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  1. @IIYAMA I will try this . Thanks !
  2. I meant to see the history of the ban removed sry bad english unban Logs
  3. I live the same problem myself @Kastrishr @nexus ™
  4. local nearbyPlayers = {} addEventHandler("onPlayerVoiceStart", root, function() local r = 50 local posX, posY, posZ = getElementPosition(source) local chatSphere = createColSphere(posX, posY, posZ, r) nearbyPlayers = getElementsWithinColShape(chatSphere, "player") destroyElement(chatSphere) local empty = exports.voice:getNextEmptyChannel() exports.voice:setPlayerChannel(source, empty) for index, player in ipairs(nearbyPlayers) do exports.voice:setPlayerChannel(player, empty) end end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerVoiceStop", root, function() exports.voice:setPlayerChannel(source) for index, player in ipairs(nearbyPlayers) do exports.voice:setPlayerChannel(player) end nearbyPlayers = {} end )
  5. I have default voice chat from mta team, and anybody can hear it, but i want to be only local on 50 meters how i can do it ? local range = 50 addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerVoiceStart", root, function() if (source and isElement(source) and getElementType(source) == "player") and localPlayer ~= source then local sX, sY, sZ = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local rX, rY, rZ = getElementPosition(source) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(sX, sY, sZ, rX, rY, rZ) if distance <= range then voicePlayers[source] = true else voicePlayers[source] = nil end end end )
  6. I do not know much about this, and there is no one who can help me please, I need this much @IIYAMA When someone enters the area, it flashes without interruption I need to get it back to its former state
  7. When someone enters the area, it flashes without interruption addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) for i, v in ipairs(TufrsPos) do local ColShape = createColRectangle(v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4]) local Team = getTeamFromName(v[5]) local TeamName = "N/A" local R, G, B = 255, 255, 255 if Team then R, G, B = getTeamColor(Team) TeamName = getTeamName(Team) end Tufrs[ColShape] = { Radar = createRadarArea(v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4] , R, G, B, 180) , TeamName = TeamName , occupier = 100 , Money = v[6] , } end end ) addEventHandler("onMouseEnter",root, function(mouse) if source == BTN.Open then guiSetAlpha(BTN.Open,0.80) end end ) addEventHandler("onMouseLeave",root, function(Leave) if source == BTN.Open then guiSetAlpha(BTN.Open,1) end end ) function getColPlayerTeam (Col, Team) for i, pla in pairs(getElementsWithinColShape(Col, "player")) do if getPlayerTeam(pla) and getPlayerTeam(pla) ~= getTeamFromName("Criminals") and getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(pla)) == getTeamName(Team) then return true else exports.guimessages:sendClientMessage( "~Warning : You must kill the other team members in the zone~",pla ,232 ,0 ,0 ) return false end end return false end function getTeamTufrs(Team) local Tufr = { } for Col, v in pairs(Tufrs) do if v.TeamName == getTeamName(Team) then table.insert( Tufr, Col ) end end return Tufr end addEventHandler("onColShapeHit",root, function(pla) local Rader = Tufrs[source] if ( Rader ) then setElementData(pla, "TeamTufrs",Rader ) end end) addEventHandler("onColShapeLeave",root, function(pla) setElementData(pla, "TeamTufrs",false ) end) setTimer (function ( ) for Col, v in pairs(Tufrs) do for i, pla in pairs(getElementsWithinColShape(Col, "player")) do local Team = getPlayerTeam ( pla ) if Team and getColPlayerTeam (Col, Team) then if getTeamName(Team) ~= Tufrs[Col].TeamName then if Tufrs[ Col ].occupier > 1 then Tufrs[ Col ].occupier = Tufrs[ Col ].occupier - 1 setRadarAreaFlashing ( Tufrs[ Col ].Radar, true ) elseif Tufrs[ Col ].occupier == 1 then local r, g, b = getTeamColor ( getPlayerTeam ( pla ) ) setRadarAreaFlashing ( Tufrs[ Col ].Radar, false ) setRadarAreaColor ( Tufrs[ Col ].Radar, r, g, b, 150 ) Tufrs[ Col ].TeamName = getTeamName(Team) Tufrs[ Col ].occupier = 100 exports.guimessages:sendClientMessage( "~Your Team now controls the turf~",pla ,0 ,255 ,0 ) for i, player in ipairs(getPlayersInTeam( Team )) do local Money = Tufrs[ Col ].Money exports.guimessages:sendClientMessage("You won ~$~"..Money, player, 0, 255, 0) setElementData(player, "Money", getElementData(player, "Money") + Money) end end else if Tufrs[ Col ].occupier < 99 then Tufrs[ Col ].occupier = Tufrs[ Col ].occupier + 1 elseif Tufrs[ Col ].occupier == 99 then local r, g, b = getTeamColor ( getPlayerTeam ( pla ) ) setRadarAreaFlashing ( Tufrs[ Col ].Radar, false ) setRadarAreaColor ( Tufrs[ Col ].Radar, r, g, b, 150 ) Tufrs[ Col ].TeamName = getTeamName(Team) Tufrs[ Col ].occupier = 100 end end end setElementData(pla, "TeamTufrs",Tufrs[Col] ) end end end,5000, 0)
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