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Posts posted by Andres99907

  1. 19 minutes ago, The_GTA said:

    Hello Andres99907! Nice to meet you. I am an experienced developer and want to help you become a better Lua scripter. For this purpose I want to give you advice on how to incrementally improve your work.

    Did you know about local variables in connection with Lua closures? You can do amazing things with this mechanism like this.

    local global_index = 0
    index = 0
    function CreateClosure()
        local index = global_index + 1		-- uses the "global_index" local variable in the up-most script closure
        local function callback()
            return index    -- uses the index variable of line 6
        global_index = index
        return callback
    index = 42	-- modifies the global variable "index" which is not a local variable
    assert( CreateClosure()() == 1 )
    assert( CreateClosure()() == 2 )
    assert( index == 42 )	-- not changed by CreateClosure function

    Lua closures are created each time your script puts a function into a variable/table key. When you call a closure then the function is executed which then does access so called "upvalues", the local variables of closures that enclose this closure.

    Using this technique we can improve your script by remembering the variables you create during your FlarePhys function call, like this:

    Flares = {}
    Chaffs = {}
    function FlarePhys(x, y, z, distance, gz)
        local player = client 
        local index = #Flares + 1 
        Flares[index] = {
            ["Vehicles"] = {
            ["Lights"] = {
                createMarker(x,y,z,"corona", 1, 255,0,0)
            ["Flares"] = {
                createObject(2060, x,y,z)
        setElementData(Flares[index]["Vehicles"][1], "Dismissile", true)
        setElementCollisionsEnabled(Flares[index]["Flares"][1], false)
        attachElements(Flares[index]["Lights"][1], Flares[index]["Flares"][1])
        moveObject(Flares[index]["Flares"][1], distance*100, x, y, gz +1.5)
        setTimer ( function()
            if isElement(Flares[index]["Vehicles"][1]) then
                removeElementData(Flares[index]["Vehicles"][1], "Dismissile")
        end, 1000, 1 )
        setTimer ( function()
        end, 8000, 1 )
    addEvent("UseFlares", true)
    addEventHandler("UseFlares", getRootElement(), FlarePhys)

    This script should work better for you because now the "creator" does not suddenly change anymore.

    it worked :D ,  i didn't know the use of local for declaring variables because i alwais did my scripts clientsided, i appreciate it bro, thank you :0

    • Like 1
  2. I am making a script to use flares on aircraft, :) the script works fine until two players use a flare at the same time, the declared variables change and one of the flares is not destroyed.

    Here is a video of my script:

    I was checking the creator of the flare with an outpuchatbox at the end of the script, and I saw that the creator changed, which means that the variable was declared again.

    Flares = {}
    Chaffs = {}
    function FlarePhys(x, y, z, distance, gz)
    player = client 
    index = #Flares + 1  
                    Flares[index] = {
    				["Vehicles"] = {
    				["Lights"] = {
    				createMarker(x,y,z,"corona", 1, 255,0,0)
    		        ["Flares"] = {
    			    createObject(2060, x,y,z)
    setElementData(Flares[index]["Vehicles"][1], "Dismissile", true)
    setElementCollisionsEnabled(Flares[index]["Flares"][1], false)
    attachElements(Flares[index]["Lights"][1], Flares[index]["Flares"][1])
    moveObject(Flares[index]["Flares"][1], distance*100, x, y, gz +1.5)
    setTimer ( function()
    if isElement(Flares[index]["Vehicles"][1]) then
    removeElementData(Flares[index]["Vehicles"][1], "Dismissile")
    end, 1000, 1 )
    setTimer ( function()
    end, 8000, 1 )
    addEvent("UseFlares", true)
    addEventHandler("UseFlares", getRootElement(), FlarePhys)

    I need help because i don't know how to make the function work for every player and not for the player that uses the Flare :( i will appreciate the help, I think i can do this script clientside triggering it for all players but if i do this serverside i will be happy haha.

  3. 9 hours ago, Zango said:

    That's interesting. I would have guessed it was caused by MTA.

    There's a bug report about this issue here: https://github.com/multitheftauto/mtasa-blue/issues/1326

    It's an old bug and even though it's only visual it's really annoying and happens on a lot of servers (also without peds)

    If anyone has information about it feel free to add!

    I will try to fix it using SetCameraMatrix and check if still happen.

    I think it will not work but i will keep trying.

  4. On 19/12/2020 at 04:04, Addlibs said:

    The reason is that your script only has storage for one flames element, while there can be multiple people. What you need to do is use tables, with the vehicle element as the key, and its flames element as the value. That way, you index the table to get the element, check if it exists, delete it if so, create new one if necessary, etc.

    Here, I've fixed one of the functions for you as an example, and you should be able to

    -- beginning of serverside code
    firethrusters = {
      --structure: [vehicle] = {[1] = firethrustl, [2] = firethrustr}
    -- ... the rest of the code here ...
    function ThrustersOff(veh, x, y, z) -- you forgot to collect the parameters the event was sending over
      --if thePlayer ~= localPlayer then return end -- no idea what this line does. localPlayer isn't defined on the server, neither is thePlayer in this function
      if not firethrusters[veh] then return end -- if there is no firethruster for this vehicle, abort here
      firethrusters[veh] = nil -- presence of this data determines whether an attempt will be made to delete, remove this data to prevent potential 'nil passed instead of element to destroyElement' error
    addEvent("thrustersoff", true)
    addEventHandler("thrustersoff", getRootElement(), ThrustersOff)

    You'll need to do the same for the light. You'll also want to handle the event onElementDestroy to catch the vehicle disappearing for whatever reason, and make sure these thruster elements and stuff are also deleted, otherwise they'll remain in the place where the vehicle last was, forever.

    That was a lot of work because i don't know much about tables, but i made the table and i made my script work :) thank you

  5. Im working on a script wich create flames on the Thrusters of a vehicle (Mammoth Thruster of GTA Online), works well if you are the only that has a Thruster, but if someone also has a Thruster and gets out the vehicle, your Thruster will keep the attached elements and will not destroy the flames if you get out of the vehicle:

    Here is a video of what is happening:


    and serverside and clientside scripts that are involved :(

    Serverside:             (Functions for creating the flames)

    function LightOn(vehicle, x, y, z)
    if thePlayer ~= localPlayer then return end
    light = createMarker ( x , y , z, "corona", 0.5, 255, 160, 0, 170 )
    attachElements(light, vehicle, 0, -0.3, -0.8)
    addEvent("lighton", true)
    addEventHandler("lighton", getRootElement(), LightOn)
    function LightOff()
    if thePlayer ~= localPlayer then return end
    if light then
    addEvent("lightoff", true)
    addEventHandler("lightoff", getRootElement(), LightOff)
    function ThrustersOn(vehicle, x, y, z)
    if thePlayer ~= localPlayer then return end
    superhitbox = createObject (3471, x , y , z)
    setElementAlpha(superhitbox, 0)
    firethrustl = createObject (2031, x , y , z)
    firethrustr = createObject (2031, x , y , z)
    attachElements(superhitbox, vehicle, 0, -10, -1)
    attachElements(firethrustl, vehicle, 0.47, -0.4, -0.2)
    attachElements(firethrustr, vehicle, -0.47, -0.4, -0.2)
    setElementCollisionsEnabled(firethrustl, false)
    setElementCollisionsEnabled(firethrustr, false)
    addEvent("thrusterson", true)
    addEventHandler("thrusterson", getRootElement(), ThrustersOn)
    function ThrustersOff()
    if thePlayer ~= localPlayer then return end
    if not firethrustl then return end
    addEvent("thrustersoff", true)
    addEventHandler("thrustersoff", getRootElement(), ThrustersOff)

    Clientside: (Functions that triggers serverside events when you are in the Thruster)

    Thruster = 465
    function SitOnThruster(thePlayer)
        if thePlayer ~= localPlayer then return end
    	local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
    		if ( vehicle and getElementModel (vehicle)  == Thruster ) then
    		bindKey("vehicle_fire", "down", shootProjectile)
    		triggerServerEvent ( "onthruster", resourceRoot)
    		local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle)
    		local h, m = getTime()
    		triggerServerEvent("thrusterson", getRootElement(), vehicle, x, y, z)
    		if h > 20 then
    		triggerServerEvent("lighton", getRootElement(), vehicle, x, y, z)
    		else return end
    addEventHandler ( "onClientVehicleEnter", root, SitOnThruster )
    function Notsit(thePlayer)
            if thePlayer ~= localPlayer then return end
            if Thruster then
    		triggerServerEvent("thrustersoff", getRootElement(), vehicle, x, y, z)
    		triggerServerEvent("lightoff", getRootElement(), vehicle, x, y, z)
    		else return end
    addEventHandler ( "onClientVehicleExit", root, Notsit )
    function killed()
            if Thruster then
    		if (isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) and Cars[getElementModel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer))]) then
    		if getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat ( localPlayer ) == 1 then return end
    		triggerServerEvent("thrustersoff", getRootElement(), vehicle, x, y, z)
    		triggerServerEvent("lightoff", getRootElement(), vehicle, x, y, z)
    		else return end
    addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerWasted", localPlayer, killed )
    function shootProjectile()
        if not disparado then
    	local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
    	if ( vehicle and getElementModel (vehicle)  == Thruster ) then
    	if isVehicleOnGround(vehicle) == false then
    		local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle)
    		projectile = createProjectile(vehicle, 15, x, y+4, z-10)
    	disparado = true
    	setTimer ( function()
    	disparado = false
    	end, 1500, 1 )	
        	local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle)
    		createProjectile(vehicle, 15, x, y, z-3)
    	disparado = true
    	setTimer ( function()
    	disparado = false
    	end, 1500, 1 )

    :( I'm very confused, i'm trying to make the script only create element for each player.

  6. I created this script: 


    this script makes the helicopter able to fire an invisible minigun, and the script does it very well.

    The problem...

    All it's clientside :(

    i don't know how to make the miniguns fire serverside

    Setweaponstate doesn't work serverside

    and the minigun cannot harm any player clientside :(  except LocalPlayer

  7. On 10/09/2020 at 17:37, IIYAMA said:


    That would be a little bit hard, since the effect is applied globally, so there will always be a little bit desync.




    But you can make sure the code doesn't do anything when other players are entering vehicles:


    addEventHandler("onClientVehicleEnter", getRootElement(),
    	if thePlayer ~= localPlayer then



    Note: Even if the "onClientVehicleEnter" event is clientside, it does still trigger for remote players.

    You helped me a loot bro : D thank you

    • Like 1
  8. function comprarbandito ( thePlayer, command)
         local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source )
         takePlayerMoney ( thePlayer, 500000 )
         setAccountData ( playeraccount, "rc.bandito", adquirido )
    addCommandHandler ( "comprarbandito", comprarbandito )
    function Banditoadquirido (_, playeraccount )
          if ( playeraccount ) then
                local ban = getAccountData ( playeraccount, "rc.bandito" )
                if ( ban ) then
                      Banditocomprado = true
    addEvent ( "banditobuyed", true )
    addEventHandler ( "banditobuyed", getRootElement(), Banditoadquirido )

    This function takes 500000 dollars to give a player permission to use a RC Bandito in a gui (Like in GTA Online)

    but, when i put the command "comprarbandito"  Bad argument @ getplayeraccount, got nil, i never used getplayeraccount or setplayeraccount, and i don't know if the other function (Banditoadquirido) will work :( 

  9. I'm using this script to make Thruster fly, only the Player who uses the Thruster will fly, but if other player enters to other Thruster, the script executes one more time the function and the Player in the First Thruster stop flying (because the function is executed again by the other player) I don't know how to make this script not affect the other players :(


    here is a video.




    and this the part of the script wich has the Problem:


    addEventHandler("onClientVehicleEnter", getRootElement(),
    	if (isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) and Cars[getElementModel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer))]) then
    		if isWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled("aircars") then
    			setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled ( "aircars", false )
    			setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled ( "hovercars", false )
    			setAircraftMaxVelocity( 2.3 )
    			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 11, true, true)
    			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 7, true, true)
    			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 8, true, true)
    			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 9, true, true)
    			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 10, true, true)
    			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 12, true, true)
    			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 13, true, true)	
    			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 14, true, true)
    			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 15, true, true)
    			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 16, true, true)			
    			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 40, true, true)
    			setSoundVolume(sound, 0.3)
    			if isFlying then
    				removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, checkFlight)
    			isFlying = false
    			setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled ( "aircars", true )
    			setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled ( "hovercars", true )
    			triggerServerEvent ( "onjetpack", resourceRoot)
    			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 11, false, true)
    			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 7, false, true)
    			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 8, false, true)
    			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 9, false, true)
    			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 10, false, true)
    			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 12, false, true)
    			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 13, false, true)	
    			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 14, false, true)
    			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 15, false, true)
    			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 16, false, true)	
    			setWorldSoundEnabled ( 40, false, true)
    			setAircraftMaxVelocity( 1)
    			setSoundVolume(sound, 0.9)
    			if not isFlying then
    				addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, checkFlight)
    			isFlying = true
    function checkFlight()
    	if (not isPedInVehicle(localPlayer)) or (not Cars[getElementModel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer))]) or isPlayerDead(localPlayer) then
    		setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled ( "aircars", false )
    		setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled ( "hovercars", false )
    		setAircraftMaxVelocity( 2.3 )
    		setWorldSoundEnabled ( 11, true, true)
    		setWorldSoundEnabled ( 7, true, true)
    		setWorldSoundEnabled ( 8, true, true)
    		setWorldSoundEnabled ( 9, true, true)
    		setWorldSoundEnabled ( 10, true, true)
    		setWorldSoundEnabled ( 12, true, true)
    		setWorldSoundEnabled ( 13, true, true)	
    		setWorldSoundEnabled ( 14, true, true)
    		setWorldSoundEnabled ( 15, true, true)
    		setWorldSoundEnabled ( 16, true, true)	
    		setWorldSoundEnabled ( 40, true, true)
    		setAircraftMaxVelocity( 2.3 )
    		setSoundVolume(sound, 0.3)
    		if isFlying then
    			removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, checkFlight)
    		isFlying = false
    local ms = 1000



  10. 1 hour ago, IIYAMA said:

    This code is executed every frame. I can see that you add some validation checks.


    But check the execution rate of the following code, if it is too high it will be a much bigger than not playing sounds:


    As for the not playing sound, you forgot to index the table:

    themes[math.random(#themes )]


    :3  Thk you bro, it worked

    • Like 1
  11. local themes =  
    local sound = {}
    function Ruiner2000theme() 
        local allVehicles = getElementsByType("vehicle") 
        for index, veh in ipairs (allVehicles) do 
            local model = getElementModel(veh) 
            if model == 494 then 
                if getVehicleEngineState(veh) then 
                    if isElement(sound[veh]) then 
                        triggerServerEvent ( "fullyloaded", resourceRoot)
                        local x, y, z = getElementPosition(veh)
                        sound[veh] = playSound3D( math.random( 1,#themes ), x, y, z, true)
                        attachElements(sound[veh], veh)
    					setSoundMaxDistance(sound[veh], 1000)
                    if isElement(sound[veh]) then
    addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, Ruiner2000theme) 

    I have tried to make a script that when I get on the Ruiner 2000 it plays songs randomly, it works if I put the song as "RADAR.mp3", but it doesn't work if I put the mathrandom table, I have added the songs correctly in the meta and I don't know why it does not work :( 

  12. I'm very noob at scripting :' (, but i did this: (It's a script for the Imponte Deluxo of GTA Online)



    function deluxe ( player )
    	local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player)
    	if isElement(vehicle) then
    		if getVehicleDoorOpenRatio(vehicle,5) > 0 then
    addEvent( "deluxo", true )
    addEventHandler( "deluxo", resourceRoot, deluxe)

    This function puts the Deluxo on flying mode, works fine if i use addCommandHandler instead addEventHandler...


    triggerServerEvent ( "deluxo", resourceRoot)

    this is the triggerServerEvent that is activated by BindKey (Shift)

    but i got at line2 on serverside:

    Bad Argument @ ´getPedoccupiedvehicle´ [Expected Ped at Argument 1, got nil]

    I need help :( 

  13. last week I had a login panel that worked with HTML, the panel had a background video and music, but now it appears on white background and without sound, I tried to put another HTML panel and the same thing happens, both use videos in webm format and sound in ogg format, I do not know exactly what happens D : 

  14. This is the script:

    function check ( player, seat, jacked )
    if getElementData(source, "privado") then
    if getElementData(source, "dueño") == getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) then
    outputChatBox("Este vehículo no es tuyo.", player)
    addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), check )
    function adueñar(playerSource, player, cmd, who)
    local who = getPlayerName(playerSource), playerSource(who)
    local co = getPedOccupiedVehicle(who)
    setElementData(co, "privado", true)
    setElementData(co, "dueño", getPlayerName(who))
    outputChatBox("Este auto ahora es de:"..getPlayerName(who), player)
    addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), adueñar )


    the script makes that when a player gets into a car it is saved in his account so no other can use it, the script needs to get the player's name, but I think that in a server-type script it is impossible :(, I have tried everything and nothing has worked...

    Help :C 

    the script works when you change "addEventHandler" to "addCommandHandler" but, i want everything to be automatic. 

  15. function check ( player, seat, jacked )
    if getElementData(source, "policeman") then
    if getElementData(source, "owner") == getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) then
    outputChatBox("You need to be a Policeman", player)
    addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), check )

    function setcop(player, cmd, who)
    local who = getPlayerName(playersource), setcop(who)
    local co = getPedOccupiedVehicle(who)
    setElementData(co, "policeman", true)
    setElementData(co, "owner", getPlayerName(who))
    outputChatBox("The Policeman:"..getPlayerName(who), player)

    addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), setcop )

    i made a few changes

  16. I'm trying to make a resource that obtain the name of a player like this line:

    local who = getPlayerName(playerSource), playerSource(who)

    but :( i got this

    GetPlayerName  [expected element at argument 1, got nil]

    lua:13: attempt to call global 'playerSource' (a nil value)


    I need help :'c


    the script is of the type server

  17. For a long time he tried to make the players of my server have their own cars and another player can not remove them but I do not know how to do it, I made a resource that affects the doors, but it was not useful and failed in a certain thing,: c Help


  18. EspañolInglésItaliano---------------Detectar idiomaAfrikáansAlbanésAlemánAmáricoÁrabeArmenioAzerbaiyanoBengalíBielorrusoBirmanoBosnioBúlgaroCanarésCatalánCebuanoChecoChino (Simplificado)Chino (Tradicional)CingalésCoreanoCorsoCriollo haitianoCroataDanésEslovacoEslovenoEspañolEsperantoEstonioEuskeraFinésFrancésFrisón occidentalGaélico escocésGalésGallegoGeorgianoGriegoGuyaratíHausaHawaianoHebreoHindiHmongHúngaroIgboIndonesioInglésIrlandésIslandésItalianoJaponésJavanésJemerKazajoKirguísKurdoLaoLatínLetónLituanoLuxemburguésMacedonioMalayalamMalayoMalgacheMaltésMaoríMaratíMongolNeerlandésNepalíNoruegoNyanjaPanyabíPastúnPersaPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSamoanoSerbioShonaSindhiSomalíSotho meridionalSuajiliSuecoSundanésTagaloTailandésTamilTayikoTeluguTurcoUcranianoUrduUzbekoVietnamitaXhosaYidisYorubaZulúEspañol
    Thank you! , I really appreciate it C:
  19. I have this:


    function Salir()
        if isElement(tableVehicles[source]) then




    This function destroys the vehicle when the player leaves, I want this to happen after a second and not immediately, i need to use "Set timer", but I do not know how to use it, I tried different ways but none of them :(

  20. this is the script to lock the doors

    function lockdoors ( theVehicle, seat )
        if ( getElementModel ( theVehicle ) == 601 ) then
             if isVehicleLocked ( playervehicle ) then      
             setVehicleLocked ( v, true )
             setVehicleLocked ( v, false )
    addEventHandler ( "onPlayerVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), lockdoors )

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