSetShaderValue(shader10, "Tex0", planks64) dxSetShaderValue(shader11, "Tex0", plasticdrum1_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader12, "Tex0", rustyboltpanel) dxSetShaderValue(shader13, "Tex0", skipdirt_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader14, "Tex0", telepole128) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader, "corr_roof1") dxSetShaderValue(shader, "Tex0", y1) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Mavi Kaplama Aktif.", 1) elseif item == 1 then engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader3, "Aascaff128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader4, "gen_chrome") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader5, "greywallc128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader6, "jumpit") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader7, "jumpside1_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader8, "jumpside2_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader9, "planks01") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader10, "planks64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader11, "plasticdrum1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader12, "rustyboltpanel") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader13, "skipdirt_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader14, "telepole128") dxSetShaderValue(shader2, "Tex0", r2) dxSetShaderValue(shader3, "Tex0", caff) dxSetShaderValue(shader4, "Tex0", chrome) dxSetShaderValue(shader5, "Tex0", wall) dxSetShaderValue(shader6, "Tex0", jumpit) dxSetShaderValue(shader7, "Tex0", jumpside1_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader8, "Tex0", jumpside2_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader9, "Tex0", planks01) dxSetShaderValue(shader10, "Tex0", planks64) dxSetShaderValue(shader11, "Tex0", plasticdrum1_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader12, "Tex0", rustyboltpanel) dxSetShaderValue(shader13, "Tex0", skipdirt_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader14, "Tex0", telepole128) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader, "corr_roof1") dxSetShaderValue(shader, "Tex0", y2) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Kırmızı Kaplama Aktif.", 1) elseif item == 2 then engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader3, "Aascaff128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader4, "gen_chrome") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader5, "greywallc128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader6, "jumpit") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader7, "jumpside1_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader8, "jumpside2_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader9, "planks01") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader10, "planks64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader11, "plasticdrum1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader12, "rustyboltpanel") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader13, "skipdirt_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader14, "telepole128") dxSetShaderValue(shader2, "Tex0", r3) dxSetShaderValue(shader3, "Tex0", caff) dxSetShaderValue(shader4, "Tex0", chrome) dxSetShaderValue(shader5, "Tex0", wall) dxSetShaderValue(shader6, "Tex0", jumpit) dxSetShaderValue(shader7, "Tex0", jumpside1_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader8, "Tex0", jumpside2_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader9, "Tex0", planks01) dxSetShaderValue(shader10, "Tex0", planks64) dxSetShaderValue(shader11, "Tex0", plasticdrum1_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader12, "Tex0", rustyboltpanel) dxSetShaderValue(shader13, "Tex0", skipdirt_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader14, "Tex0", telepole128) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader, "corr_roof1") dxSetShaderValue(shader, "Tex0", y3) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Düz Mavi Kaplama Aktif.", 1) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIComboBoxAccepted", root, comboBoxHandler1) function comboBoxHandler3() if source == kaplama2ComboBox then local item = guiComboBoxGetSelected ( source ) local text = guiComboBoxGetItemText ( source , item ) if text == "Mavi Kaplama" or text == "Kırmızı Kaplama" or text == "Mor Kaplama" then if item == 0 then engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader3, "Aascaff128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader4, "gen_chrome") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader5, "greywallc128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader6, "jumpit") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader7, "jumpside1_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader8, "jumpside2_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader9, "planks01") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader10, "planks64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader11, "plasticdrum1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader12, "rustyboltpanel") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader13, "skipdirt_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader14, "telepole128") dxSetShaderValue(shader2, "Tex0", r12) dxSetShaderValue(shader3, "Tex0", caff) dxSetShaderValue(shader4, "Tex0", chrome) dxSetShaderValue(shader5, "Tex0", wall) dxSetShaderValue(shader6, "Tex0", jumpit) dxSetShaderValue(shader7, "Tex0", jumpside1_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader8, "Tex0", jumpside2_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader9, "Tex0", planks01) dxSetShaderValue(shader10, "Tex0", planks64) dxSetShaderValue(shader11, "Tex0", plasticdrum1_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader12, "Tex0", rustyboltpanel) dxSetShaderValue(shader13, "Tex0", skipdirt_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader14, "Tex0", telepole128) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader, "corr_roof1") dxSetShaderValue(shader, "Tex0", y12) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Mavi Kaplama Aktif.", 1) elseif item == 1 then engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader3, "Aascaff128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader4, "gen_chrome") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader5, "greywallc128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader6, "jumpit") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader7, "jumpside1_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader8, "jumpside2_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader9, "planks01") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader10, "planks64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader11, "plasticdrum1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader12, "rustyboltpanel") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader13, "skipdirt_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader14, "telepole128") dxSetShaderValue(shader2, "Tex0", r22) dxSetShaderValue(shader3, "Tex0", caff) dxSetShaderValue(shader4, "Tex0", chrome) dxSetShaderValue(shader5, "Tex0", wall) dxSetShaderValue(shader6, "Tex0", jumpit) dxSetShaderValue(shader7, "Tex0", jumpside1_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader8, "Tex0", jumpside2_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader9, "Tex0", planks01) dxSetShaderValue(shader10, "Tex0", planks64) dxSetShaderValue(shader11, "Tex0", plasticdrum1_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader12, "Tex0", rustyboltpanel) dxSetShaderValue(shader13, "Tex0", skipdirt_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader14, "Tex0", telepole128) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader, "corr_roof1") dxSetShaderValue(shader, "Tex0", y22) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Kırmızı Kaplama Aktif.", 1) elseif item == 2 then engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader3, "Aascaff128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader4, "gen_chrome") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader5, "greywallc128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader6, "jumpit") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader7, "jumpside1_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader8, "jumpside2_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader9, "planks01") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader10, "planks64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader11, "plasticdrum1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader12, "rustyboltpanel") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader13, "skipdirt_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader14, "telepole128") dxSetShaderValue(shader2, "Tex0", r32) dxSetShaderValue(shader3, "Tex0", caff) dxSetShaderValue(shader4, "Tex0", chrome) dxSetShaderValue(shader5, "Tex0", wall) dxSetShaderValue(shader6, "Tex0", jumpit) dxSetShaderValue(shader7, "Tex0", jumpside1_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader8, "Tex0", jumpside2_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader9, "Tex0", planks01) dxSetShaderValue(shader10, "Tex0", planks64) dxSetShaderValue(shader11, "Tex0", plasticdrum1_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader12, "Tex0", rustyboltpanel) dxSetShaderValue(shader13, "Tex0", skipdirt_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader14, "Tex0", telepole128) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader, "corr_roof1") dxSetShaderValue(shader, "Tex0", y32) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Düz Mavi Kaplama Aktif.", 1) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIComboBoxAccepted", root, comboBoxHandler3) function comboBoxHandler2() if source == nosComboBox then local item = guiComboBoxGetSelected ( source ) local text = guiComboBoxGetItemText ( source , item ) if text == "nos nfs" or text == "nos normal" or text == "nos hybrid" then if item == 0 then executeCommandHandler("nos","nfs") elseif item == 1 then executeCommandHandler("nos","normal") elseif item == 2 then executeCommandHandler("nos","hybrid") end end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIComboBoxAccepted", root, comboBoxHandler2) addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture( carshader, "vehiclegrunge*" ) end) local FPSLimit, lastTick, framesRendered, FPS = 100, getTickCount(), 0, 0 local sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize() local px,py = 1366,768 local x,y = (sx/px), (sy/py) function FPS2 () local currentTick = getTickCount() local elapsedTime = currentTick - lastTick if elapsedTime >= 1000 then FPS = framesRendered lastTick = currentTick framesRendered = 0 else framesRendered = framesRendered + 1 end if FPS > FPSLimit then FPS = FPSLimit end local playerPing = getPlayerPing ( localPlayer ) local time = getRealTime() local hours = time.hour if hours < 10 then hours = "0"..hours end local minutes = time.minute if minutes < 10 then minutes = "0"..minutes end local seconds = time.second if seconds < 10 then seconds = "0"..seconds end local seconds = time.second if seconds < 10 then seconds = "0"..seconds end local year = time.year+1900 local month = time.month+1 if month < 10 then month = "0"..month end local day = time.monthday if day < 10 then day = "0"..day end dxDrawText("#0066ccSaat:#FFFFFF "..hours..":"..minutes..":"..seconds.." #000000| #0066ccTarih: #FFFFFF"..day.."#0C0C0C/#FFFFFF"..month.."#0C0C0C/#FFFFFF"..year.." #000000| #0066ccFPS: #FFFFFF"..tostring(FPS).." #000000| #0066ccPing:#FFFFFF "..playerPing.." #000000|",sx-385,sy,10,sy-15,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,"default-bold","left","center",false,false,true,true) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle( getLocalPlayer() ) if ( vehicle ) then local speedX, speedY, speedZ = getElementVelocity ( vehicle ) local actualSpeed = (speedX^2 + speedY^2 + speedZ^2)^(0.5) local KMH = math.floor(actualSpeed*180) if ( getElementHealth( vehicle ) >= 1000 ) then vehsaude = 100 else vehsaude = math.floor(getElementHealth ( vehicle )/10) end end dxDrawText("#0066ccSaat:#FFFFFF "..hours..":"..minutes..":"..seconds.." #000000| #0066ccTarih: #FFFFFF"..day.."#0C0C0C/#FFFFFF"..month.."#0C0C0C/#FFFFFF"..year.." #000000| #0066ccFPS: #FFFFFF"..tostring(FPS).." #000000| #0066ccPing:#FFFFFF "..playerPing.." #000000|",sx-385,sy,10,sy-15,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,"default-bold","left","center",false,false,true,true) end addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,FPS2)local sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize() local posx = sy * 0.02 local posy = sy * 0.715 local height = sy * 0.245 local centerleft = posx + height / 2 local centertop = posy + height / 2 local blipsize = height / 14 local lpsize = height / 10 local range = 180 local lp = getLocalPlayer() function findRotation(x1,y1,x2,y2) local t = -math.deg(math.atan2(x2-x1,y2-y1)) if t < 0 then t = t + 360 end return t end function getDistanceRotation(x, y, dist, angle) local a = math.rad(90 - angle) local dx = math.cos(a) * dist local dy = math.sin(a) * dist return x+dx, y+dy end local huntersonly = false setTimer( function() huntersonly = true for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(player, "state") == "alive" then if getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) and getElementModel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(player)) ~= 425 then huntersonly = false end end end local target = getCameraTarget() if target and getElementType(target) == "vehicle" then lp = getVehicleOccupant(target) else lp = getLocalPlayer() end end,1000,0) function drawRada() showPlayerHudComponent("rada", false) local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(lp) local pr = getPedRotation(lp) local cx,cy,_,tx,ty = getCameraMatrix() local north = findRotation(cx,cy,tx,ty) dxDrawImage(posx,posy,height,height, "Resimler/rada.png") dxDrawImage(posx,posy,height,height, "Resimler/nort.png", north) for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) if getElementData(player, "state") == "alive" and veh and player ~= lp then local _,_,rot = getElementRotation(veh) local ex, ey, ez = getElementPosition(veh) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(px,py,ex,ey) if dist > range then dist = tonumber(range) end local angle = 180-north + findRotation(px,py,ex,ey) local cblipx, cblipy = getDistanceRotation(0, 0, height*(dist/range)/2, angle) local blipx = centerleft+cblipx-blipsize/2 local blipy = centertop+cblipy-blipsize/2 local yoff = 0 local r,g,b,a = 255,255,255,255 if getPlayerTeam(player) then r,g,b = getTeamColor( getPlayerTeam(player) ) end local img = "Resimler/bli.png" if (ez - pz) >= 5 then img = "Resimler/blipu.png" elseif (ez - pz) <= -5 then img = "Resimler/blipdow.png" end if not huntersonly and tonumber(getElementModel(veh)) == 425 then r, g, b, a = 255, 0, 0, 200 end dxDrawImage(blipx, blipy, blipsize, blipsize, img, north-rot+45, 0, 0, tocolor(r,g,b,a)) end end dxDrawImage(centerleft - lpsize/2, centertop - lpsize/2, lpsize,lpsize, "Resimler/loca.png", north-pr) if getPedOccupiedVehicle(lp) then local vtype = getVehicleType(getPedOccupiedVehicle(lp)) if vtype == "Plane" or vtype == "Helicopter" then local vh = 1 - math.min(1,math.max(0,pz/810)) dxDrawRectangle( posx/3, posy, posx/3, height, tocolor(0,0,0,130)) dxDrawLine( posx/4, posy + vh*height, posx*0.75, posy + vh*height, tocolor(255,255,255,255)) end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), drawRadar) function dxDrawColorText(str, ax, ay, bx, by, color, scale, font, alignX, alignY) bx, by, color, scale, font = bx or ax, by or ay, color or tocolor(255,255,255,255), scale or 1, font or "default" if alignX then if alignX == "center" then ax = ax + (bx - ax - dxGetTextWidth(str:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""), scale, font))/2 elseif alignX == "right" then ax = bx - dxGetTextWidth(str:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""), scale, font) end end if alignY then if alignY == "center" then ay = ay + (by - ay - dxGetFontHeight(scale, font))/2 elseif alignY == "bottom" then ay = by - dxGetFontHeight(scale, font) end end local alpha = string.format("%08X", color):sub(1,2) local pat = "(.-)#(%x%x%x%x%x%x)" local s, e, cap, col = str:find(pat, 1) local last = 1 while s do if cap == "" and col then color = tocolor(getColorFromString("#"..col..alpha)) end if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then local w = dxGetTextWidth(cap, scale, font) dxDrawText(cap, ax, ay, ax + w, by, color, scale, font) ax = ax + w color = tocolor(getColorFromString("#"..col..alpha)) end last = e + 1 s, e, cap, col = str:find(pat, last) end if last <= #str then cap = str:sub(last) dxDrawText(cap, ax, ay, ax + dxGetTextWidth(cap, scale, font), by, color, scale, font) end end function Panelonoff() if guiGetVisible(pencere) then guiSetVisible(pencere,false) showCursor(false) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "shader", false) else guiSetVisible(pencere, true) showCursor(true) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "shader", true) end end bindKey ("F1","down",Panelonoff) local font0_font = guiCreateFont("font/font.ttf", 10) local font0_font2 = guiCreateFont("font/font.ttf", 20) local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local windowWidth, windowHeight = 400, 600 local left = screenWidth/2 - windowWidth/2 local top = screenHeight/2 - windowHeight/2 addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() pencere = guiCreateStaticImage(left, top, windowWidth, windowHeight, "Resimler/resim.png", false) guiSetProperty(pencere, "ImageColours", "tl:BF000000 tr:BF000000 bl:BF000000 br:BF000000") pencere2 = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, 600, 25, "Resimler/resim.png", false, pencere) guiSetProperty(pencere2, "ImageColours", "tl:FF0085DB tr:FF0085DB bl:FF0085DB br:FF0085DB") baslik = guiCreateLabel(140, 1, 110, 20, "AYARLAR PANELİ", false, pencere2) guiSetFont(baslik, font0_font) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(baslik, "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(baslik, "center") ChatL = guiCreateLabel(50, 60, 100, 25, "SOHBET", false, pencere) guiSetFont(ChatL, font0_font) fpsL = guiCreateLabel(50, 90, 100, 25, "HUD", false, pencere) guiSetFont(fpsL, font0_font) aracShaderL = guiCreateLabel(50, 120, 100, 25, "TEMİZ ARAÇ", false, pencere) guiSetFont(aracShaderL, font0_font) aracSmokeL = guiCreateLabel(50, 150, 100, 25, "ARAÇ DUMANI", false, pencere) guiSetFont(aracSmokeL, font0_font) izleyenL = guiCreateLabel(50, 180, 100, 25, "İZLEYENLER", false, pencere) guiSetFont(izleyenL, font0_font) kaplamaComboBoxL = guiCreateLabel(50, 240, 100, 25, "KAPLAMALAR", false, pencere) guiSetFont(kaplamaComboBoxL, font0_font) nosComboBoxL = guiCreateLabel(50, 330, 100, 25, "NOS ÇEŞİTLERİ", false, pencere) guiSetFont(nosComboBoxL, font0_font) kaplamaComboBox = guiCreateComboBox(150, 240, 190, 95, "", false, pencere) guiComboBoxAddItem(kaplamaComboBox, "Mavi Kaplama") guiComboBoxAddItem(kaplamaComboBox, "Kırmızı Kaplama") guiComboBoxAddItem(kaplamaComboBox, "Düz Mavi Kaplama") nosComboBox = guiCreateComboBox(150, 330, 190, 72, "", false, pencere) guiComboBoxAddItem(nosComboBox, "nos nfs") guiComboBoxAddItem(nosComboBox, "nos normal") guiComboBoxAddItem(nosComboBox, "nos hybrid") Chat = guiCreateStaticImage(250, 60, 75, 25, "Resimler/on.png", false, pencere) FPSb = guiCreateStaticImage(250, 90, 75, 25, "Resimler/on.png", false, pencere) aracShader = guiCreateStaticImage(250, 120, 75, 25, "Resimler/on.png", false, pencere) aracSmoke = guiCreateStaticImage(250, 150, 75, 25, "Resimler/on.png", false, pencere) izleyen = guiCreateStaticImage(250, 180, 75, 25, "Resimler/on.png", false, pencere) t = guiCreateLabel(0.0, 0.96, 0.94, 0.04, "noitsteff*", true, pencere) guiLabelSetColor(t, 0, 156, 255) guiSetFont(t, font0_font) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(t, "left", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(t, "bottom") t2 = guiCreateLabel(0.05, 0.96, 0.94, 0.04, "[Mystic]", true, pencere) guiLabelSetColor(t2, 156, 0, 0) guiSetFont(t2, font0_font) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(t2, "right", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(t2, "bottom") kaplama = guiCreateButton(53, 280, 280, 25, "KAPLAMAYI KAPAT", false, pencere) guiSetFont(kaplama, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(kaplama, "NormalTextColour", "FF990000") guiSetProperty(kaplama, "HoverTextColour", "FFC0C0C0") guiSetProperty(kaplama, "PushedTextColour", "FF009CFF") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", kaplama, kaplamas) chatrengi = guiCreateButton(53, 370, 280, 25, "YAZI RENGİNİ DEĞİŞTİR", false, pencere) guiSetFont(chatrengi, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(chatrengi, "NormalTextColour", "FF990000") guiSetProperty(chatrengi, "HoverTextColour", "FFC0C0C0") guiSetProperty(chatrengi, "PushedTextColour", "FF009CFF") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", chatrengi, chatrengis) duman = dxCreateShader ( "fx/duman.fx" ) texShader = dxCreateShader ( "fx/texreplace.fx" ) shader = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader2 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader3 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader4 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader5 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader6 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader7 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader8 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader9 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader10 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader11 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader12 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader13 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader14 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") y1 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/maviy.png") y2 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/kirmiziy.png") y3 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/mory.png") r1 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/mavir.png") r2 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/kirmizir.png") r3 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/morr.png") caff = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/Aascaff128.png") chrome = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/gen_chrome.png") wall = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/greywallc128.png") jumpit = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/jumpit.png") jumpside1_256 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/jumpside1_256.png") jumpside2_256 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/jumpside2_256.png") planks01 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/planks01.png") planks64 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/planks64.png") plasticdrum1_128 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/plasticdrum1_128.png") rustyboltpanel = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/rustyboltpanel.png") skipdirt_128 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/skipdirt_128.png") telepole128 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/telepole128.png") carshader = dxCreateShader( "fx/nodirt-shader.fx" ) local sX,sY = guiGetScreenSize() local visible = true local specList = {} local gS = sY*0.25 local gY = sY*0.7 local gF = math.floor((gY-gS)/18) local function drawSpectatorsList() if specList and (#specList >= 1) then dxDrawText("Seyirciler("..#specList.."):",1,gS+1,sX-14,1,tocolor(0,0,0,200),1,"default-bold","right") dxDrawText("#0066ccSeyirciler(#ffffff"..#specList.."#0066cc):",0,gS,sX-15,0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,"default-bold","right","top",false,false,false,true) for k,v in ipairs(specList) do dxDrawText(specList[k]:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""),1,gS+18*k+1,sX-14,1,tocolor(0,0,0,200),1,"default-bold","right") dxDrawText(specList[k],0,gS+18*k,sX-15,0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,"default-bold","right","top",false,false,false,true) if (k == gF) then break; end end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,drawSpectatorsList) addEvent("sendClientSpecList",true) addEventHandler("sendClientSpecList",root, function(arg1) specList = arg1 end) C = false F = true Ci = false aS = false aS2 = false I = false L = false function JuJu() if source == Chat and C == false then showChat( false ) guiStaticImageLoadImage( Chat, "Resimler/off.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Sohbet Kapalı", 3) C = true elseif source == Chat and C == true then showChat( true ) guiStaticImageLoadImage( Chat, "Resimler/on.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Sohbet Aktif", 1) C = false elseif source == FPSb and F == false then guiStaticImageLoadImage( FPSb, "Resimler/on.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Hud Aktif", 1) addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,FPS2) F = true elseif source == FPSb and F == true then guiStaticImageLoadImage( FPSb, "Resimler/off.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Hud Kapalı", 3) removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,FPS2) F = false elseif source == aracShader and aS == false then guiStaticImageLoadImage( aracShader, "Resimler/off.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Temiz Araç Kapalı", 3) engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture( carshader, "vehiclegrunge*" ) aS = true elseif source == aracShader and aS == true then guiStaticImageLoadImage( aracShader, "Resimler/on.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Temiz Araç Aktif", 1) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture( carshader, "vehiclegrunge*" ) aS = false elseif source == aracSmoke and aS2 == false then guiStaticImageLoadImage( aracSmoke, "Resimler/off.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Araç Dumanı Kapalı", 3) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(duman,"collisionsmoke") aS2 = true elseif source == aracSmoke and aS2 == true then guiStaticImageLoadImage( aracSmoke, "Resimler/on.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD] #FFFFFFAraç Dumanı Aktif", 1) engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(duman,"collisionsmoke") aS2 = false elseif source == izleyen and I == false then guiStaticImageLoadImage( izleyen, "Resimler/off.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD] #FFFFFFİzleyenler Kapalı", 3) removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,drawSpectatorsList) I = true elseif source == izleyen and I == true then guiStaticImageLoadImage( izleyen, "Resimler/on.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF İzleyenler Aktif", 1) addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,drawSpectatorsList) I = false elseif source == Level and L == false then guiStaticImageLoadImage( Level, "Resimler/off.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD] #FFFFFFSeviye Barı Kapalı", 3) setElementData(localPlayer, "asteqsw42", true) L = true elseif source == Level and L == true then guiStaticImageLoadImage( Level, "Resimler/on.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Seviye Barı Aktif", 1) setElementData(localPlayer, "asteqsw42", false) L = false end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement( ), JuJu) function kaplamas() engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader3, "Aascaff128") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader4, "gen_chrome") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader5, "greywallc128") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader6, "jumpit") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader7, "jumpside1_256") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader8, "jumpside2_256") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_64") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_128") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader9, "planks01") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader10, "planks64") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader11, "plasticdrum1_128") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader12, "rustyboltpanel") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader13, "skipdirt_128") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader14, "telepole128") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader, "corr_roof1") outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Kaplamalar Kaldırıldı.", 3) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement( ), JuJu) function chatrengis() openPicker( "chatrenk",(getElementData(localPlayer,"chatrenk") or "#FFFFFF"), "Chat Rengi Seç" ) end outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Yazı Rengi Değiştirildi.", 3) function panels() guiSetVisible(pencere,false) showCursor(false) end function comboBoxHandler1() if source == kaplamaComboBox then local item = guiComboBoxGetSelected ( source ) local text = guiComboBoxGetItemText ( source , item ) if text == "Mavi Kaplama" or text == "Kırmızı Kaplama" or text == "Düz Mavi Kaplama" then if item == 0 then engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader3, "Aascaff128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader4, "gen_chrome") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader5, "greywallc128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader6, "jumpit") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader7, "jumpside1_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader8, "jumpside2_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader9, "planks01") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader10, "planks64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader11, "plasticdrum1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader12, "rustyboltpanel") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader13, "skipdirt_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader14, "telepole128") dxSetShaderValue(shader2, "Tex0", r1) dxSetShaderValue(shader3, "Tex0", caff) dxSetShaderValue(shader4, "Tex0", chrome) dxSetShaderValue(shader5, "Tex0", wall) dxSetShaderValue(shader6, "Tex0", jumpit) dxSetShaderValue(shader7, "Tex0", jumpside1_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader8, "Tex0", jumpside2_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader9, "Tex0", planks01) dxSetShaderValue(shader10, "Tex0", planks64) dxSetShaderValue(shader11, "Tex0", plasticdrum1_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader12, "Tex0", rustyboltpanel) dxSetShaderValue(shader13, "Tex0", skipdirt_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader14, "Tex0", telepole128) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader, "corr_roof1") dxSetShaderValue(shader, "Tex0", y1) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Mavi Kaplama Aktif.", 1) elseif item == 1 then engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader3, "Aascaff128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader4, "gen_chrome") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader5, "greywallc128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader6, "jumpit") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader7, "jumpside1_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader8, "jumpside2_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader9, "planks01") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader10, "planks64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader11, "plasticdrum1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader12, "rustyboltpanel") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader13, "skipdirt_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader14, "telepole128") dxSetShaderValue(shader2, "Tex0", r2) dxSetShaderValue(shader3, "Tex0", caff) dxSetShaderValue(shader4, "Tex0", chrome) dxSetShaderValue(shader5, "Tex0", wall) dxSetShaderValue(shader6, "Tex0", jumpit) dxSetShaderValue(shader7, "Tex0", jumpside1_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader8, "Tex0", jumpside2_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader9, "Tex0", planks01) dxSetShaderValue(shader10, "Tex0", planks64) dxSetShaderValue(shader11, "Tex0", plasticdrum1_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader12, "Tex0", rustyboltpanel) dxSetShaderValue(shader13, "Tex0", skipdirt_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader14, "Tex0", telepole128) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader, "corr_roof1") dxSetShaderValue(shader, "Tex0", y2) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Kırmızı Kaplama Aktif.", 1) elseif item == 2 then engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader3, "Aascaff128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader4, "gen_chrome") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader5, "greywallc128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader6, "jumpit") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader7, "jumpside1_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader8, "jumpside2_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader9, "planks01") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader10, "planks64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader11, "plasticdrum1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader12, "rustyboltpanel") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader13, "skipdirt_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader14, "telepole128") dxSetShaderValue(shader2, "Tex0", r3) dxSetShaderValue(shader3, "Tex0", caff) dxSetShaderValue(shader4, "Tex0", chrome) dxSetShaderValue(shader5, "Tex0", wall) dxSetShaderValue(shader6, "Tex0", jumpit) dxSetShaderValue(shader7, "Tex0", jumpside1_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader8, "Tex0", jumpside2_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader9, "Tex0", planks01) dxSetShaderValue(shader10, "Tex0", planks64) dxSetShaderValue(shader11, "Tex0", plasticdrum1_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader12, "Tex0", rustyboltpanel) dxSetShaderValue(shader13, "Tex0", skipdirt_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader14, "Tex0", telepole128) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader, "corr_roof1") dxSetShaderValue(shader, "Tex0", y3) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Düz Mavi Kaplama Aktif.", 1) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIComboBoxAccepted", root, comboBoxHandler1) function comboBoxHandler3() if source == kaplama2ComboBox then local item = guiComboBoxGetSelected ( source ) local text = guiComboBoxGetItemText ( source , item ) if text == "Mavi Kaplama" or text == "Kırmızı Kaplama" or text == "Mor Kaplama" then if item == 0 then engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader3, "Aascaff128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader4, "gen_chrome") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader5, "greywallc128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader6, "jumpit") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader7, "jumpside1_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader8, "jumpside2_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader9, "planks01") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader10, "planks64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader11, "plasticdrum1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader12, "rustyboltpanel") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader13, "skipdirt_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader14, "telepole128") dxSetShaderValue(shader2, "Tex0", r12) dxSetShaderValue(shader3, "Tex0", caff) dxSetShaderValue(shader4, "Tex0", chrome) dxSetShaderValue(shader5, "Tex0", wall) dxSetShaderValue(shader6, "Tex0", jumpit) dxSetShaderValue(shader7, "Tex0", jumpside1_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader8, "Tex0", jumpside2_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader9, "Tex0", planks01) dxSetShaderValue(shader10, "Tex0", planks64) dxSetShaderValue(shader11, "Tex0", plasticdrum1_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader12, "Tex0", rustyboltpanel) dxSetShaderValue(shader13, "Tex0", skipdirt_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader14, "Tex0", telepole128) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader, "corr_roof1") dxSetShaderValue(shader, "Tex0", y12) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Mavi Kaplama Aktif.", 1) elseif item == 1 then engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader3, "Aascaff128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader4, "gen_chrome") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader5, "greywallc128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader6, "jumpit") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader7, "jumpside1_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader8, "jumpside2_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader9, "planks01") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader10, "planks64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader11, "plasticdrum1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader12, "rustyboltpanel") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader13, "skipdirt_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader14, "telepole128") dxSetShaderValue(shader2, "Tex0", r22) dxSetShaderValue(shader3, "Tex0", caff) dxSetShaderValue(shader4, "Tex0", chrome) dxSetShaderValue(shader5, "Tex0", wall) dxSetShaderValue(shader6, "Tex0", jumpit) dxSetShaderValue(shader7, "Tex0", jumpside1_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader8, "Tex0", jumpside2_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader9, "Tex0", planks01) dxSetShaderValue(shader10, "Tex0", planks64) dxSetShaderValue(shader11, "Tex0", plasticdrum1_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader12, "Tex0", rustyboltpanel) dxSetShaderValue(shader13, "Tex0", skipdirt_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader14, "Tex0", telepole128) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader, "corr_roof1") dxSetShaderValue(shader, "Tex0", y22) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Kırmızı Kaplama Aktif.", 1) elseif item == 2 then engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader3, "Aascaff128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader4, "gen_chrome") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader5, "greywallc128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader6, "jumpit") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader7, "jumpside1_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader8, "jumpside2_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader9, "planks01") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader10, "planks64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader11, "plasticdrum1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader12, "rustyboltpanel") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader13, "skipdirt_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader14, "telepole128") dxSetShaderValue(shader2, "Tex0", r32) dxSetShaderValue(shader3, "Tex0", caff) dxSetShaderValue(shader4, "Tex0", chrome) dxSetShaderValue(shader5, "Tex0", wall) dxSetShaderValue(shader6, "Tex0", jumpit) dxSetShaderValue(shader7, "Tex0", jumpside1_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader8, "Tex0", jumpside2_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader9, "Tex0", planks01) dxSetShaderValue(shader10, "Tex0", planks64) dxSetShaderValue(shader11, "Tex0", plasticdrum1_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader12, "Tex0", rustyboltpanel) dxSetShaderValue(shader13, "Tex0", skipdirt_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader14, "Tex0", telepole128) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader, "corr_roof1") dxSetShaderValue(shader, "Tex0", y32) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Düz Mavi Kaplama Aktif.", 1) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIComboBoxAccepted", root, comboBoxHandler3) function comboBoxHandler2() if source == nosComboBox then local item = guiComboBoxGetSelected ( source ) local text = guiComboBoxGetItemText ( source , item ) if text == "nos nfs" or text == "nos normal" or text == "nos hybrid" then if item == 0 then executeCommandHandler("nos","nfs") elseif item == 1 then executeCommandHandler("nos","normal") elseif item == 2 then executeCommandHandler("nos","hybrid") end end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIComboBoxAccepted", root, comboBoxHandler2) addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture( carshader, "vehiclegrunge*" ) end) local FPSLimit, lastTick, framesRendered, FPS = 100, getTickCount(), 0, 0 local sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize() local px,py = 1366,768 local x,y = (sx/px), (sy/py) function FPS2 () local currentTick = getTickCount() local elapsedTime = currentTick - lastTick if elapsedTime >= 1000 then FPS = framesRendered lastTick = currentTick framesRendered = 0 else framesRendered = framesRendered + 1 end if FPS > FPSLimit then FPS = FPSLimit end local playerPing = getPlayerPing ( localPlayer ) local time = getRealTime() local hours = time.hour if hours < 10 then hours = "0"..hours end local minutes = time.minute if minutes < 10 then minutes = "0"..minutes end local seconds = time.second if seconds < 10 then seconds = "0"..seconds end local seconds = time.second if seconds < 10 then seconds = "0"..seconds end local year = time.year+1900 local month = time.month+1 if month < 10 then month = "0"..month end local day = time.monthday if day < 10 then day = "0"..day end dxDrawText("#0066ccSaat:#FFFFFF "..hours..":"..minutes..":"..seconds.." #000000| #0066ccTarih: #FFFFFF"..day.."#0C0C0C/#FFFFFF"..month.."#0C0C0C/#FFFFFF"..year.." #000000| #0066ccFPS: #FFFFFF"..tostring(FPS).." #000000| #0066ccPing:#FFFFFF "..playerPing.." #000000|",sx-385,sy,10,sy-15,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,"default-bold","left","center",false,false,true,true) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle( getLocalPlayer() ) if ( vehicle ) then local speedX, speedY, speedZ = getElementVelocity ( vehicle ) local actualSpeed = (speedX^2 + speedY^2 + speedZ^2)^(0.5) local KMH = math.floor(actualSpeed*180) if ( getElementHealth( vehicle ) >= 1000 ) then vehsaude = 100 else vehsaude = math.floor(getElementHealth ( vehicle )/10) end end dxDrawText("#0066ccSaat:#FFFFFF "..hours..":"..minutes..":"..seconds.." #000000| #0066ccTarih: #FFFFFF"..day.."#0C0C0C/#FFFFFF"..month.."#0C0C0C/#FFFFFF"..year.." #000000| #0066ccFPS: #FFFFFF"..tostring(FPS).." #000000| #0066ccPing:#FFFFFF "..playerPing.." #000000|",sx-385,sy,10,sy-15,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,"default-bold","left","center",false,false,true,true) end addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,FPS2)local sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize() local posx = sy * 0.02 local posy = sy * 0.715 local height = sy * 0.245 local centerleft = posx + height / 2 local centertop = posy + height / 2 local blipsize = height / 14 local lpsize = height / 10 local range = 180 local lp = getLocalPlayer() function findRotation(x1,y1,x2,y2) local t = -math.deg(math.atan2(x2-x1,y2-y1)) if t < 0 then t = t + 360 end return t end function getDistanceRotation(x, y, dist, angle) local a = math.rad(90 - angle) local dx = math.cos(a) * dist local dy = math.sin(a) * dist return x+dx, y+dy end local huntersonly = false setTimer( function() huntersonly = true for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(player, "state") == "alive" then if getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) and getElementModel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(player)) ~= 425 then huntersonly = false end end end local target = getCameraTarget() if target and getElementType(target) == "vehicle" then lp = getVehicleOccupant(target) else lp = getLocalPlayer() end end,1000,0) function drawRada() showPlayerHudComponent("rada", false) local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(lp) local pr = getPedRotation(lp) local cx,cy,_,tx,ty = getCameraMatrix() local north = findRotation(cx,cy,tx,ty) dxDrawImage(posx,posy,height,height, "Resimler/rada.png") dxDrawImage(posx,posy,height,height, "Resimler/nort.png", north) for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) if getElementData(player, "state") == "alive" and veh and player ~= lp then local _,_,rot = getElementRotation(veh) local ex, ey, ez = getElementPosition(veh) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(px,py,ex,ey) if dist > range then dist = tonumber(range) end local angle = 180-north + findRotation(px,py,ex,ey) local cblipx, cblipy = getDistanceRotation(0, 0, height*(dist/range)/2, angle) local blipx = centerleft+cblipx-blipsize/2 local blipy = centertop+cblipy-blipsize/2 local yoff = 0 local r,g,b,a = 255,255,255,255 if getPlayerTeam(player) then r,g,b = getTeamColor( getPlayerTeam(player) ) end local img = "Resimler/bli.png" if (ez - pz) >= 5 then img = "Resimler/blipu.png" elseif (ez - pz) <= -5 then img = "Resimler/blipdow.png" end if not huntersonly and tonumber(getElementModel(veh)) == 425 then r, g, b, a = 255, 0, 0, 200 end dxDrawImage(blipx, blipy, blipsize, blipsize, img, north-rot+45, 0, 0, tocolor(r,g,b,a)) end end dxDrawImage(centerleft - lpsize/2, centertop - lpsize/2, lpsize,lpsize, "Resimler/loca.png", north-pr) if getPedOccupiedVehicle(lp) then local vtype = getVehicleType(getPedOccupiedVehicle(lp)) if vtype == "Plane" or vtype == "Helicopter" then local vh = 1 - math.min(1,math.max(0,pz/810)) dxDrawRectangle( posx/3, posy, posx/3, height, tocolor(0,0,0,130)) dxDrawLine( posx/4, posy + vh*height, posx*0.75, posy + vh*height, tocolor(255,255,255,255)) end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), drawRadar) function dxDrawColorText(str, ax, ay, bx, by, color, scale, font, alignX, alignY) bx, by, color, scale, font = bx or ax, by or ay, color or tocolor(255,255,255,255), scale or 1, font or "default" if alignX then if alignX == "center" then ax = ax + (bx - ax - dxGetTextWidth(str:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""), scale, font))/2 elseif alignX == "right" then ax = bx - dxGetTextWidth(str:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""), scale, font) end end if alignY then if alignY == "center" then ay = ay + (by - ay - dxGetFontHeight(scale, font))/2 elseif alignY == "bottom" then ay = by - dxGetFontHeight(scale, font) end end local alpha = string.format("%08X", color):sub(1,2) local pat = "(.-)#(%x%x%x%x%x%x)" local s, e, cap, col = str:find(pat, 1) local last = 1 while s do if cap == "" and col then color = tocolor(getColorFromString("#"..col..alpha)) end if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then local w = dxGetTextWidth(cap, scale, font) dxDrawText(cap, ax, ay, ax + w, by, color, scale, font) ax = ax + w color = tocolor(getColorFromString("#"..col..alpha)) end last = e + 1 s, e, cap, col = str:find(pat, last) end if last <= #str then cap = str:sub(last) dxDrawText(cap, ax, ay, ax + dxGetTextWidth(cap, scale, font), by, color, scale, font) end end function Panelonoff() if guiGetVisible(pencere) then guiSetVisible(pencere,false) showCursor(false) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "shader", false) else guiSetVisible(pencere, true) showCursor(true) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "shader", true) end end bindKey ("F1","down",Panelonoff)
  2. local font0_font = guiCreateFont("font/font.ttf", 10) local font0_font2 = guiCreateFont("font/font.ttf", 20) local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local windowWidth, windowHeight = 400, 600 local left = screenWidth/2 - windowWidth/2 local top = screenHeight/2 - windowHeight/2 addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() pencere = guiCreateStaticImage(left, top, windowWidth, windowHeight, "Resimler/resim.png", false) guiSetProperty(pencere, "ImageColours", "tl:BF000000 tr:BF000000 bl:BF000000 br:BF000000") pencere2 = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, 600, 25, "Resimler/resim.png", false, pencere) guiSetProperty(pencere2, "ImageColours", "tl:FF0085DB tr:FF0085DB bl:FF0085DB br:FF0085DB") baslik = guiCreateLabel(140, 1, 110, 20, "AYARLAR PANELİ", false, pencere2) guiSetFont(baslik, font0_font) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(baslik, "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(baslik, "center") ChatL = guiCreateLabel(50, 60, 100, 25, "SOHBET", false, pencere) guiSetFont(ChatL, font0_font) fpsL = guiCreateLabel(50, 90, 100, 25, "HUD", false, pencere) guiSetFont(fpsL, font0_font) aracShaderL = guiCreateLabel(50, 120, 100, 25, "TEMİZ ARAÇ", false, pencere) guiSetFont(aracShaderL, font0_font) aracSmokeL = guiCreateLabel(50, 150, 100, 25, "ARAÇ DUMANI", false, pencere) guiSetFont(aracSmokeL, font0_font) izleyenL = guiCreateLabel(50, 180, 100, 25, "İZLEYENLER", false, pencere) guiSetFont(izleyenL, font0_font) kaplamaComboBoxL = guiCreateLabel(50, 240, 100, 25, "KAPLAMALAR", false, pencere) guiSetFont(kaplamaComboBoxL, font0_font) nosComboBoxL = guiCreateLabel(50, 330, 100, 25, "NOS ÇEŞİTLERİ", false, pencere) guiSetFont(nosComboBoxL, font0_font) kaplamaComboBox = guiCreateComboBox(150, 240, 190, 95, "", false, pencere) guiComboBoxAddItem(kaplamaComboBox, "Mavi Kaplama") guiComboBoxAddItem(kaplamaComboBox, "Kırmızı Kaplama") guiComboBoxAddItem(kaplamaComboBox, "Düz Mavi Kaplama") nosComboBox = guiCreateComboBox(150, 330, 190, 72, "", false, pencere) guiComboBoxAddItem(nosComboBox, "nos nfs") guiComboBoxAddItem(nosComboBox, "nos normal") guiComboBoxAddItem(nosComboBox, "nos hybrid") Chat = guiCreateStaticImage(250, 60, 75, 25, "Resimler/on.png", false, pencere) FPSb = guiCreateStaticImage(250, 90, 75, 25, "Resimler/on.png", false, pencere) aracShader = guiCreateStaticImage(250, 120, 75, 25, "Resimler/on.png", false, pencere) aracSmoke = guiCreateStaticImage(250, 150, 75, 25, "Resimler/on.png", false, pencere) izleyen = guiCreateStaticImage(250, 180, 75, 25, "Resimler/on.png", false, pencere) t = guiCreateLabel(0.0, 0.96, 0.94, 0.04, "noitsteff*", true, pencere) guiLabelSetColor(t, 0, 156, 255) guiSetFont(t, font0_font) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(t, "left", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(t, "bottom") t2 = guiCreateLabel(0.05, 0.96, 0.94, 0.04, "[Mystic]", true, pencere) guiLabelSetColor(t2, 156, 0, 0) guiSetFont(t2, font0_font) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(t2, "right", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(t2, "bottom") kaplama = guiCreateButton(53, 280, 280, 25, "KAPLAMAYI KAPAT", false, pencere) guiSetFont(kaplama, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(kaplama, "NormalTextColour", "FF990000") guiSetProperty(kaplama, "HoverTextColour", "FFC0C0C0") guiSetProperty(kaplama, "PushedTextColour", "FF009CFF") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", kaplama, kaplamas) chatrengi = guiCreateButton(53, 310, 280, 25, "YAZI RENGİNİ DEĞİŞTİR", false, pencere) guiSetFont(chatrengi, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(chatrengi, "NormalTextColour", "FF990000") guiSetProperty(chatrengi, "HoverTextColour", "FFC0C0C0") guiSetProperty(chatrengi, "PushedTextColour", "FF009CFF") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", chatrengi, chatrengis) guiSetVisible( pencere, false ) end ) duman = dxCreateShader ( "fx/duman.fx" ) texShader = dxCreateShader ( "fx/texreplace.fx" ) shader = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader2 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader3 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader4 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader5 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader6 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader7 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader8 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader9 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader10 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader11 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader12 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader13 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") shader14 = dxCreateShader("fx/shader.fx") y1 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/maviy.png") y2 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/kirmiziy.png") y3 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/mory.png") r1 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/mavir.png") r2 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/kirmizir.png") r3 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/morr.png") caff = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/Aascaff128.png") chrome = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/gen_chrome.png") wall = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/greywallc128.png") jumpit = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/jumpit.png") jumpside1_256 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/jumpside1_256.png") jumpside2_256 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/jumpside2_256.png") planks01 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/planks01.png") planks64 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/planks64.png") plasticdrum1_128 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/plasticdrum1_128.png") rustyboltpanel = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/rustyboltpanel.png") skipdirt_128 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/skipdirt_128.png") telepole128 = dxCreateTexture("Resimler/telepole128.png") carshader = dxCreateShader( "fx/nodirt-shader.fx" ) local sX,sY = guiGetScreenSize() local visible = true local specList = {} local gS = sY*0.25 local gY = sY*0.7 local gF = math.floor((gY-gS)/18) local function drawSpectatorsList() if specList and (#specList >= 1) then dxDrawText("Seyirciler("..#specList.."):",1,gS+1,sX-14,1,tocolor(0,0,0,200),1,"default-bold","right") dxDrawText("#0066ccSeyirciler(#ffffff"..#specList.."#0066cc):",0,gS,sX-15,0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,"default-bold","right","top",false,false,false,true) for k,v in ipairs(specList) do dxDrawText(specList[k]:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""),1,gS+18*k+1,sX-14,1,tocolor(0,0,0,200),1,"default-bold","right") dxDrawText(specList[k],0,gS+18*k,sX-15,0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,"default-bold","right","top",false,false,false,true) if (k == gF) then break; end end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,drawSpectatorsList) addEvent("sendClientSpecList",true) addEventHandler("sendClientSpecList",root, function(arg1) specList = arg1 end) C = false F = true Ci = false aS = false aS2 = false I = false L = false function JuJu() if source == Chat and C == false then showChat( false ) guiStaticImageLoadImage( Chat, "Resimler/off.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Sohbet Kapalı", 3) C = true elseif source == Chat and C == true then showChat( true ) guiStaticImageLoadImage( Chat, "Resimler/on.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Sohbet Aktif", 1) C = false elseif source == FPSb and F == false then guiStaticImageLoadImage( FPSb, "Resimler/on.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Hud Aktif", 1) addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,FPS2) F = true elseif source == FPSb and F == true then guiStaticImageLoadImage( FPSb, "Resimler/off.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Hud Kapalı", 3) removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,FPS2) F = false elseif source == aracShader and aS == false then guiStaticImageLoadImage( aracShader, "Resimler/off.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Temiz Araç Kapalı", 3) engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture( carshader, "vehiclegrunge*" ) aS = true elseif source == aracShader and aS == true then guiStaticImageLoadImage( aracShader, "Resimler/on.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Temiz Araç Aktif", 1) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture( carshader, "vehiclegrunge*" ) aS = false elseif source == aracSmoke and aS2 == false then guiStaticImageLoadImage( aracSmoke, "Resimler/off.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Araç Dumanı Kapalı", 3) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(duman,"collisionsmoke") aS2 = true elseif source == aracSmoke and aS2 == true then guiStaticImageLoadImage( aracSmoke, "Resimler/on.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD] #FFFFFFAraç Dumanı Aktif", 1) engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(duman,"collisionsmoke") aS2 = false elseif source == izleyen and I == false then guiStaticImageLoadImage( izleyen, "Resimler/off.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD] #FFFFFFİzleyenler Kapalı", 3) removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,drawSpectatorsList) I = true elseif source == izleyen and I == true then guiStaticImageLoadImage( izleyen, "Resimler/on.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF İzleyenler Aktif", 1) addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,drawSpectatorsList) I = false elseif source == Level and L == false then guiStaticImageLoadImage( Level, "Resimler/off.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD] #FFFFFFSeviye Barı Kapalı", 3) setElementData(localPlayer, "asteqsw42", true) L = true elseif source == Level and L == true then guiStaticImageLoadImage( Level, "Resimler/on.png" ) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Seviye Barı Aktif", 1) setElementData(localPlayer, "asteqsw42", false) L = false end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement( ), JuJu) function kaplamas() engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader3, "Aascaff128") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader4, "gen_chrome") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader5, "greywallc128") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader6, "jumpit") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader7, "jumpside1_256") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader8, "jumpside2_256") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_64") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_128") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader9, "planks01") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader10, "planks64") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader11, "plasticdrum1_128") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader12, "rustyboltpanel") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader13, "skipdirt_128") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader14, "telepole128") engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shader, "corr_roof1") outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Kaplamalar Kaldırıldı.", 3) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement( ), JuJu) function chatrengis() chatrengi( true ) end outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Yazı Rengi Değiştirildi.", 3) end function panels() guiSetVisible(pencere,false) showCursor(false) end function comboBoxHandler1() if source == kaplamaComboBox then local item = guiComboBoxGetSelected ( source ) local text = guiComboBoxGetItemText ( source , item ) if text == "Mavi Kaplama" or text == "Kırmızı Kaplama" or text == "Düz Mavi Kaplama" then if item == 0 then engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader3, "Aascaff128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader4, "gen_chrome") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader5, "greywallc128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader6, "jumpit") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader7, "jumpside1_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader8, "jumpside2_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader9, "planks01") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader10, "planks64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader11, "plasticdrum1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader12, "rustyboltpanel") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader13, "skipdirt_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader14, "telepole128") dxSetShaderValue(shader2, "Tex0", r1) dxSetShaderValue(shader3, "Tex0", caff) dxSetShaderValue(shader4, "Tex0", chrome) dxSetShaderValue(shader5, "Tex0", wall) dxSetShaderValue(shader6, "Tex0", jumpit) dxSetShaderValue(shader7, "Tex0", jumpside1_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader8, "Tex0", jumpside2_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader9, "Tex0", planks01) dxSetShaderValue(shader10, "Tex0", planks64) dxSetShaderValue(shader11, "Tex0", plasticdrum1_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader12, "Tex0", rustyboltpanel) dxSetShaderValue(shader13, "Tex0", skipdirt_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader14, "Tex0", telepole128) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader, "corr_roof1") dxSetShaderValue(shader, "Tex0", y1) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Mavi Kaplama Aktif.", 1) elseif item == 1 then engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader3, "Aascaff128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader4, "gen_chrome") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader5, "greywallc128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader6, "jumpit") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader7, "jumpside1_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader8, "jumpside2_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader9, "planks01") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader10, "planks64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader11, "plasticdrum1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader12, "rustyboltpanel") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader13, "skipdirt_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader14, "telepole128") dxSetShaderValue(shader2, "Tex0", r2) dxSetShaderValue(shader3, "Tex0", caff) dxSetShaderValue(shader4, "Tex0", chrome) dxSetShaderValue(shader5, "Tex0", wall) dxSetShaderValue(shader6, "Tex0", jumpit) dxSetShaderValue(shader7, "Tex0", jumpside1_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader8, "Tex0", jumpside2_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader9, "Tex0", planks01) dxSetShaderValue(shader10, "Tex0", planks64) dxSetShaderValue(shader11, "Tex0", plasticdrum1_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader12, "Tex0", rustyboltpanel) dxSetShaderValue(shader13, "Tex0", skipdirt_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader14, "Tex0", telepole128) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader, "corr_roof1") dxSetShaderValue(shader, "Tex0", y2) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Kırmızı Kaplama Aktif.", 1) elseif item == 2 then engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader3, "Aascaff128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader4, "gen_chrome") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader5, "greywallc128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader6, "jumpit") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader7, "jumpside1_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader8, "jumpside2_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader9, "planks01") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader10, "planks64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader11, "plasticdrum1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader12, "rustyboltpanel") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader13, "skipdirt_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader14, "telepole128") dxSetShaderValue(shader2, "Tex0", r3) dxSetShaderValue(shader3, "Tex0", caff) dxSetShaderValue(shader4, "Tex0", chrome) dxSetShaderValue(shader5, "Tex0", wall) dxSetShaderValue(shader6, "Tex0", jumpit) dxSetShaderValue(shader7, "Tex0", jumpside1_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader8, "Tex0", jumpside2_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader9, "Tex0", planks01) dxSetShaderValue(shader10, "Tex0", planks64) dxSetShaderValue(shader11, "Tex0", plasticdrum1_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader12, "Tex0", rustyboltpanel) dxSetShaderValue(shader13, "Tex0", skipdirt_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader14, "Tex0", telepole128) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader, "corr_roof1") dxSetShaderValue(shader, "Tex0", y3) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Düz Mavi Kaplama Aktif.", 1) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIComboBoxAccepted", root, comboBoxHandler1) function comboBoxHandler3() if source == kaplama2ComboBox then local item = guiComboBoxGetSelected ( source ) local text = guiComboBoxGetItemText ( source , item ) if text == "Mavi Kaplama" or text == "Kırmızı Kaplama" or text == "Mor Kaplama" then if item == 0 then engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader3, "Aascaff128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader4, "gen_chrome") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader5, "greywallc128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader6, "jumpit") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader7, "jumpside1_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader8, "jumpside2_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader9, "planks01") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader10, "planks64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader11, "plasticdrum1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader12, "rustyboltpanel") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader13, "skipdirt_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader14, "telepole128") dxSetShaderValue(shader2, "Tex0", r12) dxSetShaderValue(shader3, "Tex0", caff) dxSetShaderValue(shader4, "Tex0", chrome) dxSetShaderValue(shader5, "Tex0", wall) dxSetShaderValue(shader6, "Tex0", jumpit) dxSetShaderValue(shader7, "Tex0", jumpside1_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader8, "Tex0", jumpside2_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader9, "Tex0", planks01) dxSetShaderValue(shader10, "Tex0", planks64) dxSetShaderValue(shader11, "Tex0", plasticdrum1_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader12, "Tex0", rustyboltpanel) dxSetShaderValue(shader13, "Tex0", skipdirt_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader14, "Tex0", telepole128) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader, "corr_roof1") dxSetShaderValue(shader, "Tex0", y12) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Mavi Kaplama Aktif.", 1) elseif item == 1 then engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader3, "Aascaff128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader4, "gen_chrome") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader5, "greywallc128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader6, "jumpit") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader7, "jumpside1_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader8, "jumpside2_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader9, "planks01") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader10, "planks64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader11, "plasticdrum1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader12, "rustyboltpanel") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader13, "skipdirt_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader14, "telepole128") dxSetShaderValue(shader2, "Tex0", r22) dxSetShaderValue(shader3, "Tex0", caff) dxSetShaderValue(shader4, "Tex0", chrome) dxSetShaderValue(shader5, "Tex0", wall) dxSetShaderValue(shader6, "Tex0", jumpit) dxSetShaderValue(shader7, "Tex0", jumpside1_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader8, "Tex0", jumpside2_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader9, "Tex0", planks01) dxSetShaderValue(shader10, "Tex0", planks64) dxSetShaderValue(shader11, "Tex0", plasticdrum1_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader12, "Tex0", rustyboltpanel) dxSetShaderValue(shader13, "Tex0", skipdirt_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader14, "Tex0", telepole128) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader, "corr_roof1") dxSetShaderValue(shader, "Tex0", y22) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Kırmızı Kaplama Aktif.", 1) elseif item == 2 then engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader3, "Aascaff128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader4, "gen_chrome") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader5, "greywallc128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader6, "jumpit") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader7, "jumpside1_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader8, "jumpside2_256") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader2, "jumptop1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader9, "planks01") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader10, "planks64") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader11, "plasticdrum1_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader12, "rustyboltpanel") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader13, "skipdirt_128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader14, "telepole128") dxSetShaderValue(shader2, "Tex0", r32) dxSetShaderValue(shader3, "Tex0", caff) dxSetShaderValue(shader4, "Tex0", chrome) dxSetShaderValue(shader5, "Tex0", wall) dxSetShaderValue(shader6, "Tex0", jumpit) dxSetShaderValue(shader7, "Tex0", jumpside1_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader8, "Tex0", jumpside2_256) dxSetShaderValue(shader9, "Tex0", planks01) dxSetShaderValue(shader10, "Tex0", planks64) dxSetShaderValue(shader11, "Tex0", plasticdrum1_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader12, "Tex0", rustyboltpanel) dxSetShaderValue(shader13, "Tex0", skipdirt_128) dxSetShaderValue(shader14, "Tex0", telepole128) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader, "corr_roof1") dxSetShaderValue(shader, "Tex0", y32) outputNotification("#990000[MDD]#FFFFFF Düz Mavi Kaplama Aktif.", 1) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIComboBoxAccepted", root, comboBoxHandler3) function comboBoxHandler2() if source == nosComboBox then local item = guiComboBoxGetSelected ( source ) local text = guiComboBoxGetItemText ( source , item ) if text == "nos nfs" or text == "nos normal" or text == "nos hybrid" then if item == 0 then executeCommandHandler("nos","nfs") elseif item == 1 then executeCommandHandler("nos","normal") elseif item == 2 then executeCommandHandler("nos","hybrid") end end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIComboBoxAccepted", root, comboBoxHandler2) addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture( carshader, "vehiclegrunge*" ) end) local FPSLimit, lastTick, framesRendered, FPS = 100, getTickCount(), 0, 0 local sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize() local px,py = 1366,768 local x,y = (sx/px), (sy/py) function FPS2 () local currentTick = getTickCount() local elapsedTime = currentTick - lastTick if elapsedTime >= 1000 then FPS = framesRendered lastTick = currentTick framesRendered = 0 else framesRendered = framesRendered + 1 end if FPS > FPSLimit then FPS = FPSLimit end local playerPing = getPlayerPing ( localPlayer ) local time = getRealTime() local hours = time.hour if hours < 10 then hours = "0"..hours end local minutes = time.minute if minutes < 10 then minutes = "0"..minutes end local seconds = time.second if seconds < 10 then seconds = "0"..seconds end local seconds = time.second if seconds < 10 then seconds = "0"..seconds end local year = time.year+1900 local month = time.month+1 if month < 10 then month = "0"..month end local day = time.monthday if day < 10 then day = "0"..day end dxDrawText("#0066ccSaat:#FFFFFF "..hours..":"..minutes..":"..seconds.." #000000| #0066ccTarih: #FFFFFF"..day.."#0C0C0C/#FFFFFF"..month.."#0C0C0C/#FFFFFF"..year.." #000000| #0066ccFPS: #FFFFFF"..tostring(FPS).." #000000| #0066ccPing:#FFFFFF "..playerPing.." #000000|",sx-385,sy,10,sy-15,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,"default-bold","left","center",false,false,true,true) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle( getLocalPlayer() ) if ( vehicle ) then local speedX, speedY, speedZ = getElementVelocity ( vehicle ) local actualSpeed = (speedX^2 + speedY^2 + speedZ^2)^(0.5) local KMH = math.floor(actualSpeed*180) if ( getElementHealth( vehicle ) >= 1000 ) then vehsaude = 100 else vehsaude = math.floor(getElementHealth ( vehicle )/10) end end dxDrawText("#0066ccSaat:#FFFFFF "..hours..":"..minutes..":"..seconds.." #000000| #0066ccTarih: #FFFFFF"..day.."#0C0C0C/#FFFFFF"..month.."#0C0C0C/#FFFFFF"..year.." #000000| #0066ccFPS: #FFFFFF"..tostring(FPS).." #000000| #0066ccPing:#FFFFFF "..playerPing.." #000000|",sx-385,sy,10,sy-15,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,"default-bold","left","center",false,false,true,true) end addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,FPS2)local sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize() local posx = sy * 0.02 local posy = sy * 0.715 local height = sy * 0.245 local centerleft = posx + height / 2 local centertop = posy + height / 2 local blipsize = height / 14 local lpsize = height / 10 local range = 180 local lp = getLocalPlayer() function findRotation(x1,y1,x2,y2) local t = -math.deg(math.atan2(x2-x1,y2-y1)) if t < 0 then t = t + 360 end return t end function getDistanceRotation(x, y, dist, angle) local a = math.rad(90 - angle) local dx = math.cos(a) * dist local dy = math.sin(a) * dist return x+dx, y+dy end local huntersonly = false setTimer( function() huntersonly = true for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(player, "state") == "alive" then if getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) and getElementModel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(player)) ~= 425 then huntersonly = false end end end local target = getCameraTarget() if target and getElementType(target) == "vehicle" then lp = getVehicleOccupant(target) else lp = getLocalPlayer() end end,1000,0) function drawRada() showPlayerHudComponent("rada", false) local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(lp) local pr = getPedRotation(lp) local cx,cy,_,tx,ty = getCameraMatrix() local north = findRotation(cx,cy,tx,ty) dxDrawImage(posx,posy,height,height, "Resimler/rada.png") dxDrawImage(posx,posy,height,height, "Resimler/nort.png", north) for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) if getElementData(player, "state") == "alive" and veh and player ~= lp then local _,_,rot = getElementRotation(veh) local ex, ey, ez = getElementPosition(veh) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(px,py,ex,ey) if dist > range then dist = tonumber(range) end local angle = 180-north + findRotation(px,py,ex,ey) local cblipx, cblipy = getDistanceRotation(0, 0, height*(dist/range)/2, angle) local blipx = centerleft+cblipx-blipsize/2 local blipy = centertop+cblipy-blipsize/2 local yoff = 0 local r,g,b,a = 255,255,255,255 if getPlayerTeam(player) then r,g,b = getTeamColor( getPlayerTeam(player) ) end local img = "Resimler/bli.png" if (ez - pz) >= 5 then img = "Resimler/blipu.png" elseif (ez - pz) <= -5 then img = "Resimler/blipdow.png" end if not huntersonly and tonumber(getElementModel(veh)) == 425 then r, g, b, a = 255, 0, 0, 200 end dxDrawImage(blipx, blipy, blipsize, blipsize, img, north-rot+45, 0, 0, tocolor(r,g,b,a)) end end dxDrawImage(centerleft - lpsize/2, centertop - lpsize/2, lpsize,lpsize, "Resimler/loca.png", north-pr) if getPedOccupiedVehicle(lp) then local vtype = getVehicleType(getPedOccupiedVehicle(lp)) if vtype == "Plane" or vtype == "Helicopter" then local vh = 1 - math.min(1,math.max(0,pz/810)) dxDrawRectangle( posx/3, posy, posx/3, height, tocolor(0,0,0,130)) dxDrawLine( posx/4, posy + vh*height, posx*0.75, posy + vh*height, tocolor(255,255,255,255)) end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), drawRadar) function dxDrawColorText(str, ax, ay, bx, by, color, scale, font, alignX, alignY) bx, by, color, scale, font = bx or ax, by or ay, color or tocolor(255,255,255,255), scale or 1, font or "default" if alignX then if alignX == "center" then ax = ax + (bx - ax - dxGetTextWidth(str:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""), scale, font))/2 elseif alignX == "right" then ax = bx - dxGetTextWidth(str:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""), scale, font) end end if alignY then if alignY == "center" then ay = ay + (by - ay - dxGetFontHeight(scale, font))/2 elseif alignY == "bottom" then ay = by - dxGetFontHeight(scale, font) end end local alpha = string.format("%08X", color):sub(1,2) local pat = "(.-)#(%x%x%x%x%x%x)" local s, e, cap, col = str:find(pat, 1) local last = 1 while s do if cap == "" and col then color = tocolor(getColorFromString("#"..col..alpha)) end if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then local w = dxGetTextWidth(cap, scale, font) dxDrawText(cap, ax, ay, ax + w, by, color, scale, font) ax = ax + w color = tocolor(getColorFromString("#"..col..alpha)) end last = e + 1 s, e, cap, col = str:find(pat, last) end if last <= #str then cap = str:sub(last) dxDrawText(cap, ax, ay, ax + dxGetTextWidth(cap, scale, font), by, color, scale, font) end end function Panelonoff() if guiGetVisible(pencere) then guiSetVisible(pencere,false) showCursor(false) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "shader", false) else guiSetVisible(pencere, true) showCursor(true) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "shader", true) end end bindKey ("F1","down",Panelonoff)
  3. thanks man I waiting you
  4. very verryyy veryyyyy thanks but not working
  5. bro chatbox working but visible not working My nametags all code edit and repost pls nametag = {} local healthp = {} local nametags = {} local g_screenX,g_screenY = guiGetScreenSize() local bHideNametags = true my = 1 local NAMETAG_SCALE = 0.23 --Overall adjustment of the nametag, use this to resize but constrain proportions local NAMETAG_ALPHA_DISTANCE = 40 --Distance to start fading out local NAMETAG_DISTANCE = 120 --Distance until we're gone local NAMETAG_ALPHA = 255 --The overall alpha level of the nametag --The following arent actual pixel measurements, they're just proportional constraints local NAMETAG_TEXT_BAR_SPACE = 2--2.7 local NAMETAG_WIDTH = 50--40 local NAMETAG_HEIGHT = 5--3.7 local NAMETAG_TEXTSIZE = 0.7--0.21 local NAMETAG_OUTLINE_THICKNESS = 1.2 --0.4 local limit = 255 -- local NAMETAG_ALPHA_DIFF = NAMETAG_DISTANCE - NAMETAG_ALPHA_DISTANCE NAMETAG_SCALE = 1/NAMETAG_SCALE * 800 / g_screenY --local alphaSec = 255 -- Ensure the name tag doesn't get too big local maxScaleCurve = { {0, 0}, {3, 3}, {13, 5} } -- Ensure the text doesn't get too small/unreadable local textScaleCurve = { {0, 0.8}, {0.8, 1.2}, {99, 99} } -- Make the text a bit brighter and fade more gradually local textAlphaCurve = { {0, 0}, {25, 100}, {120, 190}, {255, 190} } function nametag.create ( player ) table.insert(nametags, player) end function nametag.destroy ( player ) for j, t in ipairs(nametags)do if(t == player)then table.remove(nametags, j) break end end end local enabledHpBar = true local changeHealthState = false setTimer(function() changeHealthState = not changeHealthState end, 250, 0) local tester = true addCommandHandler("devN", function() tester = not tester end) local imp2 = "default-bold" setTimer(function() for i,player in ipairs(g_Players) do if player ~= g_Me or my == 1 then setPlayerNametagShowing ( player, false ) local found = false for j, t in ipairs(nametags)do if(t == player)then found = true break end end if not found then nametag.create ( player ) end end end if(tester)then local order = {} local x,y,z = getCameraMatrix() for i, player in pairs(nametags) do local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) local px,py,pz local pdistance if(vehicle)and isElement(vehicle) and (not isPlayerDead(player))then px,py,pz = getElementPosition ( vehicle ) pdistance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( x,y,z,px,py,pz ) else pdistance = 100 end local index = #order + 1 order[index] = {} order[index].dist = pdistance order[index].player = player end table.sort(order, function(a,b) return tonumber(a.dist) > tonumber(b.dist) end) nametags = {} for i=1,#order do table.insert(nametags, order[i].player) end end end, 250, 0) addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", g_Root, function() if bHideNametags then return end local x,y,z = getCameraMatrix() for i, player in pairs(nametags) do while true do if(getElementData(player, "hideMe"))then break end if not isPedInVehicle(player) or isPlayerDead(player) then break end local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) local px,py,pz = getElementPosition ( vehicle ) local pdistance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( x,y,z,px,py,pz ) if pdistance <= NAMETAG_DISTANCE then pdistance = pdistance * 0.7 --0.65 --Get screenposition local sx,sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition ( px, py, pz+0.95, 0.06 ) if not sx or not sy then break end --Calculate our components local scale = 1/(NAMETAG_SCALE * (pdistance / NAMETAG_DISTANCE)) --local alpha = ((pdistance - NAMETAG_ALPHA_DISTANCE) / NAMETAG_ALPHA_DIFF) -- alpha = (alpha < 0) and NAMETAG_ALPHA or NAMETAG_ALPHA-(alpha*NAMETAG_ALPHA) local tarVehicle = false local camTarget = getCameraTarget() if(isElement(camTarget))and(getElementType(camTarget) == "vehicle")then tarVehicle = camTarget elseif(isElement(camTarget))and(getElementType(camTarget) == "player")then tarVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(camTarget) end local alpha = 255 alpha = getElementAlpha(vehicle) --if(pdistance - 2 < 12)then alpha = pdistance*pdistance*0.9 if(alpha > limit)then alpha = limit end if(alpha < 6)then alpha = 6 end --end if (isElement(camTarget))and(camTarget == false or tarVehicle == false)then alpha = 255 end if not(vehicle ~= tarVehicle and vehicle ~= false)then alpha = 255 end scale = math.evalCurve(maxScaleCurve,scale) local textscale = math.evalCurve(textScaleCurve,scale) local textalpha = math.evalCurve(textAlphaCurve,alpha) local outlineThickness = NAMETAG_OUTLINE_THICKNESS*(scale) --Draw our text local r,g,b = 255,255,255 local team = getPlayerTeam(player) if team then r,g,b = getTeamColor(team) end local offset = (scale) * NAMETAG_TEXT_BAR_SPACE/2 --dxDrawText ( getPlayerName(player), sx, sy - offset, sx, sy - offset, tocolor(r,g,b,textalpha), textscale*NAMETAG_TEXTSIZE, "default", "center", "bottom", false, false, false ) local textlang = dxGetTextWidth ( getPlayerName(player), textscale*NAMETAG_TEXTSIZE, imp2 ) if(getElementHealth(getPedOccupiedVehicle(player)) > 200)then dxDrawColoredText(getPlayerNametagText(player), sx - textlang/2, sy - offset-23, sx - textlang/2, sy, {r,g,b,alpha}, textscale*NAMETAG_TEXTSIZE, imp2, "right", "bottom", false, false, false,alpha) elseif(changeHealthState)then dxDrawColoredText(getPlayerNametagText(player), sx - textlang/2, sy - offset-23, sx - textlang/2, sy, {r,g,b,alpha}, textscale*NAMETAG_TEXTSIZE, imp2, "right", "bottom", false, false, false,alpha) end --dxDrawImage(sx - textlang/1.45, sy-th*1.2, textlang*1.4, th*1.45,"8Q.png",0,0,0,tocolor(r,g,b,alpha/1.5)) --We draw three parts to make the healthbar. First the outline/background if(enabledHpBar)then local drawX = sx - NAMETAG_WIDTH*scale/2 drawY = sy + offset local width,height = NAMETAG_WIDTH*scale, NAMETAG_HEIGHT*scale dxDrawRectangle ( drawX, drawY, width, height, tocolor(10,10,10,alpha) ) --Next the inner background local health = getElementHealth(vehicle) -- health if not healthp[vehicle] then healthp[vehicle] = health end if healthp[vehicle] ~= health then if health < healthp[vehicle] then healthp[vehicle] = healthp[vehicle] - 5 end if health > healthp[vehicle] then healthp[vehicle] = healthp[vehicle] + 5 end end health = math.max(healthp[vehicle] - 250, 0) / 750 local p = -510*(health^2) local r,g = math.max(math.min(p + 255*health + 255, 255), 0), math.max(math.min(p + 765*health, 255), 0) dxDrawImageSection(drawX, drawY, width, height, math.floor(256 - 256 * health), 0, 256, 16, "img/healthbar1.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(math.min(r + 60,255),math.max(g - 60,0),0,alpha)) dxDrawImageSection(drawX, drawY, width, height, math.floor(256 - 256 * health), 0, 256, 16, "img/healthbar2.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, getElementAlpha(player))) dxDrawImage(drawX - 1, drawY - 1, width + 2, height + 2, "img/healthbar3.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, getElementAlpha(player))) end end break end end end ) --------------Toggle hp bar-------------- --[[addCommandHandler("hpbar", function() enabledHpBar = not enabledHpBar local text = "#FF0045Disabled." if(enabledHpBar)then text = "#00FF45Enabled." triggerServerEvent("onBarChange", getRootElement(), getLocalPlayer(), 1) else triggerServerEvent("onBarChange", getRootElement(), getLocalPlayer(), 0) end outputChatBox("#FF4000* #FFFFFFHp Bar: "..text,255,255,255,true) end) addEvent("onBarStateChange", true) addEventHandler("onBarStateChange", getRootElement(), function(state) if(tonumber(state) == 1)then enabledHpBar = true else enabledHpBar = false end end)]] ---------------THE FOLLOWING IS THE MANAGEMENT OF NAMETAGS----------------- addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', g_ResRoot, function() for i,player in ipairs(getElementsByType"player") do if player ~= g_Me or my == 1 then nametag.create ( player ) end end end ) addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerJoin", g_Root, function() if source == g_Me then return end setPlayerNametagShowing ( source, false ) nametag.create ( source ) end ) addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerQuit", g_Root, function() nametag.destroy ( source ) end ) addEvent ( "onClientScreenFadedOut", true ) addEventHandler ( "onClientScreenFadedOut", g_Root, function() bHideNametags = true end ) addEvent ( "onClientScreenFadedIn", true ) addEventHandler ( "onClientScreenFadedIn", g_Root, function() bHideNametags = false end ) local dxTextCacheNametags = {} local dxTextShadowCacheNametags = {} function clearDxCacheNametags( ) dxTextCacheNametags = {} dxTextShadowCacheNametags = {} end addCommandHandler("clearDx", clearDxCacheNametags) setTimer(clearDxCacheNametags,60000,0) function dxDrawColoredText(str, ax, ay, bx, by, tcolor, scale, font) local rax = ax local index = tostring(tcolor[1]..tcolor[2]..tcolor[3])..string.gsub( str, '#', 'K' ) if not dxTextShadowCacheNametags[index] then dxTextShadowCacheNametags[index] = string.gsub( str, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '' ) end dxDrawText(dxTextShadowCacheNametags[index], ax+1,ay+1,ax+1,by,tocolor(0,0,0, 0.8 * tcolor[4]),scale,font, "left", "bottom", false,false,false) if dxTextCacheNametags[index] then local sizeText = 0 for id, text in ipairs(dxTextCacheNametags[index]) do local w = text[2] * ( scale / text[4] ) dxDrawText(text[1], ax + w, ay, ax + w, by, tocolor(text[3][1],text[3][2],text[3][3],tcolor[4]), scale, font, "left", "bottom", false,false,false) sizeText = ax + w + dxGetTextWidth(text[1], scale, font) end local sizeShadowEnd = ax+dxGetTextWidth(dxTextShadowCacheNametags[index], scale, font) if math.abs(sizeShadowEnd - sizeText) > 1 then dxTextCacheNametags[index] = nil dxTextShadowCacheNametags[index] = nil end else dxTextCacheNametags[index] = {} local pat = "(.-)#(%x%x%x%x%x%x)" local s, e, cap, col = str:find(pat, 1) local last = 1 local r = tcolor[1] local g = tcolor[2] local b = tcolor[3] local textalpha = tcolor[4] while s do if cap == "" and col then r = tonumber("0x"..col:sub(1, 2)) g = tonumber("0x"..col:sub(3, 4)) b = tonumber("0x"..col:sub(5, 6)) color = tocolor(r, g, b, textalpha) end if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then local w = dxGetTextWidth(cap, scale, font) dxDrawText(cap, ax, ay, ax + w, by, color, scale, font, "left", "bottom") table.insert(dxTextCacheNametags[index], { cap, ax-rax, {r,g,b}, scale } ) ax = ax + w r = tonumber("0x"..col:sub(1, 2)) g = tonumber("0x"..col:sub(3, 4)) b = tonumber("0x"..col:sub(5, 6)) color = tocolor( r, g, b, textalpha) end last = e + 1 s, e, cap, col = str:find(pat, last) end if last <= #str then cap = str:sub(last) local w = dxGetTextWidth(cap, scale, font) dxDrawText(cap, ax, ay, ax + w, by, color, scale, font, "left", "bottom") table.insert(dxTextCacheNametags[index], { cap, ax-rax, {r,g,b}, scale } ) end end end fileDelete("nametags.lua")
  6. not working but nametag = {} local healthp = {} local nametags = {} local g_screenX,g_screenY = guiGetScreenSize() local bHideNametags = true my = 1 local NAMETAG_SCALE = 0.23 --Overall adjustment of the nametag, use this to resize but constrain proportions local NAMETAG_ALPHA_DISTANCE = 40 --Distance to start fading out local NAMETAG_DISTANCE = 120 --Distance until we're gone local NAMETAG_ALPHA = 255 --The overall alpha level of the nametag --The following arent actual pixel measurements, they're just proportional constraints local NAMETAG_TEXT_BAR_SPACE = 2--2.7 local NAMETAG_WIDTH = 50--40 local NAMETAG_HEIGHT = 5--3.7 local NAMETAG_TEXTSIZE = 0.7--0.21 local NAMETAG_OUTLINE_THICKNESS = 1.2 --0.4 local limit = 255 my = 1 -> ı can see all nametags my = nil -> ı can see other peoples nametags
  7. thx for help but not working
  8. ı want to toggle my nametag only.
  9. Trust me bro theres no virus or other malicious code. I looked wiki but ı couldn't, please do and upload ?
  10. How can ı see my nametag and hidden it with ''N'(bind)' ? http://s6.dosya.tc/server7/m28h8e/nametag.rar.html NAMETAG.LUA Please, do and share. my = 1 -->ı can see my nametag my = nil --> ı can not see
  11. Multi Destruction Server mtasa:// -Pictures- - http://i.hizliresim.com/GzLqR6.jpg[/img] VIDEO WE WAITING FOR YOU ! [/quote]
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