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Everything posted by VenomOG

  1. VenomOG


    Problem ~ When it runs, it shows for everyone, when removing stars, it removes everyone stars, client trigger for everyone, Intension ~ Evade script, if player is wanted, then it stars timer and removes the wanted when timer ends, Code ~ function evade(player) local players = getElementsByType ( "player" ) for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(players) do local level = getPlayerWantedLevel ( thePlayer ) if ( level > 1 ) then triggerClientEvent(thePlayer,"StartEvadeTimer",thePlayer) end end end setTimer(evade,1000,1) addEvent("removeEvadeStars",true) addEventHandler("removeEvadeStars",root,function() setPlayerWantedLevel(client,0) setElementData(client,"Charges",0) end) CLIENT~ local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() local sx, sy = x/1280, y/768 addEvent("StartEvadeTimer",true) addEventHandler("StartEvadeTimer",root,function() addEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, showRobTime ) Time = 10 tick = getTickCount() end) function showRobTime( ) if getElementData( localPlayer, "ArrestedBy" ) or getElementData(localPlayer,"Jailed") == "yes" or isPedDead ( localPlayer ) then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,showRobTime) return end if getTickCount( )-tick >= 1000 then Time = Time -1 tick = getTickCount() end dxDrawText(Time.." seconds left ", sx*69, sy*728, sx*187, sy*758, tocolor(254, 0, 0, 255), 1, "default-bold", "left", "bottom", false, false, false, false, false) if Time <= 0 then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,showRobTime) triggerServerEvent("removeEvadeStars",localPlayer) end end
  2. How can i make if there are an ammount of members in a clan there aka if there are 5 terrorists, then outpu that message format : getElementData(source,"Clan"
  3. local theTeam = "Thugs" local players = getPlayersInTeam ( theTeam ) if (getElementData(players,"Clan" == 5)then outputChatBox("Thugs: There are already 5 of your members ",source) end end This is what im trieing to do , if there are 5 of the same clan members in a team then put that message
  4. How can i siable a weapon while there is a timer? CODE: elseif (weapon == 42) then if isTimer(cancelTimer["Explosion"]) then return end toggleControl("fire", false) toggleControl("action", false) local tick = getTickCount() enableTime2 = tick+9000 removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,dxDrawC) addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,dxDrawC) cancelTimer["Explosion"] = setTimer( function() toggleControl("fire", true) toggleControl("action", true) --killTimer(cancelTimer) removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,dxDrawC) end, 9000, 1 ) I wanna disable grenade while this timer is still there.
  5. Fixed thanks, how can i disable a weapon while a weapon is beeing used
  6. Example. How can i make it only starts trigger. if wanted, like once player get wanted then start timer
  7. function removeEvadeStars(player) setPlayerWantedLevel(player,0) exports.SAEGMessages:sendClientMessage("Evade : You have evaded your stars",player,0,255,0) end addEvent("removeEvadeStars", true) addEventHandler("removeEvadeStars", getRootElement(), removeEvadeStars) function convertNumber ( number ) local formatted = number while true do formatted, k = string.gsub(formatted, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1,%2') if ( k==0 ) then break end end return formatted end setTimer(function(player) for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local wantedLvl = getPlayerWantedLevel (v) if (wantedLvl == 1) then triggerClientEvent(v,"StartEvadeTimer",v) end end end, 1000,0) addEventHandler("onResourceStop", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do setElementData(v, "rob", false) end end) It constantly restarted the timer how can i stop that @IIYAMA
  8. Hello so i have done a evade script, if your wanted it triggers a timer, just check it and see where i went wrong : CLIENT EVADE addEvent("StartEvadeTimer",true) addEventHandler("StartEvadeTimer",root,function() addEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, showEvadeTime ) Time = 300 tick = getTickCount() end) function showEvadeTime( ) if getElementData( localPlayer, "ArrestedBy" ) or getElementData(localPlayer,"Jailed") == "yes" or isPedDead ( localPlayer ) then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,showEvadeTime) return end if getTickCount( )-tick >= 1000 then Time = Time -1 tick = getTickCount() end dxDrawText(Time.." seconds left ", sx*69, sy*728, sx*187, sy*758, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.80, "default-bold", "left", "bottom", false, false, false, false, false) if Time <= 0 then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,showEvadeTime) triggerServerEvent("removeEvadeStars",localPlayer) end end SERVER function removeEvadeStars(player) setPlayerWantedLevel(player,0) exports.SAEGMessages:sendClientMessage("Evade : You have evaded your stars",player,0,255,0) end addEvent("removeEvadeStars", true) addEventHandler("removeEvadeStars", getRootElement(), removeEvadeStars) function convertNumber ( number ) local formatted = number while true do formatted, k = string.gsub(formatted, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1,%2') if ( k==0 ) then break end end return formatted end setTimer(function trigger(player) local wantedLvl = getPlayerWantedLevel (root) if wantedLvl == 3 then triggerClientEvent(player,"StartEvadeTimer",player) end end end, 1000, 0) addEventHandler("onResourceStop", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do setElementData(v, "rob", false) end end)
  9. No he helped with some part ill add the rest getElementData(player,"Job","Thugs")
  10. Gonna test it thanks !
  11. How does this cancel it ?
  12. I want to cancel player wanted levels. like if he or she damages someone else and there in that getelement data, gives no wanted
  13. hello so i have this thugs script that i made and a turfing system i want to make if player is in turf they cannot get wanted.
  14. GTC RPG GAMING SOCIETY Welcome to the topic of GTC:RPG. GTC:RPG has been created in the early stages of RPG servers in 2018. The server has been just released and is looking for some good players our goals are very big, we inteand to build a server so everyone can enjoy it, the server owner is a arabic developer since 2012 GTC was once SAEC if u can remember it since is has been down @Tanger decided to start it again so here it is. @Tanger with alot of knowledge about MTA and having experience being an MTA Lua programmer member, decided to bring it back with three others.GTC Staff Team Owner - Maxman / Scripter Co - Owners -Casa - Community Managers Head Of Staff - Skymask- Staff Managers Super Moderators - N/A - N/A Senior Moderators -Pinkman N/A Moderators -SpecialBoy - Moderator of the server Junior Moderator - N/A - N/A Trial Moderators -Savage Inactivity -N/A GTC :RPG creates it's own scripts, thanks to LilDawage for scripting and putting alot of time into it. This topic will give you an overview about what we've done so far and what we're based on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Custom Titles Welcome to Grand Theft Cummunities official custom title script made by skymask. Information? Wish to purchase your own title? contact an owner or any TMT- Tittle Management Team! ~ Prices ~ Normal Title - IG $ : 5.5m -50 cent Title with Designs - IG $ : 6m IRL $ : 1$ ~ Commands ~ "custom_titles" Command to change Title Colour? "titlecolor r g b " example " titlecolor 255 255 255 " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Job Stats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Grand Theft Cummunity Job Stats Information? Wish to upgrade your perks?? Work as the jobs given in the panel ! ~ Gangster ~ Hack an ATM ~ 4-5k VIP? ~ 5K-10k Rob Stores ~ 4-5k VIP? ~ 5K-10k Hack ATM ~ 4-5k VIP? ~ 5K-10k ~ Picture ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GTC RPG Free for All Event ~~~ Features of the FFA Event ~~~~ 1. The players travel over an area in a plane and they must press an key to jump out 2. Once they land and the event is started, they can find items arround map 3. All killing is allowed, 4. This event is based on PUBG Welcome to the FFA event ! this event is like pubg but for mtasa you must survive and kill as much people as you can if you win the staffs will reward you with a prize of there choice so play hard and enjoy - Skymask ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ Thugs ~ Thugs ? what is it? well its a simple job Thugs~ this job you can use to turf the areas in the map it is also like a gangster, you can rob and hack atm with this job thugs cannot kill gangsters and gangsters cannot kill criminals. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTION Server is developing! IP : mtasa:// This is it for now, I'll keep on updating this topic to keep the community updated about the stuff happening right now. Feel free to join our discord and forum: https://discord.gg/Rgvy6KV http://gtcrpg.ml/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. local lol = guiProgressBarGetProgress(progress) setTimer( guiProgressBarSetProgress, 5000, 1,progress,lol+10 ) setTimer( guiProgressBarSetProgress, 10000, 1,progress,lol+20 ) setTimer( guiProgressBarSetProgress, 15000, 1,progress,lol+30 ) setTimer( guiProgressBarSetProgress, 20000, 1,progress,lol+40 ) setTimer( guiProgressBarSetProgress, 25000, 1,progress,lol+50 ) setTimer( guiProgressBarSetProgress, 30000, 1,progress,lol+60 ) setTimer( guiProgressBarSetProgress, 35000, 1,progress,lol+70 ) setTimer( guiProgressBarSetProgress, 40000, 1,progress,lol+80 ) setTimer( guiProgressBarSetProgress, 45000, 1,progress,lol+90 ) setTimer( guiProgressBarSetProgress, 50000, 1,progress,lol+100 ) @LyricalMM
  16. timer = math.random(4000,6000) setTimer(function() local freeze = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "curierFreeze") if freeze then progress = guiCreateProgressBar ( float x, float y, float width, float height, bool relative, [element parent = nil] ) setElementFrozen(getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer()), false) toggleAllControls(true, true, false) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "curierFreeze", false) guiProgressBarSetProgress(progress, 100) end if (guiProgressBarGetProgress(progress) == 100) then destroyElement(progress) end end, timer, 0)
  17. group = getElementData(v,"Group") addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), function () for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(v,"Group") then if v == localPlayer then return end dxDrawTextOnElement(v,group,1,20,0,0,255,255,1,"arial") end end end)
  18. You didnt define progress.
  19. Accept my discord. PUBG Venomus
  20. Your busy, you say, ok, i am never busy, only place i am is in the wiki for mta learning, so here is the reason for the comment, i have experience in running servers. like alot i was owner in over 10 servers, sadly all RPG and CnR and 2 PUBG/Battle Royal so want my help in running it? @H25
  21. SAUR SAUG? For the haters also, thanks when you hate you make us better
  22. addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Infernuspanel.button[1], infi1) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Infernuspanel.button[6], infi2) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Infernuspanel.button[3], infi3) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Infernuspanel.button[4], infi4) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Infernuspanel.button[5], infi5) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Infernuspanel.button[2], infi6) try
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