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Everything posted by XJMLN

  1. Hi, is there any way to get (minimap) positons (gui)? I wanna create a images around the radar but on all resoultions radar is in another positions. Any solutions/functions?
  2. you can use ipairs/pairs loop: for i,v in pairs(table) do if place == v then -- some code end end or just use table[index]
  3. I can't do anything with that it's caused by that: https://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=3168 Close please.
  4. Yup, i use that version to get size of file on server , but now i need size from client file to show something like 60MB/120MB (50%). It's something weird because i use (probably) the same method from this resource and in that resource it works perfectly..
  5. I can't rename file while downloading it in the same time
  6. Really? Just look in the code, lol but ok, I must open file to get the actual size of it.
  7. Hi, I tried to use fileOpen (c-side) when downloadFile is started, but it doesn't work in db3: Bad usage @ 'fileOpen' [unable to load file 'dff/vehicles/542.dff'] etc. but file is in this dir. Someone maybe know where problem is? function replac_getAllSize(d) local size = 0 for i,v in ipairs(d) do local t local t2 if v[2] == 1 then t = "txd/vehicles/"..v[1]..".txd" t2 = "dff/vehicles/"..v[1]..".dff" elseif v[2] == 2 then t = "txd/skins/"..v[1]..".txd" t2 = "dff/skins/"..v[1]..".dff" end if fileExists(t2) then local openFile = fileOpen(t2,true) if openFile then size = size + fileGetSize(openFile) fileClose(openFile) else end else end if fileExists(t) then local openFile2 = fileOpen(t,true) if openFile2 then size = size + fileGetSize(openFile2) fileClose(openFile2) else end else end end return size/1048576 end function calcProg(w, p) if w and p then local w = w -2 local width = ((w*p)/100) return width end return 0 end function replac_render() if (not r.rendered) then return end local size = replac_getAllSize(r.installed) dxDrawRectangle(224, 512, 362, 36, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 209), false) dxDrawRectangle(230, 517, 350, 25, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), false) local progress = ((size*100)/r.sizeAll) local x,y,w,h = (230/800)*sw, (517/600)*sh, (350/800)*sw, (25/600)*sh local width = calcProg(w,progress) dxDrawRectangle(x,y,width,h, tocolor(104, 215, 89, 255), false) dxDrawText("Trwa pobieranie "..string.format("%.02f",size).."MB/"..string.format("%.02f",r.sizeAll).."MB.. ("..math.floor(progress).."%)", 230, 517, 580, 542, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 254), 1.00, "clear", "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) end function replac_applyChanges(installed,uninstalled) r.rendered = true r.sizeAll = 0 for i,v in ipairs(installed) do if v[2] == 1 then t = "vehicles" elseif v[2] == 2 then t = "skins" end r.sizeAll = r.sizeAll + v[3] local txd = downloadFile("txd/"..t.."/"..v[1]..".txd") local dff = downloadFile("dff/"..t.."/"..v[1]..".dff") end r.installed = installed addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,replac_render) end
  8. Code work, check is your backup resource where you have this code have a ACL to copyResource.
  9. Your code work good, but blip is showing on top left corner. How i can move that there: http://i.imgur.com/ipXmU1h.jpg?1 I tried this, but no reaction of change these values: local mapX,mapY = (sw - sw*1200/1920)/2,(sh - sh*600/1080)/2
  10. How i can calculate this units, just like this? local sw,sh = guiGetScreenSize() x2,y2,z2 -- coords x2 =x2/sw y2 = y2/sh
  11. But in this post you show how, from screen pos get world pos. I have the world pos and wanna get it to screen pos.
  12. Hi, I wanna create a gui with minimap (like this), but i don't know how to calculate world position to screen position and show it on that map. I tried this: x2 =((x2 + 3000)/ 6000 *sw) y2 =((3000 - y2)/ 6000 *sh) But this show the wrong position for waypoint. Code: local sw,sh = guiGetScreenSize() local mw, mh = sw/1920, sh/1080 local t = {point=nil,pos=nil,map=false} t.gridlist = guiCreateGridList(mw*382, mh*281, mw*329, mh*530, false) t.gridlist_places = guiGridListAddColumn(t.gridlist, "Places", 0.9) guiSetVisible(t.gridlist,false) function travel_render() if not t.rendered then return end dxDrawImage((sw - sw*1200/1920)/2,(sh - sh*600/1080)/2,1200,600, "img/background.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), false) if t.map then dxDrawImage(t.pos[1],t.pos[2],32,32,"img/waypoint.png", 0,0,0, tocolor(255,255,255,255), false) end end function travel_fill(d) for i,v in ipairs(d) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(t.gridlist) guiGridListSetItemText(t.gridlist, row, t.gridlist_places, v.name, false, false) guiGridListSetItemData(t.gridlist, row, t.gridlist_places,v.tpPos) end end function travel_init() if (t.rendered) then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, travel_render) t.point = nil t.rendered = false guiSetVisible(t.gridlist,false) showCursor(false) guiGridListClear(t.gridlist) else guiGridListClear(t.gridlist) triggerServerEvent("travel_requestPlaces", localPlayer) t.rendered = true addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, travel_render) guiSetVisible(t.gridlist, true) showCursor(true) end end function interaction_fastTravel(args) if (not args.ped) then return end args.player = localPlayer local x,y,z = getElementPosition(args.player) local x2,y2,z2 = getElementPosition(args.ped) if (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x,y,z,x2,y2,z2)>2) then outputChatBox("You need to go closer.",255,0,0) return end t.point = args.ped travel_init() end function travel_updateBlip() local selRow = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(t.gridlist) if (selRow<0) then return end local pos = guiGridListGetItemData(t.gridlist, selRow, t.gridlist_places) local x2, y2, z2 = unpack(pos) x2 =((x2 + 3000)/ 6000 *sw) y2 =((3000 - y2)/ 6000 *sh) t.pos = {x2,y2} t.map = true end function travel_doTeleport() local selRow = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(t.gridlist) if (selRow<0) then return end local pos = guiGridListGetItemData(t.gridlist, selRow, t.gridlist_places) local x2, y2, z2 = unpack(pos) fadeCamera(false) travel_init() setElementFrozen(localPlayer,true) setTimer(function() setElementPosition(localPlayer,x2,y2,z2+1) setElementFrozen(localPlayer,false) fadeCamera(true) end,1500,1) end addEvent("travels_fillList", true) addEventHandler("travels_fillList", root,travel_fill) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", t.gridlist, travel_updateBlip) addEventHandler("onClientGUIDoubleClick", t.gridlist, travel_doTeleport) Anyone can help with this?
  13. Okey, its work end code: addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",g_e_login,test, true) function test () setTimer(setIndexInput,2000,1) end function setIndexInput(akcja) local tlogin = guiGetText(g_e_login) local plogin = guiGetText(g_e_password) local textLength = string.len(tlogin) if (textLength) > 0 then guiEditSetCaretIndex(g_e_login,textLength+1) else guiEditSetCaretIndex(g_e_login,1) end end Close.
  14. function isMouseIn(psx,psy,pssx,pssy,abx,aby) if not isCursorShowing() then return end cx,cy=getCursorPosition() cx,cy=cx*sx,cy*sy if cx >= psx and cx <= psx+pssx and cy >= psy and cy <= psy+pssy then return true,cx,cy else return false end end if isMouseIn(here code from guiCreateEdit,"",true) then guiEditSetCaretIndex(g_e_login,1) end That be good? Or better idea is eventHandler onClientClick and then code from up? EDIT: I create that code, but when i click on editbox nothing happen ;/. addEventHandler("onClientGUIClicked",g_e_login,setIndexInput, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClicked",g_e_password,setIndexInput, false) function setIndexInput() local tlogin = guiGetText(g_e_login) local plogin = guiGetText(g_e_password) if source == g_e_login then local textLength = string.len(tlogin) if (textLength) > 0 then guiEditSetCaretIndex(source,textLength+1) outputChatBox("1") else setTimer(function() guiEditSetCaretIndex(source,1) end,500,1) end end if source == g_e_password then local textLength = string.len(plogin) if (textLength) > 0 then guiEditSetCaretIndex(source,textLength+1) outputChatBox("1") else guiEditSetCaretIndex(source,1) outputChatBox("1") end end end
  15. On gif you can see what is doing when i click on edit, i think is bug or something block insert text to edit. ;( Edit: In GUIEditor editbox work fine, only in my code something is bad.
  16. Still the same with guiSetInputEnabled.
  17. Hi, i create panel login all works fine but is one small bug i cant insert any word to editbox. But if i'll keep LMB then i can entry word. Someone have that bug and fix it? function displayLoginPanel() showCursor(true) showChat(false) showPlayerHudComponent("all",false) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing") g_e_login = guiCreateEdit(sw*99/mw,sh*215/mh,sw*250/mw,sh*27/mh,"",false) end
  18. XJMLN

    Server list spam

    Original: IP: mtasa:// https://i.gyazo.com/775c3d859fdc862cd2c ... 0b79fa.png Fakes: IP: mtasa:// IP: mtasa:// https://i.gyazo.com/7da8e0d6952b7be2239 ... 36bc0f.png They take my name and tag server and get players on that. Of course, my server was created first. Here's is video from my servers for confirmation: - The only thing that has changed is hosting, IP and address forum
  19. Topic to close, Tosfera help me.
  20. No, always content is 2x.
  21. This function is triggered from c-side addEventHandler("onClientColShapeLeave", colMeta, function(el,md) if getElementType(el)~="vehicle" then return end local veh=getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if veh and veh==el and getVehicleController(veh)==localPlayer then local vehicleP = getElementModel(veh) if ts then local czas=getTickCount()-ts local tczas=string.format("%.3fs", czas/1000) outputChatBox("Twój czas:".."\n"..tczas) local timeP = czas/1000 triggerServerEvent("registerPredkosc", resourceRoot, localPlayer, vehicleP, timeP) end triggerEvent("startStoper", root, false) ts=nil end end) I think, must add something like refresh the text before createElement('text')
  22. Yes, if there is 3 content then 3x first, 3x second and then 1 new content.
  23. This is the script to record(?) the time from the start line to the finish line, after crossing the finish line executes the up script, if only 1 player end this record is okay - the text is displayed right. But when next player - first the contents of the table is doubled. Screenshot maybe help u in explain ;d if there only 1 content in table - http://imgur.com/X5cUNH if there 2 content in table - http://imgur.com/2wKsYYU
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