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error403 ツ

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Everything posted by error403 ツ

  1. creo una tabla llamada arma donde coloco la id del arma y el nombre {34, "Barret"}, ahora creo otra table donde llamo esa arma para darle un objeto Arma['Barret'] = {2385} ahora quiero colocarle un skin y esto es lo que me sucede -------------------------------------------------------- al usar esto me cambia el skin del arma cuando lo tengo en la espalda del personaje o cuando lo lanzo al suelo. aqui solo cambio el objeto. txd = engineLoadTXD ("Armas/AK-107.txd") engineImportTXD ( txd, 2385) dff = engineLoadDFF ("Armas/AK-107.dff", 2385) engineReplaceModel ( dff, 2385) -------------------------------------------------------- al usar esto me cambia el skin del arma cuando lo tengo equipado. aqui solo cambio el arma. txd = engineLoadTXD ("Armas/AK-107.txd") engineImportTXD ( txd, 358) dff = engineLoadDFF ("Armas/AK-107.dff", 358) engineReplaceModel ( dff, 358) mi pregunta esta como puedo hacer que me cambie ambas
  2. un cordial saludo, me gustaria que me ayudaran con este pequeño problema, el detalle es el siguiente: cuando tengo un arma equipada no toma el skin de dicho arma pero al soltarla sale con la skin. PD: no se si sean los archivos dff o txt.
  3. Coloca tu ACL talvez no tengas el acceso a los tabs del panel
  4. function Exp(user, cmd,Player,Quantity) local AccountPlayer = getAccountName (getPlayerAccount(User)) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. AccountPlayer, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then local Playername = getPlayerFromName(Player) local lvl = getElementData(Nombrejugador,"Level") local exp = getElementData(Nombrejugador,"Exp") local Maximumprogress = getElementData(Nombrejugador, "maximumprogress") local setPlayerLevel = setElementData(Playername,"Exp",Quantity) if Quantity >= Maximumprogress then if Exp >= Maximumprogress then setElementData(Playername, "Level", lvl + 1) end end end end addCommandHandler("exp", Exp) I want that by giving exp to a user and about getting out of the maximum progress level up
  5. function DarExp(Jugador, cmd,Usuario,Cantidad) local CuentaJugador = getAccountName (getPlayerAccount(Jugador)) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. CuentaJugador, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then local Nombrejugador = getPlayerFromName(Usuario) local lvl = getElementData(Nombrejugador,"Nivel") local Exp = getElementData(Nombrejugador,"Experiencia") local progresoMaximo = getElementData(Nombrejugador, "ProgresoMaximo") local setPlayerLevel = setElementData(Nombrejugador,"Experiencia",Cantidad) if Cantidad >= progresoMaximo then if Exp >= progresoMaximo then setElementData(Nombrejugador, "Nivel", level + 1) end end end end addCommandHandler("exp", DarExp) Hola a todos, tengo una duda trato de hacer un comando que me de experiencia y si la experiencia es igual al progreso maximo suba de nivel y sume la experiencia resultante.
  6. Les estas dando derecho admin a los usuarios xD.. <group name="Admin"> <acl name="Admin"></acl> <acl name="Moderator"></acl> <acl name="SuperModerator"></acl> <acl name="RPC"></acl> <acl name="function.fetchRemote"></acl> <acl name="Default"></acl> -----Aqui <object name="resource.Default"></object> <object name="resource.admin"></object> <object name="resource.webadmin"></object> <object name="resource.team_manager"></object> <object name="user.666"></object>
  7. function ConsoleEliminarMarker ( thePlayer, commandName ) if ( thePlayer ) then if ( theMarker ) then -- check if the marker was created successfully destroyElement ( theMarker ) else outputConsole ( "Failed to delete marker", thePlayer ) end end end addCommandHandler ( "deletetema", ConsoleEliminarMarker )
  8. Buenas pudes guiarte de aqui: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Resource:DxDraw3DText https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DxDrawText ---Elaborado por: GTX local x = 2306.7126464844 local y = -3898.6943359375 local z = 236.62010192871 addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(), function() local px,py,pz = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( x,y,z,px,py,pz ) if distance <= 150 then local sx,sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition ( x, y, z+0.95, 0.06 ) if not sx then return end local scale = 1/(0.3 * (distance / 150)) dxDrawText ( "3D text", sx, sy - 30, sx, sy - 30, tocolor(255,255,255,255), math.min ( 0.4*(150/distance)*1.4,4), "bankgothic", "center", "bottom", false, false, false ) end end )
  9. Bueno deberias de hacer algo asi: vehicleIds = {400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, 538, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 568, 569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578, 579, 580, 581, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611} ----Aqui Colocas las ids de los vehiculos a cuales le quieres añadir el neon. if ( id == vehicleIds ) then attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 1.1, -0.55, 0, 0, 90 ) attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -1.15, -0.55, 0, 0, 90 ) attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.95, 0, -0.55) attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.95, 0, -0.55 ) --- O puedes ir creandolo tu mismo por cada id, ejemplo: elseif ( id == 504 ) then attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 1.1, -0.55, 0, 0, 90 ) attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -1.15, -0.55, 0, 0, 90 ) attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.95, 0, -0.55) attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.95, 0, -0.55 ) elseif ( id == 548 ) then attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 1.1, -0.55, 0, 0, 90 ) attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -1.15, -0.55, 0, 0, 90 ) attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.95, 0, -0.55) attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.95, 0, -0.55 ) elseif ( id == 520 ) then attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 1.1, -0.55, 0, 0, 90 ) attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -1.15, -0.55, 0, 0, 90 ) attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.95, 0, -0.55) attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.95, 0, -0.55 ) ---Asi sucesivamente.... Espero que te sirva...
  10. debes de enviarle un /report a los administradores del servidor para que te ayuden a solucionar el problema, ya que podria ser un bug del servidor.
  11. Prueba con esto a ver si te sirve. Sino te sirve tendras quemostrar tu codigo para poder ayudarte. function Mostrar.Hud() --Aqui el codigo end addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getRootElement(),Mostrar.Hud) PD: si enviaras el codigo usa "Code"
  12. <acl name="Default"> <right name="general.ModifyOtherObjects" access="false"></right> <right name="general.http" access="false"></right> <right name="command.start" access="false"></right> <right name="command.stop" access="false"></right> <right name="command.stopall" access="false"></right> <right name="command.gamemode" access="false"></right> <right name="command.changemode" access="false"></right> <right name="command.changemap" access="false"></right> <right name="command.stopmode" access="false"></right> <right name="command.stopmap" access="false"></right> <right name="command.skipmap" access="false"></right> <right name="command.restart" access="false"></right> <right name="command.refresh" access="false"></right> <right name="command.refreshall" access="false"></right> <right name="command.addaccount" access="false"></right> <right name="command.delaccount" access="false"></right> <right name="command.debugscript" access="false"></right> <right name="command.chgpass" access="false"></right> <right name="command.loadmodule" access="false"></right> <right name="command.unloadmodule" access="false"></right> <right name="command.reloadmodule" access="false"></right> <right name="command.upgrade" access="false"></right> <right name="command.mute" access="false"></right> <right name="command.crun" access="false"></right> <right name="command.srun" access="false"></right> <right name="command.run" access="false"></right> <right name="command.unmute" access="false"></right> <right name="command.kick" access="false"></right> <right name="command.ban" access="false"></right> <right name="command.banip" access="false"></right> <right name="command.unbanip" access="false"></right> <right name="command.reloadbans" access="false"></right> <right name="command.shutdown" access="false"></right> <right name="command.install" access="false"></right> <right name="command.aexec" access="false"></right> <right name="command.whois" access="false"></right> <right name="command.whowas" access="false"></right> <right name="command.aclrequest" access="false"></right> <right name="command.authserial" access="false"></right> <right name="function.executeCommandHandler" access="false"></right> <right name="function.setPlayerMuted" access="false"></right> <right name="function.addAccount" access="false"></right> <right name="function.addBan" access="false"></right> <right name="function.setUnbanTime" access="false"></right> <right name="function.setBanAdmin" access="false"></right> <right name="function.setBanReason" access="false"></right> <right name="function.setBanNick" access="false"></right> <right name="function.removeBan" access="false"></right> <right name="function.removeAccount" access="false"></right> <right name="function.setAccountPassword" access="false"></right> <right name="function.kickPlayer" access="false"></right> <right name="function.banIP" access="false"></right> <right name="function.banPlayer" access="false"></right> <right name="function.banSerial" access="false"></right> <right name="function.getBansXML" access="false"></right> <right name="function.unbanIP" access="false"></right> <right name="function.unbanSerial" access="false"></right> <right name="function.reloadBans" access="false"></right> <right name="function.setServerPassword" access="false"></right> <right name="function.getServerPassword" access="false"></right> <right name="function.callRemote" access="false"></right> <right name="function.fetchRemote" access="false"></right> <right name="function.startResource" access="false"></right> <right name="function.stopResource" access="false"></right> <right name="function.restartResource" access="false"></right> <right name="function.createResource" access="false"></right> <right name="function.copyResource" access="false"></right> <right name="function.addResourceMap" access="false"></right> <right name="function.addResourceConfig" access="false"></right> <right name="function.removeResourceFile" access="false"></right> <right name="function.setResourceDefaultSetting" access="false"></right> <right name="function.removeResourceDefaultSetting" access="false"></right> <right name="function.redirectPlayer" access="false"></right> <right name="function.aclReload" access="false"></right> <right name="function.aclSave" access="false"></right> <right name="function.aclCreate" access="false"></right> <right name="function.aclDestroy" access="false"></right> <right name="function.aclSetRight" access="false"></right> <right name="function.aclRemoveRight" access="false"></right> <right name="function.aclCreateGroup" access="false"></right> <right name="function.aclDestroyGroup" access="false"></right> <right name="function.aclGroupAddACL" access="false"></right> <right name="function.aclGroupRemoveACL" access="false"></right> <right name="function.aclGroupAddObject" access="false"></right> <right name="function.aclGroupRemoveObject" access="false"></right> <right name="function.refreshResources" access="false"></right> <right name="function.setServerConfigSetting" access="false"></right> <right name="function.updateResourceACLRequest" access="false"></right> <right name="function.shutdown" access="false"></right> <right name="general.adminpanel" access="false"></right> <right name="general.tab_players" access="false"></right> <right name="general.tab_resources" access="false"></right> <right name="general.tab_maps" access="false"></right> <right name="general.tab_server" access="false"></right> <right name="general.tab_bans" access="false"></right> <right name="general.tab_adminchat" access="false"></right> <right name="command.freeze" access="false"></right> <right name="command.setnick" access="false"></right> <right name="command.shout" access="false"></right> <right name="command.spectate" access="false"></right> <right name="command.slap" access="false"></right> <right name="command.setgroup" access="false"></right> <right name="command.sethealth" access="false"></right> <right name="command.setarmour" access="false"></right> <right name="command.setmoney" access="false"></right> <right name="command.setskin" access="false"></right> <right name="command.setteam" access="false"></right> <right name="command.giveweapon" access="false"></right> <right name="command.setstat" access="false"></right> <right name="command.jetpack" access="false"></right> <right name="command.warp" access="false"></right> <right name="command.setdimension" access="false"></right> <right name="command.setinterior" access="false"></right> <right name="command.createteam" access="false"></right> <right name="command.destroyteam" access="false"></right> <right name="command.givevehicle" access="false"></right> <right name="command.repair" access="false"></right> <right name="command.blowvehicle" access="false"></right> <right name="command.destroyvehicle" access="false"></right> <right name="command.customize" access="false"></right> <right name="command.setcolor" access="false"></right> <right name="command.setpaintjob" access="false"></right> <right name="command.listmessages" access="false"></right> <right name="command.readmessage" access="false"></right> <right name="command.listresources" access="false"></right> <right name="command.delete" access="false"></right> <right name="command.execute" access="false"></right> <right name="command.setpassword" access="false"></right> <right name="command.setwelcome" access="false"></right> <right name="command.setgame" access="false"></right> <right name="command.setmap" access="false"></right> <right name="command.setweather" access="false"></right> <right name="command.blendweather" access="false"></right> <right name="command.setblurlevel" access="false"></right> <right name="command.setwaveheight" access="false"></right> <right name="command.setskygradient" access="false"></right> <right name="command.setgamespeed" access="false"></right> <right name="command.setgravity" access="false"></right> <right name="command.settime" access="false"></right> <right name="command.setfpslimit" access="false"></right> <right name="command.unban" access="false"></right> <right name="command.banserial" access="false"></right> <right name="command.unbanserial" access="false"></right> <right name="command.listbans" access="false"></right> </acl>
  13. Me gustaria saber si esta disponible el gamemode DayZ y me gustaria que lo aceptaran en Global Gaming Community
  14. ▅ ▆ █ Foro Zona Gaming █ ▆ ▅ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ →→→Nuevos Sistemas←←← ★ Una buena administracion 24/7 ★ Hosting 24/7. ★ Sistema de Registro/Login. ★Sistemas de Permisos en cada Foro. ★Foros privados. ★Vip Member. ★Foros personalizado para servidores SAMP, MTA y otros servidores. ★Sino posees Host para tu servidor, te lo damos! ★ Y MUCHAS COSAS MAS! ▬▬▬▬Foro para tu servidor - Contactanos!▬▬▬▬ ★★ Zona Gaming★★ ★Los primeros 10 usuarios registrado obtendra VIP Foro permanente ¡¿Que esperas para unirte?!
  15. Es muy bueno tu proyecto. Aun esta activo?
  16. Para mi opinion le falta mucho, pero como todo comienzo conlleva un gran sacrificio.
  17. error403 ツ


    sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize() addEvent("CHack_V",true) local rotX,rotY = 0,0 local mouseFrameDelay = 0 PI = math.pi lplayer = getLocalPlayer() local ayudatxt = [[Bienvenido al modo de Version Libre! Usa los botones de tu teclado numerico y tu Mouse para mover la camara! PARA SALIR USA LA TECLA ENTER]] local cHOpciones = { sen = 0.01, vel = 2 } local camHack function CamhackOn() if camHack then camHack = false setElementData(lplayer,"camHack",false) setElementData(lplayer,"Ocupado",false) --setPlayerHudComponentVisible("all",true) showChat(true) toggleAllControls(true, true, false) removeEventHandler("onClientCursorMove",root,moverMouse) removeEventHandler("onClientPreRender",root,moverCamara) setCameraTarget(lplayer) unbindKey("h","down",mostrarGUICam) unbindKey("enter","down",salirCam) destroyElement(camHackGUI) if controlsEnableGM or controlsEnableAlpha then toggleControl ( "fire", false) end else setElementData(lplayer,"camHack",true) setElementData(lplayer,"Ocupado",true) camHack = true setPlayerHudComponentVisible("all",false) showChat(false) toggleAllControls(false, true, false) local x,y,z,lx,ly,lz = getCameraMatrix() setCameraMatrix(x,y,z,lx,ly,lz) addEventHandler("onClientCursorMove",root,moverMouse) addEventHandler("onClientPreRender",root,moverCamara) aviso("Vista Libre\nPuedes ver la ayuda y opciones con la tecla 'H'") cargarGUICam() bindKey("enter","down",salirCam) end verificarCheckPanel() end addEventHandler("CHack_V",root,CamhackOn) function salirCam() CamhackOn() end function moverMouse(_,_,aX,aY) if isCursorShowing() or isMTAWindowActive() then mouseFrameDelay = 5 return elseif mouseFrameDelay > 0 then mouseFrameDelay = mouseFrameDelay - 1 return end local width, height = guiGetScreenSize() aX = aX - width / 2 aY = aY - height / 2 rotX = rotX + aX * cHOpciones.sen rotY = rotY - aY * cHOpciones.sen if rotX > PI then rotX = rotX - 2 * PI elseif rotX < -PI then rotX = rotX + 2 * PI end if rotY > PI/2 then rotY = PI/2-0.001 elseif rotY < -PI/2 then rotY = -PI/2+0.001 end end function moverCamara() local x,y,z,lx,ly,lz = getCameraMatrix() local angZ = math.sin(rotY) local angY = math.cos(rotY) * math.cos(rotX) local angX = math.cos(rotY) * math.sin(rotX) local speed = 0 local speedr = 0 if getKeyState("w") then speed = cHOpciones.vel elseif getKeyState("s") then speed = -cHOpciones.vel end if getKeyState("a") then speedr = cHOpciones.vel elseif getKeyState("d") then speedr = -cHOpciones.vel end if getKeyState("q") then z = z - cHOpciones.vel elseif getKeyState("e") then z = z + cHOpciones.vel end local DisX = x - lx local DisY = y - ly local angleLength = math.sqrt(DisX^2+DisY^2) lx = x + angX * 100 ly = y + angY * 100 lz = z + angZ * 100 x = x + angX * speed y = y + angY * speed z = z + angZ * speed x = x + (DisY / angleLength) * speedr y = y + -(DisX / angleLength) * speedr setCameraMatrix(x,y,z,lx,ly,lz) end local color = 255 local adtxt = "" local timer function cargaraviso() if color > 0 then color = color - 5 end dxDrawRectangle(0,sy/2-30,sx,60,tocolor(0,color,color,200),false) dxDrawText(adtxt,0,sy/2-30,sx,60,tocolor(0,255,0,255),2,"default","center") end function aviso(texto) color = 200 adtxt = texto if not timer then addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,cargaraviso) timer = setTimer(function() removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,cargaraviso) timer = nil end,3000,1) else killTimer(timer) timer = setTimer(function() removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,cargaraviso) timer = nil end,3000,1) end end function cargarGUICam() camHackGUI = guiCreateWindow(sx/2-204,sy/2-121,409,242,"Opciones de Vista Libre",false) guiSetVisible(camHackGUI,false) local tabCamHack = guiCreateTabPanel(11,21,389,212,false,camHackGUI) local tCamAyuda = guiCreateTab("Ayuda",tabCamHack) guiCreateMemo(3,6,378,179,ayudatxt,false,tCamAyuda) local tCamOpciones = guiCreateTab("Opciones",tabCamHack) guiCreateLabel(13,12,66,17,"Velocidad:",false,tCamOpciones) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged",guiCreateEdit(84,10,118,22,tostring(cHOpciones.vel),false,tCamOpciones),function() local txt = guiGetText(source) if not tonumber(txt) then local point txt = txt:gsub(".",function(x) if x=="." and not point then point = true elseif not tonumber(x) then return "" end end) if txt == guiGetText(source) then return end guiSetText(source,txt) end cHOpciones.vel = txt end,false) guiCreateLabel(13,40,66,17,"Sensibilidad:",false,tCamOpciones) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged",guiCreateEdit(84,38,118,22,tostring(cHOpciones.sen),false,tCamOpciones),function() local txt = guiGetText(source) if not tonumber(txt) then local point txt = txt:gsub(".",function(x) if x=="." and not point then point = true elseif not tonumber(x) then return "" end end) if txt == guiGetText(source) then return end guiSetText(source,txt) end cHOpciones.sen = txt end,false) bindKey("h","down",mostrarGUICam) end function mostrarGUICam() if guiGetVisible(camHackGUI) then guiSetVisible(camHackGUI,false) showCursor(false,false) else guiSetVisible(camHackGUI,true) showCursor(true) end end
  18. Hola, no puedo publicar en el foro de Spanish / Español, y otros foros y subforos!
  19. function iniciarMap() Ventana = guiCreateWindow((sW - 350) / 2, (sH - 199) / 2, 350, 199, "Lista de mapas", false) guiWindowSetSizable(Ventana , false) guiSetVisible(Ventana , false) Tab = guiCreateTabPanel(10, 25, 340, 164, false, Ventana ) Mapas = guiCreateTab("Mapas", Tab) MapListSearch = guiCreateEdit ( 3,3,132,20, "", false, Mapas ) guiCreateStaticImage ( 135,5,17,17,"img/lupa.png", false, Mapas ) MapList = guiCreateGridList ( 5,26,139,363, false, Mapas ) guiGridListAddColumn( MapList, "Mapas",0.8) CurMap = guiCreateLabel ( 167,101,186,15, "Mapa: N/A", false, Mapas ) CurGamemode = guiCreateLabel ( 167,116,193,33, "Gamemode: N/A", false, Mapas ) guiCreateLabel(161,6,70,17,"Informacion:",false,Mapas ) Start = guiCreateButton ( 363,6,74,27, "Iniciar", false, Mapas ) NextMap = guiCreateButton ( 363,33,74,27, "Next Map", false, Mapas ) RefreshList = guiCreateButton ( 363,60,74,27, "Refrescar", false, Mapas ) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, iniciarMap) Quiero que los botones hagan sus funciones! y que en el guiCreateGridList solo muestre los mapas!
  20. [Español] Gracias! Pero quiero que me carge todos los mapas en la MapList = guiCreateGridList ( 5,26,139,363, false, Mapas ) guiGridListAddColumn( MapList, "Mapas",0.8) y se pueda iniciar con el boton de Start = guiCreateButton ( 363,6,74,27, "Iniciar", false, Mapas ) Cambiar de mapa NextMap = guiCreateButton ( 363,33,74,27, "Next Map", false, Mapas ) y refresque la lista de mapas con RefreshList = guiCreateButton ( 363,60,74,27, "Refrescar", false, Mapas ) [Inglés] Thank you! But I want you to upload all the maps in the MapList = guiCreateGridList ( 5,26,139,363, false, Mapas ) guiGridListAddColumn( MapList, "Mapas",0.8) and can be started with the Start = guiCreateButton button (363,6,74,27, "Start", false, Maps) Change map NextMap = guiCreateButton (363,33,74,27, "Next Map", false, Maps) and refresh the map list with RefreshList = guiCreateButton (363,60,74,27, "Refresh", false, Maps)
  21. Hola necesito ayuda estoy creando un mini panel donde los admin puedan iniciar aparte los mapas. Esto es todo lo que tengo en parte del cliente. Espero que me ayuden.
  22. Ya lo solucione.. Tenia que poner <right name="function.addAccount" access="true"></right> Pero me salio un nuevo Error y me gustaria que me ayudaran cuando entro en el panel admin, le doy en iniciar/restaurar/parar resource... pero le doy a eliminar resource y si me deja... nose si es error del panel o por ACL
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