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[PiG] Pusher

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[PiG] Pusher's Achievements


Civilian (7/54)



  1. Yeah, I figured as much... Thanks for the help, guys. I'll stick to TXD modding. If anyone wants my cop TXDs, right-click-save these... http://www.nickwhite.org/Organ/IGBudy2.txd and http://www.nickwhite.org/Organ/player6.txd Cheer...
  2. So are the hitboxes different on the character models? I mean, if I make 'em all fat guys does that give me an unfair advantage?
  3. Thanks, Chief... I'll keep you posted on the models that crash and the ones that don't. Do the collision files on the models affect the game? I'll reinstall if that's the case - I like my badass modded players, but I don't want an unfair advantage (or to be unfairly disadvantaged.) Cheer...
  4. Heheheh. Well, all the models in the gta3.img have names. Some of those models are the ones that MTA uses for player characters. For example, the cop models are Player4.dff and IGBudy2.dff. Rather than spend all that time searching the img file for the ones I wanna mod, I figured I'd just ask one of the MTA developers for a list. Dig?
  5. I'm not sure if this is the right forum, but I've been swapping my DFFs around after getting sick of the same old virtual faces in MTA. What I need to know is... Can one of you guys give me the names of all the models used for the Vice Characters? I know some of them from screwing around with ViceTXD, but I figured it'd be easier just to ask, y'know? Can any of the MTA designers out there help me? Thanks...
  6. Goddamn bandwidth. Damn. True, that. Thanks fer the info, chief. Stunt mode rocks super-hard, by the way. Keepitup. *edit* Dude, I'm just trying to share my love for *LINK DELETED* with the world! Won't happen again. EDIT by me (the moderator): Do NOT post that picture ever again.
  7. Fair enough. Might as well wait for Rockstar to do it, I guess. Heh. I figured it had been - I'm just too lazy to search the forums properly. Thanks...
  8. IS it, tho? Are peds as complex as players, or do they have less info? Peds just walk and die, I figured. Is Iggy right, or can one of the actual MTA programmer guys explain? Is it actually a possibility in future versions? And don't bother answering this, Ig - I posted this for the coders, not the testers... I wants the peds so baad!
  9. [PiG] Pusher


    This was answered elsewhere in the forums, but it wasn't as specific an answer as I'd hoped. Why no peds? Is it too hard to devise a way of generating peds around the players without overloading the server? Sorry if this is a redundant quesizztion...
  10. THE SECRET CASE FILES OF OFFICER DICK PUSHER #14 : 'THE CASE OF THE CRYPTIC COMMUNICATION' LAST TIME : Hero cop Dick Pusher,the World's Greatest MTA Detective, received a mysterious visit from a shabby, twitching sifter. The sifter, who gave our Hero no identification other than a hotmail account, claimed that the Yetika clan were developing a Secret Trainer System that would enable them to TAKE OVER THE WORLD. He provided a strange 'Chat Transcript' that he claimed was proof of The Yetika Clan's nefarious evildoing. Intrigued, Lieutenant Pusher decided to investigate. And now... PART TWO : 'SYSTEMX AND THE SECRET OF THE STUTTERING STRANGER' Microsoft Instant Messenger is no way to conduct a serious criminal investigation. Interviewing a potential suspect or witness is a delicate thing, and the modern form of digital typograhical exchange is really no replacement for going round to someone's house and slamming their privates in the door. In this case, though, I was grateful for the advantages of 21st century technology. Meeting System X on the web was vastly preferable to meeting him in real life. Don't get me wrong - he's an okay guy - but he's just reeal ugly. System X is about seventy, though he has the body of a hundred-and-twenty year old. Over the years, various parts have been blown off his body by friends, foes, and family, but the old fella's still got at least a third of his original limbs and organs. The man has a hook for a hand, steel plates in his spine, liver and eyes, a robot heart, and late last year, his left leg was replaced by a ceramic cookie jar shaped like Hello Kitty. I remember bringing him some flowers in the hospital. I first met System years ago, before he started Yetika, when we pulled him in on charges of unlicenced animal sex. We had some woman down the station who said she'd spotted him in the park, raping pigeons. The boys were about to shoot him dead, when I realised that you need BOTH hands to violate a flying bird! (You have to hold the little buggers down.) System's wacky pirate prosthetic got him off the hook, and we've been pals ever since. When he started his own organised crime outfit I was one of the first guys he called, and the Yetika cats don't have to bribe PiG as often as the other gangs in town. I figured that somebody with as many MTA injuries as System X wouldn't be terribly stoked on MTA cheats, so I had to get in touch with him. I mean, I wanted to clear his name - but I was thankful that MSN could help me avoid looking at his hideous scars and exposed ribcage. System was changing his blood when I called. He has to do that every coupla weeks, because his kidneys are made from old milk cartons. He sounded grumpy. I knew he'd get mad at me - but a good cop doesn't kill until he's absolutely fifty percent certain that a suspect might be guilty. I decided to let X explain his side. Rogue! The International Terrorist Organisation of Teenage Virgins that has slaughtered and spawncamped so many fine PiG members. Rogue! I knew it. I'd had dealings with those little douchebags before. What? They knew?! I love being a Detective. It's easy. I was about to hang up, when another Yetika boy cut in. Xube. I'd never met him before, but he sounded like a badass. I was beginning to wish I hadn't had that acid for lunch. Then, X lost it. He started to scream, and I could hear blood spilling and medical equipment breaking on the other end of the line. A woman was crying, and then the cries was abruptly silenced by the sound of shattering glass. I also heard a puppy whimpering. I hate it when people laugh at my name. Visions of schoolyard taunts and beatings appeared before me, my confidence shattered. My head started hurting again. My world fell apart. Again. Tears in my eyes, I ran from the room, weeping like a school girl. I'm a tough cop. I can lay the smackdown on any perp that crosses my path. I'm super-bad. But making fun of my name hurts my feelings. Depressed and tearful, I headed for the stationhouse. The interview with Yetika was still replaying in my mind. Who to believe? System X sounded like he was telling the truth, but I'd need to confirm the mysterious Kid's identity before I started to point fingers and shotguns. Was it Nate? Was it Sess? Was it Xerox? X was going to send me the chat transcript, but we still didn't have any solid leads. I contacted Ponch on the PiG band. Maybe his special brand of drug-corrupted computer science could shed some light on the mysterious hotmail address. I hit the bong. TO BE CONTINUED
  11. THE SECRET CASE FILES OF OFFICER DICK PUSHER #14 : 'THE CASE OF THE CRYPTIC COMMUNICATION' PART ONE : 'THE TROUBLESOME TRANSCRIPT' It had just hit four o'clock on a quiet Thursday afternoon, and I was bored. Boredom is an unfortunate, but necessary part of modern Law Enforcement, but I'm a professional. I can handle it. And I was handling it well. My name's Pusher. Lieutenant Dick Pusher, of the Perpetrator Incapacitation Group. You might have heard of me - 'The One-Fisted Crimefighter.' 'The Shotgun-Wielding Scourge of The Criminal Element.' 'Asshole.' My friends call me 'Asshole' - that is, they'd call me 'Asshole' if I had any friends. But I don't. When you're married to The Law you don't have a lot of time for personal relationships. And besides, I don't like other people. I figured out years ago that I only like other people when they're dead or in prison. That's why I became a cop. Anyway, it was a helluva summer day outside, but we had nothing to do at the precinct other than smoke hash, eat donuts and drink beer. Some of the PiG boys were out back, beating the crap out of some mexican Kid they'd caught riding a bike without a safety helmet, but the sun was shining and I wasn't in the mood for racism. Once upon a time I'd have jumped at the chance to cripple some random minority for no good reason, but as the clock struck four, I was sitting in the station with my feet up - cleaning my shotgun, hitting the bong, and keeping my fingers crossed for some real crime. I should be careful what I wish for. The door bust open, and this breathless, skinny junkie-looking Kid runs into my office. He looked like the usual young MTA player. Cathode-ray whitened arms poking out of the sleeveless Christina Aguilera t-shirt, pin-thin legs emerging from baggy shorts, crotch liberally encrusted with day-old-semen. I knew his type. It was because of Kids like him that I retired from active duty in those godforsaken forums, all those days ago. I don't understand those Kids. They scare me. So the Kid sKids up to my desk, waving this grubby computer printout. He looked familiar, but I couldn't place him - I see a lot of human detritus in my line of work and they all seem the same after a while. He thrust this piece of paper in my hand, and starts to twitch excitedly. "Y..y..you D..Dick Pusher? T..the fam..m..amous MTA D..Detective?" "That's me. Got any ID, Kid?" He reaches for his wallet, and flicks an off-white business card onto my desk. "This is a Hotmail account, Kid. Who the hell are you? How'd you get my name?" "R..r..ead the t..t..trancript." The transcript? This manky piece of paper? I decided to humour the little fella until I finished cleaning my gun. Then I figured I'd shoot him in the face and have Officer Crunch come in to violate his corpse. Crunch loves that necrophila stuff - it's pretty hilarious watching him bang away at some dead dude with a foot-wide shotgun wound right in the middle of the break-room. We have some good times at the PiG precinct. I whacked a couple of shells into my shotgun while I scanned the Kid's email. A lot of people think cops can't read - in fact, almost 40% of Law Enforcement Officers can. Obviously, your average cop-on-the-street has no familiarity with the printed word, but we Detectives are a suprisingly literate bunch. And as the PiG officer assigned to any case that involves Reading, it was my job to interpret this document as best I could. "Can I hold on to this as evidence?" "Uh..uh..uh o..o..k..kay." My trigger finger started twitching. There was something fishy about this Kid, that was for sure. And his tattletale tactics were reopening old wounds. Wounds that I had vowed never to reopen. My vision blurred, as my ruined brain smacked me back to The Forums again. The MTA Forums. My own personal Saigon. Abuse, censorship, substance abuse. That terrible time. And to break this case, I was gonna have to go back there. My head started hurting again. Fighting the dark images pounding around my mind, I gripped the barrel of my trusty shotgun, and focused in the Kid's general direction. "Get Out. Or you're gonna wind up with more bleeding holes than a school tour of Michael Jackson's house." The Kid turned tail and fled, smacking his overbite on the doorframe as he stumbled out. Cursed Kid. I hated him for dragging me back into this nonsense, but at the same time, that familiar tightening of the calf muscles and dilation of the pupils was returning. I was energised. Perhaps it was the prospect of an interesting investigation - perhaps it was the two tabs of LSD i had for lunch - I didn't know. But I knew for certain that I had Police Work to do. Law to be laid down. Perpetrators to Incapacitate. And that makes Lieutenant Dick Pusher very happy. I picked up MSN and dialed an old informant of mine - something about the Kid's email seemed wrong. Fake, almost. My Detecting Instincts were aroused. TO BE CONTINUED
  13. I'm sure you're all hanging out to hear MY match report, seeing as I'm the only one round here who is completely impartial. It is as follows. PiG vs ROGUE : An MTA Match Report by Pusher. 3 Round Match : (2 rounds played.) 5 vs 5 Match : [PiG] (3 Members) [R] 4 Members [VCP] 1 Member Duration : 25 minutes. Final Result : Rogue 2 : PiG 0 We started out around 10PM New Zealand time. I was just about late myself, because it was raining in New Zealand and I had to skate home from Ponch's house in a downpour. Ponch lives around the corner from my dealer. I'd stopped in on the way home to see if he was going to play in our clan match tonight, and to smoke him out with the sticky herbal remedy I'd just scored. Ponch loves weed. He's a real scientist about smoking it, too. We had some spots off a little gas stove. (In New Zealand and parts of Australia, 'spotting' is a popular way of smoking marijuana. It involves heating two flat steel knives on a flame or stovetop element until they're red hot, and then placing the marijuana between the knives. The smoke is then inhaled through a funnel. Ponch is one of Australasia's foremost experts on spotting techniques - it's a very effective way to get loaded.) We talked about our MTA match while Ponch's girlfriend laughed at us for being game geeks. We don't mind, because she only plays 'Casino Tycoon.' Then we watched the Rogue guys talk tactics on the Yetika public server, and Ponch showed me some weird programming thing on his computer that I didn't understand. I pretended to understand what he was showing me, but I don't know much about programming. It was almost 10 when I left their place, and I got soaked because it was raining. I didn't care, though, because I was stoned. I also had The Librettos on my MP3 player, so I was all hyped up by the time I got back to my house. When I got home, I put on my tracksuit for the game and did my stretches. I'd told my physiotherapist that I had a big Grand Theft Auto Game coming up, so he'd devised a series of exercises for me that would maximise my mouse-clicking ablity and allow my body to compensate for lag. I did each exercise ten times. Then I rubbed myself with my special muscle relaxing ointment and logged on. When I got to the server, SystemX was being the Admin Dude, and Sess and the rest of Rogue were all ready and rearing to go. They were looking forward to kicking our asses. But there weren't enough people on the server! I talked to Drexler before - he just got a job in Costa Rica, so he had shit to sort out. He's gonna work at a turtle museum. I had to forgive him for not showing up, because he said he'll hook me up with a free turtle when he gets back. I always wanted a turtle. I used to have an axolotlyl but it died. I don't know what happened to everyone else in the clan. I know nobody really wanted to play Rogue, so maybe that's why only three PiGs showed. Weeman was looking forward to laying down some law, but we figured at least two other guys would front, so we waited. And waited. And waited. Nobody came. So, we decided to take on Rogue 3 on 5, simply to get the match out of the way. Then we could go back to playing MTA with people we liked. While we were waiting for PiG guys, Xerox turned up. I wasn't happy about Mister big-shot MTAforum man trying to be all official and referee-like. We'd already told him in the forum to leave us alone, but he turned up anyway and proceeded to bore us shiftless. He had a big list of rules and regulations that nobody paid attention to. While Xerox typed up his rules, PiG and Rogue all called each other 'cocksucker' and 'bitchtits' and so forth. I referred to Sess as a 'sweaty little teenage virgin' again. He really hates that. Then somebody said 'Go!' So we started fighting. I think it was me that said 'Go,' because Xerox was being boring. I don't remember. I couldn't find the place we were supposed to be fighting, but then I found it, and killed Xerox. I was stoked. Then Sess and Blade came up and killed me. I wasn't very happy that Sess killed me, because he was the only person on the server that I didn't like. Later, I discovered that DeathB was also playing under a pseudonym, but at that point I thought that there was only one retard online. I don't think DeathB managed to kill me, though. That's a small consolation, I suppose. Anyway, then Ponch and Weeman got killed too. That made me sad, because they were my clan friends. Then somebody started complaining about how the match wasn't proper. I was glad about that - we'd already lost round one, and it only took about 15 seconds for the Rogue guys to machinegun us down. we were thinking that agreeing to play 3 vs 5 wasn't gonna work in PiG's favour. Then somehow it was a free-for-all deathmatch. It gets confusing from my end - I disconnected because Sess wanted us to reset our scores. When I got back online and spawned, Sess and Blade were killing Weeman at our spawn point. Weeman wasn't taking their attack lying down, though, and he softened them up good. I think I managed to kill Sess and some other guy before calamity struck. My computer rebooted itself. I was pissed. Having ASE, MTA and MSN open while I'm trying to download Italian Cannibal Porn must have been too much for my PC. When I got back on everything was a bit pear-shaped. Ponch managed to copy and paste the chat - you can see for yourself. [PiG] Ponch: me too [PiG] Pusher: Sorry, guys.. [R].Jim: PiG are low in numbers and skill [R].Sepiroth: pig = pussys [PiG] Ponch: push voice [R].Dave504 killed [PiG] Weeman. [PiG] Pusher: my machine rebooted. [R].SesS: WEEEEEEEEEEE [R].Sepiroth: there is nothing wrong with this serv [PiG] Ponch: push voice [PiG] Weeman: R = Poofters [PiG] Pusher: just as I killed Sess and Blade trying to spawncamp me. [PiG] Ponch: man its 3x the ping [R].Sepiroth: and we all have it [PiG] Weeman: good bye gentlemen [R].Sepiroth: who cares [R].Jim: I never Die [PiG] Weeman has left the game. [R].SesS: PiG = OWNED [PiG] Pusher: Are you going, Weeman? [R].SesS: LEAVE [R].Sepiroth: PIG SUCKS BALLS [PiG] Pusher: What? what happened? [R].SesS: LEAVE YOU BITCHES [R].Sepiroth: FUCKING PUSSYS Connecting... Connected. [PiG] Pusher: my bloody machine rebooted itself... [R].SesS: u had 0 anyway pusher [R].Blade: grr ok everyone disconect the reconect, lets give the pigs a chance [PiG] Pusher has joined the game. Disconnected: Client disconnected. (Delay = 10 sec) Connecting... Connected. [PiG] Pusher: funny, Sess - my table said I had 2 kills [R].Blade has joined the game. [PiG] Pusher: but masturbation makes you blind, Sess. [R].Sepiroth has left the game. [R].Sepiroth has joined the game. [R].SesS killed [PiG] Weeman. [R].Sepiroth: that wasnt funny pusher, grow the fuck up [R].SesS: no [R].SesS: thats how it works [PiG] Weeman: yay this is fun [R].Dave504: Get in [PiG] Weeman: i was killed as soon as i left teh spawn point [R].SesS killed [PiG] Weeman. [R].SesS: fuck you [PiG] Weeman: and again [PiG] Pusher: ? [R].SesS: die you fucks [PiG] Weeman: no im being spawn camped [PiG] Pusher killed [R].SesS. [R].Sepiroth: so can we chose any class we want? [PiG] Weeman killed [R].Dave504. [PiG] Pusher timed out. [R].SesS: moron timed out [R].SesS: one n00b left [R].SesS: lol [R].Sepiroth: lol [R].Blade killed [PiG] Weeman. [R].Sepiroth: weeee [R].SesS: w [R].Dave504: LoL, [R] have Victory of This WAR [R].SesS: WEeeeeeeeeeeeeee [R].Sepiroth: party at pushers moms <[R] LEAD BY 1 POINT> [R].Jim: R beat PiG undefeated, Spead the word! [PiG] Weeman: wat war all we did was shoot at each other wen told not to [R].Jim: doh [R].SesS killed [PiG] Weeman. [R].Dave504: The 1st one Was Good [R].Sepiroth killed [PiG] Ponch. [R].SesS: WEEEEEEEEEEEEE [PiG] Weeman: this is gay if nothign happens soon im leaving' [PiG] Pusher has joined the game. [PiG] Ponch: me too [PiG] Pusher: Sorry, guys.. [R].Jim: PiG are low in numbers and skill [R].Sepiroth: pig = pussys [PiG] Ponch: push voice [R].Dave504 killed [PiG] Weeman. [PiG] Pusher: my machine rebooted. [R].SesS: WEEEEEEEEEEE [R].Sepiroth: there is nothing wrong with this serv [PiG] Ponch: push voice [PiG] Weeman: R = Poofters [PiG] Pusher: just as I killed Sess and Blad trying to spawncamp me. [PiG] Ponch: man its 3x the ping [R].Sepiroth: and we all have it [PiG] Weeman: good bye gentlemen [R].Sepiroth: who cares [R].Jim: I never Die [PiG] Weeman has left the game. [R].SesS: PiG = OWNED [PiG] Pusher: Are you going, Weeman? [R].SesS: LEAVE [R].Sepiroth: PIG SUCKS BALLS [PiG] Pusher: What? [R].SesS: LEAVE YOU BITCHES [R].Sepiroth: FUCKING PUSSYS [PiG] Pusher: I disconnect, and we lose? [R].SesS: RUN FOR YOUR FUCKING LIVES [PiG] Pusher: okay. [R].Sepiroth: CANT EVEN PLAY A MATCH [R].Sepiroth: STAY [PiG] Pusher: Seeya. [PiG] Pusher has left the game. I think poor [PiG] Weeman got fed up with being spawncamped, so he left, and we didn't see him for the rest of the evening. He seemed kinda mad that so few of us turned up, and he was sad that he didn't get to fight much. Ponch stayed around for a bit to chat with the Rogue fellas... [PiG] Ponch: fucking kidz [R].Sepiroth: WE WANT TO KICK UR ASS [R].Jim: PiG die without a Fight NEWS FLASH [R].SesS: WE ONE!!!!!!!!! [R].SesS: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! [R].Sepiroth: YUP [R].Sepiroth: fucking dumb asses [R].SesS: YOU SAID CARNAGE [R].SesS: THIS IS CARNAGE [R].Sepiroth: lol [R].Sepiroth: hey ponch [R].SesS: WE FUCKING WON [PiG] Ponch: grow pubic hair dude [R].Dave504: SesS get in [R].Jim: bwhahah [R].Sepiroth: stay here for a sec ponch [R].Sepiroth: PONCH [R].SesS: END OF FUCKING STORY [R].Sepiroth: STAY HERE FOR A SEC [R].Sepiroth: U MIGHT WANT TO SEE SOMETHING [R].SesS: LETS ALL KILL PONCH [R].Jim: I Eat Babies [R].Dave504: We will get Training while evry-1 is here [R].SesS: MAKE HIM LEAVE ASWELL [R].Sepiroth: HEY PONCH [R].Sepiroth: HOLD ON [R].Sepiroth has left the game. {VCP-DeathB} has joined the game. {VCP-DeathB}: reconize me now bitch [R].SesS: DEATHBBBBBBBBBBBBBbb [R].Blade: [PiG] Ponch: sess is the most childish person ive ever met [R].SesS: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! {VCP-DeathB}: u just got pwned by vcp and r {VCP-DeathB}: so stfu on the forums [R].Jim: Tomorrow can be Train Pig Day TPD [R].SesS: HEY LOOK AT ME IM CHILDISH {VCP-DeathB}: lol [R].SesS: WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [R].SesS: LMFAO {VCP-DeathB}: PWNED BY BOTH CLANS AT ONCE {VCP-DeathB}: BOO YA {VCP-DeathB}: BITCH [R].Dave504: U scarteched da Paint man {VCP-DeathB}: geez i guess everyone knew about this besides pig's dumb ass [R].Dave504: Look wat u done 2 my Beautiful Car {VCP-DeathB}: what fucking dumb asses [R].Dave504: Oh well its wasted now {VCP-DeathB}: i offered u guys a clean start [PiG] Ponch: lol that's cheating. cant even do it with ur own gang thats stupid dudes [R].SesS: well im off people {VCP-DeathB}: and u guys didnt take it {VCP-DeathB}: so ur fucked [R].SesS: we won.. [R].SesS: gg [R].Blade killed [R].SesS. [PiG] Ponch: grow up dude its a fucink game [R].SesS: laterz boyz {VCP-DeathB}: ya no shit {VCP-DeathB}: but i offered u guys a clean start {VCP-DeathB}: and u threw it in my face {VCP-DeathB}: so fuck u [R].SesS: you all played very well [R].SesS has left the game. {VCP-DeathB}: i seem to recall pusher calling me all sorts of colorful names when i told him htat [R].Dave504: LoL {VCP-DeathB}: the offer still stands take it or leave it [R].Dave504: Wat offer? {VCP-DeathB}: for a clean start between our clans [PiG] Ponch: its not a soap opera [PiG] Ponch: get a life and get laid {VCP-DeathB}: should i take that as a no? [R].Dave504: its all up to SesS [R].Jim: abcdefghijklmno [PiG] Ponch: wtf r u talking about its nothing to do with me... {VCP-DeathB}: i offered it to u pig's and im serious {VCP-DeathB}: clean start [R].Jim has left the game. {VCP-DeathB}: take it or leave it [PiG] Ponch: in leaving... [PiG] Ponch: sad... [R].Dave504: ill talk 2 sess 4 u {VCP-DeathB}: think about it {VCP-DeathB}: post ur reply on the forums Then me and Ponch went and played in another server. That was sweet. We got some helicopters and tried to crash them into each other, and chased Lucifa and some VCx guys. I went downstairs to smoke some more weed, and then called Ponch to congratulate him on our brilliant game. We decided that I was Man of The Match. MTA Mini League Table
  14. [PiG] Pusher

    [R] vs [PiG]

    Hey, Xerox - it's nice of you to want to help and everything, but this is the last match we're gonna organise thru your dumbass forums, and the only match we'll ever play with Rogue. I'd organised a referee before you came in here uninvited. Thanks anyway, but I see no need for IRC. And Sess - YOU'RE the only person I've ever called a virgin. And there ain't nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade...
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