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Posts posted by domez_z

  1. I dont get it, lol. I just want to add new model for players (new clothing, lets say Police uniform), i added to Core.lua {"Police Uniform", 280}, in Pickups.lua i added {"Police Uniform",1901,2,0,4.5},   (1901, I created new id, idk what number to put there) and then I added to mods/items folder file with civilian clothing Id, but renamed to 1901, but in loot police uniform looks like DOLLAR.


    Yes, I edited Meta.xml, and Core.lua with mods/items 1901 but in loot its dollar ,why?

  2. Okay thanks. Also would you just tell me how do I add another clothing? I added it, it was in the game, but the model of it was a "Coin" like in Casino or something. How do i put the same model for it, when its on the ground? Like Civilian clothing?

    Also which  files to edit? Since i edited almost every file, to add it. x)

  3. 1 hour ago, domez_z said:

    I did delete internal.db but i cannot use globalchat, its not even in my keybinding, lol. Where did the Globalchat, go?

    Downloaded globalchat, im fine. But I was wondering if i can replace somewhere somehow debug monitor with some picture, like if there can be some idk, skull and on that will be displayed stats.

  4. Hey, for some reason my global chat doesnt work (i downloaded the latest github file).

    I type something in global, it wont send and then it says "Domez account is buggy, fixing it" or something like this and it respawns me. Over and over.


    Also, how do I add gas station? I Mean i created a map for Dayz and i made a gas station, i would like to setup somehow, that people can gas up their canisters.

  5. 46 minutes ago, Tremors said:

    Nope, for me the grenades work, you disabled the backup for the vehicules and it work ?

    The skin didn't work ? Idk, for me it's work, i got 4 backpack, for exemple: Military Backpack, 70 slots. (and the new skin work)

    But i have try with 2 others skin, and it didn't work, try with an another skin ^^

    Can you please tell me which files to edit, like this? >


    meta.xml - add files to replace models (perhaps)

    core_client.lua - create your own backpack bla bla with id bla bla

  6. So basically i added backpack called British Backpack, it has it own skin, i also found it like in loot, but when i equip it i have 30slots, but i cant see model on my back. But if I drop it, I can see it. Whats wrong then?

  7. Well, I have everything setup, even more clothes. I would appreciate if you help us with backpacks.

    I just added bigger backpack (British 36slots), i put in above Coyote backpack, where you had the Highet to Lower slots backpack, i did it like fine, kinda. But dunno, doesnt work. Like, its in the game, but it doesnt have the skin for some reason, but I added dff, txd to mods/items & I added files to meta to load, but its maybe that id. I create for myself 1901 there was nothing with it, so should i use different ID?

  8. Edit : So, I didnt know that source was updated, my bad. Everything is just fine, just one thing, to replace MP5 model, Do I just put "mp5Ing.txd +  dff"into weapons folder and rename it to 353 since there is > in core.lua       {"MP5A5 Mag", "MP5A5", 29, 353},

  9. how do i make that when i click right click on backpack i can equip it? so i dont have to take it from the loot

    also wanted to ask how do i add guns? i mean, i added them to script? but how do i add some model for it? you know.. i would like to have perhaps 4types of M4 and then one machine-gun for example

  10. Quote

        {422, -2479.6240234375,2223.6669921875,4.84375},
        {422, -92.9951171875,2823.0908203125,76.721649169922},
        {422, -2448.99609375,-1335.8662109375,310.97662353516},
        {422, -173.2470703125,-2635.5341796875,26.608192443848},
        {422, 2108.447265625,-1600.916015625,13.552597045898},
        {422, 2452.7392578125,1607.9833984375,10.8203125},
        {422, -1800.8984375,-1950.9736328125,93.561332702637},
        {422, -102.14576721191, 55.276020050049, 3.609395980835},
        {422, 2008.3050537109, 2249.0886230469, 24.736904144287},
        {422, -222.03587341309, 996.23352050781, 20.101808547974},


  11. 2 hours ago, Tekken said:

    For bobcat spawn in vehicles.lua in vehicleSpawns table add

    {422, x, y, z},

    I won't explain you how to give zombies skins 'cause this is to easy, and you should know how to do it.

    To reduce the amount of zombies in core_client.lua you will find a timer at line 298 edit the below 5 to as much or low zombies as you want.

    if ((getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "spawnedzombies")+1) <= 5) then 


    https://ctrlv.cz/li6z as you can see i add the line correctly but nothing spawned.. even i reseted/stopped dayz resource

    and i tried everything to mode zombies skins but everything i failed, can you like in some fast way explain me that? i think i did something wrong, but dunno where. 

    these 2 things are missing on that server :< just please:/

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