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Everything posted by Jayceon

  1. Hello. Today i started the MTA and the MTA automatically download new update before start. In the menu and at the top of the screen appeared a red stripe with the following message: Your operating system is outdated and prone to security vulnerabilities. You should consider updating as soon as possible. I'm using Windows 10 Pro with a newest update. Thanks the replies, sorry my english.
  2. Jayceon

    Bad math?

    Hello. I have a custom F11 map, but i has some problem with "waypoint" create. When i'm click on map, the waypoint makes not in the cursor position, the waypoint has a small offset (left, right, up, down) and this is not good. local screenX, screenY = guiGetScreenSize() local mapTextureSize = 3072 local bigmapMapUnit = mapTextureSize / 6000 local bigmapWidth = screenX - 60 local bigmapHeight = screenY - 60 local bigmapX = 30 local bigmapY = 30 local bigmapCurrentZoom = 1.5 local playerX, playerY, playerZ = 0, 0, 0 -- automatic updating in render function getWorldFromMapPosition(mapX, mapY) -- This function dont work correctly (mapX, mapY = cursor relative X,Y) local worldX = playerX + ((mapX * (((bigmapX + bigmapWidth) / bigmapCurrentZoom) * 2)) - ((bigmapX + bigmapWidth) / bigmapCurrentZoom)) local worldY = playerY - ((mapY * (((bigmapY + bigmapHeight) / bigmapCurrentZoom) * 2)) - ((bigmapY + bigmapHeight) / bigmapCurrentZoom)) return worldX, worldY end function getMapFromWorldPosition(worldX, worldY) local mapX = (bigmapX + bigmapWidth / 2) + ((worldX - playerX) * bigmapCurrentZoom) * bigmapMapUnit local mapY = (bigmapY + bigmapHeight / 2) - ((worldY - playerY) * bigmapCurrentZoom) * bigmapMapUnit return mapX, mapY end Thanks the replies.
  3. local screenX, screenY = guiGetScreenSize() local responsiveMultiplier = (screenX + 2048) / (2048 * 2) local testRectangleWidth = 256 * responsiveMultiplier local testRectangleHeight = 128 * responsiveMultiplier local testFont = dxCreateFont("fontPath.ttf", 14 * responsiveMultiplier, false, "antialiased") local marginOffset = 10 local rightSideOfTheScreen = (screenX - marginOffset) - testRectangleWidth local centerTheBoxY = (screenY - testRectangleHeight) / 2 dxDrawRectangle(rightSideOfTheScreen, centerTheBoxY, testRectangleWidth, testRectangleHeight, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150)) -- on dxDrawText scale is 1.0 or smaller when you have custom font, responsiveMultiplier only using it in dxCreateFont
  4. Jayceon

    Custom wheel

    Big thanks to you. I'm now very happy. Thank you.
  5. Jayceon

    Custom wheel

    Thanks the reply, i'm waiting your example.
  6. Jayceon

    Custom wheel

    Hello everyone! I tried to make custom wheels to vehicles (like tuning element) but i have some problems with code. When the wheel camber angle is not default, the wheel get not good rotations. local createdCustomWheels = {} bindKey("f2", "down", function() local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if vehicle then addCustomWheel(vehicle, 1075, "front") end end ) addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, function() for vehicle, value in pairs(createdCustomWheels) do if vehicle and isElement(vehicle) and isElementStreamedIn(vehicle) then local vehicleX, vehicleY, vehicleZ = getElementPosition(vehicle) if value["wheel_lf_dummy"] then local componentX, componentY, componentZ = getVehicleComponentPosition(vehicle, "wheel_lf_dummy") local componentRX, componentRY, componentRZ = getVehicleComponentRotation(vehicle, "wheel_lf_dummy") attachElements(value["wheel_lf_dummy"], vehicle, componentX, componentY, componentZ, componentRX, -15 + componentRY, componentRZ) end if value["wheel_rf_dummy"] then local componentX, componentY, componentZ = getVehicleComponentPosition(vehicle, "wheel_rf_dummy") local componentRX, componentRY, componentRZ = getVehicleComponentRotation(vehicle, "wheel_rf_dummy") attachElements(value["wheel_rf_dummy"], vehicle, componentX, componentY, componentZ, componentRX, -15 + componentRY, componentRZ) end end end end ) function addCustomWheel(vehicle, wheelId, side) if vehicle and wheelId and side then local vehicleX, vehicleY, vehicleZ = getElementPosition(vehicle) if side == "front" then local lfX, lfY, lfZ = getVehicleComponentPosition(vehicle, "wheel_lf_dummy") local rfX, rfY, rfZ = getVehicleComponentPosition(vehicle, "wheel_rf_dummy") setVehicleComponentVisible(vehicle, "wheel_lf_dummy", false) setVehicleComponentVisible(vehicle, "wheel_rf_dummy", false) createdCustomWheels[vehicle] = {} createdCustomWheels[vehicle]["wheel_lf_dummy"] = createObject(wheelId, vehicleX, vehicleY, vehicleZ) createdCustomWheels[vehicle]["wheel_rf_dummy"] = createObject(wheelId, vehicleX, vehicleY, vehicleZ) setElementCollidableWith(createdCustomWheels[vehicle]["wheel_lf_dummy"], vehicle, false) setElementCollidableWith(createdCustomWheels[vehicle]["wheel_rf_dummy"], vehicle, false) setObjectScale(createdCustomWheels[vehicle]["wheel_lf_dummy"], 0.7) setObjectScale(createdCustomWheels[vehicle]["wheel_rf_dummy"], 0.7) attachElements(createdCustomWheels[vehicle]["wheel_lf_dummy"], vehicle, lfX, lfY, lfZ, 0, 0, 0) attachElements(createdCustomWheels[vehicle]["wheel_rf_dummy"], vehicle, rfX, rfY, rfZ, 0, 0, 0) end end end
  7. This interested me. And how calculate this with processLineOfSight?
  8. Hello. Please add compiler to meta.xml in later updates. <script src="sourceC.lua" extra_obfuscation="2" /> <!-- 0 - None | 1 = Some | 2 = More (From 1.5.2-9.07903) --> And when player join to the server and meta try to load (and extra_obfuscation is not nil) automatic compile the selected files. Thanks to read my idea.
  9. Nincs mit. (Név + profilodon írja)
  10. http://fontawesome.io/cheatsheet/ Innen magát az ikont másold ki és ha beillesztetted oda ahova szeretnéd egy üres négyzetnek kell lennie. Esetleg, hogy tudd milyen ikont használsz, csinálj egy táblát. local icons = { ["automobile"] = "", ["trash"] = "", } --dxDrawText(icons["automobile"], ...)
  11. shader fx: technique tintedWindow { pass P0 { DepthBias = -0.0000; AlphaBlendEnable = TRUE; SrcBlend = SRCALPHA; DestBlend = INVSRCALPHA; } } technique fallback { pass P0 { } } LUA: local tintShaders = {} local elementShaders = {} local availableTintedWindows = { [405] = "@hite", } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() for _, vehicle in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle", root, true)) do local vehicleHaveTintedWindow = getElementData(vehicle, "tuning.tintedWindow") or 0 if vehicleHaveTintedWindow ~= 0 then setVehicleWindowType(vehicle) end end end) addEventHandler("onClientElementStreamIn", root, function() if getElementType(source) == "vehicle" then local vehicleHaveTintedWindow = getElementData(source, "tuning.tintedWindow") or 0 if vehicleHaveTintedWindow ~= 0 then setVehicleWindowType(source) end end end) addEventHandler("onClientElementDestroy", root, function() if getElementType(source) == "vehicle" then destroyTintedWindowShader(source) end end) addEventHandler("onClientElementStreamOut", root, function() if getElementType(source) == "vehicle" then destroyTintedWindowShader(source) end end) addEvent("tuning->TintedWindow", true) function setVehicleWindowType(vehicle, adding) local vehicleModel = getElementModel(vehicle) local windowTexture = availableTintedWindows[vehicleModel] if adding == 0 then destroyTintedWindowShader(vehicle) else if windowTexture then applyTintedWindowShader(windowTexture, 100, vehicle) else destroyTintedWindowShader(vehicle) end end end addEventHandler("tuning->TintedWindow", root, setVehicleWindowType) function destroyTintedWindowShader(element) if elementShaders[element] then destroyElement(elementShaders[element][1][1]) elementShaders[element] = nil end end function applyTintedWindowShader(texture, distance, element) if element then destroyTintedWindowShader(element) end local this = #tintShaders + 1 tintShaders[this] = {} tintShaders[this][1] = dxCreateShader("files/textures/tintedWindow.fx", 0, distance, true) if not tintShaders[this][1] then tintShaders[this] = nil return end if element then if not elementShaders[element] then elementShaders[element] = {tintShaders[this], texture} end end if tintShaders[this][1] and tintShaders[this][2] then engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(tintShaders[this][1], texture, element) end end
  12. Original: https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... s&id=13508 Stolen: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p ... s&id=13558 DONE
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