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  1. I need someone to create the script for me. As I asked for above.
  2. Hello, I'm using this level system. I would like someone to help me with a script. As soon as the player climbs the level. He would win some items. And a message would appear stating that he has Went up the level. Can someone help me ? File Cliente: local sW, sH = guiGetScreenSize() local windowRank = guiCreateWindow ( (sW-500)/2, (sH-400)/2, 500, 400, "Manage Players Level System", false ) guiWindowSetSizable ( windowRank, false ) guiSetVisible ( windowRank, false) local windowRankGridList = guiCreateGridList ( 10, 28, 360, 360, false, windowRank ) local windowRankColumn = guiGridListAddColumn( windowRankGridList, "Name", 0.90 ) local windowRankEdit = guiCreateEdit( 383, 150, 100, 30, "", false, windowRank) local windowRankEdit2 = guiCreateEdit( 383, 250, 100, 30, "", false, windowRank) local windowRankButton = guiCreateButton( 383, 358, 100, 30, "Change", false, windowRank) local windowRankLabelLevel = guiCreateLabel(383, 120, 100, 20,"Level: None", false, windowRank) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign (windowRankLabelLevel, "center") local windowRankLabelExp = guiCreateLabel(383, 220, 100, 20,"Experiencia: None", false, windowRank) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign (windowRankLabelExp, "center") local ranksTable = { {"1","Treinamento","1000"}, {"2","Cadete Júnior","2000"}, {"3","Cadete","3000"}, {"4","Cadete Sênior","4000"}, {"5","Cadete de 1ª Classe","5000"}, {"6","Recruta","5800"}, {"7","Soldado","8100"}, {"8","Soldado Raso de 2ª Classe","11000"}, {"9","Soldado Raso","14600"}, {"10","Soldado Raso de 1ª Classe","18800"}, {"11","Especialista","23800"}, {"12","Especialista de Artilharia","29600"}, {"13","Especialista Técnico","36300"}, {"14","Especialista de 1ª Classe","44100"}, {"15","Patrulheiro","53000"}, {"16","Soldado EP","63000"}, {"17","Cabo","74500"}, {"18","Líder de Tiro","87400"}, {"19","Sargento de 3ª Classe","102000"}, {"20","Sargento de 2ª Classe","118400"}, {"21","Sargento","136700"}, {"22","Sargento de 1ª Classe","157200"}, {"23","Sargento de Apoio","180000"}, {"24","Sargento de Artilharia","205200"}, {"25","Sargento Mestre","233300"}, {"26","Primeiro Sargento","264400"}, {"27","Sargento Comandante","298700"}, {"28","Sargento de Artilharia Mestre","336500"}, {"29","Sargento Maior","378000"}, {"30","Sargento de Companhia","423700"}, {"31","Candidato a Sargento Oficial","473700"}, {"32","Sargento Oficial","528400"}, {"33","Sargento Oficial Chefe","588100"}, {"34","Sargento Oficial Chefe de 1ª Classe","653400"}, {"35","Sargento Oficial Mestre","724400"}, {"36","Intendente","801600"}, {"37","Cadete-Oficial Júnior","885500"}, {"38","Cadete-Oficial Sênior","976400"}, {"39","Aspirante","1074800"}, {"40","Segundo Tenente","1181100"}, {"41","Primeiro Tenente","1296000"}, {"42","Subtenente","1419700"}, {"43","Tenente","1552900"}, {"44","Tenente-Coronel","1696200"}, {"45","Tenente-Capitão","1849900"}, {"46","Capitão","2014800"}, {"47","Capitão 1","2191200"}, {"48","Capitão 2","2380000"}, {"49","Capitão 3","2581500"}, {"50","Coronel ","2796400"}, {"51","Brigadeiro","3025300"}, {"52","Marechal de Campo","3268800"}, {"53","Comandante","3527500"}, {"54","Alto-Comandante","3801900"}, {"55","Supremo Comandante","4092800"}, {"56","Major-General","4400600"}, {"57","Tenente-General","4726000"}, {"58","General-Marechal de Campo","5069500"}, {"59","Segundo Tenente SF","5431800"}, {"60","Primeiro Tenente SF'","6000000"}, {"61","Subtenente SF'","6568200"}, {"62","Tenente SF","7136400"}, {"63","Tenente-Coronel SF'","7704600"}, {"64","Tenente-Capitão SF","8272800"}, {"65","Capitão SF","8841000"}, {"66","Capitão 1 SF","9409200"}, {"67","Capitão 2 SF","9977400"}, {"68","Capitão 3 SF","10545600"}, {"69","Coronel SF","11113800"}, {"70","General de Exército","11692000"} } function getPlayerRankName() for i=1,70 do if getElementData(localPlayer, "level") == tonumber(ranksTable[1]) then return ranksTable[2] end end end function getPlayerRankExperience() for i=1,70 do if getElementData(localPlayer, "level") == tonumber(ranksTable[1]) then return tonumber(ranksTable[3]) end end end function mainRanks() if getElementData(localPlayer, "logedin") == true then if getElementData(localPlayer, "experience") > getPlayerRankExperience() then if getElementData(localPlayer, "level") < 70 then setElementData(localPlayer, "level", getElementData(localPlayer, "level") + 1) end end dxDrawImage ( sW/22, sH/2.8, sW/60, sH/60, "images/level/rank"..getElementData(localPlayer, "level")..".jpg" ) dxDrawText ( getPlayerRankName().." ("..getElementData(localPlayer, "level")..")",sW/65, sH/3.6, sW/0, sH/0, tocolor ( 240, 230, 140, 255 ), 1.02, "default-bold" ) dxDrawText ( "Experiência atual: "..getElementData(localPlayer, "experience"), sW/65, sH/3.27, sW/0, sH/0, tocolor ( 70, 130, 180, 255 ), 1.02, "default-bold" ) if getElementData(localPlayer, "level") < 70 then dxDrawText ( "Experiencia necessario: "..getPlayerRankExperience(),sW/65, sH/3, sW/0, sH/0, tocolor ( 70, 130, 180, 255 ), 1.02, "default-bold" ) else dxDrawText ( "O máximo foi alcançado",sW/65, sH/3, sW/0, sH/0, tocolor ( 70, 130, 180, 255 ), 1.02, "default-bold" ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, mainRanks ) function toggleWindowRanks() if getElementData(localPlayer, "adminRanks") == true then if guiGetVisible(windowRank) == false then guiSetVisible(windowRank, true) showCursor(true) for k, v in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData (v, "logedin") == true then local row = guiGridListAddRow ( windowRankGridList ) guiGridListSetItemText ( windowRankGridList, row, windowRankColumn, getPlayerName ( v ), false, false ) end end else guiSetVisible(windowRank, false) showCursor(false) guiGridListClear(windowRankGridList) end end end bindKey("F7", "down", toggleWindowRanks) function windowRankClick() local playerName = guiGridListGetItemText ( windowRankGridList, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( windowRankGridList ), 1 ) if source == windowRankGridList then if guiGridListGetSelectedCount(windowRankGridList) == 1 then guiSetText(windowRankLabelLevel, "Level: "..getElementData(getPlayerFromName(playerName), "level")) guiSetText(windowRankLabelExp, "Experiencia: "..getElementData(getPlayerFromName(playerName), "experience")) else guiSetText(windowRankLabelLevel, "Level: None") guiSetText(windowRankLabelExp, "Experiencia: None") end end if source == windowRankButton then if guiGridListGetSelectedCount(windowRankGridList) == 1 then local playerName = guiGridListGetItemText ( windowRankGridList, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( windowRankGridList ), 1 ) if guiGetText(windowRankEdit) ~= "" then setElementData(getPlayerFromName(playerName), "level", tonumber(guiGetText(windowRankEdit))) guiSetText(windowRankLabelLevel, "Level: "..getElementData(getPlayerFromName(playerName), "level")) end if guiGetText(windowRankEdit2) ~= "" then setElementData(getPlayerFromName(playerName), "experience", tonumber(guiGetText(windowRankEdit2))) guiSetText(windowRankLabelExp, "Experiencia: "..getElementData(getPlayerFromName(playerName), "experience")) end else outputChatBox("#FF0000[LEVEL SYSTEM]: #FFFFFFSelecione o Player!", thePlayer, 171, 205, 239, true) end end end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", windowRank, windowRankClick)
  3. Hello I'm using a level system. When level up the player gains items. But when dying, instead of the items disappearing from the inventory, the items continue. What is wrong with Script? And I would also like for an OutputChatbox as soon as I level up. Can anybody help me ... Cliente: function System () if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"level") == 2 then setElementData(localPlayer,"Winchester 1866", 1) setElementData(localPlayer,"7Rnd. 1866 Slugs", 14) elseif getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"level") == 3 then setElementData(localPlayer,"Sawn-Off Shotgun", 1) setElementData(localPlayer,"2Rnd. Slug", 14) end end setTimer(System,100,0)
  4. Olá, tenho um sistema de patente, gostaria de fazer uma data base, para salvar todo os dados nela, sendo assim para não ocorrer bug's e quando eu quiser resetar, era só deletar a data base. Alguém poderia fazer pra mim, poderia comprar...
  5. Hello, I wanted to know if someone has a level system / patent to pass me, would appear a hud on the side or rank with the patent that is, the xp that is and what is missing to upar ... type this.
  6. Hello, I was wondering if anyone could pass me a rank with k.d system ... Ex: Nick | Kill's | Dead | Rate k.d Would be of all the players, through a storage, in case I wanted to reset, could, somebody have to pass me?
  7. Olá, queria saber se alguém tem um sistema de level/patente para me passar, apareceria um hud do lado ou no rank com a patente que está, o xp que esta e o que falta para upar... tipo isso.
  8. Olá, queria saber se alguém poderia me passar um rank com sistema de k.d... Ex: Nick| Kill's| Dead| Taxa de k.d seria de todos os jogadores, através de um armazenamento, caso eu quisesse resetar, poderia, alguem tem pra me passar ?
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