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Everything posted by Jayceon

  1. I'm using this one: isLineOfSightClear(playerX, playerY, playerZ, explosionX, explosionY, explosionZ, true, true, false, true, true) Another: local _, _, playerRotZ = getElementRotation(localPlayer) local angle = math.atan2(explosionY - playerY, explosionX - playerX) + math.rad(180 - playerRotZ) if angle < 0 then angle = angle + math.rad(360) end if math.deg(angle) >= 180 then -- facing of explosion -- player flashed end PlayerX/Y/Z works with camera poses.
  2. This is font is default-bold? Try to use custom dx font with my opinion. When i use default MTA Fonts my quality looks like yours.
  3. For me works very well. I'm using custom dx font with antialiased flag and in the dxDrawText the scale is every time is 1 + added modulate_add blend to renderTarget. The final view: https://i.imgur.com/AYxroK1.png The font size/quality and the scale in render can increase/decrease the quality.
  4. Jayceon


    Yes, enough to change the texture.. or use dxDrawMaterialLine3D https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DxDrawMaterialLine3D
  5. Yes, it's possible.
  6. string.format("%.0f", 50000000000000000000000) The max returned value is: 49999999999999995805696 Lua numbers have limited precision, but you are trying to store a number that exceeds what can be stored. You'll need to use a different mechanism to store them and operate on these numbers. Search in Google with this keywords: "bignum" and "arbitrary precision numbers"
  7. local text = "This is the dxtext" local charactersVisible = 10 text = string.sub(text, 1, charactersVisible) .. "..." iprint(text)
  8. local angle = math.rad(currentRotation + 90) createObject(objectid, x + DISTANCE * math.cos(angle), y + DISTANCE * math.sin(angle), z)
  9. Problem solved in the 1.0.6 version.
  10. function elementOffset(matrix, x, y, z) return x * matrix[1][1] + y * matrix[2][1] + z * matrix[3][1] + matrix[4][1], x * matrix[1][2] + y * matrix[2][2] + z * matrix[3][2] + matrix[4][2], x * matrix[1][3] + y * matrix[2][3] + z * matrix[3][3] + matrix[4][3] end Use the getElementMatrix and the elementOffset function to get the material start/end and facing toward position. Like this: local vehicleMatrix = getElementMatrix(vehicleElement) local x1, y1, z1 = elementOffset(vehicleMatrix, 0, 1, 0) local x2, y2, z2 = elementOffset(vehicleMatrix, 0, -1, 0) local x3, y3, z3 = elementOffset(vehicleMatrix, 0, 1, 0.5) dxDrawMaterialLine3D(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, data.renderTarget, 2, tocolor(lightColor[1],lightColor[2],lightColor[3],lightColor[4]), x3, y3, z3) Or another way (not tested): local vehiclePosX, vehiclePosY, vehiclePosZ = getElementPosition(vehicleElement) local _, _, vehicleRotation = getElementRotation(vehicleElement) vehicleRotation = math.rad(vehicleRotation) local rotatedX = math.cos(vehicleRotation) * 1.05 local rotatedY = math.sin(vehicleRotation) * 1.05 local hit, hitPosX, hitPosY, hitPosZ = processLineOfSight(vehiclePosX, vehiclePosY, vehiclePosZ + 1, vehiclePosX, vehiclePosY, vehiclePosZ - 1, true, false, false, false, false) hitPosZ = hitPosZ + 0.02 dxDrawMaterialLine3D(hitPosX + rotatedX, hitPosY + rotatedY, hitPosZ, hitPosX - rotatedX, hitPosY - rotatedY, hitPosZ, data.renderTarget, 2, tocolor(lightColor[1],lightColor[2],lightColor[3],lightColor[4]), hitPosX, hitPosY, hitPosZ + 1) Play with the values
  11. local isNumKey = tonumber(button) if press and (isNumKey and isNumKey >= 0 and isNumKey <= 9) then --trigger or something end
  12. E: local groups = { fondatori = { name = "Fondator|Dev |", ids = {1, 3, 54, 85}, RGB = {0, 153, 255} }, fondatori2 = { name = "Fondator|Hosting", ids = {2}, RGB = {0, 153, 255} } } function isPlayerIDInGroup( id, IDsTable ) for i=1, #IDsTable do if IDsTable[i] == tonumber(id) then return true end end return false end local groupFound = false for _,group in pairs(groups) do if isPlayerIDInGroup( playerID, group.ids ) then groupFound = group break end end if groupFound then local r,g,b = unpack(groupFound.RGB) outputChatBox(groupFound.name.." ..:D%G:.. says: Hello World", r, g, b ) else outputChatBox("Civilian | ..:D%G:.. says: Hello World", 255, 255, 0 ) end
  13. In the server side code, change the source argument to another. (The source of this event is the colshape that got hit by a player or vehicle.)
  14. Not good format. The correct format is: <export function="addLog" type="server" /> <export function="saveLog" type="server" /> <export function="createLog" type="server" />
  15. Change this: dxDrawText(selectedItem > 0 and contentList[1][selectedItem] or "Select a skin", boxX+20, boxY, boxX+20, boxY+boxH, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, "default-bold", "left", "center") To: dxDrawText(selectedItem > 0 and contentList[selectedItem][1] or "Select a skin", boxX+20, boxY, boxX+20, boxY+boxH, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, "default-bold", "left", "center")
  16. "Website dont work anymore" - Use the webarchive. (fast link to crystal website: https://web.archive.org/web/20161127055038/http://crystalmv.net84.net:80/)
  17. With a little transformation, but work. Thanks
  18. It is a GPS Navig system, using nodes. Now. There is a start and an endpoint of these. At every endpoint a new node starts. This is everything i know, i want to know if the endpoint is to the left or the right from the start point. If you don't understand I can visualize it. for i, node in ipairs(gpsRoute) do local nextNode = gpsRoute[i + 1] local previousNode = gpsRoute[i - 1] if i > 1 and i < #gpsRoute then for k, v in pairs(node.neighbours) do if previousNode and nextNode and k ~= previousNode.id and k ~= nextNode.id then local nodeAngle = getAngle(node.x - previousNode.x, node.y - previousNode.y, nextNode.x - node.x, nextNode.y - node.y) if math.deg(nodeAngle) > 10 then print("right") break end if math.deg(nodeAngle) < -10 then print("left") end break end end end end
  19. I have 4 positions. One X-Y pair for the start, one XY pair for the end of the line. I want to get the angle between the starting point and the endpoint of these. But. I need it to be negative if left and positive if right.
  20. Please show me an example code, i shown you mine, just use it and please do an example getAngle function)
  21. Example: local angle = math.deg(getAngle(currentNode.x - previousNode.x, currentNode.y - previousNode.y, nextNode.x - currentNode.x, nextNode.y - currentNode.y)) if angle > 10 then print("right") elseif angle < -10 then print("left") end
  22. wtf is rotationOffset ? i have the function, with X Y, X2, Y2 points on the map. I need the angle between them, but it can be negative or positive depending on left or right. n>10 -> right n<-10 -> left so it should work clockwise and counter-clockwise
  23. We have some pass marks, so i can not 360-value every single time
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