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  1. Добрый день. Возник вопрос: "Возможно ли сменить серийный номер на компьютере"? Если да, то каким образом. Спасибо
  2. Help with problem please. Msb8036 error: Windows SDK version 8.1 could not be found. Install the correct version of the Windows SDK, or change the SDK version on the project property pages, or right-click the solution and select change solution target platform. Thanks a lot. 1>------ Build started: project: Client Launcher, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v150\Microsoft.Cpp.Windows SDK.targets(46.5): error MSB8036: Windows SDK 8.1 could not be found. Install the correct version of the Windows SDK, or change the SDK version on the project property pages, or right-click the solution and select change solution target platform. 1>Build project "Client Launcher.vcxproj" completed with an error. ========== Build: successful: 0, with errors: 1, unchanged: 0, skipped: 0 ==========
  3. УРРРРРРААААА!!!! Ты мне сильно помог, обожаю тебя! URRRAAAA!!!! You helped me a lot, I love you!
  4. Привет всем. Создаю свой лаунчер, но столкнулся с рядом вопросов, какие параметры запуска имеет стандартный лаунчер mta. В исходниках копался, не нашел... А ведь проекты есть, которые с лаунчера напрямую к серверу подключаются.. Может кто знаешь эти самые параметры? Всего-то мне нужен параметр на смену Ника, и команду на коннект к серверу... Буду очень благодарен тому, кто сможет дать конкретный ответ на поставленный вопрос. Всем добра!
  5. How can I ask the name of the player and direct server connection through storony program?
  6. Hi. I am now writing a launcher with authorization, etc., there was a question about the launch of Mta, whether there are keys ( parameters ) launch MTA? Let's say nick change or automatic connection when launching the game? Thanks for the reply, sorry for my English, used translator? function doUser_bottom_lClickLeft(UXMouseEvent $e = null) { execute('D:\Games\mt\Multi Theft Auto.exe', false); } P.S -> Another question, where can I get the source code of mta? And what programs will be required for compilation?
  7. @stPatrick Hurray! It worked! Thanks a lot friend!
  8. Thanks, I'll check Error [2019-03-04 15:42:10] ERROR: roleplay\bussines\bus_farm.lua:23: attempt to call global 'addEventHandle' (a nil value) [2019-03-04 15:42:11] roleplay restarted successfully @stPatrick The mistake was addEventHandler*
  9. local Max_Farm = 4 local id_farm = {} local farmdata = {} local veh = {} local dbpTime = 500 local ids = 0 local user_player = root function loadfarm() local query = dbQuery(connect_db, "SELECT * FROM farm;" ) local result, numrows = dbPoll(query, dbpTime) outputServerLog("_________________Load to farm_________________") if (result and numrows > 0) then for index, row in pairs(result) do local id = row['ID'] local owner = row['Owner'] local zowner1 = row['zOwner1'] local zowner2 = row['zOwner2'] local zowner3 = row['zOwner3'] local farmer1 = row['Farmer1'] local farmer2 = row['Farmer2'] local farmer3 = row['Farmer3'] local farmer4 = row['Farmer4'] local farmer5 = row['Farmer5'] local balance = row['Balance'] local pricejob = row['PriceJob'] local buycorn = row['BuyCorn'] local cornsklad = row['CornSklad'] local cornplant = row['CornPlant'] local sellprod = row['SellProd'] local prodsklad = row['ProdSklad'] local priceprod = row['PriceProd'] local car1prod = row['Car1Prod'] local car2prod = row['Car2Prod'] local posx = row['Posx'] local posy = row['Posy'] local posz = row['Posz'] local posxinfo = row['Posxinf'] local posyinfo = row['Posyinf'] local poszinfo = row['Poszinf'] local x532 = row['532x'] local y532 = row['532y'] local z532 = row['532z'] outputServerLog("Farm number "..id.." is loaded!") ids = ids+1 CreateFarm(id, owner, zowner1,zowner2,zowner3,farmer1,farmer2,farmer3,farmer4,farmer5,balance,pricejob,buycorn,cornsklad,cornplant,sellprod,prodsklad,priceprod,car1prod,car2prod,posx,posy,posz,posxinfo,posyinfo,poszinfo,x532,y532,z532) end dbFree(query) else error("Houses Table not Found/empty!") end outputServerLog("Farm load: "..ids) outputServerLog("_________________End Load to farm_________________") end addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot,loadfarm) function CreateFarm(id, owner, zowner1,zowner2,zowner3,farmer1,farmer2,farmer3,farmer4,farmer5,balance,pricejob,buycorn,cornsklad,cornplant,sellprod,prodsklad,priceprod,car1prod,car2prod,posx,posy,posz,posxinfo,posyinfo,poszinfo,x532,y532,z532) if(id) then id_farm[id] = createColSphere(posx,posy,posz, 1.5) farmdata[id] = {} local farm = id_farm[id] setElementData(farm, "farm", true) createPickup(posx,posy,posz, 3, 1318, 100) createPickup(posxinfo,posyinfo,poszinfo, 3, 1239, 100) farmdata[id]["infocols"] = createColSphere(posxinfo,posyinfo,poszinfo, 1.5) createBlip(posx, posy, posz, 56, 2, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 250) farmdata[id]["Id"] = id farmdata[id]["Owner"] = owner farmdata[id]["zOwner1"] = zowner1 farmdata[id]["zOwner2"] = zowner2 farmdata[id]["zOwner3"] = zowner3 farmdata[id]["Farmer1"] = farmer1 farmdata[id]["Farmer2"] = farmer2 farmdata[id]["Farmer3"] = farmer3 farmdata[id]["Farmer4"] = farmer4 farmdata[id]["Farmer5"] = farmer5 farmdata[id]["Balance"] = balance farmdata[id]["PriceJob"] = pricejob farmdata[id]["BuyCorn"] = buycorn farmdata[id]["CornSklad"] = cornsklad farmdata[id]["CornPlant"] = cornplant farmdata[id]["SellProd"] = sellprod farmdata[id]["ProdSklad"] = prodsklad farmdata[id]["PriceProd"] = priceprod farmdata[id]["Car1Prod"] = car1prod farmdata[id]["Car2Prod"] = car2prod farmdata[id]["x532"] = x532 farmdata[id]["y532"] = y532 farmdata[id]["z532"] = z532 farmdata[id]["Combaine"] = createVehicle(532, farmdata[id]["x532"], farmdata[id]["y532"], farmdata[id]["z532"]) function enterVehicle ( thePlayer, seat, jacked ) if farmdata[id]["Combaine"] then if farmdata[id]["Id"] ~= getElementData(thePlayer,"fjobs") then removePedFromVehicle ( thePlayer ) outputChatBox ( "Вы не фермер!", thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), enterVehicle ) function enterVehicles ( thePlayer, seat, jacked ) if farmdata[id]["Combaine"] and getElementModel ( getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer) ) == 532 then if farmdata[id]["CornPlant"] ~= 0 then removePedFromVehicle ( thePlayer ) outputChatBox ( "На поле достаточно урожая!", thePlayer,255,255,255,true) else triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "Go_plan_corn", thePlayer,"create") end end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), enterVehicles ) addEvent("farms_stop",true) addEventHandler("farms_stop",root,function() respawnVehicle(getPedOccupiedVehicle(client),false); removePedFromVehicle ( client ) outputChatBox("Вы успешно накосили урожай!", client,255,255,255,true) if(farmdata[id]["CornSklad"] < 5000) and farmdata[id]["CornPlant"] == 0 then farmdata[id]["CornPlant"] = farmdata[id]["CornSklad"] farmdata[id]["CornSklad"] = 0 else if farmdata[id]["CornSklad"] >= 5000 and farmdata[id]["CornPlant"] == 0 then farmdata[id]["CornPlant"] = 5000 farmdata[id]["CornSklad"] = farmdata[id]["CornSklad"]-5000 end end) addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", farmdata[id]["infocols"], function(hitElement) if(getElementType(hitElement) == "player") and (getElementData(hitElement, "online") == 1) then triggerClientEvent ( hitElement, "Show_infof", hitElement,farmdata[id]["Id"],farmdata[id]["Owner"],farmdata[id]["zOwner1"],farmdata[id]["zOwner2"],farmdata[id]["zOwner3"],farmdata[id]["Farmer1"],farmdata[id]["Farmer2"],farmdata[id]["Farmer3"],farmdata[id]["Farmer4"],farmdata[id]["Farmer5"],farmdata[id]["Balance"],farmdata[id]["PriceJob"],farmdata[id]["BuyCorn"],farmdata[id]["CornSklad"],farmdata[id]["CornPlant"],farmdata[id]["SellProd"],farmdata[id]["ProdSklad"],farmdata[id]["PriceProd"]) end end) addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", farm, function(hitElement) if(getElementType(hitElement) == "player") then triggerClientEvent ( user_player, "Show_informfarm", user_player) end end) end end number line 91 "id" works fine
  10. For more details, you can? I just do not understand what kind of indifferent it is and where it should be. thank
  11. Всем привет. Помогите пож с кодом, при загрузки с бд координат позиций авто, создаётся само авто и записывается в таблицу ( думаю что не правильно идёт запись). Но при любой проверке, уже с таблицы не считывается. farmdata[id]["Combaine"] = createVehicle(532, farmdata[id]["x532"], farmdata[id]["y532"], farmdata[id]["z532"]) function enterVehicle ( thePlayer, seat, jacked ) if farmdata[id]["Combaine"] then if farmdata[id]["Id"] ~= getElementData(thePlayer,"fjobs") then removePedFromVehicle ( thePlayer ) outputChatBox ( "Вы не фермер!", thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), enterVehicle ) Данная переменная farmdata[id]["Combaine"], которая хранит в себе правильный ID, проверенно, приравнивается к любому авто на сервере, а мне нужно чтобы к определённому. Помогите пожалуйста, уже два дня мозг парю себе
  12. Help me please. Write system one, booting (Mysql) works perfectly, in dialogs. So, I create a car, use the function "onVehicleStartEnter", the game shows me the Network Trouble. Thanks for the tips farmdata[id]["Combaine"] = createVehicle(532, farmdata[id]["x532"], farmdata[id]["y532"], farmdata[id]["z532"]) function enterVehicle ( thePlayer, seat, jacked ) if farmdata[id]["Combaine"] then if farmdata[id]["Id"] ~= getElementData(thePlayer,"fjobs") then removePedFromVehicle ( thePlayer ) outputChatBox ( "Вы не фермер!", thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), enterVehicle ) And for some reason does not work check if farmdata[id]["Combaine"] then
  13. Hey. How can I launch the second MTA client window? There is a problem with VirtualBox, are there other options? You need to test the code. Thanks for the reply P.S There is no other computer, and people who will help too ?
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