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Everything posted by Avagard

  1. works.. thank you :)!
  2. i just realized that i want to give the bomb to the players in Dimension 0... i want to know where should i put this line? if getElementDimension ( randomPlayer ) == 0 then
  3. thank you.. there was a problem just a small one and i fixed it..
  4. will this work? function giveBombToRandomPlayer1() local players = getPlayersInTeam ( T ) for playerKey, playerValue in ipairs ( players ) do local randomPlayer = getRandomPlayer () setTimer(function() outputChatBox("You have the bomb!", randomPlayer, 255, 0, 0) outputChatBox("Remember when you enter site.. switch to the C4 to plant!", randomPlayer, 255, 0, 0) giveWeapon ( randomPlayer, 14,1,true) end,6000,1) end end
  5. I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEY YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS SO MUCHHHHHHHHHHHH crouching with Rock Launcher HS doesn't work.. any idea? setWeaponProperty(36,"poor","flag_anim_crouch", true) setWeaponProperty(36,"std","flag_anim_crouch",true) setWeaponProperty(36,"pro","flag_anim_crouch", true)
  6. fileRead is a Shared function... why don't you use it on client?
  7. hello.. i am having this problem from ages..i tried and tried i want to shoot while moving.. but i CAN'T FOR SOME REASON code: addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root, function() setPedStat ( source, 70, 999 ) setPedStat ( source, 71, 999 ) setPedStat ( source, 72, 999 ) setPedStat ( source, 74, 999 ) setPedStat ( source, 76, 999 ) setPedStat ( source, 77, 999 ) setPedStat ( source, 78, 999 ) setPedStat ( source, 79, 999 ) end ) setWeaponProperty(23, "poor", "flag_move_and_aim", true ) setWeaponProperty( 24, "poor", "flag_move_and_aim",true) setWeaponProperty( 25, "poor", "flag_move_and_aim",true ) setWeaponProperty( 26, "poor", "flag_move_and_aim",true) setWeaponProperty( 27, "poor", "flag_move_and_aim", true ) setWeaponProperty( 29, "poor", "flag_move_and_aim", true ) setWeaponProperty( 30, "poor", "flag_move_and_aim", true ) setWeaponProperty( 31, "poor", "flag_move_and_aim",true ) setWeaponProperty( 33, "poor", "flag_move_and_aim", true) setWeaponProperty( 34, "poor", "flag_move_and_aim", true ) setWeaponProperty(23, "poor", "flag_move_and_shoot", true ) setWeaponProperty( 24, "poor", "flag_move_and_shoot",true) setWeaponProperty( 25, "poor", "flag_move_and_shoot",true ) setWeaponProperty( 26, "poor", "flag_move_and_shoot",true) setWeaponProperty( 27, "poor", "flag_move_and_shoot", true ) setWeaponProperty( 29, "poor", "flag_move_and_shoot", true ) setWeaponProperty( 30, "poor", "flag_move_and_shoot", true ) setWeaponProperty( 31, "poor", "flag_move_and_shoot",true ) setWeaponProperty( 33, "poor", "flag_move_and_shoot", true) setWeaponProperty( 34, "poor", "flag_move_and_shoot", true ) --- setWeaponProperty(23, "std", "flag_move_and_aim", true ) setWeaponProperty( 24, "std", "flag_move_and_aim",true) setWeaponProperty( 25, "std", "flag_move_and_aim",true ) setWeaponProperty( 26, "std", "flag_move_and_aim",true) setWeaponProperty( 27, "std", "flag_move_and_aim", true ) setWeaponProperty( 29, "std", "flag_move_and_aim", true ) setWeaponProperty( 30, "std", "flag_move_and_aim", true ) setWeaponProperty( 31, "std", "flag_move_and_aim",true ) setWeaponProperty( 33, "std", "flag_move_and_aim", true) setWeaponProperty( 34, "std", "flag_move_and_aim", true ) setWeaponProperty(23, "std", "flag_move_and_shoot", true ) setWeaponProperty( 24, "std", "flag_move_and_shoot",true) setWeaponProperty( 25, "std", "flag_move_and_shoot",true ) setWeaponProperty( 26, "std", "flag_move_and_shoot",true) setWeaponProperty( 27, "std", "flag_move_and_shoot", true ) setWeaponProperty( 29, "std", "flag_move_and_shoot", true ) setWeaponProperty( 30, "std", "flag_move_and_shoot", true ) setWeaponProperty( 31, "std", "flag_move_and_shoot",true ) setWeaponProperty( 33, "std", "flag_move_and_shoot", true) setWeaponProperty( 34, "std", "flag_move_and_shoot", true ) --- setWeaponProperty(23, "pro", "flag_move_and_aim", true ) setWeaponProperty( 24, "pro", "flag_move_and_aim",true) setWeaponProperty( 25, "pro", "flag_move_and_aim",true ) setWeaponProperty( 26, "pro", "flag_move_and_aim",true) setWeaponProperty( 27, "pro", "flag_move_and_aim", true ) setWeaponProperty( 29, "pro", "flag_move_and_aim", true ) setWeaponProperty( 30, "pro", "flag_move_and_aim", true ) setWeaponProperty( 31, "pro", "flag_move_and_aim",true ) setWeaponProperty( 33, "pro", "flag_move_and_aim", true) setWeaponProperty( 34, "pro", "flag_move_and_aim", true ) setWeaponProperty(23, "pro", "flag_move_and_shoot", true ) setWeaponProperty( 24, "pro", "flag_move_and_shoot",true) setWeaponProperty( 25, "pro", "flag_move_and_shoot",true ) setWeaponProperty( 26, "pro", "flag_move_and_shoot",true) setWeaponProperty( 27, "pro", "flag_move_and_shoot", true ) setWeaponProperty( 29, "pro", "flag_move_and_shoot", true ) setWeaponProperty( 30, "pro", "flag_move_and_shoot", true ) setWeaponProperty( 31, "pro", "flag_move_and_shoot",true ) setWeaponProperty( 33, "pro", "flag_move_and_shoot", true) setWeaponProperty( 34, "pro", "flag_move_and_shoot", true ) NOTE: I REMOVED ALL RESOURCES EXPECT FOR ADMIN,EDITOR,MANAGERS AND WEB SO I CAN MAKE MY OWN GAMEMODE..MAYBE THAT IS THE PROBLEM?? IF THAT SO PLEASE TELL ME WHAT RESOURCE SHOULD I DOWNLOAD
  8. how can i attach them to the player hand? and what is the differences between createWeapon and giveWeapon?
  9. thank you..one more question.. how can i enable crouching with rpg?
  10. yes.. it output you have the bomb but the other output doesn't show when i enter the col nvm i fixed it, but just a question.. will it always give to a random player from tT team?
  11. hello... there is a problem i have in my code when the player enters the ColShape nothing happens.. no errors no nothing code: function giveBombToRandomPlayer1() local randomPlayer = getRandomPlayer () local tT = getTeamFromName ("Terrorists") local playerTeam = getPlayerTeam ( randomPlayer ) if ( playerTeam ) == tT then outputChatBox("You have the bomb!", randomPlayer, 255, 0, 0) setElementData(randomPlayer,"hasBomb1",true) end end bombA = createRadarArea ( 3118.7380371094, -1407.4719238281, 20, 20, 255, 0, 0, 150 ) bombAEnter = createColRectangle( 3118.7380371094, -1407.4719238281, 20, 20) function whenEnterbomb1(hitPlayer) if getElementType(hitPlayer)=="player" then if getElementData(hitPlayer,"hasBomb1") == true then outputChatBox("Press 'g' to plant the bomb!",hitPlayer, 255, 0, 0) setElementData(hitPlayer,"canPlant1",true) end end end addEventHandler( "onColShapeHit", bombAEnter, whenEnterbomb1) function whenLeaveBomb1(hitPlayer) if getElementType(hitPlayer)=="player"then if getElementData(hitPlayer,"hasBomb1") == true then setElementData(hitPlayer,"canPlant1",false) setElementData(hitPlayer,"hasBomb1",false) end end end addEventHandler( "onColShapeLeave", bombAEnter,whenLeaveBomb1)
  12. this should work local szefpozicio = {2485.87524, -1666.34705, 13.34380,2487.87526, -1666.34705, 13.34380} local szef = createObject (2634, tonumber(szefpozicio[0])) local szefrectangle = createColRectangle (2485.8720703125, -1665.8211669922, 5, 5) function szefopen(jatekos) if isElementWithinColShape (jatekos, szefrectangle) then moveObject (szef, 5000, tonumber(szefpozicio[1])) outputChatBox (math.random(1, 2)) end end addCommandHandler ("felfeszit", szefopen)
  13. wa..wut? i want people to have different weapon models from each other and they can see the other guy weapon model.. how can i do that? if you say no... i saw it in some servers
  14. but it does not change the model.
  15. hello.. can some one tell me an easy way to make custom weapon with different weapon models?
  16. there is a problem in the scoreboard the time is 2:-129 idk why also it goes up like 2:-130 , 2:-131
  17. i want every one in the server to have the exact same time so that is why i put it in serverside thank you very much btw how do i reset it(i want it to go back to 2 mins when all players dies)?
  18. error attempt to perform arithmetic on a string value my code: local seconds = 129 local min = math.floor ( ( seconds % 3600 ) /60 ) local sec = ( seconds %60 /60*100 ) RoundTime1 = createObject ( 964, 174.30078125, -58.458984375 +0, 1.578125 -1, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementData(RoundTime1,"RoundTime1",""..min.." : "..sec.."") setTimer ( function() if getElementData(RoundTime1,"RoundTime1") == 0 then setElementData(RoundTime1,"RoundTime1",""..min.." : "..sec.."") else setElementData (RoundTime1,"RoundTime1",getElementData (RoundTime1,"RoundTime1") - 1) local timeObject = getElementData (RoundTime1,"RoundTime1") triggerClientEvent ( "getTimeBRO1",resourceRoot,timeObject) end end, 1000, 0 ) client isnt important
  19. there are many rpg servers.. why not just made a new creative gamemode..
  20. hello i have time as data, like: setElementData(source,"time",129) -- 129 are 2:15 mins i want to turn them into minutes at the score(a script up in the screen it shows time left) how can i do that? you shouldn't worry of i do it i just want to convert it.
  21. Avagard


    just a question pa3ck doesn't this code do as your code? if not what is the problem? cttime1 = setTimer( function() local players = getPlayersInTeam ( CT ) for playerKey, playerValue in ipairs ( players ) do if getElementDimension ( playerValue ) == 0 then if getElementData ( playerValue , "alive" ) == true then triggerClientEvent ("TimeEndRestartCT1",playerValue) end end end end, 129000, 0) its not that your code is not working... it works perfectly, but i want to know what is wrong with this one
  22. Avagard


    oh, okay i wasted your time.. thank you very much!
  23. Avagard


    ok and how do i reset the table? for example when someone leaves the lobby (a gamemode i am using) or when someone switches the team is this not important and the script can do it automatically?
  24. Avagard


    will this work? local teamMembers = getPlayersInTeam ( T ) local triggerTo = {} for k, v in ipairs(teamMembers) if getElementDimension ( v ) == 0 and getElementData ( v , "alive" ) == true then table.insert(triggerTo) end end triggerClientEvent(triggerTo, "TimeEndRestartCT1", resourceRoot )
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