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Everything posted by BucketBull

  1. Hey guys, Im trying to make a skinshop and i cant solve a problem. Everything works perfectly but the objects arent moving when i change the charpos variable. Here is the code: function charsSpawn() if charpos == 0 then exports.box:addNotification("0") if getElementData(localPlayer,"skin2") then if isElement(skin2Ped) then destroyElement(skin2Ped) end skin2Ped = createPed(300,-2236.3999023438,-1719.6999511719,480.89999389648,96,0,0) setElementDimension(skin2Ped, getElementDimension(localPlayer)) end if getElementData(localPlayer,"skin3") then if isElement(skin3Ped) then destroyElement(skin3Ped) end skin3Ped = createPed(301,-2238.6000976563,-1718.0999755859,481,105,0,0) setElementDimension(skin3Ped, getElementDimension(localPlayer)) end if getElementData(localPlayer,"skin1") then if isElement(skin1Ped) then destroyElement(skin1Ped) end skin1Ped = createPed(302,-2236.1000976563,-1721.4000244141,480.89999389648,98,0,0) setElementDimension(skin1Ped, getElementDimension(localPlayer)) end if getElementData(localPlayer,"skin4") then if isElement(skin4Ped) then destroyElement(skin4Ped) end skin4Ped = createPed(303,-2235.8000488281,-1723.0999755859,480.89999389648,96,0,0) setElementDimension(skin4Ped, getElementDimension(localPlayer)) end if getElementData(localPlayer,"skin5") then if isElement(skin5Ped) then destroyElement(skin5Ped) end skin5Ped = createPed(304,-2235.5,-1724.8000488281,480.89999389648,98,0,0) setElementDimension(skin5Ped, getElementDimension(localPlayer)) end if getElementData(localPlayer,"skin6") then if isElement(skin6Ped) then destroyElement(skin6Ped) end skin6Ped = createPed(305,-2235.3999023438,-1726.5999755859,480.89999389648,100,0,0) setElementDimension(skin6Ped, getElementDimension(localPlayer)) end elseif charpos == 1 then exports.box:addNotification(charpos) moveObject(skin1Ped, 1500, -2237.3999023438, -1715.9000244141, 480.89999389648, 108, 0, 0) moveObject(skin2Ped, 1500, -2236.1000976563,-1721.4000244141,480.89999389648,98,0,0) moveObject(skin3Ped, 1500, -2236.3999023438,-1719.6999511719,480.89999389648,96,0,0) moveObject(skin4Ped, 1500, -2238.6000976563,-1718.0999755859,481,105,0,0) moveObject(skin5Ped, 1500, -2235.8000488281,-1723.0999755859,480.89999389648,96,0,0) moveObject(skin6Ped, 1500, -2235.5,-1724.8000488281,480.89999389648,98,0,0) elseif charpos == 2 then exports.box:addNotification("2") moveObject(skin1Ped, 1500, -2237.1000976563, -1713, 480.89999389648, 100, 0, 0) moveObject(skin2Ped, 1500, -2237.3999023438, -1715.9000244141, 480.89999389648, 108, 0, 0) moveObject(skin3Ped, 1500, -2236.1000976563,-1721.4000244141,480.89999389648,98,0,0) moveObject(skin4Ped, 1500, -2236.3999023438,-1719.6999511719,480.89999389648,96,0,0) moveObject(skin5Ped, 1500, -2238.6000976563,-1718.0999755859,481,105,0,0) moveObject(skin6Ped, 1500, -2235.8000488281,-1723.0999755859,480.89999389648,96,0,0) elseif charpos == 3 then exports.box:addNotification("3") moveObject(skin1Ped, 1500, -2237.3000488281, -1710.9000244141, 480.89999389648, 102, 0, 0) moveObject(skin2Ped, 1500, -2237.1000976563, -1713, 480.89999389648, 100, 0, 0) moveObject(skin3Ped, 1500, -2237.3999023438, -1715.9000244141, 480.89999389648, 108, 0, 0) moveObject(skin4Ped, 1500, -2236.1000976563,-1721.4000244141,480.89999389648,98,0,0) moveObject(skin5Ped, 1500, -2236.3999023438,-1719.6999511719,480.89999389648,96,0,0) moveObject(skin6Ped, 1500, -2238.6000976563,-1718.0999755859,481,105,0,0) elseif charpos == 4 then exports.box:addNotification("4") moveObject(skin1Ped, 1500, -2238.6000976563,-1711.0999755859,480.89999389648,96,0,0) moveObject(skin2Ped, 1500, -2237.3000488281, -1710.9000244141, 480.89999389648, 102, 0, 0) moveObject(skin3Ped, 1500, -2237.1000976563, -1713, 480.89999389648, 100, 0, 0) moveObject(skin4Ped, 1500, -2237.3999023438, -1715.9000244141, 480.89999389648, 108, 0, 0) moveObject(skin5Ped, 1500, -2236.1000976563,-1721.4000244141,480.89999389648,98,0,0) moveObject(skin6Ped, 1500, -2236.3999023438,-1719.6999511719,480.89999389648,96,0,0) elseif charpos == 5 then exports.box:addNotification("5") moveObject(skin1Ped, 1500, -2239.6999511719,-1711.0999755859,480.89999389648,98,0,0) moveObject(skin2Ped, 1500, -2238.6000976563,-1711.0999755859,480.89999389648,96,0,0) moveObject(skin3Ped, 1500, -2237.3000488281, -1710.9000244141, 480.89999389648, 102, 0, 0) moveObject(skin4Ped, 1500, -2237.1000976563, -1713, 480.89999389648, 100, 0, 0) moveObject(skin5Ped, 1500, -2237.3999023438, -1715.9000244141, 480.89999389648, 108, 0, 0) moveObject(skin6Ped, 1500, -2236.1000976563,-1721.4000244141,480.89999389648,98,0,0) end end bindKey("arrow_l", "down", function () charpos = charpos - 1 charsSpawn() end) bindKey("arrow_r", "down", function () charpos = charpos + 1 charsSpawn() end)
  2. Hey guys, How can i remove Las Venturas with only script?
  3. Hey guys. Im a developer of a roleplay server and some players can duplicate items by lagging their internet. How can i fix this problem? Maybe i should use: getNetworkStats but i dont know which value goes up when they have lag. Thx for help!
  4. I have the varriables(name, open_hour, open_minute, close_hour, close_minute) on server side but i cant use dxdraw3dtext on server side. How should i trigger it?
  5. Hey guys. Im making a second hand carshop. I need your help! My varriables are in server side. How shall i trigger it? This is my client side function: function dxDraw3D() dxDraw3DText( name.."\n Nyitvatartás: "..open_hour..":"..open_minute.." - "..close_hour..":"..close_minute, 1951.80859375, -1875.513671875, 13.646875 ) end addEvent ( "dxDraw3D ", true ) addEventHandler ( "dxDraw3D ", getRootElement(), dxDraw3D )
  6. Thx guys but i solved the problem
  7. BucketBull


    hey guys! I want to make a carshop but i have to trigger a server side marker to client side. The problem is the marker is a part of a function. How shall i trigger the marker?
  8. Now it is working. Thanks for the help!
  9. Hey guys. It says attempt to cal global "dxDraw3DText"(a nil value). Do you have any opinion why isnt it working? function kocsitext() local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) local jarmuid = getElementModel(veh) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(veh) local text = dxDraw3DText("Tipus: #800000",x,y,z,2,"arial",255,255,255,4) end
  10. thx now it is working but now when someone reconnect he can use it again and it is working again.
  11. Here is the script: local con = exports.mta_connection:getConnection() local got = false function ppadd(player, pp) if got == false then local pp = tonumber(pp) local oldPP = getElementData(player, "char:pp") local sql = dbExec(con, "UPDATE characters SET premiumpont='".. oldPP .. "' WHERE id='" .. getElementData(player, "char:id") .. "'") if (sql) then setElementData(player, "char:pp", oldPP + 1) outputChatBox( " ...",player,255,255,255,true) got = true end else outputChatBox( " ..",player,255,255,255,true) end end addCommandHandler("watchpp", ppadd) Now we can use it only once. It should be used by every player only once on their own account not everbody only once.
  12. hey guys. How can i change a changer for only one player in server side? thx, for help!
  13. Hey guys! How can i make animation in client side?
  14. How can i remove this:
  15. BucketBull

    3d radar

    Hi guys. How can i rotate an image and make it 3d? Like this:
  16. Hey guys. How can i take an image into the air? Like this:
  17. Hi. How can i remove this hp bar?
  18. Hello guys! My question is the following: How can I make a car, to move forward from a checkpoint without pressing W?
  19. hey guys, I have a problem. I dont know how can i put a pic into a checkpoint. Like this: Do you know any solution?
  20. ok, but does it work in every resolutin?
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