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Everything posted by Jw8.

  1. جرب addEvent( "onChangeClothesCJ", true ) addEventHandler( "onChangeClothesCJ", root, function ( CJClothesTable, CJClothesString ) if ( CJClothesTable ) then for int, index in pairs( CJClothesTable ) do local texture, model = getClothesByTypeIndex ( int, index ) if ( texture ) then addPedClothes ( source, texture, model, int ) if (int == 0) then setAccountData(getPlayerAccount(source), "cjclothesShirtType", int) setAccountData(getPlayerAccount(source), "cjclothesShirtIndex", index) end end end outputDebugString(CJClothesString) setAccountData(getPlayerAccount(source), "cjclothes", CJClothesString) end end ) addEvent( "onPlayerBougtSkin", true ) addEventHandler( "onPlayerBougtSkin", root, function ( thePrice ) if ( thePrice ) then takePlayerMoney( source, tonumber(thePrice), "CJ Clothes" ) end end ) function setClothesOnLogin(_, acc) local skin = getAccountData(acc, "skin") if (skin == 0) then local CJCLOTTable = tostring( getAccountData(acc, "cjclothes" ) ) if CJCLOTTable then for theType, index in pairs( CJCLOTTable ) do local texture, model = getClothesByTypeIndex ( theType, index ) if ( texture and model ) then addPedClothes ( source, texture, model, theType ) end end end local shirt = getAccountData(acc, "cjclothesShirtType") if (shirt and shirt == 0) then local shirtIndex = getAccountData(acc, "cjclothesShirtIndex") local text, mod = getClothesByTypeIndex ( shirt, shirtIndex ) if ( text and mod) then addPedClothes ( source, text, mod, shirt ) end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, setClothesOnLogin)
  2. استخدم setElementPosition ممكن شرح؟
  3. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ابغى منكم مساعده بتحريك الاوبجكت . لما الماوس يضغط عليه ويحرك يتحرك الاوبجكت معي كود الحين addEventHandler( "onClientCursorMove", getRootElement( ), function ( x, y, z ) for i,move in ipairs(getElementsByType("object")) do moveObject ( isobject[move], 100, x, y, z ) end end ); بس ماعرفت له حد يقدر يساعدني؟
  4. ماظبطو وجربت ذه addEvent("animations", true) addEventHandler("animations", root, function (anim, block) if not getElementData(source, " Start Animation") then setPedAnimation(source, anim, block) setElementData(source,"Anim"," Stop Animation") else setPedAnimation(source) setElementData(source,"Anim"," Start Animation") end end ) ماظبطو وجربت ذه addEvent("animations", true) addEventHandler("animations", root, function (anim, block) if not getElementData(source, " Start Animation") then setPedAnimation(source, anim, block) setElementData(source,"Anim"," Stop Animation") else setPedAnimation(source) setElementData(source,"Anim"," Start Animation") end end ) وذه ملف كلينت addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", resourceRoot, function(button) if button == "left" then if source == sssW then local anim = DGS:dgsGridListGetItemData(animations, DGS:dgsGridListGetSelectedItem(animations)) if anim and type(anim) == "table" then triggerServerEvent("animations", localPlayer, anim[1], anim[2]) end end end end)
  5. عندي مشكله بلانيمشون اقدر اسويه لما يضغط البوتين مره واحد يشتغل واذا ضغط مرة ثانية يطفي addEvent("animations", true) addEventHandler("animations", root, function(anim, block) if anim and block then setPedAnimation(client, anim, block) setElementData(source,"Anim"," Stop Animation") exports["guimessages"]:outputServer(source, "#E1E1E1[User Panel] : #00FF00Start Animation #00ff00 !","success") else setElementData(source,"Anim"," Start Animation") setPedAnimation(client, false) exports["guimessages"]:outputServer(client, "#E1E1E1[User Panel] : #ff00ffStop Animation #00ff00 !","success") end end)
  6. function Button( ) if _bug then return 'Stuuuuuupid :Pp' end if ( source == BTN1 ) then if ( DGS:dgsGridListGetSelectedItem ( wnd.grid ) ~= -1 ) then local ammount = tonumber ( DGS:dgsGridListGetItemText ( wnd.grid, DGS:dgsGridListGetSelectedItem ( wnd.grid ), 2 ) ) if ammount > 1 then triggerServerEvent ( 'Package:openPack', localPlayer, DGS:dgsGridListGetItemData ( wnd.grid, DGS:dgsGridListGetSelectedItem ( wnd.grid ), 1 ) ) DGS:dgsGridListGetItemText ( wnd.grid, DGS:dgsGridListGetSelectedItem ( wnd.grid ), 2, tostring ( ammount - 1 ), false, false ) else triggerServerEvent ( 'Package:openPack', localPlayer, DGS:dgsGridListGetItemData ( wnd.grid, DGS:dgsGridListGetSelectedItem ( wnd.grid ), 1 ) ) DGS:dgsGridListRemoveRow ( wnd.grid, DGS:dgsGridListGetSelectedItem ( wnd.grid ) ) end end elseif ( source == BTN2 ) then DGS:dgsSetVisible (ccPack, false ) showCursor ( false ) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root,MCPack) end end addEventHandler( 'onDgsMouseClick', root, Button) وش المشكله بذي لما اعطيه الحدث ماتبين بلجريد ليست ؟ مايكتب لي شي بلدي بق dgs-master جبته من addEvent ( 'addPackToGrid', true ) addEventHandler ( 'addPackToGrid', root, function ( packages ) if packages then DGS:dgsGridListClear ( wnd.grid ) for i,v in ipairs ( packages ) do local row = DGS:dgsGridListAddRow ( wnd.grid ) local type if v['number'] == 1 then type = 'Gold' elseif v['number'] == 2 then type = 'Silver' elseif v['number'] == 3 then type = 'Bronze' end DGS:dgsGridListGetItemText ( wnd.grid, row, 1, tostring ( type ), false, false ) DGS:dgsGridListGetItemText ( wnd.grid, row, 2, tostring ( v['ammount'] ), false, false ) DGS:dgsGridListGetItemData ( wnd.grid, row, 1, tostring ( v['number'] ) ) end end end)
  7. بوش اعرفهم بـ setElementPosition ؟
  8. يقلي المشكله بذه السطر : local x, y, z = interpolateBetween ( dx, dy, dz, dx+4, dy+4, dz, (getTickCount()-tick)/1400, "OutQuad")
  9. local x, y, z = interpolateBetween ( dx, dy, dz, dx+4, dy+4, dz, (getTickCount()-tick)/1400, "OutQuad") dxDrawImage(x, y, z, dx+4, "img/bb.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(136, 22, 232, 255), false)
  10. local x, y, z = interpolateBetween ( dx, dy, dz, dx+4, dy+4, dz, (getTickCount()-tick)/1400, "OutQuad") dxDrawImage(screenW * 0.0000, screenH * -0.0117, screenW * 1.0000, dx+4, "img/bb.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(136, 22, 232, 255), false)
  11. ثواني لاني مسحتها اول شي حاولت بذي ماظبطت خخ اكيد تخبيص local now = getTickCount() local endTime = start + 2000 local elapsedTime = now - start local duration = endTime - start local progress = elapsedTime / duration local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local x, y, z = interpolateBetween ( dx, dy, dz, dx+4, dy+4, dz, progress, "OutQuad") dxDrawImage(dx, dy, dz, dx+4, "img/bb.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(136, 22, 232, 255), false)
  12. يهوو صلني ساعه وانا احاول :]
  13. سلآم عليكم يعيال ابغى اسئلكم كيف اسوي للصوره ذي حركة ؟ dxDrawImage(screenW * 0.0000, screenH * -0.0117, screenW * 1.0000, screenH * 0.9950, "img/bb.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(136, 22, 232, 255), false) جربت اسويلها ما عرفت :] وحاولت بذي interpolateBetween ابغى اعملها لما تفتح الوحة يجي من هنا <--
  14. addEvent("Report:SendText", true) addEventHandler("Report:SendText", root, function(textT) for _,v in ipairs(getOnlineAdmins()) do exports["guimessages"]:outputServer(v, "#ffff00[Report] : #00ff00a new Text has came now from #00ff00"..getPlayerName(source).." ("..textT..")", 255, 255, 255) dbExec( dbExec, "INSERT INTO Report VALUES( ? )",textT ) end end ) يب تظهر فقط عند الادمنية ~~
  15. يبروس الحين هو شغال يرسل كل شي تمام بس ابي المسج مايبين عند الناس كلها
  16. function getPlayersAdmin () local t = {} for k,v in ipairs ( getElementsByType("player") ) do local acc = getPlayerAccount(v) if acc and not isGuestAccount(acc) then local isAdmin = isPlayerInAllowedGroups(v) if isAdmin then table.insert(t,v) end end end return t end local Groups = {"Level1", "Level2", "Level3", "Level4", "Console", "Co-Manager", "Head-Admin", "Manager", "Developer"} function isPlayerInAllowedGroups(player) if not isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(player)) then for k,v in ipairs ( Groups ) do if ( isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup(v)) ) then return true end end end end
  17. addEvent("Report:SendText", true) addEventHandler("Report:SendText", root, function(textT) for _,v in ipairs(getPlayersAdmin()) do exports["guimessages"]:outputServer(v, "#ffff00[Report] : #00ff00a new Text has came now from #00ff00"..getPlayerName(source).." ("..textT..")", 255, 255, 255) end end )
  18. سلآم عليكم يعيال دلحين انا مسوي مود ريبورت مع شأت , طيب ابغى بس يرسل بخاص الريبورت يرسل للادمنية localPlayer elseif source == SENDMesSage then row = guiGridListAddRow ( Message[localPlayer] ) guiGridListSetItemText ( Message[localPlayer],row,1,getPlayerName ( localPlayer ),false,false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( Message[localPlayer],row,2,guiGetText(Edit),false,false ) local textT = guiGetText(Edit) triggerServerEvent("Report:SendText", localPlayer,textT) setTimer(function() guiSetText(Edit,"") row = guiGridListAddRow ( WindowMessage_Grid ) guiGridListSetItemText ( WindowMessage_Grid,row,1,getPlayerName ( localPlayer ),false,false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( WindowMessage_Grid,row,2,textT,false,false ) end,100,1) حد يقدر يفيدني؟
  19. عدنان المود كان شغال تعال خاص وخذه ~
  20. shader = dxCreateShader("blur.fx") screenS = dxCreateScreenSource(sX,sY) function showShader() dxUpdateScreenSource(shader) dxSetShaderValue(shader, "ScreenSource", screenS); dxSetShaderValue(shader, "UVSize", sX, sY); dxSetShaderValue(shader, "BlurStrength", 9 ); dxDrawImage(0, 0, 1366, 768, shader) end جربت اسويه وماظبط + بلدي بق مايكتب شي
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