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About Kaos

  • Birthday 13/07/2000


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    Sky God's
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    Basketball Player at BCT

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  1. Eu nu l-am jignit...Eu chiar i-am dat si am vrut sa-i dau un panou login smecher de RPG... Da am inteles ca ai vrut sa ma ajuti,dar ti-am zis frumos ca pentru un server de RACE n-are merge un login panel de RPG,si pentru ca n-am vrut sa-l pun,ai inceput sa fi arogant,si am terminat cu aceasta discutie aici.
  2. Este ceva normal sa-ti dau block si remove pe skype...si nu,nu pentru ca mi-ai zis ca joc cu p90 pe csgo,damn,dar tu ai fost foarte arogant si deja ma enervai...Nu trebuie sa vorbim fix aici despre asta,oricum,stii si tu toata povestea.
  3. Salut , nu de mult m-am apucat să lucrez la un server a cărui gamemode este de RPG. Totul merge bine,din punctul de vedere al resurselor/scripturilor. Dar am câteva probleme,sperând ca mă ajutaţi voi. -Prima problemă: După cum vedeţi Conner e Civil,civilii sunt o echipă gratuită/fară lider.Al 2 lea lucru,eu sunt în echipa STAFF,prima oară am apelat la un alt owner de RPG,el mi-a creeat un cont care are acces la diferite echipe,dar nu la toate şi el, cand l-am intrebat cum a facut asta,nu mi-a mai răspuns.Acuma dacă ştie cineva cum aş putea da acces sau a seta un lider la un gang/squad/companie. -A doua problemă: După cum ştiţi,fiecare gang/squad/companie trebuie să aibă vehiculele lor. Această chestie este a 2 a prbolemă,deoarece degeaba pui vehicule pe hartă când oricine ar putea să intre în acestea şi să le pornească.Pe scurt comanda de a seta vehiculul pentru o anumită echipa este cea de a doua problemă Dacă stiţi şi alte comenzi de RPG care ne-ar putea ajuta,v-am fi recunoscători. Mulţumiri: -Kaos#sG^ -sG#Conner^
  4. Kaos

    Got some problems

    I search on all scriptes/resource's but couldn't find the addCommandHandler-s.lua. and i found command-s.lua. Here's the command-s.lua Here's the screenshot with the errors what appears when i typed debugscript 3.
  5. Kaos

    Got some problems

    Salut Stefan , name of the gamemode is WSS:RPG (why so serious),and i really dont know how to find what type of databases gm uses..
  6. Hello i've got a RPG gamemode , actually , a RPG server with all resources , it working great, but still got some problems , or i did not understand this gamemode , or i must make something. So here's the problem's : I do not know how to put player's on the official gang team's (example: Army/SWAT/Gouvern) , what should i do , is a command/script who don't work, where should i check. And the second problem is with official gang team's vehicle's i do not know the command to set them / spawn them, or is a problem with the script? Please help me,i've searching for a answer like 2 day's ago,and i can not solve it.I would like to hear all the advice/answer's,thank you
  7. It was usefull , thank you for all
  8. Hello Guys i´ve got some questions about how to create a gamemode, i just dunno how can í create 3 spawns like on a play server but without freeroam resource and different locations. Can you help me with examples?
  9. Hi guys , i know it's a stupid topic name but i got a question What is MySQL , what can he do and what can i do with MySQL?
  10. And how should i delete or get rid of that health bar who pop up on the screen?
  11. Hello,i'm close enough to finish my DM Race server,but i got a problem with my gamemode,so,the gm got a healthbar in right corner down,and there i got a speedometer,and the radar got a healthbar around him too,so i do not really need that healthbar,and i decided to get rid of it,and i opened the meta.xml file delete it from there and from the img folder where the image was,and i start my server,and gamemode does not start,and i was wtf i did wrong? Can you help me? Here is the image with Healthbar(i guess you need to open image in new tab to view it full) Here is with meta.xml(this is what i delete from meta.xml)
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