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  1. Because the client timer goes wrong (reaches 200 seconds in 215 for example) I need a timer too in server to check it it is correct... So I wanted to fix that clientside?
  2. Hello, so I am working on a script and I'm facing this problem. - I use a timer in client-side supposed to end in 200 seconds, and it really ends in more than 200 seconds, actually! I guess it's because of client-side PC? How can I sync this with a: -Serverside timer I also use, for the same time? I thought about using setElementData and then getting the time on the client-side or something like that, but not very efficient...
  3. Hey, so look at this: table = { } table[something] = "storing data" How can I do this within the table? I'm terrible with tables. Would it be something like this? table = { something = "storing data", }
  4. Thanks, but is getElementsWithinColShape working for you? Really, I know you might think this is too weird, but the script detects the good ammount of vehicles if I got visual contact with the colShape... it's unbeliable..
  5. outputChatBox(tostring(#getElementsWithinColShape(col,"vehicle")),root) The colshapes exists. It is serverside. It will always return 0, even though there are vehicles in colshape. Wanna hear the funniest part? When I walk ingame near the colshape it gets normal and outputs the EXact ammount. And I dont even enter colshape just Visual Contact! And also I am a player nott a vehicle Is this a bug or what????? What can I use instead this bugged function
  6. if not isChatBoxInputActive then --...
  7. He'll surely use the playername for something, so no point of deadlining it in the 1st function... I guess he'll want to make a debug output or something,idk. Basically the code from the poster is good, it hasn't got any error. I think it returns nil because you didn't try it after logging in... But your code is good.
  8. I want to create a Gridlist and show the values from Higher to Lower, and block the sorting thing. Now, how can I turn that by default?
  9. and then how to order the values from getAccountData(v) from higher to lower...
  10. Ok, so online time is stored like this: local user_time = getAccountData(account, "on_time") Now if I want to make a GUI with the most 3 online users in the server, how can I do that?
  11. Hello, I want to shorten a string like, if one string (nickname from player) is too long, shorten it. Like this: -> original string: Nickname -> remove it untill it is only 4 length. -> returns Nick
  12. I think I gotta use a loop with all players and make an IF check? Like Teamsay.
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