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About TexPlayJR

  • Birthday 06/05/1999


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  • Location
    Dominican Republic
  • Occupation
    Designer, YouTuber, Developer
  • Interests
    Modos de juegos RPG

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  1. TexPlayJR

    DDoS Protection?

    It does not matter, now I have a server in Microsoft Azure, I doubt that someone can throw my services, likewise, the mta server for which I required the services has just closed, so it does not matter.
  2. TexPlayJR

    DDoS Protection?

    Hello my dear castaways, I'm tired of getting DDoS attacks, I guess a lot of them here too. I have been attacked for 7 days in a row, my poor server can no longer survive, for security and privacy reasons I will not mention the name of my server. Does anyone here have any tips to protect the server be it Linux or Windows from DDoS attacks?
  3. Supongo que querrás hacer lo mismo que con ProSystemHZ, Crear un debate para que te presten un vps y probarlo. Enserio ese tipo hizo un Debate madre mia para que le presten un VPS no tiene verguenza jajja el no sabe que lo mas barato es lo mas problemático?
  4. TexPlayJR


    Perdon soy nuevo en la comunidad
  5. TexPlayJR


    Hola tengo un Error con un House Rob tiene problemas aca dejo el Script y el Error: ERROR: [wss]\[ready]\WSShouserob\server.lua:98: attempt to compare nil with number. local houseRobs = { {1496.5999755859, -693.5, 93.199996948242}, {668.70001220703, -1275.5, 12.300000190735}, {1080.9000244141, -1702.6999511719, 12}, {370.70001220703, -2050.1999511719, 6}, {154.30000305176, -1940.9000244141, 2.4000000953674}, {229.19999694824, -1770.3000488281, 2.5999999046326}, {1310.4000244141, -1373.4000244141, 12.39999961853}, {1419.0999755859, -1488.9000244141, 18.89999961853}, {1776.9000244141, -1369.8000488281, 14.39999961853}, {1108.8000488281, -742.70001220703, 98.800003051758}, {1009.9000244141, -660.79998779297, 119.80000305176}, {-1831.5999755859, 111.80000305176, 13.800000190735}, {-2673, -282.5, 5.9000000953674}, {-2648.6999511719, -27.60000038147, 5.1999998092651}, {-2739.3000488281, 107.19999694824, 3.7999999523163}, {-2723.1999511719, 869.5, 68.900001525879}, {-2437.3999023438, 1033.9000244141, 49}, {-2512.1000976563, 1205.4000244141, 35.400001525879}, {-2462, 786.59997558594, 32.700000762939}, {-1982.1999511719, 953.09997558594, 44.200000762939}, {-1954.9000244141, 1340.8000488281, 4.9000000953674}, {-1815.3000488281, 1153.5, 43}, {-1371.0999755859, 1490, 11}, {-1741.3000488281, 1425.3000488281, 5.1999998092651}, {-1820.0999755859, -175.89999389648, 7.4000000953674}, {-1415.6999511719, -298.70001220703, 11.5}, {-2521.6000976563, -620.40002441406, 131.10000610352}, {-1497.0999755859, 920.70001220703, 5.5999999046326}, {1046.9000244141, 1015.4000244141, 9.5}, {1095.5999755859, 1601.6999511719, 10.300000190735}, {1080, 1914.8000488281, 8.5}, {970.90002441406, 2161, 8.8000001907349}, {1066.3000488281, 2386.8999023438, 8.6000003814697}, {1479.8000488281, 2249.1999511719, 9.8000001907349}, {1445, 2360, 8.8999996185303}, {1555.9000244141, 2603, 8.8999996185303}, {1432.5, 2816.1999511719, 9.1000003814697}, {2631.8000488281, 2348.1999511719, 8.1000003814697}, {2798.6999511719, 2427, 8.6000003814697}, {2485.3999023438, 1528.9000244141, 8.6999998092651}, {2418.3999023438, 1123.5999755859, 9.3000001907349}, {2027, 1007.9000244141, 8.8000001907349}, {2017.4000244141, 1102.5999755859, 8.6000003814697}, {1686.6999511719, 1447.6999511719, 9.3000001907349}, {2301, -43.299999237061, 24.299999237061}, {2514.8999023438, 71.400001525879, 25.60000038147}, {1363.5999755859, 207.30000305176, 17.299999237061}, {1371.4000244141, 295.60000610352, 16.60000038147}, {1327.0999755859, 291.10000610352, 16}, {1325, 349.20001220703, 18}, {1251.5999755859, 348.70001220703, 16.60000038147}, {1234.9000244141, 235.80000305176, 17.89999961853}, {1369, 406.39999389648, 17.299999237061}, {277.5, -180.19999694824, -1.3999999761581}, {-534.59997558594, -502.39999389648, 22.5}, {-593.29998779297, -1055.1999511719, 20.200000762939}, {-18.89999961853, -2500.6000976563, 34.200000762939}, {-2105.6000976563, -2482.6999511719, 29.10000038147}, {-2164, -2421.1999511719, 28.10000038147}, {-2287, 2285.1999511719, 2.0999999046326}, {-2488.3000488281, 2361.6999511719, 7.5}, {-2456.5, 2249.8000488281, 2.4000000953674}, {-1936.5, 2382.1000976563, 46.200000762939}, {-248.19999694824, 2596, 61.200000762939}, {-143.39999389648, 1219.0999755859, 17.10000038147}, {-202.39999389648, 1119, 17.5}, {-139.69999694824, 1117.4000244141, 17.5}, {-18.39999961853, 1185.0999755859, 15.60000038147}, {578, 1222.4000244141, 10.10000038147} } local currentHouseRobBlip = false local currentHouseRobMarker = false local currentHouseRobTimer = false local teams = {[getTeamFromName("Criminales")] = true, [getTeamFromName("Gangs Oficiales")] = true} addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() setTimer(startHouseRob, 10000, 1) end) function startHouseRob() local houseRobIndex = math.random(#houseRobs) currentHouseRobMarker = createMarker(houseRobs[houseRobIndex][1], houseRobs[houseRobIndex][2], houseRobs[houseRobIndex][3], "cylinder", 12, 204, 0, 0, 50) currentHouseRobBlip = createBlipAttachedTo(currentHouseRobMarker, 32) currentHouseRobTimer = setTimer(checkHouseRob, 5000, 0) for i,v in ipairs(getPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Criminales"))) do exports.WSScommands:sendMessage("Hay un HR en " .. getElementZoneName(currentHouseRobMarker) .. ", " .. getElementZoneName(currentHouseRobMarker, true) .. "!", 255, 255, 0, v) end for i,v in ipairs(getPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Gangs"))) do exports.WSScommands:sendMessage("Hay un HR en " .. getElementZoneName(currentHouseRobMarker) .. ", " .. getElementZoneName(currentHouseRobMarker, true) .. "!", 255, 255, 0, v) end exports.WSSpolice:alertPolice("Hay un HR en " .. getElementZoneName(currentHouseRobMarker) .. ", " .. getElementZoneName(currentHouseRobMarker, true) .. "!") setElementData(currentHouseRobMarker, "percentage", 0) end function checkHouseRob() local percentage = tonumber(getElementData(currentHouseRobMarker, "percentage")) if percentage < 100 then for i,v in ipairs(getElementsWithinColShape(getElementColShape(currentHouseRobMarker), "player")) do if teams[getPlayerTeam(v)] and (not isPedInVehicle(v)) and (not isPedDead(v)) then exports.WSSpolice:modifyWantedLevel(v, 1) percentage = percentage + 0.25 end end if percentage < 100 then setElementData(currentHouseRobMarker, "percentage", percentage) else setElementData(currentHouseRobMarker, "percentage", 100) finishHouseRob() end else finishHouseRob() end end function finishHouseRob() for i,v in ipairs(getElementsWithinColShape(getElementColShape(currentHouseRobMarker), "player")) do if teams[getPlayerTeam(v)] then exports.WSScommands:giveMoney(v, 30000) exports.WSScommands:sendMessage("Felicidades, han complentado el HR!", 255, 255, 0, v) end end destroyElement(currentHouseRobMarker) destroyElement(currentHouseRobBlip) killTimer(currentHouseRobTimer) currentHouseRobBlip = false currentHouseRobMarker = false currentHouseRobTimer = false setTimer(startHouseRob, 300000, 1) end
  6. TexPlayJR


    Hola, tengo un servidor con 100 slots, Anti-DDoS, Host en Francia, lo que necesito es un Scripter para mi servidor de MTA, es pagado no hecho en un modem jajaj, vale un scripter que quiera ser el scripter de mi servidor necesito un RPG
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