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    Los Santos
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    Computer and scripting

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  1. The same thing is happening to me, when I want to enter a server it does not allow me
  2. Is not working, but i try this and work Thanks for you help local heli heli = createVehicle (411,2876.92383, -1714.63379, 11.04688) --Vehicle heli2 = createObject (6959,2876.92383, -1714.63379, 11.04688) --Object setObjectScale (heli2, 0) --Scale 0 (object invisible) attachElementToElement (heli, heli2) --Attach the Vehicle with the Object setElementFrozen (heli, true) function move1(player) moveObject (heli2, 2000, 2877.87866, -1696.29578, 11.04688) --Move the object end addCommandHandler ("move", move1)
  3. Is not working, and i dont know how use this script, i think its the same local heli heli = createVehicle(417,2876.92383, -1714.63379, 11.04688) setElementFrozen(heli, true) function move1() local now = getTickCount() local elapsedTime = now - startTime local duration = endTime - startTime local progress = elapsedTime / duration local x, y, z = interpolateBetween( "here" progress, "Linear") setElementPosition(heli, x, y, z) end addEventHandler ("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, move1)
  4. Hello guys, i have a big problem, how can i move a vehicle ( plane ) in the air? --Aviones markerPlane = createMarker (3374.5, -1495.5999755859, 10.39999961853, "checkpoint", 20, 0, 0, 900) local plane1 plane1 = createVehicle(520, 3306.6000976563, -1495.8000488281, 44.700000762939, 0, 0, 269.51831054688) plane2 = createVehicle(520, 3300.1999511719, -1507.6999511719, 44.700000762939, 0, 0, 269.5166015625) plane3 = createVehicle(520, 3300.1999511719, -1484.0999755859, 44.700000762939, 0, 0, 269.5166015625) plane4 = createVehicle(520, 3291.6999511719, -1517.9000244141, 44.7000007629399, 0, 0, 269.5166015625) plane5 = createVehicle(520, 3292, -1472.9000244141, 44.700000762939, 0, 0, 269.5166015625) plane6 = createVehicle(520, 3292, -1472.900390625, 44.700000762939, 0, 0, 269.5166015625) object = createObject (6959, 3473.5, -1496.1999511719, 44.299999237061, 0, 0, 90) setElementFrozen (plane1, true) setElementFrozen (plane2, true) setElementFrozen (plane3, true) setElementFrozen (plane4, true) setElementFrozen (plane5, true) setElementFrozen (plane6, true) function move1() if source == markerPlane then moveObject (plane1, 3473.5, -1496.1999511719, 44.299999237061) setElementPosition(plane1, 3540.7001953125, -1498.599609375, 15.60000038147) end end addEventHandler ("onMarketHit", resourceRoot, move1) Because the planes are frozen in the air and do not move, unless the setFrozenElement is disabled (they will not move) http://i.imgur.com/opDAUab.png Thanks.
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