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Everything posted by True

  1. True

    Hard math question

    I am bored and should be going to sleep in the morning, so i'll write a script that'll calculate it out in a sec... *** <?php /* 1000 lockers, 1000 people. 1st opens all lockers, 2nd opens 2,4,6, 3rd 3,6,9 etc until 1000 people open lockers. how many have been opened? */ $i = 1; while ($i != 1001) { $a = $a + $i; if ($a < 1001) { ++$z; } else { $a = 0; ++$i; } } die("$z"); ?> Answer: 7069. But the real answer is 1000, because if you have 1000 lockers to open, the first person would have already opened them all. Since there was no close routine, the second person wouldn't have anything to open, etc.
  2. Your registration form doesn't work...
  3. I have only been here for a few days but I already can feel that that isn't the type of way to get to someone I personally am quite interested as well, as I am proficient in web design, the English language, and mess around with C at times (for such things as simple hacks, etc.), but if they want me, they can come to me. Show your knowledge and skill, not an advertisement... its probably the difference between an acceptance and a ban (or ignoring you and a ban, lol ) Though it may be too late, hehe...
  4. I have noticed this as well. Part of it I can describe as this: In GTA:VC, when you are hit with bullets, you are knocked off for a second before you can fire again. When firing at your target, this happens to them instead of you - so they can't shoot back at you. But on their computers they are shooting at you, and you are being knocked back - so no bullets are coming from you. Nice tradeoff, huh? The bugs with running into people is probably due to syncing and latency, if you keep rushing forward you might run them over. What I currently can't explain is throwing molotovs at people and having them not burn, throwing molotovs at cars and having them burn, but then not explode, killing people but having them come back to haunt me from where I killed them, etc... It seems health is dependent on the client, and not the server - the server isn't complex enough (at least at this point in time) to be able to know this and compensate for this, that may be worked out in the future. If it was dependent on the server, regardless of being "knocked back," people would take damage, and there would be many a kill as compared to now... at least potentially.
  5. This is good for private sessions, but doesn't work well in a random-join public server. I try to do some of this myself, but nobody does it... you have mexicans killing mexicans, cops killing cops, etc. - and with your cop example, they tend to run into you when you're just cruisin', even at the speed limit (if there is one) I dont know... its something I would like to do... but what'd be the point? There isn't enough dynamics in MTA as it is to do anything other than murders or robbing a bank. And it isn't directly a limitation of MTA, its just how much there is to GTA:VC...
  6. LAN worked for me. Used NetBIOS resolution... the server was named "mainpc", so all PCs connected to mainpc. Worked flawlessly.
  7. Regardless of latency you should still know where every character is - doesn't the protocol specify status on connect, such as vehicle and person locations, etc - or at least import that or similar information into memory when the game starts? I can play on 56k connecting at 33.6k, with 18 people, and still see everyone just fine... not the best gameplay with everyone jumping around, but hey, its not bad at all
  8. To the original poster: Have you seen the size of the download? And do you realize that the core is somewhat identical in both cases? I project the core will not be much bigger filesize-wise than currently is now, unless some major (weird) features are implemented. So, it really won't be a waste of download time - unless 4 seconds is too much for you or something. But this has been said many times, so I will stop there Any new features added to the core would have the effect of being added to both games, not only dereasing the amount of time before release, but also decreasing the amount of learning time; ie. you learn something in GTA:VC, you can play it in GTA3. Something that can be improved is the netcode, but I am sure you are already working on it - you have already decreased the amount of traffic required, which can probably even be decreased more, now what is left is quality of gameplay... but again, as I said, you're probably already on that. This is an excellent idea... I dont know about the numbering scheme, but if it works for you guys, go for it. Keep it up... I'll play it
  9. I haven't tried MTA for GTA3... heard it was kinda crap. But I too like the feel of GTA3 sometimes, the only wish I had was that it had the bikes Thats all I would need... Anyways, if it can come close to competing with the current MTA:VC v0.2, I think I would give it a try
  10. I had this problem too, with a no-cd crack (not sure which one I am currently using). I simply followed the instructions as provided on these forums and, after booting me out once for "suspected trainer usage," I have been able to play GTA:VC without any issues. All I did was copy the language files to the MTA directory, and my problem was solved... I do however sometimes crash at the character select and during respawns, rarely at any other times. I have not yet tried with the original CDs, though I may and see if the issue is related to the no-cd crack or not.
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